Chapter 5

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In the last few weeks you had started training and excelled highly in it. You had also gotten really close to Hanzo who was now one of your best friends.
You hadn't seen Jesse around much after the tour he gave you but it's not like you where looking for him.
Overwatch had set you up with your mission suit and weaponry which wasn't really needed since you had your power.
You enjoyed being here so much, you didn't have to worry about most of anything. You had a job to complete and once it was done you could go and relax.
You where finally allowed on missions two days ago but hadn't had the chance to go on any yet. The closets you had gotten was the mock missions that they did ever Friday. Not that you where wanting to go on a mission but you still wondered what it would be like.
As you stepped foot in the training area you set down your stuff which consisted of a water bottle and a towel. You slipped your shirt off which left you in a sports bra and a pair of black shorts. You went on the treadmill and ran half a mile before jumping off and doing wrapping your knuckles for the punching bag. You got a few swings in before the door to the area opened. You didn't care to look who it was until they set their stuff by yours and began to lift their shirt. With your eyes finally focusing you saw it was Jesse. He had taken off his white t shirt and set it on the bench next to yours. Your eyes couldn't help but travel down his chest, defined like it was sculpted by gods. You where do lost in how hot he was that you didn't notice him walking towards you.
"Mornin" he smiled
"G-goodmorning Jesse" you pulled your orbs away from his chest to look at his face.
"Have the day off today?" He asked
"Yeah so I thought I would get a work out in" you stated putting your hands on your hips.
"Interestin well maybe I could accompany you?"
"You maybe you for a sparring match?"
"Um... I mean why not"
You couldn't lie, his accent had you thinking all kinds of disgraceful things. He went a took of his shoes as you did the same, he wrapped his knuckles and stood across from you.
"Well darlin I don't think you'll be a match for me"
"Try me"
He stepped closer and went to swing for the side of your head but you ducked and kicked his stomach. He stepped back and regained his breath
"Mind your words" you smiled
He smiled back at you, he liked your spirit and your will to not back down from a fight even if your opponent was more advanced.
You moved up to punch him but he blocked it and finally landed a punch on you. Bedford he could give you time to get yourself together again he swept your legs out from underneath you and your back collided with the ground.
"See I always win, just like when we where kids" he held his hand out for you to take.
"When we where kids?" You questioned
"Yeah we where really don't remember that?"
"No I'm sorry I don't"
He looked genially hurt by your words but you honestly didn't remember him. You knew he looked familiar but didn't remember anything else about him or his relationship with you.
"Well I suppose it was in the past anyway" he flashed a fake smile before making his way to his stuff and putting his shirt back on.
He was about to leave when you called his name.
"Jesse wait" he stopped in his tracks
"Look I'm sorry I don't remember when we where kids but I do know that I still want to hang out with you, I like hanging out with you" you couldn't believe the words that had just come out of your mouth.
He looked just as about as surprised as you where.
"I like hangin out with ya to" you where positive that he could see the blush that crept up in your face leaving you red.
You wanted to scream your head off, you had only known this man for a short time and yet it was as if you had known him your entire life.

*jesses pov*

How does she not remember? My parents and I where practically her family. All those days we spent together playing and doin chores and she just forgot?
I at least expected her to know but maybe just not be happy with me after what I did to her but she didn't even remember me. This left a hole in my heart. I love her, I always have and I always will, there will never be anyone else. But  how can this happen if she doesn't even remember who I am?
All those long nights we spent together.
All those times she came over crying because of her parents.
All those times I had to treat her wounds that her parents inflicted.
I should have killed them the second they ever laid a hand on her. But I didn't, I just let it continue and never did anything to make it stop even when I knew she was in trouble and that she needed help. Then when she needed me the most ran away from her. Even if she could remember I doubt she would even shed a tear over my return in her life.
As I stood there with my back to her I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around and walked towards her to hug her. Engulfing her small body into a hug she looked up at me surprised.
"Some day you'll remember"

So you guys I started reading some of my old work and I never realized how good it is and no wonder you guys like it so much! I loved it and even though I knew what was going to happen it was still a great story! Also as a reminder I am doing requests for stories now so please do ask for things so I can write them! I love doing requests for you guys so ask away!

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