Chapter 13 《Friendship》

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A few days passed and the two men spent each of those days together at Reich's house because he didn't yet feel safe enough to sleep alone.

During this time, Soviet Union also realized that Reich was a lot more important to him than he had previously thought. Always close to him, he was filled with happiness and an aura of joy while a tingling of positivity went through his body and his stomach was particularly affected by that tingling.

Reich and Soviets had become very close through working together and spending time together in general.

Something also happened with Third German Reich that came more slowly than with his friend.

But also for a few days he has had a weird feeling and that feeling was like something was covering his skin, like he was wrapped in plastic or like invisible fabric was covering him.

Both sat together in the garden and drank water while the sun was going down. Soviet had already drunk more than half his water.

"How's your injury?", Soviet Union asked him.

"Much better and thanks again for the rescue!", Third Reich thanked him.

Soviet Union said only: "No problem, friends help each other!"

Kira was happily running around in the garden with a bone she had gotten from Austria and looking for a place to bury it.

"Reich, I want to tell you two things, because through our close friendship, I want to tell you two secrets of mine, if you don't mind.", Soviet Union tells him.

Third Reich said: "Your secrets are safe with me!"

Soviet tells: "These normal teeth that I have are fake." He turns to his friend and shows him what he means by that. His teeth are a few millimeters too big and slightly shinier than other teeth. With a little push and pull, Soviet Union takes out the fake teeth and now Reich can see that his friend has the same teeth as him. The teeth were sharp, except for the back teeth, which were not for cutting.

Reich was amazed by this secret: "Why are you hiding your real teeth?"

"When I bite myself it hurts a lot, plus before I lived on this island again I had to wear something so people wouldn't see me as demon and consider me more like one of them.", he explained.

"I can understand that , even if you certainly don't bite yourself that often.", said Third Reich and offered him, "You can leave your fake teeth down with me if you want. I'll be happy to show you my normal teeth, because I like to be myself, especially because of good friends like you and Austria." They heard an annoyed sounding grumble from Kira. Reich chuckled when he understood what she meant and added: "And my faithful friend Kira!"

The dog is already satisfied and lay down relaxed between the two, who kept stroking her.

"I think I'll accept your suggestion.", Soviet said to Reich, "Your pointy teeth look so good on you and actually I don't have to wear those annoying fake teeth anymore."

USSR gave a shy grin to Third Reich, who chuckled slightly at his friend's grin.

The tall Countryhuman felt his cheeks heat up and his body tingle. That shy grin made him a little embarrassed.

"You don't have to be so embarrassed, you look great with your teeth.", the smaller wanted to cheer up his friend.

Soviet slowly calmed down and said: "The second thing I want to tell you.", he took off his warm hat, "I got this hat from my mother before she flew over the sea. I don't know if she made it and if she is still alive but this hat gives me a connection to her. She has always been so kind to me and it was for my best to let me stay here. I am having a lovely time here, but in part as you miss your father, so miss my mother. If you learn flying through Austria, please say hello to my mother for me."

"I'll do that, but I'd like to take you and Kira with me. Friends don't let each other down!" said Third Reich.

Soviet smiled at him and briefly said: "Thank you!"

Then Soviet put his hat on Reich's head for fun. The hat almost fit the smaller of the two. Soviet Union thought he was so cute with it that he didn't immediately take his hat back but instead enjoyed his friend's delighted smiling face.

"Should I get more water?", Third Reich asked his guest, who had just finished his glass.

"You don't have to do that.", Soviet said friendly, because he didn't want to bother his friend.

He countered: "Soviet, I'd like to do that, I'd also like to look for some DVDs so we can watch my favorite show."

"I can't say anything against that!", said the guest.

Reich also stood up smiling and took the empty glass, while Soviet laughed at the sight of the playful dog.

Relaxed, Third Reich made his way into the house after taking off his shoes. He made his way into the kitchen and noticed one or two particularly dark spots.

Greater German Reich felt observed or at least not alone. He hadn't had that feeling for a while.

Was Britain here? Was something more dangerous here? Was it again the monster with dark presence and red eyes that hunted him every twenty years? A monster that only wanted him?

