Chapter 9

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A/N Wow so this is so extremely late and I'm so sorry for that :( I was away with my Army unit in NYC after the bus attack and wasn't able to write. But I'm home for the holidays and I finally had some time to finish this up ! Let me know what you think !! Happy reading Xx

2 Months Later

"Daddy where are we?" Nate asked, looking around the large building curiously just before his father took a cautious step inside.

"Uhm, I believe this is where Louis works," Harry said, hoping he had the right address. "Hi, uh, I'm here to see Louis Tomlinson, I'm just not sure where to go," he said a bit nervously to a girl sitting behind a receptionist desk.

The woman looked up at him, her eyes scanning him up and down before letting out a deep breath and crossing her arms over her chest. "Mr. Tomlinson doesn't have any appointments for meet and greets today and we don't allow walk ins who want to meet him."

Harry stood there stunned for a second, feeling Nate gripping onto his collar tighter, clearly a bit scared of her. "N-no, I uhm, I'm his boyfriend... Harry Styles..." he said quietly. "He texted me to come, I-I just-"

"Oh! Mr. Styles, I am so sorry!" she rushed out, standing up from her seat with red embarrassed cheeks. "Of course, Mr.Tomlinson told me you were coming, I really am so sorry!"

"Oh, uh, it's fine," Harry said, it being like a switch went off in this girl and all of sudden she was the world's nicest secretary. "Would you mind just telling me where I could find him?"

"It's no problem at all, just go to the lift and you'll press number 3. He'll be right down the hall in studio 5."

"Perfect, thank you," he offered her a small smile before heading towards the lift.

"She was mean," Nate muttered as soon as the doors were closed behind them.

And Harry just chuckled at his son, kissing his head and hugging him close. "She's just protective love, that's all. Doesn't want anyone who isn't supposed to see Louis to come up here."

Nate didn't care for that answer all that much, muttering to himself because no one should talk to his daddy like that. But the closer they got to finding Louis to more he relaxed, there being no lie he was excited to see the older man at work and of course press all the buttons Louis talked about.

As soon as they stepped out of the lift though the last thing Nate was thinking about was the buttons. His entire focus was on the brightly decorated walls with all of his favorite animated characters surrounding him.

"Wow..." he barely managed to breathe out, in complete shock as to what he was looking at.

It seemed even his daddy was in awe, if possible every Disney character was painted on these walls, and the further they moved along the hallway the more they saw.

"Daddy! Daddy!! That Lou! See!"

Harry snapped his head up, looking to where the 3 year old was pointing, and instead of finding the blue eye lad he saw Flynn from Tangled painted on the wall.

"Yeah buddy, that is Louis," he chuckled, knowing he had played his voice in the movie.

He loved how proud Nate seemed that he knows the man behind the famous character. The toddler would talk to anyone who would listen about Louis and all of the voices he's done and which ones are his favorite. Whether it's his aunt Gemma or just someone at the studio, he had plenty to share about the funny older man who could do any voice you ask him.

"Okay big guy, looks like we're here," Harry said, seeing studio 5 and cautiously opening the door.

Apparently he didn't have to be too quiet though because as soon as they stepped into the room the first thing the two Styles were met with was Love is an Open Door blasting through the speakers and Louis and Niall singing at the top of their lungs as they danced.

Harry just stood there a bit shocked for a second, watching the two who had no idea they were in the room. Nate on the other hand lasted all of five seconds before he burst into a fit of laughter, almost falling out of his father's arms from laughing so hard.

But it was also that moment Louis and Niall stopped in their tracks, going wide eyed at seeing the two and nothing but sheer embarrassment flooding their faces.

There was nothing but silence besides Nate giggling to himself, them all just staring at each other and having no clue what to say as this song was still playing through the speakers. But of course it was that exact moment Niall realized that and turned off the song and almost shamefully looked to the ground.

"Can... Can we just pretend this didn't happen?" Louis broke the silence, his gaze focused on Harry who was just staring back at him.

