Chapter 19

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Alexa's PoV

"Good morning honey, merry Christmas!" My mom cooed as I padded down the stairs.

"Merry Christmas." I gave her a tight hug.

I went to the mall last weekend with Cathy, so I brought some presents for everyone. Nothing I couldn't afford but hopefully they would like it.

Everyone was waiting for me to start opening presents and even Lily was up early her eyes admiring the presents in front of the Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas!" She exclaimed as I returned the same smile. Wishing her and Matt a merry Christmas.

My mom kindly handed me a cup of hot chocolate that apparently had been waiting for me as we sat down around the tree. When Lily finally had the green light to start opening presents she bounced around gleefuly as she picked the largest one to open first. Her presents included two bows because she obviously never had enough and a small, kid's camera because the girl had a passion for nature and animals, so they thought she would enjoy capturing the moment.

Nervously, I watched with anticipation as she opened my present or should I say 'Santa's gift' and finally relaxed when her face lit up. I noticed that the girl loved her one plush toy so I bought her a small penguin toy that I stumbled across accidentally but found adorable since it was so fluffy. My heart warmed when she hugged it close to her chest. Giving a gift that was happily received was truly one of the best feelings in the world.

Matt really enjoyed his coffee and since I wasn't sure what to get I thought I would be safe with a mug that had one of his favourite music groups on it. He seemed to like it at least.

For my mom I thought I would get her her favourite book because she shouldn't have to read it online so it was easier to carry it around everywhere. She was happy because she hadn't read it in ages and even nearly forgot about it because of how busy she was.

I wasn't expecting much since I was just happy to finally spend some family time but I still got handed a small box. Opening it revealed a thin silver bracelet with small flowers twirling around it. It was beautiful. "Thank you." I gratefully thanked them for it, it probably cost a lot.

"Your welcome." They smiled at me, looking relieved.

I put the bracelet around my wrist as I admired it's design and how it shone in light.

My mother always loved cooking when she had time so for once she had prepared a huge meal because it was Christmas and we were all eating together. We sat around the table as she set all the plates down. Lily found it funny how my stomach wouldn't stop rumbling as all the food mom had prepared looked delicious and I couldn't wait for her to sit down so we could start eating.

We hadn't spent much time as a whole family because I was so busy with... Finding out that I had a mate who so happened to be a werewolf, although they didn't know that. I guess Matt thought it would be a good idea to catch up on things because he started asking questions whilst we ate.

"How's school going?" He spoke up in between bites.


"You getting along well with people?" He tried again.

"Yeah." Surprisingly.

"Have you gotten yourself a boyfriend yet?" He asked cautiously.

I started choking on my food. Smooth. I should have seen that one coming.

"No." I tried to reply calmly as though the question didn't affect me.

Matt looked at my mom as they exchange a look.

"Where are you hanging out so much? You're nearly never home." They pressed.

"I've been busy studying for exams." That wasn't a lie.

Happily they didn't continue interrogating me too much although I knew they didn't buy it.

I don't get why they were so curious.


The day was spent in front of the TV, watching a Christmas movie together. It was a great way to get my mind off things.

I was holding a Pepsi in my hand whilst laying on my bed and listening to music. It was already the end of the day, I couldn't believe how fast it flew by. Somehow I managed to spend the whole day without thinking about Max and why I didn't see him during the last week of exams, and why when I finally saw him at Cathy's he was so distant and weird. I didn't expect him to go jump in my arms happily because he missed me but he didn't even really say hi.

And then I couldn't believe what happened after..

Alexa's PoV (past)

I was happy to go to Cathy's for a sleepover as a way to celebrate finishing exams.

What I didn't expect was for Max to be there.

I felt his presence before I saw him, the same tingling sensation I feel every time I'm around him.

I didn't really hear what Cathy was arguing with her brother about because I was so busy thinking about how I didn't see Max at all at school the past few days. He hadn't replied to my mind link either, even though this time he didn't block me.

The worst was that I was haunted by the idea of him marking me. Was it the bond driving me crazy?

To stop the argument from going further I stopped them mid glare. "It's fine, we'll be in Cathy's room anyways."

Cathy dragged me up the stairs and away from them.

"What's going on, I saw the way you were looking at him?" She asked me.

I hadn't even realized how long I'd been staring until she mentioned it. I tried to hide my embarrassment. "What do you mean?"

But there was no fooling Cathy. "Wait, don't tell me you like my brother's best friend? Omg this is like in my book!" She started squealing so loudly I was scared the boys would overhear us. She liked to read as much as I did so I wasn't surprised that she would come to that conclusion so quickly.

"Cathy, you're brother has many best friends. I don't know who you're talking about." I tried to deny it. And obviously failed.

"But you only like one." She teased.

Heat rose to my cheeks. "Shut up."


