Chapter 8

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"Alright sweetheart, can you hold your sister, just like this?" Harry smiled gently at the little girl, placing her baby sister carefully in her little arms. "Perfect, you two look so beautiful, so beautiful in fact I'm gonna take a couple pictures, is that okay?"

And the girl nodded happily back at him, holding her sister just like he said and making sure to keep still.

"Thank you so much love, now just smile big at the camera, alright?" he said, picking up the camera that was hanging from his neck and kneeling down on one knee to get the perfect shot.

This is definitely one of the easier shoots he's done with kids. Half the time they're crying and the other half they're running around and refuse to sit for even five minutes for him to take a picture. But these two girls were beyond adorable and so sweet, listening to absolutely everything he said and luckily the little newborn was sound asleep the entire time.

He was getting amazing shots and their parents were cooing at absolutely everything the girls were doing, it was definitely one of the better shoots he's done.

"Alright you two, I think we're all set here," Harry said sweetly, taking the newborn from the little girl and bringing her over to her parents. "So I'll edit what I have and I can give you guys a call as to when you pick up the pictures, sound good?"

"Sounds perfect Mr. Styles, thank you so much."

"I've told you Grace, call me Harry, please," he chuckled to himself. "It was a pleasure working with all of you, really."

"Well thank you again Harry, we can't wait to see the final product."

Harry just smiled at the pair and nodded back at them as they got their girls ready to go. But just as he turned to see them out he froze at seeing Louis standing at the door and grinning ear to ear.

"W-what are you doing here? I-I mean how did you know where my-"

"I googled it," Louis laughed and shrugged, walking up to the younger lad and pecking his lips. "Thought I could surprise you a little bit."

"Yeah, well you definitely achieved that," Harry said, still a bit shocked that he was here.

And Louis just kept smiling up at him, standing on his toes and kissing him one more time. "Just wanted to see you in action and check the place out. It's incredible in here."

Harry shuffled a bit nervously on his feet as he watched Louis look around the studio and take everything in. "Yeah I uh, I put everything I have into this place and luckily it's working out."

"I'd say," Louis scoffed. "You even got a basketball hoop, like to have a little fun in here, huh?"

"Uh yeah," Harry laughed sheepishly to himself as he pulled his camera off from around his neck and placed it on his desk. "I did a shoot for a basketball team one time and I just left it up there. Sometimes when Nate is in here with me he gets pretty bored so we'll play a bit."

"Too cute," Louis muttered to himself. "Where is he by the way? I was hoping if you two weren't busy I could take you both out for a little lunch date."

"He's at my sister's daycare two blocks over. He hates being here with a burning passion while I'm working so I drop him off there until I'm done for the day."

"Do you have any more clients coming in?"

Harry bit his lip as he looked at his schedule book on his desk, unable to stop his growing smile as he saw that his afternoon was free. "Well, Mr. Tomlinson it looks like you get to kidnap me for the day."

"Just what I love to hear," Louis smirked back at him. "C'mon love, let's go get the boy."

Harry nodded back at him, cleaning just a few things up before he took Louis' hand and led him to the busy city street. "By the way when you meet my sister don't believe a word she says."

And Louis could've figured he would say that, but he knew out of anyone Harry's sister would have the best stories on him, and he wanted to hear them all. Sure he was nervous about meeting her for the first time, wanting to make a good first impression, but he was also desperate for any embarrassing stories he could get on his boyfriend.

The two made their way down the crowded pavement, their hands joined between them and squeezing their way past people. It wasn't a far walk, just a few blocks down from Harry's studio and the closer they got the more visibly nervous the younger lad seemed.

"Alright, here we are," Harry breathed out, reaching for the door handle and opening it for Louis.

The two walked in, the immediate sounds of toddlers shrieks and giggles filling their ears. But there was one scream that caught their attention.

"Daddy! Lou Lou!!"

"Hi big guy!" Harry smiled widely at his son. "You have a good day?"

"Yeah! I play with aunt Gemma all day, I miss her!"

"I know you did buddy, I missed her too," he chuckled at his son. "Where is she?"


