Harry kept his eyes on his computer screen, allowing his mouse to follow along the picture and do it's job. His hair was falling into his eyes and he was too tired to even think about moving it from his view. But this last piece he had to get done and all of his hours of work today will be well behind him.
He hoped Nate and Louis were okay, he hasn't even had a chance to look at his phone since he walked into work this morning. But with his son and boyfriend being how they are he was sure they were just fine and having the time of their lives together. Of course he just then reminded himself that he should've texted Louis earlier to remind him his mum was driving down today.
And just as he looked at the time and saw how late it was Harry was sure he had a heart attack knowing his mum should be here within minutes.
Without even thinking about it he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, fumbling with it for a second before actually managing to steady it in his hand. He pulled up his messaging app and tapped on Louis' name, getting his thumbs ready to type before he felt a hand on his shoulder and successfully making him jump from his seat and drop his phone to the ground.
"Harry! Geez! It's me love!"
Harry caught his mum's eyes, her face full of worry as her arms were out to steady him. "Mum! Hi! Oh my God, Hi!!" he said excitedly, engulfing her in a hug and kissing her cheek.
And really Anne shouldn't have expected anything less from her son as she hugged him back and laughed into his neck. "Hi sweetheart," she smiled at him, "hard at work as always I see."
Harry looked back to his computer sheepishly, this being the first day in a while he's really satten down and gotten some work done. "How did you know I'd be here though, I'm mean-"
"Harry you live here," Anne said, looking at her son a bit crazy.
"Right..." Harry said slowly, his eyes looking up to the loft above the studio that him and Nate haven't slept in in weeks. "Well it's so good to see you mum. Nate is so excited to see you and Louis can't wait to meet you!"
"I can't wait either sweetheart, but for right now come here," Anne said, pulling her son back into her arms and hugging him to her chest. "I've missed you so much love."
Harry took in a deep breath, his mum back with him and all the love and care from her he's been missing for too long. "Missed you too mum," he barely whispered into her neck.
Anne had to sniffle to herself, wiping her wet eyes quickly before smiling back up at her little boy. "Where's that grandson of mine? I can't believe he hasn't ran down here yet," she laughed to herself
"Oh, he uh, he's actually at Louis'," Harry bit his lip, scratching the back of his neck and waiting for some kind of scary motherly look from his mum.
"Really?" Anne asked, her face lighting up in surprise. "Well that's great love, I can't wait to see him in a little bit. But in the meantime text Louis that you'll be there in an hour and you and I can talk for a bit."
Harry studied his mum for a second. Not sure if she was mad or happy or just shocked, but either way he picked his phone off the ground and texted Louis just as his mum said to do.
"Come here H, sit down with me," Anne said, sitting Harry back down in his computer chair and she took the seat across from his desk.
Harry nodded, trying to relax and get it through his head that his mum shouldn't really be mad at him for anything, but there's always that worry in the back of his mind.
"You're not in trouble sweetheart, I just want to talk," Anne smiled at him, seeing Harry's overthinking face. "I just... I love seeing you so happy."
Harry raised his eyebrows a bit surprised, but couldn't help the small grin that made his dimples appear.
"You are happy, aren't you?" Anne asked, already knowing the answer, but she wanted to hear it.
"Mum, you... You have no clue," Harry tried to hide his embarrassed laugh just at thinking about how happy he was.
"Oh, I knew it," Anne sent him a small smirk. "And you knew what gave it away?"
Harry hummed, raising his eyebrows and silently asking her what it was.
"All those pictures you sent me," she said, thinking it would be obvious. "Nate and Louis on the cruise and the pictures that you let Nate take and edit," Anne laughed just thinking about the pictures her grandson sent her that are hanging on her fridge at home. "It's written all over every single one of your faces."
And Harry just smiled back at her, knowing she was right but he didn't want to hide the fact that he was incredibly happy.
"Have you told him yet?"
"Told him what?" Harry asked confused.
