Love Essay {Karabita}

Love Essay {Karabita}

1,277 29 15

You can fall in love with someone at anytime, anywhere. Such is the case for Karamatsu Matsuno, who has fallen victim to the monster known as love. As the budding of romance begins for him in his second year of college, his feelings grow and grow until he can't hold it in any longer. But, what will happen when he admits his feelings to the one who he can't help but love?Osomatsu-San (c) its respectful ownersAU and story (c) Me…

Osomatsu-San AU Short Stories

Osomatsu-San AU Short Stories

753 2 10

A bunch of one-shot short stories featuring my OsoSan AUs. Do not label any interactions between the brothers here as BLMatsu. Short Stories may also variant the AUs. This book might also feature unused or WIP AUs, as well as the dead hybrid AU.The AUs in the stories belong to me. Osomatsu-San does not.…

Split (Feels AU)

Split (Feels AU)

888 25 11

"It finally happened. Mom and Dad got a divorce, and custody of my second, third and sixth brothers was handed to my mom. I got stuck with the fourth and fifth brothers. I guess I got caught up in my sadness about losing half of my family... these scars will never heal..."Trigger warnings: Blood, starvation, undernourishment, self harm, depression…

Beliefs     {Kidmatsu-San}

Beliefs {Kidmatsu-San}

165 2 6

- AU where the Matsus are only 7 and they're already showing signs of their adult personalities! -Young Ichimatsu has a hard time with a lot of things. After one fateful day, his mother goes out and gets him a surprise that turns his life upside down.AU belongs to me. Osomatsu-San does not.…

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 26/My 1st Book:Part 26

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 26/My 1st Book:Part 26

2,602 103 200

Kun:Bueno,Bueno,Bueno...,!Saludos Otra Vez,Mis Queridos Amigos,y Ahora,Contemplen!,!Ya Estoy Haciendo Otro Nuevo Libro!,(Parte 26),Que Va a Tener Relatos Sorprendentes y Enormes Como,"Un Humano Na. Corriente","Boda a Medianoche","Reino De Sangre", "!You Had Arrived At The Wrong House!","Los Hermanos Van Bloodenstein:Eternos Para Siempre","Fi. Adventures Of Remy & Doris:Our Lovely Mummy","Kalilady:Journey To The Vampire Woods/The Naughty Wizards/The Case Of Doc. Malignyk","M' Quiet Date","Blackened Universe"," Papá","Sanatorium","Creepy Stories To Tell In The Dark", "El Justiciero Oscuro","Uncle Mortem:Nana Sangrienta/ Pacto Malvado/Pánico En El Cementerio/La Venganza Del Guillotinado","Tramposo Hanky","Alas Del Destino"," Uncle Mortem:Visitas En La Noche/Corazón Gélido/La Jardinera Difunta","Fortweird","¿Would You Marry Me?", "Short,But Smart","…

Books and Booze {College AU}

Books and Booze {College AU}

36 2 1

Who would have thought that the Matsuno sextuplets would every apply for college, let alone be accepted? Not their parents, that's for sure. A college is a home of many new opportunities. Will the sextuplets grasp them, or will they fail?Osomatsu-San (c) Its respective ownersAU + Story (c) me…

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 31/My 1st Book:Part 31

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 31/My 1st Book:Part 31

3,417 185 200

Kun:Hola De Nuevo,Queridos Com. y Visitantes,y...,Err..., Sean Bienvenidos a Otro Gran,Aunque Nuuuevo Libro,(Parte 31),Que Va a Tener Relatos Random Como,"Fem. Kart","Kellnay One-Shots:Queen & Princess","Dinocoon", "!Heeeeeere's Brock!","Toonz...,What a Sneaky Weasel", "Rynx Potter:Vs. Lord Fourzevort","Miracles Have Rew.", "Tyler Wicked","Immortal Knights","Kalilady Vs. Vampire Monkeys","Haulin' Nurses","Pluma Negra","Águila Azul", "You're My Sunshine","Danger Wolf:Call Of The Tropico/Night Of The Furtiki","Pink Ghost","Halloween Booguie", "Kakalu,El Mago Cubano","Missouri Murderer","Vampire Sheriff","They Walk The Night","Psychopathical Zombie Voodoo","Banshee Island","Dr. Creep's Spookshow","Tex Wonder:!Chickenscratch In Arizona!","Martian Mummies From All Outer Galaxy","The Gila Ghouls","Cathouse Of Horror","Mighty Purple","Satan's Manor","Kellnay Short Stories:Film Night","Bachata Of Doom","Demon!Marcel", "Lucifer:Po. Edition","H20vanoss:Technological Solaris", ","House Of Aces","Lunar Express","Phantom Renegade: Vs. Ghostcorpion","Bigzipperfreak","Happy Pancakes","…

Lo que encierra Adalari

Lo que encierra Adalari

164 9 44

Adalari es más una leyenda que un lugar físico, al menos para la mayoría de gentes, pero no así para nuestros protagonistas, intrépidos aventureros que por motivos propios han recorrido grandes distancias en busca de esta isla mítica. Como sospechaban, Adalari es real y llegan a ella, no sin sufrir un "accidente" que les borrará por completo la memoria. ¿Por qué la perdieron? ¿Hay algún modo de recuperar sus recuerdos? ¿Querrán recuperarla o formarse una nueva identidad? ¿Si la recuperan, volverán a sus antiguas vidas?Todas estas y más respuestas te esperan entre las páginas de "lo que encierra AdalariHistoria creada a partir de sesiones de roleplay en Discord.…

Carlos Malpica Flores: Turismo y curiosidades

Carlos Malpica Flores: Turismo y curiosidades

207 0 23

Si te interesan los viajes, destinos turísticos y datos curiosos y tips que debes tomar en cuenta al emprender cada viaje, Carlos Malpica Flores comparte información útil en este espacio.…

✔Creepypasta Zodiac 2

✔Creepypasta Zodiac 2

91,117 9,300 200

To druga i ostatnia część zodiaków z postaciami ze straszych makaronów.…