And if possible that shriek was louder than all the kids combined before Harry felt a strong force knock into him and squeeze the absolute life out of him.

"Okay, okay, yeah, hi Gem," Harry barely managed out.

"Oh my God look at you, you look so tan and all the pictures you sent me, it looked like you had such a good time!" Gemma gushed. "Nate was telling me all about it and-"

"Gem," Harry stopped his sister, her looking like she wasn't even breathing. "I promise we'll talk about all that, but there's someone I want you to meet."

And it was only then Gemma noticed the other man with her brother, him smiling shyly back at her, but she knew exactly who he was. "Oh hi!!" she said excitedly, not wasting a second before rushing towards him and wrapping him in a hug. "It's so nice to meet you, you look even better in person than the pictures if possible, holy shit!"

"Gemma!" Harry hissed, seeing Louis a bit startled.

"H come on!" Gemma groaned before letting the other man go. "It's so cute! Like you guys met on the cruise and fell in love and now you're home and-"

"Whoa, whoa, no one said we were in love," Harry rushed out with reddened cheeks.

"Well with how you talk about him you seem in love, geez."

"They show feeling lots," Nate nodded along.

The two just stood there, glancing at each other and trying not to become more embarrassed as the seconds passed. And Harry couldn't do anything but send Louis an apologetic smile before looking back to his sister.

"Why can't we be normal?" he pouted slightly at his sister. "Like why can't I just be like Gem this is Louis, Louis this is my sister Gemma. It's that easy and not weird at all and you make things weird."

Gemma looked back at her brother astonished, her jaw going slack and hearing the blue eyed man next to him trying his absolute hardest to hold back a snicker. "Well..." she huffed.

"Daddy! You hurt auntie feelings!" Nate said, hitting his father's leg and glaring up at him.

"Nathaniel you don't need to hit me," Harry said seriously back at him. "And it's not my fault your aunt is crazy and doesn't know how to socialize with anyone over the age of 4."

At that Louis couldn't hold it in any longer, letting out a barking laugh and almost choking on his own spit at what Harry just said.

"You think that's funny?"

And just as quickly did Louis shut his mouth, his eyes going wide and freezing where he was as Gemma was raising her eyebrows at him. "Uhm, n-no."

"No one ever thinks H is funny," Gemma said, sounding more confused as the seconds passed. "You must really like him. Like actually genuinely like him."

Louis glanced over to Harry, the younger lad looking like he was killing his sister with his eyes. "Yeah, I could easily say that I do."

Gemma just kept her eyes on Louis, and he could easily say it felt like she was staring into his soul for what felt like forever before she allowed a small smile to come to her.

"Alright, I approve," she winked at him. "Just be good to him," Gemma warned Louis. "And Nate of course, you have to be even better to him."

"Always," Louis said softly, glancing at the two Styles boys and grinning at them.

"Good," Gemma hummed.

"Alright, great, well Louis said something about lunch so we're just here to grab Nate and head out," Harry said, wanting this whole interaction to be over.

"Yes! Lunch with Lou Lou, let go!!" Nate cheered, almost lunging at the blue eyed man and trying to climb up him so he could be held.

And Louis didn't waste a second before picking him up and squeezing the 3 year old to his chest. "It was really nice meeting you," he said to Gemma, offering her a nervous smile.

"Yup, real fun, c'mon Lou, let's go," Harry said before his sister could utter anything, taking the older lad's hand and rushing him out of the nursery.

He was basically forced to follow Harry out, him tugging on him until they were safely away from the building.

"Well she's quite the character, huh?"

"You have no idea," Harry muttered.

"Aunt Gemma is the best, no let daddy fool you," Nate said, pointing a little finger in Louis' face as he carried him down the pavement.

"I promise that won't happen buddy," Louis chuckled. "By the way I saw the basketball hoop in your daddy's studio, and I think you and I need to play a game at some point."

Nate went wide eyed, a smile stretching from ear to ear and making his dimples pop out as he heard that. "Yes!!" he cheered. "Did you see my room? Cause I have lots of toys and my-my Peter Pan poster!" he said so excitedly he tripped over his words.