"That you love him," Anne huffed and rolled her eyes.
"W-what?" Harry stuttered out. "Mum this- this is moving kinda fast isn't it, I mean, like, this conversation is."
"Well come on honey it's always easiest with you to get all the awkward stuff out of the way," Anne pointed out. "So have you?"
Harry's mouth was open, but absolutely nothing came out as he just stared back at her. "W-well uh... No..."
Anne hummed, her eyes never moving from her son as she nodded back at him. "It's alright sweetheart, I know how new all of this is to you, like dating."
Harry bit his lip, not even trying to deny that. In high school he didn't date much, was always too nervous to talk to someone or found that his quiet time in the school's dark room was all he needed to be happy. And then there was uni and that was just a mess of finding himself and one night stands that sometimes were good enough to last a weekend until he met Nate's mum.
"But let me tell you, I think you found a keeper," Anne said softly, reaching for her son's hand on the desk and giving it a light squeeze.
"Mum you don't even know him," Harry chuckled, picking his head back up to look at her.
"Well from what I've heard and seen in your pictures he seems lovely," she smiled at him, "I can see how much he loves the two of you."
"He hasn't even said it," Harry breathed out as he shook his head.
"He doesn't have to H," Anne said, giving him a knowing look before squeezing his hand one more time and pulling it away.
And Harry just looked back at her, a small smile creeping onto his lips at just the thought of Louis loving him.
"Anyway, besides all that, what's new with Louis that you actually want to talk to me about, but maybe not in front of him," Anne said, knowing Harry would want a little them time.
Harry snorted,his mum almost reading his mind when she asked that. "Well, there is this one thing," he said slowly, peeking at his mum and seeing her raise her eyebrows at him. "Louis, he uhm, well a little while ago he asked if Nate and I would maybe like to move in with him."
And he was just waiting for her to say something, anything so it would calm his nerves some. But instead all his mum did was look back at him, a warm smile coming over as she nodded back at him.
"And... Well uh..." Harry trailed off, not quite sure what to say, but was expecting his mum to have something to say. "I talked to Liam about it, and of course I've thought about it alot, and I know as soon as you meet him you'll agree that maybe it's a good idea for Nate and I to move in with him."
Anne was a bit surprised by how fast that all came out, normally her son to be the kind to talk abnormally slow, but that was rather impressive for him. "Well sweetheart I think it's a lovely idea and I'm sure I'll love it even more when I meet him."
There was no trying to hide that Harry was utterly shocked at what she had just said, having to shut his mouth from his jaw going slack.
"Really?" he barely whispered.
"Yeah, really," Anne said gently, making sure to smile so he knew she was being serious.
And that was it for Harry. If his mum so easily thought it was a good idea then it really must be.
"Seems like you two have a bit to discuss," she smirked at him.
Harry could only hum, knowing there were a couple things he had to tell the older lad.
"Alright sweetheart, well if that was all then I guess we should stop delaying and go see your boys."
Harry was so close to protesting, trying to prolong the inevitable, but there was no point.
"Yeah of course, let me just get my things," he half heartedly smiled at her.
Anne watched as he put away his cameras and grabbed his bag, nervously glancing from here to there as he went along.
"So how is it you get over to Louis'? Does he live close?"
"Uhm, well for right now the weather is pretty nice so I've been walking but when it starts getting colder I'll be using one of Louis' cars," Harry explained.
"Oh, well isn't that sweet!" Anne cooed as she followed Harry out the front and watched him lock up. "Well I'm sorry, but for right now you'll have to deal with the good ole' mum mobile."
Harry chuckled to himself, almost too easily swinging himself into his childhood car. "Wouldn't have it any other way mum," he smiled at her.
And Anne just grinned back, almost having to hold in a snort as the car made a loud thump before the engine roared to life. But Harry wasn't shy about letting out a booming laugh, it being the little moments like this with his mum that he's missed.
