Chapter 32

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*4months later*
*(y/n) pov*

You were five months pregnant. You had started showing around two months and now you had to go up a size in shirt because your original size was too small. When you walked it killed your back cause of all the front heavy weight.
You slowly sat up in bed, the sun shined through the curtains as you held your hand up to block it from your eyes. Suddenly Jesse popped up with concern written all over his features.
"What's wrong?" He said quickly as if he couldn't get the words out fast enough.
His hands started touching you all over as if to inspect you.
"Jesse I'm fine" you said placing a hand on your stomach.
"Are you sure? The baby?" He questioned I utter panic.
"Jesse relax everything is fine I just sat up" you could almost laugh at this but it had been going on ever since he found out you where pregnant so it was downright annoying at this point.
You stood up carefully making sure to go slow. Once up you waddled to the bathroom and brushed you teeth. You spit it out only for you to walk back to bed. You laid back down making Jesse give you a questioning look.
You didn't even bother looking over at him.
"I don't feel like getting up" you whined.
"Darlin ya just got up" he chuckled while laying closer to you.
"Nooooo" you whined once more.
He brought his hands down to your stomach and pressed his ear to the top of it.
"Jesse what are y-"
"Shhh" he cut you off.
"Hello baby, I'm your daddy" he smiled.
You grinned down on his gentle form before hearing a loud bang on the door. You jolted as Jesse grabbed your hand.
"It's alright I'll get it" he kissed the top of your hand before getting up to answer the door.
The truth was that you had some ptsd from you last mission. The men had beat the everliving shit out of you and there where lord of explosions that went off around the area as well. Know you would jump whenever there was a sudden loud noise or when someone would raise there hand at you you would flinch. It wasn't like you could help it, it just kind of happened.
Jesse opened the door to reveal no other then commander Morrison. You saw Jesse tense and you grabbed ahold of your swelled stomach tighter. Knowing that he once tried to kill you child.
"Pack your bags Jesse, you leave within the next hour. You got a mission in tokyo" Morrison said professionally as if nothing had happened.
"I'm sorry sir but I'm not leavin (y/n) here alone" Jesse said.
You knew he didn't want to go on the mission not just because he didn't want to leave you alone but also because he didn't want you to be at overwatch with Commander Morrison without him.
You watched as Morrison shook us head.
"Better give me a better reason"
"A better reason? How about you tried to kill my child! Lord only knows what you would do once I left!" Jesses voice rose with every word he spoke but carful not to get to loud as to make me jump.
"Mcree, if you won't go on this mission then I'm going to have to remove you form Blackwatch. I already planned on removing (y/n) from overwatch today so don't make me loose two agents" Morrison said as you could see his hands clench into fists.
Commander Morrison was planning on removing you? But why? He's the one that told you you should join overwatch and know he wants you gone?
"Then I guess I'll pack my bags but not for your mission" Jesse stated before slamming the door in jacks face.
"Jesse what are you doing!"
He looked back at you slightly confused.
"What do you mean?"
"The fact that you just walked away from Blackwatch like it was nothing! Don't you love your job?"
"(Y/n) of course I love my job but I love you more then this stupid job with a shitty boss. Morrison tried to hurt our child, how can we ever feel safe here?"
He brought up some good points that you hadn't thought of. Would you really expect you child to grow up here when there was a target on their back while doing so? And with either you or Jesse gone on a mission almost all the time it just wasn't going to work.
"You right"
"So many be we can move back to the town where we grew up and buy back my parents old house?" He questioned smiling at you.
Tears ran down your face as you went into hysterics. Jesse paused unsure of what he did or said.
"Jesse what if I'm not even a good mom?" You sobbed into your hands.
Jesses heart broke, he hated seeing you cry more then anything in the world.
"What are you saying? Of course you'll be a good mom!"
"How can you be so sure!"
He grabbed your hands but you didn't flinch. The tears still raced down your face while your eyes grew puffy.
"(Y/n) you are the most kind and loving women I've ever met!"
"Jesse....I just don't want us to... end up like my parents"
He paused.
He remembered just as well as you did on what your parents did to you and how they treated you.
"(Y/n), we are going to be nothing like them. They were monsters who didn't deserve you but we will be lucky and supportive parents I assure you" he smiled as you finally stopped crying and whipped you tears from your face.
"But right know we need to start packing, okay?" Jesse suggested.
"O-okay" you said wearily as you gently got up.
"Maybe I can do all the packing?" He said while looking at you.
"Jesse I'm pregnant not useless"


Okay you guys there will only be a couple chapters left in the story before I go ahead a make a new one. Open for requests just let me know! Love ya!

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