"...No," Harry said, immediately smirking at the older lad and knowing that this will definitely be something he'll want to remember forever.

Louis grumbled to himself at that, even Niall's head snapping up and looking at the curly haired lad, knowing there was no way in hell they were ever going to live this down.

"Well when we were at the beach that one time a crab got your toe and you thought it was a shark and you screamed like a little girl until Louis pulled you out of the water, so ha!" Niall said, trying to take the embarrassment off of them.

"Alright, yeah, whatever, I do a lot of embarrassing things but you guys don't and you take it a lot more personally than I do," Harry shrugged as he placed Nate down, the toddler not wasting a second before running to Louis just so he could hug him.

And Niall just grumbled to himself, at least Louis could get over it easily enough at having Nate in his arms.

"Lou look at all the buttons!!" Nate shrieked, his attention immediately taken away at seeing the large panel.

Louis laughed to himself, always finding it so adorable how easily he gets distracted. "All these buttons are what make me sound good, that's Niall's job."

"You no need buttons to sound good," Nate said confused. "You sing all time! And daddy say you have best voice, love to hear you sing."

"Oh does he?" Louis asked, smirking at the curly haired lad and seeing his cheeks going red.

"W-well you just... You have a nice voice," Harry shrugged as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Yeah, yeah, Disney prince worthy voice," Niall rolled his eyes. "Now c'mere Nate, lemme show you how awesome my job is," he said, taking the toddler from Louis and bringing him over to his large panel of buttons.

But instead of following his son Harry was frozen where he was with the way Louis was looking at him. He couldn't exactly pinpoint what he was thinking. All he knew was that the older lad was smiling at him so softly it made him want to melt right where he was.

"Thanks for coming by, I was hoping you guys could swing by today," Louis said softly to the younger lad as he made his way towards him and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"It didn't come without some trouble," Harry chuckled to himself. "That secretary downstairs is ready to attack."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, his jaw clenching a bit as he heard that. "Did she say something to you?"

"She thought I was a fan of yours or something and brought Nate in to see you, it's nothing," Harry shrugged, not wanting Louis to go into a rage for no reason.

Just at that though his face went hard, letting go of Harry and started heading towards the door.

"Hey, hey, calm down love," Harry snatched his hand, not letting him take another step. "It's fine alright? It's not like my feelings are hurt or anything, she was just doing her job."

Louis looked at him for a second, letting out a few deep breaths to calm down and realizing it really that wasn't big of a deal. "I just don't want anyone being rude to you or anything, that's all," he said quietly.

"I know but you don't have to go all attack dog either," Harry tried to joke to lighten the mood.

And at least he got a smile out of Louis, the older lad wrapping his arms around him again and resting his head on his chest.

"I just know how people can be..." he said softly. "Be it the paps or fans, it gets hard and I don't want anyone bothering you."

"I know love, I know," Harry said, pulling him impossibly closer and pressing his lips into the blue eyed lad's hair.

It was no lie, at first the paps were a bit overwhelming. Harry remembers the first time they were seen out in public by the paps, them just out for a bit of shopping when Louis spotted them taking pictures from across the street.

It's happened a few times since then and of course there are a few times when fans recognized Louis while they're out, but Harry was happy they haven't been bombarded or anything, especially while they're with Nate.

"I'm sorry again, today was supposed to be a good day and I'm being all crazy."

"It's not like you ruined today love," Harry laughed quietly. "And besides, today isn't anything special, just another day."

Louis bit his lip, looking up at Harry and letting out a quiet breath. "W-well I-... I had plans and I have to talk to you about them of course, but yeah, today was supposed to be a good day."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, of course having no clue what he was talking about.

"Do you want to go to dinner with me tonight? Niall said he could watch Nate, I just- I wanted to talk to you about some stuff."

"Is it bad...?" Harry asked a bit nervously as he slowly released him. "Like-"

"No, no, of course not," Louis rushed out, not wanting to scare him. "It's good, I promise, but I just wanted it to be the two of us."