It may have taken them a couple minutes, but before they both knew it they were on the road and to Louis' flat. It really wasn't that far from his work which he was grateful for, and within minutes he was showing his mum where she could park in front of Louis' building.
"You have any bags you need help bringing up mum?" Harry asked as soon as he hopped out.
"Oh, will I be staying here?" Anne asked a bit confused.
"Well if you're okay with it..." Harry said quietly. "Nate and I essentially live here already and Louis has an extra room, and you know how my place is, so..."
"Honey it's fine, was just a surprise is all," Anne waved it off. "I just have the one bag in the back there."
Harry made sure to grab it before leading his mum inside, praying Louis had seen his message and that place was at least decent. But instead of thinking about that too much his mum had his attention more with commenting on how nice of a place this was. Harry couldn't wait until she saw inside if she thought just this hallway was nice.
"Alright, here we are," Harry breathed out, reaching for the handle and bracing himself for what was on the other side of the door.
"Nate! Nathaniel Jacob you have to stop playing with princess and get dressed before your dad and nan get here!"
"Lou?" Harry stifled a laugh, seeing his boyfriend in an almost soaked tank top and sweatpants, looking more than stressed.
And it was immediate the two Styles saw the shorter man still, slowly turning around and going wide eyed at the two of them.
"What's uhm, what's going on?" Harry asked, trying is absolute hardest to hide his amusement.
"Hey- it's uh, just bath time and I was trying to clean up a bit but I guess Princess jumped in the tub and you can probably figure out how the rest of that went," Louis explained as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "But I'm so sorry, Mrs. Styles, it's so nice to finally meet you and I'm so, so sorry for... All of this," he said slowly, looking around his flat before offering her his hand.
"Hi sweetheart don't you worry about it at all, and please, call me Anne," she smiled at him before shaking his hand.
Even though she said it Harry could see that he was clearly stressing more than necessary.
"Mum why don't you try to go surprise Nate? I'm sure he'd love that," Harry offered, his mum not even needing to think about it before she took off.
"Up the stairs to the right!" Harry called after her.
He watched her find her way, unable to stop the small laugh that came out of him before his eyes set on Louis. "Love? What's wrong?"
"Harry oh my God, she's gonna think I'm a complete mess!" Louis said wide eyed. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I was just trying to get everything ready but-"
"But my son started acting like a toddler?" Harry joked as he wrapped his arms around the older lad. "Don't worry about it love, she doesn't care and neither do I, it's fine."
"No, she's gonna think I can't take care of him alone and then-"
"Lou, please, please don't do this," Harry begged. "You're overthinking and she already loves you, just please relax."
Louis mumbled to himself but squeezed his arms around Harry's waist just a bit tighter. He knew he was acting like a maniac but meeting Harry's mum for the first time was important to him, he wanted to make sure everything was right.
"I should probably change... I'm soaked and look like a wreck."
"What? C'mon I think you look kinda-"
"Oh no, don't you dare start with me Styles," Louis tried to say seriously but couldn't stop the laugh that escaped him. "Your mum is here and I'm gonna clean myself up and then finish dinner."
Harry huffed but let his boyfriend go, knowing right now wouldn't be the best time to torture him. "Anything I can do to help?"
"Your sister will be here soon so could you answer the door? But other than that keep an eye on the food on the stove!" Louis called back as he jogged up the stairs.
"What? My sister?" Harry whispered to himself, having no recollection of inviting Gemma over.
It didn't take him much thinking to figure out Louis was the one to invite her over. He was sure his mum would love the surprise and maybe Louis would calm down a bit at seeing how happy she would be.
"Daddy! Daddy! I found nana, look!" Nate shrieked as he dragged his nan into the kitchen.
"What? Oh my God, you did!" Harry said shocked, making the toddler burst into a fit of giggles. "Where in the world was she hiding?"
"In the hallway!" Nate said like it was the craziest thing as his father scooped him up.
"Gave him a right scare," Anne poked his side, making her grandson laugh and push her hand away "And can I say Louis has an amazing place here. Almost got lost without this one showing me around."
