After the offer was accepted you where taken back to his office. He closed the door behind you and gestures for you to take a seat before sitting down in his and facing you. There was a brief moment of silence where nobody spoke just intense starring.
"I'm sorry for... uhh... stabbing you" you apologized.
"Don't worry about it, we have a really good medic on staff" he said finally sitting up and shuffling through the immense amount of papers on his desk.
"May I ask how you broke in?"
"Through the vents"
He nodded "guess we will have to put motion sensors in there now".
He took out a sticky note and wrote some words on it before smashing it onto the computer screen.
Looking over some papers again he scrunched his eyebrows.
"Who are you? I mean it's like you haven't existed since you where like ten?"
"I ran away when I was about ten and started taking up random jobs for people in order to make money"
He nodded before looking down at the papers again.
"You are to address me a 'sir' or Commander Morrison, we will give you a place to stay and you are to complete training until we think you a ready to become a full member. I will have someone give you a tour tomorrow since it's pretty late, however I will have someone escort you to your room tonight"
On cue there was a knock on the door.
"Come in"
It was one of the Japanese men from earlier. He had his black/gray hair tied up in a short pony tail, with a goatee.
"Mr Shimada, please take Ms (y/n) (l/n) to where she is going to stay, I believe I already informed you on where"
With that you left the room with 'Mr Shimada' and made your way down the endless amount of hallways and out to the lobby again.
There was no words exchanged between the two of you, it was awkward.
Finally you decided to speak up.
"Um I'm sorry about earlier" you said looking down.
"I am very interested in your capabilities, perhaps sometime you can show me more?"
You blinked
"Wait do you don't hate me?"
"No, we all make mistakes, its what we do after that means something"
"Oh um okay" you smiled at yourself.
"Never the less that was my brother you shot" he smirked down at you
"That was your brother! I'm so sorry! Is he okay?" You where frantic at this point, you thought you maybe had a friend but turns out you shot his brother good going.
"Don't worry, he is almost completely cyborg so he will be fine" he chuckled.
"So where good then?" You questioned, looking up at him.
"Yes, in fact some might call us friends" he smiled down once more.
"That sounds great" you chuckled and gave him a high five.
You followed him the rest of the way until he finally stopped in front of a white door.
"This is your room" he dropped the keys in your hand.
"Someone will be at you door tomorrow to give you a tour, also I'm right down the hall a couple rooms just in case you need anything" he smiled before walking away with a tired expression.
You unlocked the door and took in your surroundings. There was a bathroom off to the left and a king size bed with gray sheets to the right. The room resembled that of a fancier hotel room but nothing special.
The was two windows on each side of the back wall. You smiled and plopped down on the bed.
Maybe your life would change for the better here, you could use your power and no have people be fearful of what you might do.
Sinking into the bed you quickly fell asleep from the long day you had.
*timeskip morning*
(Sorry I'm kinda lazy)
You woke up from the sun peaking in through your windows. Only then did you realize you smell. You got up and took a shower making sure to wash all the stench out of your hair. It felt like heaven after the night hat you had.
You heard a knock on the door.
"Coming!" You rushed into your room again and looked in the dresser. Thank god that there where clothes in there. You pulled out a black overwatch t shirt and gray sweat pants and put them on. You would have to work on getting your own clothes later on but now you needed to answer whoever was at your door.
A cowboy looking man was at your door.
"Hello, I'm supposed to get you your tour today ma'am" he smiled down at you.
"Hey" you said closing the door behind you.
He looked so familiar but you didn't know from where, where had you met this man? Did you know him?
You where so deep into thought of who this man might be that you didn't realize you where already walking down the hallway.
"Pardon me miss, where are my manners, the names Jesse Mcree" he held out his hand which you shook
"My names (y/n) (l/n), it's nice to meet you"
You knew this man! But from where?
His southern accent, his brown hair, his dark brown eyes, the way he walked. Everything seemed so familiar but you didn't know how you knew him.
He showed you the cafeteria and the training rooms. He showed you the vault and the armory. All of this stuff was very interesting to you but you couldn't get him off your mind, it was literally driving you crazy.
"I'm sorry but do I know you from somewhere?" You asked politely
"Yes miss I believe we have met before-"
"(Y/n), Jesse, salutations" Hanzo appeared down the hallway
"Morning Hanzo!" You waved smiling.
"Mornin" Jesse smiled
"Guess I better show you the control room too" he smirked
Jesse led you down the hall and out into the lobby where you saw the door you escaped out of the night prior. Oh lord, this will be fun you thought. Walking down the hallway and into the office you had previously been in. You could see everything a lot clearer now, the windows provided much daylight. Over by the desk was the giant monkey but this time he wasn't sleeping.
"Winston, we have a new recruit" Jesse said catching the giant monkeys attention
"So you the little thief who snuck past me last night" he laughed
"Yeah, sorry about that" you looked down.
"It was a rather risky move on your part but I like the skill and confidence" he said laughing again.
You made some small talk with him until you had to leave to go back to the commanders office.
"Bye Winston"
(Lazy butt)
Jesse knocked one Commander Morrison's door and a muffled 'come in' was heard. He opened the door
"Sir, I gave her the tour" Jesse explained.
"Thank goth Mcree, you may leave"
"See ya (y/n)"
You waved bye to him before turning around to the commander.
"Do you like it here?" He asked while scanning over some documents
"Yes sir"
He stood up and held his hand out for you.
"Then you may stay, (y/n) (l/n) welcome to overwatch"
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net