Chapter 15 《Wounded》

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Reich waited a few hours, but Soviet just didn't show up. He was getting tired, but he was so used to Soviet that he didn't want to go to sleep without him.

He decided after a while that he would try to find his friend and see what stopped him.

Third German Reich put on his soft and warm jacket and after putting on his shoes, went outside.

The air outside was cool if not cold, which was very strange for this time of year. Everything was dead quiet, but Third Reich was not interested in that at all, all he was interested in was seeing how his friend was doing and what he was doing without him, to maybe give him an even better time or at least not worry about him.

Reich walked down the street towards Soviet house. If he wasn't here, then he would probably be in the big building in the middle of the island.

Even with moonlight and lamps, the streets seemed quite dark and frightening for Reich. He didn't like walking around in the dark, but what else could he do when he missed his friend and worried about him.

Third Reich silently went towards the house of USSR. The Countryhuman, walking down the streets alone, shivered at the cold fighting to get inside him, but wrapped his wings around himself, making it easier.

During his walk, he was watched by a coldhearted being with reptilian eyes. Reich didn't notice anything from the stalker, as he tried to concentrate on his path as best he could.

The cold creature had just been waiting for the unsuspecting Countryhuman. It slowly crawled out of its hiding place.

Third Reich had no chance against this monster. It was after him, it always was after him.

The creature crept after him and prepared to jump at him from behind.

"You're dead!", it said quietly before jumping on him with a malicious grin. Reich had turned his head towards it and saw it jump on him and he held out his arm protectively.

The monster stuck out its claws so they could dig into Reich. The claws, for the most part, did nothing to Reich and slipped off in different places, but a few were able to dig into Greater German Reich. Reich screamed as the monster gripped his back and he was pinned to the ground.

On the ground, the claws were rammed even more into him, as if they were now impaling him. Reich flapped his wings, but the creature used one of its wings to push down on Reich's wing. It grabbed the other wing in its mouth and ripped off his left wing without any problem, causing him to scream in pain.

The large wound where the wing once was a lot of blood poured out. Reich was completely defenseless while the monster injured him so badly.

He heard a growl and looked up at the demon's face, that was covered in blood from it's victim's blood. Then something grabbed the demon from him.

Reich was free and immediately he looked at his brave dog and the bloodthirsty demon.

Kira barked at the monster that has still Reich's wing in its mouth. It dropped his wing and grinned at the dog, which was small by comparison.

Reich panicked so much he just ran away. He couldn't think straight anymore. Third Reich desperately ran to Austria and rang the bell like crazy.

When she opened the door, Reich immediately hugged her and clawed at her in panic. If he knew where Soviet was, he would have run to him.

"Kira i-is in danger!", he stuttered in panic.

"Let's help her!", Austria said confidently and her friend showed her the way.

When they arrived, they found only Kira, exhausted, lying on her own blood. The poor dog had a gash on her snout and belly. Luckily she was still alive, but Reich could quickly see that she didn't have much time left. The dying dog whined desperately.

As fast as his legs could carry him, Third Reich ran to her and pressed himself against her neck. "K-Kira, please don't go!", he sobbed scared and desperate, "I still need you with me! Please get up!"

Austria looked sadly at the two and knelt down to them. Reich started to cry.

From afar Britain stands bathed in blood and darkness before grinning and disappearing. He had achieved what he wanted. Actually, he just wanted to shred what he thought was an annoying dog and leave her parts for Reich, but he much preferred seeing her die in front of Reich's own eyes and Reich feeling guilty about her death. Everything was as he wanted it to be.

Meanwhile Third German Reich cried desperately and clung to his dog.

To show him that she was there for him, Austria hugged him, but it felt different than usual. It all seemed so wrong to her, like she wasn't doing the right thing, but to him it was still the same, how she hugged him for the first time. He hugged her back and clung to her and to his dog, whose soul left her body.

Soviet was able to stop the bleeding and hid to his bathroom.

He had no idea what had happened not far from his house. Soviet Union looked in the mirror. His eye was gone and only a wound that had just closed slightly remained.

Terrified, he crouched under the sink, too scared to crawl out.

Soviet was desperate. He didn't want to leave Reich alone, but he had to, not that things would get any worse. Deep down, he knew he had feelings for his best friend, but he didn't want those feelings. The Countryhuman just didn't want to feel what he felt for him, whether it felt nice or not.

USSR was sure that Reich would come to him at some point.

After some deliberation, he decided to end their friendship. He wasn't thinking about Britain anymore and his words had sunk too deep into his head to get them out of there or take away their power. His mind changed Britain's words to his own, which made him even more convinced.

What he wanted to achieve by not falling in love was that he had fallen in love many times as a young man, but each ending had taken away more and more hope for a lasting nonharmful relationship. No matter how well he knew Reich and actually would know that he wouldn't break his heart by his loyalty to everything and everyone he loved, he was just so overwhelmed by everything right now. Everything was a gigantic chaos of emotions.

Then the doorbell rang.

Soviet Union panicked. What should he do, who was it, what should he do about his eye?

He grabbed his hat and although it hurt him, covered his wound then tied his hat under his chin to keep it in place and wiped his tears before heading to his front door.

When USSR saw Third Reich, he didn't notice the missing wing as he had his other folded in. But he saw that Reich is crying.

Soviet wanted to pull himself together and end the friendship here and now, but he couldn't see Reich cry. He wanted to hug him and cheer him up, but that could only make the feelings worse.

Before he could finish thinking, Reich hugged him and cried into his chest.

Soviet put an arm around him, but he felt his emotions tearing him apart because he couldn't decide.

"Reich?", he asked. Third Reich looked at his friend with tears in his eyes before the other continued as he looked away: "I want to end our friendship."

He stabbed himself and his best friend in the heart with his words.

"W-Why?", he asked, sounding confused and a little desperate.

Soviet took his arm from him and didn't answer. Reich couldn't let go of him and continued to cling to him, crying.

USSR put on a more serious look and freed himself from his grip before turning and closing the door while Reich stared at him wide eyed.

Soviet immediately started crying again and his legs couldn't hold him up, but Reich was no better. Both cried bitterly.

No one could say how things should go on without each other.

Austria hugged Reich to be a support and complained that Soviet was an ass, but she couldn't cheer him up.

A few hours later it rained. Reich was trying to keep his dog's body warm, Soviet was back under his sink and Austria had gone home.

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