Harry felt like he could breathe a bit at that, but still, something about all of this was making him a bit scared. "Uhm, yeah, it's no problem. Is Niall okay with watching him at my place?"

"Well I said he could take him to mine. Ya know hang out with Princess, watch all the Disney movies his little heart desires," Louis smiled up at him, wanting him to relax. "That is if you're okay with it."

"Yeah, yeah, of course," Harry nodded back at him. "Makes it easier so afterwards we can just go back to yours."

And if possible Louis' smile only grew, hoping that when the time comes later to talk to Harry his nerves won't get the best of him. But for now he was more focused on his boyfriend and Nate pressing every button he could get his little fingers on.

Niall was playing some of the songs they recorded early today and Nate was having almost too much fun making Louis' voice sound as ridiculous as possible. But when Louis actually took him in the recording booth and the toddler was nothing but smiles as he sang and did funny voices with the older man, only for Niall to play it back so they could hear themselves.

Of course Harry knew his son would have fun while they were here, he always does with Louis no matter where they are. And he loved to see Nate having so much fun, but still something was nagging at him. He wanted to know what Louis had to talk to him about and the more he thought about it the more nervous he got. The older lad said it wasn't anything bad, but for the life of him he couldn't figure out what he would have to talk to him alone about.

He couldn't overthink this now though, so instead he focused on spending the day with his boyfriend and son and not letting his thoughts get the best of him.


Harry shuffled on his feet in the foyer of Louis' flat nervously. Hearing some Disney movie playing in the background and glancing towards the living room to see Nate and Niall all snuggled up on the couch.

It was at least one relief that Nate would be okay for the night, but all this anticipation was killing him. All of that stopped within a second though when he saw Louis walk into the room, feeling himself completely still just at the sight of the older man.

"Wow..." he barely managed out. "Y-you uh, you look great."

Louis smiled back at him, feeling his cheeks going red at the way Harry was looking at him. "Could say the same about you... You look amazing."

"Thank you," Harry said quietly, shuffling his feet nervously as Louis took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, just wanna say bye to Nate," Harry nodded back at him before leading Louis to the living room.

The two said their goodbyes to the 3 year old, making sure to give him enough hugs and kisses until he was squirming in both of their arms and begging for them to leave.

As soon as Harry was done giving him his usual speech of when Nate should go to bed and what to drink with dinner the two were off. Hopping into Louis' car and getting onto the road, and it seemed that it was within a matter of minutes Harry's nerves were picking right back up again.

"You okay love, you're sweating," Louis said, glancing over at him and feeling Harry's hand going warm in his.

"You just got me a bit nervous about tonight, all this mystery and all," he said quietly.

"Sweetheart it's nothing bad I promise," Louis chuckled to himself. "If anything you should be excited, we have a great night ahead of us."

And Harry just nodded at that, trying to calm himself down but still, all of this was nerve wracking. This fancy dinner and how secretive Louis was being about whatever it was he wanted to tell him or talk to him about.

His nerves didn't get any better when they pulled up to the restaurant either, maybe only multiplying. Louis didn't seem nervous at all though, if anything he was excited and basically jumping around as soon as the valet took the car and they were heading into the restaurant.

"Hi, reservation for Tomlinson," Louis said once they got to the host stand.

"Yes, of course, right this way Mr.Tomlinson."

Louis smiled politely back at the maitre-d before wrapping an arm around Harry's waist and following the older man to a table in the back.

He made sure to pull the younger lad's chair out for him before he made himself comfortable in his own seat. But as soon as he sat down he noticed how uneasy Harry looked and that was the last thing he wanted.

"Love can you relax? Why are you so nervous?"

"Because I have no clue why we're here," Harry groaned, this absolutely killing him.

"Is it so wrong of me to go out with my boyfriend every now and then?" Louis chuckled, tangling his and Harry's fingers on the table and giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"C'mon Lou, you know it's more than that," Harry said quietly as he bit his lip. "Whatever is it you have to talk to me about can you just spit it out? I mean if you keep me waiting I'll sweat through my suit and be all gross and-"

"H, love, calm down, yeah?" Louis said softly. "I was gonna wait a little bit, but you being your stubborn self I guess we can talk about it now."

