Chapter 5

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A/N  Wow, so this is so incredibly late and I am so so sorry for that. I was with my military unit in the woods for a few weeks to conduct training and didn't have my laptop, so again, I'm sorry :( This isn't edited, but I wanted to get it out ASAP and it will be edited tomorrow after I get off work. Hope it was somewhat worth the wait !

"You alright mate? You look like you're close to shaking," Liam whispered to Harry, him seeming like any second he would have a panic attack.

"Just nervous," Harry breathed out, combing his fingers through the top of his curls for maybe the millionth time since they got in the lift.

"There's nothing to be nervous about mate," Liam clapped him on his back. "Just a nice little outing with the boys."

"And me!!" Nate jumped excitedly.

"And you," Liam chuckled at the 3 year old.

All Harry did though was let out a huff, knowing it should be like any other night with Louis and his mates, but now Liam was here and it would be the first time they're all hanging out together. Of course he needed Liam to like Louis, if his best mate didn't approve of him then Harry didn't know what he would do with himself. But then he had to remind himself that Louis was Louis, and it seemed near impossible not to fond over him.

"You'll be nice, right?"

"No Harry, I'm going to be a complete arse and try to scare him away," Liam rolled his eyes, only to feel a little hand hit his leg, looking down and seeing Nate eyeing him. "Sorry buddy, uncle Liam said a bad word."

Nate hummed, seemingly accepting his uncle's apology.

"Well at least thanks for taking the night off and everything," Harry said through a grateful smile. "It means a lot."

"Of course mate, gotta be a good wing man," Liam winked at him.

But Harry just scowled back at him, knowing Liam's version of being a wingman was embarrassing him until his face was bright red and he could barely breathe. He only hoped that wouldn't happen tonight because he knew with Louis he would never live any of it down.

He did owe his best mate one though, since he took the night off just to watch Nate and he only got a limited number of them while out on the water.

"Daddy come on," Nate groaned as the lift doors opened and his father refused to move.

Harry let out one more deep breath, trying to get himself to relax and prepare for the night ahead of him as he followed Nate and Liam down the hall and to the restaurant.

"Mr. Payne, good to see you," the maitre-d said happily. "Your guests for dinner are already here, I set them up at your table."

"Perfect, thank you Jackson," Liam smiled at him before scooping Nate up and leading Harry to the table. "Damn... Does he work with models, what is this?" he muttered to himself, seeing the two other men sitting with Louis.

Harry couldn't help but laugh to himself at hearing that, not at all surprised Liam thought of Niall and Zayn like that because there was no point in lying they were both more than handsome.

"Harry!" Louis said excitedly at seeing the curly haired lad and pushing himself out of his seat. "Hello love," he said softly, standing on his toes and pressing their lips together quickly before focusing on Liam. "Hey mate, good to see ya again."

"And you," Liam smiled back at him as he shook his hand.

As soon as they dropped their hands though Louis was quick to happily introduce his mates to Liam. And Harry really couldn't say how relieved he was to see things so far going well. But the night had just begun, so there was still plenty of time for him to embarrass himself, or Liam doing that for him.

"Harry, good to see ya mate," Niall clapped the curly haired man on the back as he took a seat next to him.

"You too, Nate here hasn't stopped talked about you guys, he's missed you since yesterday," he tried to joke, only to see his son blush from Liam's lap.

"How come you never miss us, it's always Nate," Niall rolled his eyes playfully.

Harry opened his mouth, looking between Niall and Zayn and trying to figure out what to say but instead just laughed it off, knowing whatever he said would be stupid.

"Will you leave him alone?" Louis huffed, reaching a hand over and rubbing the younger lad's back.

"It's fine, I don't mind," Harry whispered back to him, offering Louis a small smile to reassure him that he really didn't care.

"Alright... But if they start buggin you just let me know, I'll shut them right up."

Harry nodded, having to almost stop himself from rolling his eyes at how protective Louis sounded. But then of course the blue eyed lad was grinning back at him, the same that made Harry's knees go weak, and to make matters worse a second later he felt a pair of lips on his and groans around the table.

"You two were cute at first, but please, stop," Zayn complained.