Louis glanced over to Harry a bit confused, only to see the younger lad biting his lip. "Uhm no, your room? Like playroom?"

"No!" Nate squealed, that sounding silly. "My bedroom! We live upstair from studio!"

"Oh," Louis said quietly, not knowing that. "No buddy I didn't see it, but I'm sure you can show it to me soon."

And as Nate cheered in the older man's arms Harry stayed silent. His eyes were locked on the sidewalk in front of him, hoping Nate would drop the subject and Louis would forget about seeing his flat. He figured that at some point the blue eyed lad would want to see his place and visit, but he just hoped it wouldn't be this soon, he can't even bare the thought of Louis seeing where he lives, how he lives. In comparison to Louis' flat his home looked like a box, and there was no doubt in Harry's mind that as soon as he saw it the older lad would just pity him, and that was something he couldn't have.

"So boys what do we feel like having for lunch?"

For now at least Nate could focus on that, the 3 year old telling Louis all about his favorite foods and even his favorite restaurant that his daddy takes him to. Harry only hoped his son wouldn't bring up Louis visiting their flat again.


"Alright mate, let's just go through that scene one more time and I think we'll be done for the day."

Louis let out a deep breath as he nodded and gave a thumbs up to Niall on the other side of the glass. He adjusted his headphones and took a swig of his water, scanning over the scene one more time and allowing himself to completely become this character.

"All right, I gotta get this speck up to the top of Mount Nool A.S.A.P, whatever that means, probably 'act swiftly, awesome pachyderm'! I mean, how hard can that be?"

He really couldn't say how much he loved this script. Horton was definitely a one of a kind character. He was sweet, caring and absolutely hilarious, Louis was having the best time reading for him and letting himself be as ridiculous as he could be.

There were about five scripts waiting for him when he got home, but this was definitely his favorite by far. He loved doing kids movies and it was nice not having to travel even if it meant turning down a role for a new tv series that was offering more. This in his eyes was definitely more rewarding.

"Perfect Lou, that's exactly what we're looking for," Niall said happily into his microphone at hearing the older lad finish. "Let's pack up and we'll call it a day."

Louis was a bit happy to hear that though, his voice getting sore and exhaustion basically seeping out of him as he was being his overdramatic self all day for his character's sake. It wasn't just his voice that he put into his acting, but his whole body, as if he really was this large elephant trying to save this town on a flower. He put everything he had into his job but by the final product it was definitely more than worth it.

"You wanna visit Zayn before we go? Might have to drag him out of the studio for a pint if he's too focused," Niall joked, as he saw Louis come out of the booth.

"Yeah, sounds good," Louis nodded back at him, knowing all too well how Zayn will sit there forever if no one gets him.

So the two made their way to the lift, heading down to the art department and sure enough there was Zayn sitting at his easel with his glasses on and scribbling all over his paper.

"Mate come on, we're kidnapping you."

"Almost done," Zayn muttered back without looking up.

"Yeah, you say that and two hours later we're still waiting for you," Niall joked as he walked up behind him and saw what he was drawing.

"It's not my fault with animations you have to do each action and our mate Louis here has too many facial expressions," Zayn countered back.

And okay, yeah, maybe that was Louis' fault, but it definitely made for one great character. But it's always fun when Zayn sits in the studio with them and watches Louis so he could get ideas as to how to draw his character. Every movement, facial expression, the tiniest thing Louis does while recording his voice Zayn catches and draws them out, but the final product is always amazing.

"I have one more to do from what scenes you guys did today, just gimme a few minutes," he said, still refusing to look up from what he was doing as his pencil was moving rapidly against the paper.

So the two just waited and watched their mate, always amazed with how quick Zayn works and how all of his pieces turn out. Luckily today was one of those days where they weren't actually waiting for forever for him, but only a few minutes before they saw him start to put all of his things away.

"What's the plan boys? We going out for a few drinks?"

