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being a werewolf and a women sucked, because its all most like you transform twice a month, but one your a animal with out transforming, i screaming at the night class students for waking me up even thought half vampire i still need sleep. i transforms by accident on them and rawed they all ran out side i transforms from back and went out, i jumped the brick wall i need to go burn off steam, i ran threw the forest in wolf form, i come across vampires hunter and transforms back, they must be after the e's, so i transforms back and continue on my rampage threw the forest, some one shot a drat at me and it hit my but, i quickly transforms back and riped it out, the liquid poured out, the heads were bub assholes , i turned around and there were big guys with guns, and I'm a p,m,s werewolf, "who the hell are you?"i growl. 

"hey we have a Sella wolf." 

"lets cut its head off." 

i from fire around them and they didn't back off i draw the normal glock i was caring and use the ices and shot them both they dogged."get her blood we maybe be able to turn people into wolfs."one laughed. 

all right Sella don't toy with you food. i lit up the frost in giant ices flames killing them quickly witch is more then they deserve, i head into the wolf city as i like to call it, they don't mine me as lone as i don't kill anyone, i went and find my human brothers address and find him. 

i came to a house in the city, i saw a man with the same eyes as me and different hair black and blue, "kano moon?"i asked. 

"Victoria?"he replied. 

"your my brother." 

"your support to be dead." 

"and I'm not." 

"came in." 

"i will." 

i followed him in and sat on the couched, "how dad?" 

"ass hole." 

"your his little god child with all you special abilities." 

"I'm not special, just a girl who can turn wolf." 

"i couldn't he wanted nothing to do with me i didn't have the bright red hair." 

"well at lest you aren't a triple treat." 

"what do you mean." 

"human,werewolf and vampire." 

"lovely i like this new you Vicky your not so up tied" 

"well i have been hunting for the last fellow years." 


"i cant remembers who i was before 4 years ago can you fill me in." 

"a Pris little bitch, who was all about me." 

"good thing ill ran over." 

"your ran over." 

"with a truck, to you have the pack mark?" 

"the moon one but i never got the transforming abilities but i can bend water." 

"i can freeze and burn we are awesome." 

he laugh, 

i looked at the time two o'clock."so you still in the pack." 

"yes and no, i have to go or ill be late for class, nice to meet you again Kan," 

"your always welcome here Victoria." 


i head off runing into the woods and transforms back and head to school.

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