"Yeah, just none of that in front of us," Niall agreed.

"Hey! Be nice to daddy and Lou Lou, they have feelings so they show feelings!" Nate defended his father.

And as Harry's cheeks were going bright red next to him Louis let out a barking laugh, throwing his head back and clutching his stomach before high fiving Nate and saying a grateful "thank you!".

"Nathaniel, c'mon buddy, be nice," Harry chuckled, seeing the 3 year old nearly death glaring Niall and Zayn for teasing him.

"Yeah, big guy, they were just playing," Liam added in, kissing Nate's head and hoping to calm him down some, knowing just how protective he can be when it comes to his father.

Nate muttered to himself but nodded anyway, if his uncle Liam and daddy were saying it was okay then he supposed he could let it slide.

And all of the teasing was quickly forgotten, Liam not wasting a second before he started his questioning about how the cruise was going and if they were having any fun. Of course Harry had to remind him to not interrogate them, almost begging him to stop being in his work mode.

At least the three men were happy to answer any questions he had about their trip, Louis especially as he went on and on about all of their different adventures on the islands.

"Have you guys checked out any of the activities we have on the boat?"

"Liam," Harry groaned, close to begging him to stop.

"What? I just-"

"We have actually," Niall nodded before taking a swig of his beer. "Zayn and I go to those deck parties whenever you guys have them, fuckin sick mate."

"Niall," Louis hissed, eyeing his mate before glancing over to Nate.

"Right, sorry..."

Louis rolled his eyes, offering Harry and apologetic smile before shifting his gaze to Liam. "And Nate and I actually went to one of the shows, we had an awesome time, right buddy?"

"The best time!" Nate cheered.

"Good, I'm glad," Liam smiled widely, loving to hear all the fun times they've had.

"Speaking of stuff to do on the boat, how would you lot feel about some karaoke tonight after dinner?"

"But Lou, the deck party," Niall whined.

"We're still going Ni, it's just something fun beforehand and Nate can come," Louis said happily as he looked over to the 3 year old and seeing him light up at the sound of that.

"Yes! Please, please daddy!!" Nate almost begged. "I be so good for uncle Liam tonight and I wanna sing!"

Nate didn't even need to ask, because honestly Harry could never turn down karaoke, but this was a card he always loved to play. "Well... I guess if you promise to be extra good for uncle Liam I suppose we can go."

And everyone could see that no matter what he wasn't going to say no, except Nate who was basically cheering at hearing him say they could go.

"We sing Let it Go! Me and daddy do that one real good!"

Harry just groaned as he heard his son, knowing it was his favorite song, but the other lads didn't need to know they sing it, and quite often when they're at home. But if it was for Nate then of course he'd get up on stage with him, willing to do anything to make him smile even if it meant singing Let it Go for maybe the millionth time.

"Daddy be excited! We show everyone how such good singers we are!" Nate said happily, scampering off his uncle's lap to his father's and basically bouncing on him.

"Oh of course, the Styles boys are gonna steal the show," he laughed, pressing a kiss to the 3 year old's head and hugging him tightly.

And Nate was smiling so wide it must've hurt but that was all Harry wanted to see. So as they ate dinner he mentally and physically prepared himself for singing, hoping not to completely embarrass himself in front of Louis, but Liam was already doing that for him as he told horrific stories about him when he was younger.

Of course everyone at the table except for him was laughing their heads, but if anything Harry was just happy they were all getting along and Liam seemed to really like Louis. He was only slightly terrified his best mate wouldn't be fond of him, but the two seemed to talk like they have been friends for years.

"And then there was this one time when Nate was just about 1 years old and we were in the park-"

"Liam for God's sake, stop," Harry groaned, stopping the older man before he could tell one more story about him.

"Oh come on Harry, we're having fun," Zayn smirked over at him.

"Yeah, you may be but I'm not," he scoffed.

Liam looked at Harry, seeing his cheeks red and he knows he may have told far too many stories, but he couldn't help it. It wasn't his fault his best mate made a fool of himself quite frequently.

"Alright fine, I'll stop... For now."

