Chapter 31

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"Morrison I'm not sure who you think you are but I know what you did!" I yelled at him.
His eyes narrowed in on me as he sat forward in his chair.
"And what exactly are you referring to?" He questioned
"The fact the you knew (y/n) was pregnant and you still made her go on the mission that could have killed both her and the baby!" I slammed my hand on his desk harshly.
I was beyond furious at this point. Jack stood up and walked around the desk, obviously irritated but I didn't care. He grabbed me by the collar and held it close.
"Listen here Mcree, I suggest you don't take such harsh tone with me soldier" he snarled.
"I wouldn't if I didn't have a reason" I snarled back.
"You tried to kill my child! You mother fucker!"
Never would I have thought that such words would come out of my mouth but hearing that my boss put my own flesh and blood in danger rattled me to the bone.
"I didn't try to kill your child!" He shot back.
"Then what would you call it!" I shoved him off of me.
"I knew (y/n) was pregnant I just didn't care! You see when I agent gets pregnant they take leave and usually never come back because they have a child to raise! So I thought if I send (y/n) on this mission then she would loose the baby without any idea and we would all go about our day and overwatch wouldn't have to loose another agent!"
I'm gonna kill this man.
Beyond pissed I rose my fist to strike him only for a strong hand to grab it from behind. Looked back I saw Gabriel, he looked just as pissed as I did. He had always liked (y/n) and I and had always hated Jack so it makes sense.
"You would dare kill an innocent child then let one of our agents go? What kind of monster are you?" Gabriel asked while looking at Morrison in disgust.
"Jesse leave us" the tall Mexican man snarled looking at Jack.
A hesitant nod of my head as I exited the room only before seeing Jack gulp and Gabriel walk closer to him with a dangerous aura. You knew that Gabriel wouldn't let this slide and that Morrison would pay for his actions.
I silently walked back over to the medical wing still pissed at Morrison but it had subsided at least a little. Several different thoughts had clouded my mind but where brushed away when I made it to (y/n)'s room. Opening the door quietly I noticed she was snuggled into a ball. She hugged her stomach and looked so peaceful while sleeping. I couldn't help but smiled at her, she was going to be my wife and the other of our child. I made my way over to her and kissed her forehead before taking a seat next to her and looking out the window. After a while Angela came in again, I stood up and blocked her path to (y/n).
"With all due respect I think (y/n) needs to see a different doctor"
"Um...okay" Angela looked slightly offended as  she walked out of the room.
I have nothing against her other then I knew she was sleeping with Jack and I couldn't have him trying to persuade Angela into making a wrong medical call on (y/n)'s behalf.
I sat back down as (y/n) rolled over to face me and opened her eyes ever so slightly. She smiled when she looked over at me.
"Jesse" her voice sounded like honey.
"Yes darlin?"
"How do you feel?" She asked
"Well aren't I supposed to be asking you that?" I chuckled.
"N-no I meant about ya know... being a father, you didn't exactly seem happy about it earlier" her voice got lower and lower as she continued to speak.
It was only in that moment that it had finally set in. I'm going to be a father. We are having a kid. I'm having a child with the women I love more then life itself.
I had only the realized that I hadn't given her an answer. Looking up at her face she looked like she was about to cry. I felt so horrible and guilty inside. Quickly getting up and kneeling by her bedside I grabbed her hand.
"(Y/n) I'm going to be a dad!" was all I could say.
Pride overwhelmed me and I nearly had tears falling from my eyes. She smiled and started crying again too. Her hands made there way to my face a brushed the tears that had fallen down my face. I got up and hugged her while placing my hat on her head.
"We're having a baby" she beamed.
I chuckled and hugged her closer. Taking a seat on the side of her bed I was careful not to disrupt her IV before holding her close. I placed a hand on her stomach.
"We are going to absolutely soil this little guy" I said.
"Ohh what makes you so sure it's going to be a boy?" (Y/n) said sarcastically.
"Just hoping" I added to her comment
"But no matter what I will love this baby" j said before placing a light kiss on her stomach and letting her head rest on my chest as she silently drifted off to sleep again.


So I'm kind of sorry because I didn't update in two days but I have a corona scare cause one of my close friends got it so I had to get tested. Anyway long story short it came back negative so all is well. And also I'm sorry for Jesse not beating up Jack but if you've read my other story then you know that doesn't end well for people so. Anyway love you guys bunches and I really hoped you liked this chapter!

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