Reich got goosebumps from fear. He wanted to run. He wanted to flee. But how stupid would he stand there in front of his friend if there was nothing there?

He tried to keep his eyes on the water dispenser again as his fear turned to panic.

"Reich?", asked Soviet. Third Reich flinched and when he saw Soviet Union behind him he calmed down as the tall Countryhuman gave him the reassurance he needed.

The taller Countryhuman asked: "What just happened?"

Reich said: "I'm probably still so scared of the visit from Britain that I'm still very paranoid about it."

Soviet hugged him and held him close before wrapping his wings around him. "I'm with you and I'll protect you. You don't have to be afraid.", he said reassuringly. Third Reich hugged him back and wrapped his wings around him as well, before thanking him: "Thanks Soviet, you're the best friend I can imagine."

Soviet smiled happily, while his emotions bubbled with delight that Reich liked him so much.

After hugging, they got the water and went outside. Both of them had almost forgotten that Soviet had handed Reich over his hat, as it was comfortable for Soviet Union put so much trust in his friend that he didn't mind and was happy to see him.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Reich got up and smiled at Soviet to show him that walking to the door himself was no problem before putting his hat back on his head. The tall Countryhuman stayed seated, glad his friend was brave enough to open the door, even with what just happened.

USSR knows he has a special bond with his friend, but he couldn't exactly pinpoint what their bond was. He loved him and was always so happy around Reich. His heart was especially filled with joy when his friend showed that he was happy by laughing, giggling, grinning or smiling.

Reich didn't have that strong feelings about Soviet, but they were there nonetheless. He didn't realize his feelings for him that intensely and tried to keep Austria happy.

His girlfriend Austria was also the one who stood in front of his door and happily fell into her boyfriend's arms. "It's so nice to see you again!", she said enthusiastically. "It's nice for me to see you too.", he said back and hugged her.

Shortly thereafter, Third Reich brought her into his house and closed the door behind her.

"Hello, Soviet Union!", Austria greeted him warmly.

Soviet was surprised when greeted by her, not expecting her as he expected to be able to spend alone time with Reich. He was a little disappointed, but tried to act normal.

Austria was not much different. She wanted to be alone with Reich.

Neither wanted to appear unfriendly, so Soviet and Austria simply made the situation as comfortable as possible.

"Nice to see you again Austria!", he greeted her and shook her hand, whereupon they both shook hands.

"It's nice that the three of us are finally together again.", Reich says happily before getting her a chair.

Together, the three sit and chat comfortably for the rest of the evening before Reich cooks food for them, since he wanted to provide food for his guests.

After the meal, Austria went back home so Britain wouldn't find out that the two were together.

The two men watch Reich's favorite show together and then watch a documentary about animals in Siberia.

Their new job was to begin the next day.

Soviet was the first to wake up and got dressed before getting ready the breakfast downstairs so they have plenty of time.

Although they didn't have a set time, USSR wanted to treat it like any other working day in their lives, as that would be the easiest for both of them.

Kira was still lying on her mattress and didn't bother to get up yet.

Reich was still asleep when his friend checked on him.

He slept so peacefully that Soviet didn't even want to wake him up, but he forced himself to do it because they would get in trouble the first day.

"Reich, get up! Breakfast is ready!", Soviet says quietly and shakes him slightly.

Mumbling, he hears: "Let me sleep!"

"You have to work, you can sleep again later, you night owl!", USSR said to him friendly.

Third German Reich snuggled more into the blanket.

"I made us extra breakfast!", said the taller Countryhuman.

"And what?", Third Reich asked curiously.

Soviet Union replies to him with: "Cauliflower sauce with Schupfnudeln and mashed potatoes, because you told me recently that you like it very much and I wanted to make you happy."

"You convinced me!", said the tired Countryhuman.

Soviet smiled at his success and Reich tells him: "I'll be there in a few minutes."

Then he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and opened them. Soviet went downstairs and made things nice while Reich got dressed and went downstairs.

Once downstairs, Reich sat down with his friend and they both enjoyed this delicious breakfast.

A little later they had their first day at work, which was nicer for both of them than expected. They worked well together.

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