At least Harry could breathe knowing Liam was finally finished with his stories, but of course he knew there were many more to come if they continued to hang out with Louis and his mates. And as much as he wished things like this would continue to go on, even after the cruise he could do without the stories.

"Daddy when we go sing?"

"Soon buddy, right after everyone's done eating," Harry rubbed his back, looking around the table and seeing most of the plates clean.

Nate nodded eagerly, more than ready for everyone to finish so they could go. And it wasn't soon long after they were all getting up, Nate almost running out of the restaurant but not getting too far before Louis scooped him up.

"Where do you think you're going big man? You don't even know where this place is," Louis chuckled, settling the 3 year old on his hip and kissing his head.

"I excited Lou!" he bounced in his arms.

"I can see that buddy, but I would prefer it if you didn't get lost," Louis smiled at him, only to feel Harry's hand running along his back and seeing the younger lad grinning softly back at him.

And just at the way he was looking at him Louis felt his cheeks going red, almost feeling like he had to duck his head so Harry wouldn't see. It was always the same look whenever he interacted with Nate. When they were talking, playing, joking around, just anything, Harry had this look on his face that almost made Louis want to melt. He could never describe it, never knew what that look meant, only that it was always the same when he watched him and Nate together.

"What?" Harry asked as they walked down the hall, noticing Louis just staring at him.

Louis shook his head, biting his lip as he tried to stop his smile from growing. "No, nothing."

Harry just looked down at him confused but didn't push the matter anymore. Instead he just kept his arm around the older lad as they walked.

"Mr. Payne! Didn't know we'd be seeing you tonight!"

"Hey Charlie, yeah just out with some mates," Liam said happily as he shook the worker's hand.

"Well I'm sure you guys will have fun, the place is packed."

"Great, thank you," he nodded back at him, gesturing for everyone to go inside.

"We don't have to pay?" Louis whispered to Harry.

Harry shook his head, his eyes scanning around the dim lit room for a table. "Perks of being mates with the head of entertainment. Basically get into everything for free."

Louis tried not to looked shocked, but it awesome that Harry could essentially go to anything on the boat for nothing.

"Alright boys, come on! Let's start the night off right!!" Niall cheered, shaking Zayn's shoulders and nearly diving into the first available booth.

Harry watched as all the boys got comfortable, Nate happily claiming Louis' lap and looking around the room in awe, clearly excited about singing later.

"I'm gonna go sign me and Nate up real quick, you have him."

"Yeah, I got him love," Louis grinned back at him. "But babe can I see your phone real quick? Mine died and I just gotta check something real quick."

"Sure," Harry shrugged, passing the older lad his phone before making his way towards the front to the sign up.

As soon as Harry walked away though Louis went to work, scrolling through his phone and trying to ignore his mates' curious eyes.

"Whatcha doing?" Liam asked, not sure why Louis was looking through his phone.

"He's got a plan, that's his thinking face," Zayn teased.

But Liam continued to just watch him, not so sure how he felt about this guy doing something on Harry's phone. And it was only a second later he was passing him Nate and making his own way up to the front of the room, seemingly signing himself up for karaoke.

"Alright buddy, you better get ready to sing cause we're one of the first people up there," Harry smiled at his son, expecting the loud squeal that came from him as he clapped his hands. "Louis must be signing himself up, it'll be fun to hear a pro."

And all Zayn and Niall did was hum, trying to stop their smiles as they had an idea as to what their best mate was up to. They didn't want to give anything away though, instead ordered drinks for the table and made sure to get Nate his own little glass of juice so he could feel like he was drinking with the boys.

"Alright, easy big guy, we can't have you getting tipsy on juice," Louis laughed to himself, taking away his third cup of juice.

"I drink like Niall!"

"Yeah! There we go buddy!" Niall high fived him across the table, him chugging one drink after the other and clearly the 3 year old wanted to keep up.

Harry rolled his eyes, not needing his son to be encouraged about drinking. "Niall, he's 3," he reminded him.

"Aw come on man, it's just juice."

"Niall," Louis said, raising his eyebrows at his best mate and getting a huff in return from him.