I went down stairs wanting to get a Pepsi because there was something about that drink that was just amazing.

When my feet reached the cold tiled floor I saw his shadow by the fridge. Now that we were alone I felt like I should talk to him, but yet my mouth couldn't form the words.

He finally turned around, my eyes meeting his icy blue one.

Seing him made my heart race, even though those unfamiliar feelings that invaded my heart were new to me and weird.

"Um hey." He said.

"Hi." My voice came out barely a whisper.

I felt nervous alone with him right now, so I went to get a Pepsi from the fridge. My eyes darted everywhere apart from him because I was afraid of the butterflies I got every time I looked at him. It got worse after I nearly kissed him in the library, again.

This couldn't keep happening. Especially if we needed to act like we weren't even friends.

He stepped closer to me, his proximity shocked me so I stepped back.

An air of hurt appeared on his face but it was gone when he stepped cautiously towards me again. Like he was making sure I wasn't afraid of him. The idea hurt because I would never be afraid of him and didn't want him to think that I was.

The reason I was so awkward was because, not for the first time, I wanted to be closer to him.. And for him to mark me. My hand immediately shot up to my neck to stop the weird feeling I had on my skin.

After I realised how strange I looked, I dropped my hand, looking away.

My pulse quickened when he brought his hand closer to me, slowly. I didn't know what he was doing until he gently traced my skin. Immediately electricity shot throughout my whole body. I missed him, that just had to be why, right..

I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling too much. My skin was on fire but at the time I couldn't care less.

His touch was electrifying.

I had to stop feeling this way. He had told me why we couldn't be together and I couldn't blame him or Isaac. Being rejected was probably horrifying and it changed him because of it. I couldn't keep pushing Max to tell him.

So I rushed away, feeling a pain in my chest.


Alexa's PoV (present)

My eyes watered thinking about it. But I wouldn't let myself cry over it. Creaking echoed in my ears when my attention was brought to the window.

Careful not to make any noise so late at night, I tiptoed to open it, trying to see what the source of the noise was.

A face peared at me from upside down making me jump.

"What the hell?" I gasped.

Max was hanging upside down from the roof, staring into my eyes.

"Come up with me?"

Was he joking? There was no way I was climbing on the roof with him.

Silently, I stood there fighting against the urge to jump after him.

Max caught on my worry and gave me a reassuring smile. "Trust me?" He extended his hand to me.

I slipped my hand into his, enjoying the sparks I got when he suddenly hoisted me up onto the roof.

I quickly moved away from him when I realized how close we were. However, I didn't think it would lead to me slipping off the edge of the roof. My heart nearly stopped, but before I could fall off I felt two arms wrap around me.

"Careful!" He steadied me.

I couldn't speak, yet now we were so close our noses were touching which was the opposite of what I hoped to do in the first place.

My heart skipped a beat when he pulled away from me like nothing happened. I don't know how I was meant to calm my racing heart after this.

"Why did you come here?" this was not the right way of staying away from him, why did I need to stay away from him again?

"I-" he paused.

"I wanted to see you." He looked at me.

Those crystal blue eyes.

What are they doing to me.

But I couldn't help smiling from the way that warmed my heart.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

I bit my lip. "I looked for you at school but you weren't there."

"I-Ive just, been, busy." His voice wavered. I looked up wondering why.

"Oh, okay." We fell into an awkward silence.

I looked up at the stars, wondering what to say or think.

"Hey Lex.." I looked at him, a gentle breeze blew through my hair making me shiver.

What did he just call me..?

"I wanted to.." He continued like he didn't just call me that nickname.

"What?" He stopped. After seing my confused look.

"You called me.."

"What? Oh um sorry, I guess I just.."

"No it's okay. I like it." I smiled. It was special since the others didn't call me that.

"Yeah so, I just want to give you this."

He handed me a square box, as I looked at it like it was an enigma.

Cautiously, I opened the box, in it was a necklace with a crescent moon shape. The silver chain was breathtaking lit up by the moonlight and stars.

I gasped, admiring it with awe at its beauty.

"You didn't have to.."

"-I wanted to. Let me put it on."

Surprisingly I didn't retort and let him brush my hair to one side. His fingers grazed my neck as he put the necklace on.

I shivered, hoping he didn't notice it. That was just the effect he had on me.

I turned to look at him.

"Thank you, it's beautiful." I felt bad I didn't get him anything.

He stared deep into my eyes as my heart ached. Why?.... Could I, possibly....?

"Merry Christmas Lex." He grinned.

"Merry Christmas." I smiled back. The smile he wore made my heart race.

My eyes widened with realisation.

Everything I questioned before was now clear.

I was slowly falling in love with him.


New chapter! Ha, I'm so evil... But this is just how their story is meant to go. I want to show every little detail.
Don't be a silent reader!

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