Chapter 1

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"It's high noon!"
Jesse yelled while chasing you around the park. You ran around the slide when you tripped over your own feet and cane crashing down on the wood chips.
"Ow" tears spilled from your eyes as you looked at your pink-ish knee.
Jesse came rushed around the corner with a big smile on his face but it fell as he saw you.
"(Y/n)! Are you okay?" He asked worried as he ran to you.
"My knee hurts" you whipped you eyes.
"Don't worry it will be okay! See!" He took off his bandana and tied it around you knee.
"Thank you Jesse!"
"We'll we cant have you crying on your 7th birthday!" You both giggled.
You walked home with him, hand in hand.
You had the biggest grin on your face while you looked at him. He was only a little taller then you but with that being said he was three years older then you.
As you had almost made it to his house the sun was setting and it was beautiful. Your eyes glimmered as you made it to the front steps of his house.
"Happy birthday (y/n)!" He kissed you on the cheek before running and opening the screen door to him house.
He looked back and grinned, his one front tooth still hadn't come in yet. You looked up at him with a red face and shyly smiled back.
"Wait Jesse!" He turned around.
"What is it?"
"Can have a sleepover?"
"Sure! Come on in!"
You grinned up at him and ran inside while he held open the door for you. His ma was in the kitchen making dinner.
"Hello Mrs. Mcree!"
"Hello (y/n), you here for any other sleepover?" She turned around and smiled
"Yes ma'am"
"Did you make sure it was okay with your ma first?"
"Um no ma'am" you looked at the ground a fidgeted with your thumbs.
"It's okay I'll give her a call" she smiled and when back to making dinner.
You both darted up the stairs on all fours and ran into his bedroom and slammed the door. You both planted heavily as you tried to catch your breathe.
"I don't wanna go home Jesse" you looked up at him.
"I know (y/n)" he pulled you in for a hug.
"What's the damage this time?"he asked.
You pulled away from him and lifted up the back of your shirt for him to see. Bruises covered your lower and upper back, some cuts and stretches here and there.
"This is worse then last time (y/n)" he lowered you shirt and you followed him into the bathroom.
"I know but dad came home and had a hard day at work and ma was asleep on the couch" you tried to make an excuse to why you parents beat you.
"(Y/n), you know that isn't right" Jesse said while grabbing some bandaids and some rubbing alcohol.
You turned around and lifted up you shirt again.
"Hey ma! Can you come help me please!" Jesse yelled.
His ma made her way up the stairs and helped clean up your back. She had already known this was happening for awhile now and tried to talk to your ma about it but every time she did your ma would just make up at excuse. After she was done she turned you around and hugged you tightly.
"Come over whenever you like, okay?"
"Yes ma'am" you hugged her back with a smile.
She left to go finish dinner while you and Jesse got changed.
You put on some of his train pajamas that he had outgrown. You gave him his bandana back and apologized for getting your blood all over it.
You two are the nice dinner that his ma made and tried to go to bed early. Since you where here you always did half his chores whenever you where around. You both climbed into his bed and pulled the sheets over you. You looked over to him as he placed his cow boy hat over the top of your face.
"Hey Jesse!" You squealed
You both laughed and said goodnight as you held his hat in your hands.

I apologize for it being so short! Usually my shatter are at least a 1000 words long but since their little there's not much they can do!
Love you guys!

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