So he left it alone at that, instead turning his focus to the people who started getting up on stage for karaoke, it finally starting. And any song that came on that Nate knew he wasn't afraid to belt it out from his place on his daddy's lap, making all the men around the table laugh and in Liam's case videotaping his nephew.

It was clear he couldn't wait for his turn to go up there, every time someone's name getting called a small frown coming to him at not hearing his or his father's. But soon enough he heard it, his name followed by his daddy's, and he didn't waste a second before scrambling off his lap.

Harry almost felt the air leave his lungs as Nate not so gracefully got off him. But nevertheless he stood up from his seat as well, hoping to shake his nerves some so he didn't make a fool of himself on stage.

"Good luck handsome, you'll do great," Louis winked up at him, reaching for the younger lad before he could walk away.

And of course it was immediate Harry's cheeks were going a bit red, knowing the other guys around the table were watching them, but he just couldn't help himself as he bent down just enough to press their lips together.

Thus beginning the cheering and clapping coming from their mates, making Harry blush that much more.

It only encouraged Louis, reaching a hand around the back of Harry's neck and pulling him impossibly closer to him, not being shy at all as he kissed the younger lad. And he only let him go when he heard Nate whining and the 3 year old was tugging on his father to drag him to the stage with him.

"Sorry buddy," Harry said only a bit embarrassed as the toddler pulled him towards the front of the room.

"It's okay," Nate huffed. "I know you have feels for Lou, you gots to show it sometimes."

Just at hearing that Harry felt like a bit of a proud father, knowing that his son was exceptionally caring but even at just 3 years old he was more than considerate for other people's feelings.

"Alright big guy, we ready?" he asked, scooping Nate up onto the stage and getting him settled on his feet.

"Yes!!" Nate cheered, not wasting a second before grabbing the microphone his daddy was passing him.

Harry nodded back at him, offering the toddler a soft smile and trying to calm down as he saw all eyes in the room trained on them. But of course he allowed his gaze to solely focus on Louis', not sure if seeing the older lad smiling back at him was helping his nerves or making them worse.

He gripped at his microphone in his hand, trying to remind himself to breathe and not have a panic attack at what he was about to do. But then he heard the soft notes floating through the room, looking down and seeing Nate smiling so wide it must've hurt. And it was only a second later the 3 year old's little voice was heard over the speakers, him not being scared in the slightest at singing in front of all these people, and Harry truly wished he had as much courage as his toddler son. But soon enough he joined him, maybe not singing as loud as Nate and clearly much more shy than his son.

The year old was walking all over the stage, singing his little heart and pouring his soul into what he was singing, and all Harry could do was watch him with a small smile on his face. He was more than happy to let Nate be the star of the show, letting him have all the attention and joined in with his son every now and then, but he would be shocked if anyone actually heard him.

Louis was sending him thumbs ups, and the other guys at the table were smiling and videotaping Nate as he performed, and Harry was more or less just kind of standing there awkwardly. But at least by the end of the song he could see his son with a clear wide grin on his face, and in all honestly that's the only thing Harry wanted to see.

"Alright, thank you guys, that was great!" the DJ said as the two hopped off the stage. "Now up next we have two more guys coming up here, could I get Louis and Harry up on stage?"

Harry's head snapped up as he was halfway to the table, only for his eye to snap to Louis' and seeing the blinding smile on the older lad's face as he skipped up to him. "Are you insane?! I-I-"

"C'mon H, it'll be fun!" Louis said happily, snagging Harry's hand and pulling him back to the stage.

Harry opened and closed his mouth, having no clue how to get out of this, but clearly with Louis basically dragging him he couldn't. When him and Nate were up there he barely opened his mouth, but with Louis he knew he would be forced to sing, there would be no way around it.

"W-well how do you even know if I know the song or-"

"Don't worry about that love, trust me, you know it," Louis chuckled to himself, stepping up on stage and bringing Harry with him.

"I dunno Lou, I'm not at all that good and you're a professional and-"

"Hey, hey, come on," Louis said softly, cupping the younger lad's cheeks and offering him a small smile. "You're overthinking this love, it's just for fun, yeah?"

Harry bit his lip, Louis'

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