"Yeah, I'm only gonna have one or two though, I wanna meet up with H a little later," Louis said as he followed the two down the hall and to the lift.

"So whipped," Niall muttered through a snicker. "I mean c'mon mate you've seen him every day since we've been home."

"Sorry for wanting to see and spend time with my boyfriend, how terrible of me," Louis rolled his eyes. "It's nice having someone to go to bed with and wake up to, and with Nate there's actual noise in the flat, it's nice not being alone all the time."

And the two couldn't say anything to that, knowing all too well how lonely their mate gets despite trying their hardest to make sure he doesn't feel like that. They were more than happy that Louis found someone he could completely open himself up to and let into his life. Even if it meant hearing all about Harry and Nate while they made their way to the pub and even after they had their drinks.

Louis just went on and on about what they've been doing for the past week while they've been home, but the two weren't going to complain because it was so nice to see their mate as happy as he was.

"Have you been to his place yet mate? Seems like he's always going over to yours," Niall said with furrowed eyebrows before finishing off his beer and waving a waitress over to bring him another one.

"Uhm no," Louis said quietly. "I've been to his studio a few times and he lives just upstairs from it, but every time I ask to go up there he always has a reason to say no."

"Hmm, that's kinda weird," Zayn hummed.

"Have you tried to talk to him about it? Like he doesn't want you to go up there?"

Louis shrugged back at Niall, taking a swig of his beer and keeping his eyes on the bottle. "I dunno, the entire subject of it just seems weird, I don't wanna make him uncomfortable and try to seem like I'm pressuring him or something."

"You think he's hiding something?" Zayn asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"Like what?" Louis laughed, that seeming ridiculous.

"I dunno," he shrugged. "But why else would he not want to have you over?"

At that Louis was quiet for a second, himself asking the same question as to why Harry seems to be trying to hide where he lives.

"Can you stop, you're gonna make him overthink," Niall muttered to Zayn, seeing Louis' face and knowing they didn't need to put their mate into worry mode for no reason.

"You know what, I think I'm gonna head over to his studio," Louis said, chugging back the rest of his drink before pushing his chair back.

"What? Lou come on, it's okay," Niall said, trying to stop him.

"No, no, I told him I was just gonna have a few drinks and then I'd be free, it's fine," Louis said, tossing a few bills on the table. "I'll talk to you guys later, have a good rest of the night."

And with that he was gone, finding himself walking down the busy city sidewalk and to Harry's studio. He didn't think Harry would have anything to hide, that just seemed impossible, but he didn't know why the younger lad would seem so weird about his flat.

But as he made his way to Harry's studio his thoughts were running a mile a minute and the closer he got the more he over thought. Louis was sure at some point he started fast walking just to get there quicker and finally get some answers. But as soon as he burst through the studio door he reminded himself to calm down and not demand to see Harry's flat just because his curiosity was getting the best of him.

"Lou Lou!!"

"Hey buddy!" Louis smiled at Nate, kneeling down to the toddler's height and scooping him up.

"Lou," Harry said with furrowed eyebrows, turning around in his desk chair and seeing the older lad. "I uh- I thought we were going to your place tonight..."

"Yeah, well, we're always at my place, thought we'd change things up a bit," Louis said quietly as he made his way over to Harry.

Harry was quiet for a second, just looking back at Louis and trying to figure out what to say. "Uhm... I-I mean, I-..."

"Lou you see my room!" Nate said excitedly, jumping in the older man's arms and smiling widely at him.

But Louis was more focused on Harry, not sure if he was mad or what, for the life of him he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Harry rubbed a hand over his face, trying to remind himself to breathe and think maybe this wasn't such a big deal. So he closed out the project he was working on and waved for Louis to follow him up to the flat above the studio.

And Louis didn't say anything but walk after Harry, now regretting all of this just at the younger lad's face. He carried Nate up the stairs to the flat anyway, the 3 year old talking a mile a minute with how excited he was to show Louis all of his favorite toys and where he keeps his favorite movies.

"Come on Lou! I show you!" Nate said as soon as they got upstairs, wiggling out of his arms and running through the living room to get to

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