7-pack leader

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i was sleeping, lots of things come to mind, but none if them were important to me, on the Sunday morning i got up i had a strange sense calling me, it happened some time ever year, i didn't know what it was or could be. 

i usually don't wake to Monday but i couldn't sleep. i waltz threw the sleeping school,"you feel it two don't you Victoria ." 

"what is it?" 

"come with me ill show you."he said. 

he transformed into his wolf mode i followed on foot. we come to a tree and stooped, we climbed up it and peered over,"Victoria this is our clan, the feeling your feeling is the yearly pack leader change." 


"we are one of the wolf Prue blood family's but every year the leader can be change by one willing to take them." 

"who's the black haired one?" 

"your husband." 

i loses my balances."what next thing your going to tell me i have kids." 

"no you don't. but he's a heretic the top pure bloods what's he doing leading a Sella pack? I'm going down there, stay here ." 

so i did kanelin went down there, and that guy wasn't having a bar of it and they transform into there wolfs. so i went down there and pinned the black mutt "honey I'm home."i said. 

i had him pinned under one arm and my gun at his head.they transform back,"Sella the feared vampires hunter?" 

"don't forget werewolf." 

kanelin got up he had a claw mark right across his face"also my daughter Victoria."he add. 

"what are you doing in control of a Sella pack?"i asked. 

"your father lost four years ago." 

"so you should be in control, i wanna break up ,i love some one else."i said. 

"this reminds me of went we role played,"he laughed. 

i shot him in the dick,"i challenged you for pack leader ," 


he transform into a wolf i didn't bother i sense kaname near not worth the risk. i dodged all the lunging, snapping and biting. 

then i manged to combusted him into flames,with meant he lost a new tattoo formed around my arm,"hey this new."i said. 

"Victoria you are the pack leader now." 

"what is it?" 

"really you protect your clan." 

"kanelin you can have it.i don't want it " 

"that means we have to battle ." 

"i still have that bite of my leg. does anyone have to be killed?" 

"no just beaten to one gives up or dead." 

"okay challenge me." 

" i challenge Victoria for new pack leader,"he said. 

"change expected." 

he transforms i didn't bother, if i could be controlled by vampire it would be my last resort ." lets go at this in human form I'm not going wolf."i said. 

he nod, and transforms forms back, i let him land a few hits and he land a good punch to the face,"i give up!"i yelled at the top of lungs. 

he stop and garb my arm the tattoo crawled on to his, "I'm going back to cross i need to a ices my everything."i said. 

"I'm going to stay for a Little, ill be back tomorrow." 

"what ever."i said. 

i limp threw the frost, i stop and tried the spit things ,didn't work."what do you want kaname?"i knew he was behind me. 

"i see your enjoying the gift i give you, your memory's , a life away from hunting, however its time to return the favor."he said trying to charm me. 

"what?"i growl. 

"leave cross, bring me yuki , turn yourself over to me, and help me take over the world."he said . 

"nah never going to happened."i laughed. 

i turned around and my knife and run in thew his chest just missing anything important,"now Sella i know your in love, with katio let this picture help make your choice for you."he said ,like he made the winning move. 

he hand me a picture i looked at it and laughed, "your a idiot kaname i like zero."i lied. 

"okay then ill kill him, and zeros next. no i think ill turn kaito into a vampire and then put him back into cross, sounds like a party." he laughed. 

my heart i couldn't let him do it."Fine!"i growl 

"fine what?"he laughed. 

"let katio go and ill go with you."i said all most a cry. 

"i believe this is check mate katio came out."kaname laughed. 

katio smiled i saw fangs and bite marks"no."i whispered and fell to my knees and lowered my head, "that's the respect you show me."he laughed. 

my anger flame threw me, i looked up at him my eyes turn golden and big blue flames, the temperate dropped."your dead!"i rawed. 

i lunged at him dodging his swing,"Sella stop!"he yelled at me. 

"who's staying incontrol."i raw ed. 

i shoved my hand thew his chest,"i was a screed to say this i like the vampires at cross, but your just a ass hole." i said. 

i ripped his leg off he screamed out in pain."katio get me out of here!"he yelled the scent of blood called out. 

i thew kaname into the flames and turned to katio and attacked him, he wasn't fast each to deafened me off, i big his neck and took his blood, some how it snapped him out of his trans from kaname i pushed my self away and screamed, i was discussed in myself, "Sella were are we?"katio said trying to conform me. 

"get away from me."i screamed. 

he back away from me a deactivated the flames. 

i was a bloodily mess and i drag katio by his leg to cross by his leg went we got there it was the middle of the night and cross was in his offices with toga i stormed in there"i had him, i was so close and katio has been turned in to a vampire."i screamed. 

"what? and WHAT!?!"cross said. 

"i was this close to killing kaname, i had my hand therw his chest."i yelled. 

"what about katio.?"cross said  

"he's a vampires."i Reilly 

"o' katio we can't have you here teaching to day class, to dangerous you under stand?"cross said  

"yes."he said. 

"I'm going to go ices my faces and wash the blood off me." 

"where's kanelin?" 

"he said he'll be back later. I'm using your bath room ." 

i washed the blood off me and i saw the black eye and swallowed lip, went back out,"i need makeup."i laughed. 

" wow he done that to you?" toga said  

"nope kanelin" i said. 

"im going to kill him!"toga rawed. 

"here ,he's the leader of the Sella pack, your be killed." i said tossing him my gun. 

"ill keep this for a little bit if you don't mind."he said. 

"once kanames dead, I'm giving up hunting."i said  

"if your sure Sella,"cross smiled 

"I'm sure, I'm enjoying this life. and after i finish school i want to help rebuild."i said 

"well you do have engineer skill you have the highs metal work skill."cross said . 

"good girl Sella young making a good choices, im proud of the women your become. from shotting me and beating me up"toga said. 

"dont tell the council of my choices i will tell them." 

"okay." they both smiled and hugged me. 

"and evenly i will take kanelin on for pack leader as for its right fully mine."i said. 

i hate the fact the i had to lead him win, and hate the fact that i can't control the blood lust and now kaname knows my weakness. 

i head back to the night class dorm after stopping to get ices for my eye.i walked passed zero, and he was with yuki i give her a hand sign to follow she did, we sat on the bridge,"kanames after you as in kill, how do you fell about doing something stupidly brilliant with me?" 


"seeing your bro and sis, if we can established a open canal between you and kaname, we can trap him." 

"okay lets do it."

"one more things how do you fell about body persuasion?" 

"i can do it" 

"he's strong we can let blood spill or its over." 

"we can do it." 

"okay this week end we'll go hunting.do you know how to use a gun?" 


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