*jesse pov*
Opening my eyes I pondered on the thought of how I got here. I was laying in bed with (y/n), my arms wrapped around her waist while she cuddled against my chest. I picked my head up only to lay it back down on my pillow as searing pain shot through my head. Shit, I must have had to many last night. Who brought me home then?
I usually don't get hangovers either, I guess I must have had something on my mind to distract me from how many drinks I had.
(Y/n) shuffled around in front of me and opened her eyes. She rubbed them before looked at my chest as her gaze rose to mine. She smiled before speaking
"Morning" then she continued "how's your head?"
"It's pounding" I replied lifting my head to kiss her forehead onto for the pain to come back, I hissed.
She looked up at me worried as her left hand moved some hair from my forehead.
"Yeah you hit it pretty hard last night" she said as if she was sorry.
"I hit my head?" I questioned, I didn't remember a thing.
"Yeah after Hanzo left you rolled yourself off the bed and hit your head on the night table" she made a small giggle while inspecting the area.
"Oh so Hanzo brought me home?"
"Did Reyes keep good company?"
"Yes, he left just before you came home. Turns out he's really friendly and a nice guy when he's not dealing with work or commander Morrison" that was not surprising I had known Gabriel for a really long time and he does keep good company as long as your not on his bad side.
"Hmm... well I'm glad you had fun" I smiled
Although my drunk self falling off the bed and biting my head on the night table didn't surprise me in the slightest. I just hope I wasn't to much of a bother to (y/n).
A loud pounding sound erupted from the front door.
"If you don't leave within the hour we will send security in and forcefully remove you!" The man who yelled had a deep and raspy voice making (y/n) jump and shiver from the sudden loud speaking.
I held onto her more tightly, trying to calm her down until I heard the footsteps retreat away from the door. My grip on her loosened as she got up from bed and started changing clothes. She handed me some pills while finishing putting on her shirt.
"Here it will help with your headache" she smiled.
Damn what did I do to deserve this women.
I thankfully took it and swallowed them with some water before getting up as well.
We gathered our stuff which still only consisted of two suitcases and a duffel bag. I grabbed all three as (y/n) looked for anything we might have left before we closed the door behind us. Making our way through the hallways and to the main lobby as there where other agents there waiting for you guys.
(Y/n) ran up to Hanzo and gave him and big hug as everyone told her not too cause it could hurt the baby. She cried into his shoulder before she made her rounds hugging everyone else along the way. She hugged Reyes and Lena, Winston and even Angela who was there that the end. Making her way back to Hanzo she sighed and hugged him again. She said something to him before they both smiled and she went on the speak with Reyes.
I set out bags down as I walked over to Hanzo giving him a hug.
"Come visit us soon okay? I'll give you our address once we get there and then you have to come visit okay?" I said
"Of course" he nodded
"You going to be a great uncle Hanzo" I could also see him tearing up before he nodded and replied.
"And you a great father, but let me tell you, if you ever hurt (y/n) or that child in anyway I will kill you without hesitation" his voice got low at the end as I nodded back to him.
"Wouldn't expect anything less" I chuckled as we gave each other a handshake.
I did the same with Reyes before walking back over to our bags and picking them up.
"Darlin I think it's time to leave" she turned around and nodded before saying goodbye to them one last time and making her way over to me.
As we walked down the hallway we were both silent but it was a comforting silence. We made our way down the glass hallway once last time before we made it to the main gate. This would be the last time we would ever see overwatch.
We walked out the gate and into the open world.
America awaited our arrival and even though we would miss our friends we had to live our own lives and start a family. Those who where closer would come visit us from time to time so we would never truly be alone. We would always had earn other and the bonds that we made with those amazing people while trying to do right in the world.
"You ready?" I looked over at (y/n) who was facing strait ahead.
He face filled with determination as she held onto her stomach.
You guys that's the end!!!! The end!! Hahaha how much do you hate me that you don't get to see when the babies born!! Hahah! No, I wrote thirty something chapters and decided it was time to start a new story. I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it! I will got through and edit these chapters when I get some time too. Please let me know if you liked it and if so how much you liked it. Thank you guys for supporting me I really appreciate it and I love you guys which is why I hope you'll continue to read my work! It had been an honor.
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