*jesse pov*
I had just about finished packing us up. We really didn't have much other then some clothes, small items and toiletries. In total there we only had two suitcases and of course our guns. (Y/n) with her small handgun and I with my peacemaker. (Y/n) had insisted on helping helping pack but I told her it was fine, not like we have much to pack anyways. Instead she tried to move things like my belt into the suitcase using her power. I glared at her as she chuckled.
"The doctor said your not supposed to be usin your power hun" I said while zipping up my suitcase.
"But Jesse, let me help then" she whined
"No can do darlin, it's already done" I said while placing a duffel bag on top of the suitcase.
She grunted and placed her arms across her chest.
"Jesse you should go get some air before we leave" she said.
"Just because, relax before we have to leave. Get some time to yourself, your so worried about me" she did have a point.
"You know I don't feel okay with you here alone"
"I'll call someone in to keep me company then"
"I don't know, only if it's Gabriel"
"Okay I'll say yeah later then doll" I smirked before kissing (y/n) and making my way out the door.
She said she would text Reyes to come over so I didn't have to worry. I was alone know, what do I do? I hadn't been by myself in a while, it was kind of boring to be honest. Looking around I realized I just needed to think.
The best way to think is with a drink.
(I'm not promoting alcoholism π)
I made my way over to the bar where I sat down in a seat and ordered a hard whiskey. I sat there a sipping the stinging liquid while thinking hard. (Y/n) and I where going to move back to the states and buy my parents old farm. Right? We would raise our children there and live a simple life.
That's what she wanted wasn't it?
What if she didn't and she was just saying that because that's what I wanted?
And when would we get married?
Where would we get married?
Would it be before or after she had the baby?
Several other questioned rolled through my head as I looked down at the bar counter. It was a little blurry but I could make out at least eight glasses that sat in front of me.
I was grabbed by someone, whipping my head around to see who it was.
"Jesse are you okay?" My blurry eyes barley made out the figure but I knew it was hanzo.
"Why aren't you with (y/n)?" He asked slightly concerned.
"She said I should get some me time before we leave" I blurted out.
"Leaving? Where are you going?" He said standing you up and helping you walk back to your apartment.
"Ah, Morrison kicked us out. We are leavin tomorrow mornin" my speech was horrible I just hope he understood some of it.
"I see" he confirmed
"So was getting wasted your idea of you time?"
"No, I had a lot on my mind and before I knew it, Boom! Seven or eight drinks, actually I'm not sure"
Hanzo shook his head before making it to my apartment door. He nicked before (y/n) answered with a concerned look.
*(y/n) pov*
You heard a mock on the door as you slowly got up to answer it. When you opened the door your face fell from happy to concerned. Here before you was a drunk Jesse and a emotionless Hanzo. You let them in before Hanzo helped Jesse into bed.
"Jesse when I told you to go out I didn't mean get drunk" you said disapproving.
Shaking your head you looked over at hanzo. He had been so happy when you told him you where pregnant. You and Jesse decided he would be The Godfather and uncle to your unborn child. With that Hanzo was ecstatic and tried to help out in anyway he could.
"Thank you" you said to him.
He nodded before making his way over to you and placing a hand on your stomach.
"How are you doing?" He asked
"I'm fine" you answered.
"Jesse said your leaving?" There was hurt in his voice and in the words he spoke.
"Why didn't you tell me" he sounded as if we had split his heart open.
"Hanzo don't be like that, we just found out tonight and we just hadn't told you yet" you said trying to make him feel better.
"How am I going to be an uncle and godfather if you move away?"
"Well you can come visit us every once in a while in the states" you smiled at him.
"I'll have to if I ever want to see this little one"
You chuckled as you heard Jesse in the background shuffling around in the blankets of your bed.
He lifted his head and scammed the area.
"I thought I told you to have Reyes over while I was out?" He questioned but his speak was slurred just a bit.
"Um he was but he had to leave a little early to do some paperwork, it was only a couple of minutes before you got here" you explained yourself to the drunk man who wasn't even listening anymore.
Why do you even bother sometimes.
"Let me know if you need anything, I expect to see you before you leave tomorrow" Hanzo said before making his way out the door and off to his apartment.
Looking over to your drunk fiancΓ© you couldn't help but smile. You was so sweet when he was drunk. You climbed into bed with him breathing in his scent. It smelled strongly of whiskey and bourbon. You chuckled at the thought of him guzzling down drinks at a bar by himself. He must have been thinking to hard.
How did you guys like it? I'll probably only do about one or two more chapters before I go on to write my next story which I am still unsure of what it is going to be yet. Love you guys so much thank you for your support!
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