"Wait, wait!!" Nate yelled. "I have to show nana my and Princess room!"
Anne looked at Harry confused, not knowing who this Princess was, but just before she was about to ask she heard the little patter of paws behind her.
"Princess! Come here, this my nana and you be nice," Nate said, wiggling out of his father's arms and going towards the pug that was staring his nan down.
Anne looked back at the little animal, a small smile coming over her as she watched her grandson and the dog. "You got a dog?"
"What? No, no, this is Louis' dog," Harry quickly filled in.
She raised her eyebrows at that, a bit surprised how close Nate and the dog were. And not only that, but apparently he already seems to have his own room here.
"She real nice nana I promise."
Anne could only smile at that, not only at realizing that the dog's name was actually Princess but Nate absolutely adored her.
"Mum do you want to sit down or have a drink? Lou has dinner on the stove so we can relax for a bit," Harry offered.
"Daddy nana likes her juice!"
Harry raised his eyebrows at the 3 year old before looking to his mum and seeing her snicker. "Yeah, her juice," he rolled his eyes fondly, going over to the fridge and pulling out an already open bottle of wine. "You go sit down mum, I'll bring it to you."
"Oh my goodness, all my boys know just how to spoil me," Anne smiled, letting Nate take her hand and pull her towards the living room.
And Harry just watched the two walk out, keeping his eyes on them until they made it to the couch. He couldn't help the small grin that came over him just at seeing the two together again. He always wished he could see his mum more, and maybe since he and Gemma have steady jobs in the city now she might consider moving closer to them.
But for right now he just brought his mum her drink and smiled at the two before going back into the kitchen and checking on what Louis had cooking.
"Hey love, how's it going?"
Harry turned around to see Louis breathlessly making his way towards him, clearly still very stressed. "You run a marathon while you were up there? Geez," he laughed at him.
"No, I just-..." Louis huffed. "I had to change and clean up the bathroom but I didn't want to be a bad host and disappear for too long," he explained.
Harry looked right back at him, not even trying to hide the fact that he thought the older lad had gone a bit mental.
"What?" Louis asked confused.
"Babe, just... Relax," Harry laughed at him. "My mum is a mum, and if it makes you feel better you're doing total dad things, so she gets it."
Louis furrowed his eyebrows at him, his jaw going a bit slack at what he said. "Really?"
"Uh yeah," Harry said as if it was obvious. "Giving a 3 year old a bath while trying to make dinner and clean, yeah, last I checked that's a dad's life."
"Oh..." was all Louis could manage.
He didn't really think about it, but when Harry put it like that he really understood. And just at the thought he didn't even try to fight the wide smile and pride that came over him.
"Why don't you go relax with Nate and mum, get to know her a bit," Harry offered softly, not wanting him to have to run around anymore.
"What? No, you just came home from work and-"
"And you've had just as hard of a day with that one," Harry eyed his son in the living room. "Please, you've watched my son, you've gotten this place ready for my mum, let me do this one thing."
"Harry, no, it-... I want to do these things, for you and Nate and your mum, ya know it's... It's just helping out the family," Louis explained, unable to look the taller lad in the eye as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.
And Harry didn't have any words. His throat felt numb, hands shaky and mind screaming at him to tell this man just how much he means to him.
"Louis I-"
But he was stopped by a knock at the door and Nate not wasting a second before sprinting to it and yanking it open.
"Aunt Gemma!!"
The two looked over as Anne and Nate showered Gemma with hugs and kisses, both of them frozen where they were.
"Go say hi to your sister love and I'll keep an eye on dinner. After your done though send her in the kitchen so I can get her a drink," Louis said gently as he rubbed Harry's back and kissed his cheek.
Harry looked back at him, not sure of what else to do so he just nodded at Louis and went to go say hi to his sister.
But still, even after everyone was settled with a drink in their hand and dinner almost done he was replaying what Louis had said. He couldn't believe
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