"Please?" Harry almost begged, not know how much longer he could last.

Louis nodded, maybe for the first time all night feeling his own nerves pick up. "Well uhm, I... I know we haven't been dating all that long, but I was thinking of something that make both our lives easier, and I wanted to know what you thought."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, now growing more intrigued than anything as Louis was visibly trying to calm himself down. "What is it?"

Louis let out a deep breath, holding onto Harry's hand like a lifeline as he realized what he was about to say. "I was thinking that maybe you could uhm, w-well you and Nate could move in with me..."

Harry sat there completely still, trying to process what Louis just said but he couldn't find it in himself to say anything back. To him that was huge, it was so much and all at once, he had no clue what to think.

"Trust me, I know, it's a lot to ask and it's so soon, but I-... I just wanted to talk about it," Louis said nervously. "That way it's so much easier to see each other and you're at mine almost every night anyway, and you don't have to worry about rent or sleeping on the couch... It-... It was just a thought, and I'm sorry if I've overwhelmed you, but it's just something I've been thinking about..."

But Harry still couldn't say anything. There was so much to think about and how it would effect Nate, it was too much at once.

"Love..." Louis said quietly, trying to get Harry to look at him. "What're you thinking? We can talk about this, and I'll answer any questions you have but can we at least have a conversation about it?"

Harry released a quiet breath but nodded nonetheless, squeezing Louis' hand and silently telling him he wasn't mad or upset. "It's just... It's only been 3 months Lou, it's a lot, and especially with Nate."

"I know, trust me, I know," Louis said softly. "That's why I was kind of nervous about asking you, but it's- it's just something I want... I want to make my house a home and with you and Nate I can do that..."

It was that that really had Harry stuck. His gaze focused on Louis and seeing how sincere he was about this, how much he meant it.

"You've really thought about this then? What it will be like to have a 3 year old running around, tantrums and all and being stuck with me all the time?"

"Yeah, and honestly it made me smile," Louis chuckled to himself. "I've figured everything out, from how you'll get to work and how we can decorate Nate's room, where I can make space in my closet and dresser for your clothes, just everything."

Harry raised his eyebrows at that, figuring Louis really did think about this a lot, and at least that gave him some reassurance that the older lad wasn't just jumping into this.

"It's not like I need an answer tonight H, but I just wanted to put it on the table and let you know it's an option. I want to help make your life easier and this is one way I can do that."

Harry nodded back at him, knowing he would definitely have to think it over a bit and probably talk to Liam and his sister to see what they think. But most importantly he had to think about Nate.

"I'll think about it Lou, I promise," he said softly, offering him a small smile to know what he offered wasn't a bad idea or made him upset.

"Take your time love," Louis grinned back at him. "Again, I know it's a lot and soon, but just know it's an option."

"And I appreciate that, I really do..."

There was definitely a lot to think about and mull over, but the fact that Louis offered it at all was still kind of shocking. At least everything was out in the open and they could enjoy the rest of their night together. With having Nate it was rare to get a night to themselves and of course they were going to take full advantage of it.


"He asked you to do what...?"

"Move in with him," Harry said quietly, biting his lip and refusing to look up at Liam, knowing his best mate was looking at him like he was mental.

"And you're actually considering it?" Liam asked, not believing it.

"Well... Yeah," he said, knowing it would only be a second before he started hearing the older lad lecture him and tell him what a terrible idea this was.

But instead Liam was quiet for a minute, just looking at Harry and letting out a deep breath as he tried to figure out what to say.

"Well do you want to move in with him?

Harry picked his head up at that, actually looking at Liam since they sat down and started talking about this. "I've been thinking about it a lot since he asked and... And yeah, I do..."

Liam raised his eyebrows at that, scratching the back of his neck and trying to figure out what he actually thought of this. "What is it that made you decide you wanted to?"

"Ultimately Nate," Harry said quietly, shifting his beer in his hand before taking a small sip from

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