You guys I'm so sorry! I love you guys so much! I had a really busy week and a half and I was doing some research for how I want this book to turn out so now you can expect more chapters sooner! Again I'm sorry for making you wait! Also this is a time skip.
You silently crawled through the ventilation shafts of the Overwatch Swiss Headquarters. The air was stale and the shaft was narrow as you made your way to the main data room. You lunged your body forward to turn to the left then unscrewing the boots of the panel you opened the vent. Looking down below into the room, your eyes spotted a computer glowing Florescent blue. You scanned the dark area surrounding it to find a giant sleeping monkey next to the computer. You dropped down onto the floor with almost no noise at all, carefully choosing each step in order to not set off an alarms. Keeping your breathing to a minimum in order to not be heard.
Stepping down into the office of the giant monkey was soundly sleeping. You held your breath as you approached him and shoved a scanner into his computer. The scanner collected all the data on the computer that wasn't hidden well enough and saved it to it. The green light on the side flashes when it was done, you slipped it out and began to walk away. Making your way past the vent which you wouldn't take to get out, you squinted to find an exit. Looking for an opening you silently jogged away finally able to release your breath.
Jogging down the hallway while trying to steer clear of any open areas you made sure to see if anyone was following you.
Towards the end of the hallway there was a exit door, you opened it to find a larger lobby area with no lights on. You smiled to yourself on how easy this was and moved your hair away from your eyes. Still sneaking in the shadows just in case, you heard a noise and paused. Turning around you noticed someone walking around the lobby. You couldn't see the person very well but you didn't want to be seen, pressing yourself up against a wall you tried again not to breathe.
Inching your way along with the urge to get out, you moved and the persons head shot in your general direction. You mentally cussed at yourself for being so stupid as the figure started walking towards you. Getting closer and closer you didn't know what to do besides run so that's what you did. Sprinting away from the shadows you took off only to be knocked down. You grunted as you felt a pain in your back but got up and turned around. The person was so close to you now, it was a male build with blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked serious and pissed off.
Without another thought you threw a punch at him only for it to be blocked and countered. His punch hitting you in the stomach as you stepped back. Running towards him you jumped up and wrapped your legs around his neck and swung yourself to make him loose his balance and fall to the ground. Then you took the chance to punch him a couple times and take out your life and drive it into his side. He grunted in pain as he laid there on the floor bleeding. You where about to get up and make a break for it when all the lights where switched on and several other people where surrounding you. Some in shock probably due to the man you stabbed, others looked furious.
The man on the floor held up his hand,
"Someone arrest her" he demanded as a nurse looking lady came came and helped him up off the ground.
You where taken a hold of by two Japanese men (so I understand that genji and hanzo where not apart of the original overwatch but for the sake of the story they are). You fought against them but never spoke, eyes scanning for anything metal or iron or bingo! The one Japanese man had steel arrow heads in his possession. Using your power you (telekinesis over anything that's metal or steel or iron) you started manipulating the arrows. All the people in the room watched in 'ah' as the arrows started flying around the room only to land into the cyborg Japanese man. He grunted as the other man, with one swift motion collided his hand with the back of your neck knocking you out.
You awoke with your arms chained together and again chained to a chair. You looked up to find yourself in an integration kind of looking room. Looking into the mirrored glass wall you looked like a mess, you hair that was up in a pony was now half up half down and your black bodysuit was all torn up. You knew they where probably looking right back at you and that made you kind of nervous.
Soon after you woke up there was a beeping noise and then that blonde haired man walked in. Sitting down in the chair across from you he looked at you dead in the eyes before sighing.
"Kid, you make my life so difficult" he said
You didn't respond
"Not only did you sneak into our headquarters but you also stole some very valuable information and managed to get past Winston? You would had gotten away to if I wasn't out so late" he looked stressed as he combed with hair with his hands.
"Then you held your own against me and then shot genji"
He was going to kill you
This was it
This was the end for you
"It's quiet incredible if you ask me... so who do you work for?" He smirked
You finally decided to speak up "whoever pays the most, whatever they want they get and I get paid" you smiled
He chuckled at that
"Alright kid, I'm going to give you an option, you can either rot away in a cell for the rest of your life because not only did you steal information but you assaulted and overwatch member... or ... you can join us"
You paused
"I see a lot of potential in you and that would be wasted if you got to jail"
"Whatever I'm outta here" you said getting up to leave.
"Wait what happened to you restraints?" He looked down to see them crumpled on the floor.
He honestly looked amazed
"What did you do?" You stopped dead in your tracks
"Manipulated them"
He was the first person you met that wasn't scared by your power.
"Is that what you did with the arrows too?"
You nodded
"That's amazing, what can you do?"
"I can't manipulate everything, only metal, steel and iron. Other things not so much, I can bring them to me with only my mind or I can easily break them too"
You demonstrated by bringing the chains to you and the easily breaking them like tearing paper.
"Well? Will you join? Or rot in hell?"
"Sure I'll join" you grinned.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net