"Mmmm...Jesse?" You search the floor beside to see that no one was there.
You rubbed your eyes and got up. The oversized shirt Jesse lent you showed just a bit of underwear as you stretched.
You made sure to change back into your clothes before heading down the stairs.
"Goodmorning Mrs. Mcree" you yawned
"Goodmorning (y/n)" she said taking a sip of her coffee.
"Ma'am so you know where Jesse is?"
"I believe he's already outside doin chores" she nodded towards the back door"
"Jesse Mcree! I swear to all things holy!" You sprinted out the door.
Part of you being able to stay at his house was you where supposed to help him with his chores but how where you supposed to do that if he already had them done!
You rounded the corner and found the 14 year old, shirtless Jesse working in the barn.
"Jesse!" You yelled and ran over to him.
"How am I supposed to help you with your chores if you already have them done?!"
He laughed at your comment and shook his head.
He shifted the hat on his head and made his way over to you.
"Well I thought I'd start early today"
"Without me?"
"Didn't want to bother ya, looked so peaceful sleepin" he grinned
"Enough of your Crap" you turned around and started cleaning out a horse stall.
"Hey (y/n)"
"What" you glared back at him.
"Wanna go shootin?"
"Don't even have to ask" you both grinned at each other.
You both raced out of the barn and over to some tin cans you had set up years before. Jesse has grabbed the two BB guns you two had and handed you one.
You moved and aimed at the tin can, *bang* target down.
"Betcha can't beat that" you sneered
"Oh yeah?"
He aimed his pistol at target and fired *bang* then aimed it at the other targets *bang* *bang*
You jaw dropped as he slip the gun away in his hand. He looked at you with a smirk.
"Betcha can't beat that" he mocked you.
You turned and shot his foot.
"Son of a-!"
"Shut your mouth Jesse, it's a rubber bullet and you have leather boots on, you'll be fine" you glared at him.
"That's for not walking me up this morning" you added.
"Okay okay, I guess I deserve that" he put his hands up surrendering.
You both laugh as you walk back to the house, by then ma had already made breakfast and scolded us for acting that way towards each other.
The rest of the day we rode horses and played around. Eventually we had to go to the market to get a few things.
As you approached town you immediately wanted to go back to his house. Standing on the corner of the mercantile store stood none other then Elizabeth Ashe.
"Jesse I think we should just go" you said some what cowering behind him.
He followed your eyes back to where you were looking.
"(Y/n), you can't be scared of her forever" he stated
"Um yes I can!" You started walking in the other direction only to be pulled back by Jesse.
"No we need to go the store for ma and I'll be here you'll be fine" he patted your head even though you where just as tall as him.
"Fine" you mumbled.
You both walked over to the shop and you'll never believe who noticed you.
"Jesse! Nice to see you here!" She smiled rubbing herself up again him.
You covered away behind him, trying to make yourself invisible. Of course it didn't work.
"I see you brought that brat with you" she glared at me.
"Uh she's not a brat Ashe" Jesse glared at Ashe.
You wanted the courage to stand up to her and to tell her to stop but you didn't think you could.
"So what are you doin here" she asked
"Grabbin some things from the market" Jesse nodded his head in the general direction of the market.
"Best get goin, there's bandits around these parts" she whispered the last part, narrowing her eyes.
Jesse rolled his eyes and walked past her. You followed him and looked behind as you made eye contact with a very angry Ashe. It was quite obvious that she liked Jesse but Jesse just never got the hints. You and Jesse where best friends so it made sense why she hated you.
"Told ya, I got ya" Jesse said looking over his shoulder.
You smiled at him and kept walking.
You and Jesse had made it back to his house and gave the items to his ma and walked out back to his tire swing and laid on the grass. You looked up at the sky, the sun was setting casting a pink gold glow over everything. You smiled looking over at Jesse he looked nervous for the first time since you met him.
"Something bothering you Jess?"
"Nah, nothin to worry about" he shook his head.
"Listen you best get home to your folks, you've stayed over here longer then usual" he did have a point but Jesse never asked you to go home before.
He knew that you hated it there and that your parents abused you. You felt safe here, but it wasn't your real home.
"Yeah I guess" you got up off the ground and patted yourself off.
"Want me to walk you home?"
You nodded.
You two walked home in silence, something that never happened. You fidgeted with you fingers and kicked the rocks on the gravel road to your house. When you where finally in sight of your house you sighed. The light was on but it seemed as if no one was home.
"I better get inside and lock myself in my closet before my dad gets home" you looked at him and he nodded.
As you trudged up to the house jesses hand grabbed your arm.
"(Y/n)... goodbye"
"Goodbye Jesse, night"
He had no response he only looked down at the ground.
*timeskip next day*
You woke up with a kink in your neck from laying a weird way in your closet but you decided to head over to jesses before your parents woke up. You happily walked along the gravel road until you made it to a paved one and followed it all the way to jesses house. When you made it there there was the sheriffs car in the drive way. Jesses mother was out front crying.
"Mrs. Mcree!" You yelled running to her.
"What's wrong?"
"It's Jesse, he's missing" she cried into her husbands arms.
As soon as what she said had time to set in you hot your knees and fell to the ground. You had no tears to cry. You had no friends, you had no family, you loved him. Jesse Mcree.
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