A/N Alrighty, this isn't edited because I wanted to get it out as soon as it was done, but I'll be sure to go through it later tonight when I'm free. Happy reading !
Louis jumped awake, a loud knocking echoing through the room and almost making him wince as he felt his throbbing head. But he sat up and slumped to the door anyway, wishing he could still be sleeping like Harry, and he doesn't know how the younger lad could still be snoring like a bore with all this noise going on.
When Louis opened the door though he was a bit surprised to see Liam there, but even past his foggy thoughts he somewhat remembered that the brown eyed man had Nate for the night and it was clearly morning.
"Oh uh, hey mate, I'm sorry, I can wake Harry and we'll take Na-"
"No, no, it's not about Nate, it's fine," Liam shook his head. "I'm sorry for waking you but I was hoping we could talk..."
Louis looked at him a bit confused but nodded anyway, about to get Harry so they could talk but Liam stopped him.
"Just you, leave H to sleep."
"Uhm... Yeah, sure," Louis said quietly, scratching the back of his neck nervously before taking a step further into the hallway and closing the door behind him.
They were just standing there for a second, Liam not saying anything and Louis was wondering what in the world he would want to talk to him privately about. If anything he was just trying to calm his nerves, this being Harry's best mate and clearly it was him Liam wanted to talk about.
"So uh, you and H seem to be getting really close and everything," Liam finally spoke up, shifting on his feet a bit uneasily as he met the older man's eye. "And I just... I wanted you to know he's not the kind of guy to just have a fling on a boat, he's looking for more than that."
Louis opened his mouth, wanting to say that of course he knew that, well he at least figured with Harry having a child.
"I guess... I uh, was wondering what your plan was when we get back to London," Liam said quietly. "And I'm sorry if it seems that I'm overstepping boundaries and it's a conversation for you and H, but he's my best mate and he's been through a lot... I just want to make sure he's falling for someone who won't break his heart."
"No, no, it's okay, I mean, I get it," Louis nodded at him. "But you know I've thought about it a lot and I understand that with Harry having Nate, well, it's a big deal, it's serious... But I wouldn't be doing everything I am now with them if I didn't want to be with him after the cruise."
And just at hearing that Liam didn't try to fight off the small smile that came over him, there being no denying that he was more than relieved to hear that.
"You know I was hoping you'd say that, could almost read it on your face whenever you're with them, but I wanted to make sure," he said, easily seeing Louis' cheeks going pink at that. "I just wanted to make sure, ya know? He's my best mate, gotta perform my duties properly."
"Of course," Louis chuckled to himself. "I was uh... W-well I was actually going to talk to Harry today about what we're doing and all that, I guess you beat me to the punch."
"Wait, were you really?!" Liam almost squealed. "Oh my God, that's fantastic!! And don't be nervous, I mean, he'll probably be quiet and a little scared at the idea, but seriously mate I think he's a bit crazy for you, wait, don't tell him I said that, but really." he said quickly, almost fumbling over his words.
And Louis just raised his eyebrows at Liam, trying to hold in a laugh at how excited he seemed, he only hoped Harry would feel the same.
"But I won't take up any more of your time, I'm sure you'd like to sleep off the hangover you probably have. I just wanted to have a quick chat."
"Yeah mate, of course," Louis smiled softly back at him, offering Liam his hand to shake. "If you have to get back to work though I'll take Nate really quick and bring him to my room, I'm sure Harry would love to wake up with him."
To say Liam was a bit surprised would be an understatement, but that didn't stop him from nodding back at the blue eyed lad as he dropped their hands and led him down the hall to Harry's room.
As soon as Liam opened the door to the room Louis walked right in, knowing exactly where to go to get the 3 year old, and he didn't waste a second before bending over his bed and as carefully as he could picking Nate up and pulling him into his chest.
"Lou Lou," Nate mumbled into the older man's neck, wrapping his arms around him and resting his head on his shoulder.
"Hey big guy," Louis whispered through a soft smile, rubbing his back and kissing his hair. "We're gonna go to my room because daddy is there okay? You can go back to sleep and when you wake up he'll be there."
And all Nate did was let out a tired yawn and hum, almost immediately falling back asleep in his arms.
Liam just watched the two, now understanding why Harry basically melts when he sees the two of them together. "I'll catch up with you boys later, can't wait to hear about that talk you're gonna have," he said as he followed Louis towards the door.
"Yeah, hopefully it goes well," Louis laughed a bit nervously. "Wish me luck mate."
"You don't need it," he said as soon as the older lad stepped into the hallway. "Really Louis, he likes you... A lot."
Louis just nodded back at him, trying to hide his smile into Nate's hair as he pulled him in just a bit closer.
He made his way back down the hall to his room, making sure not to jostle the 3 year old too much as he unlocked the door and shuffled into his room. And of course Harry was still snoring, now taking full advantage of him not being there and completely sprawling out on the bed.
"C'mere big guy, let's see if daddy will make some room for us," he whispered, trying his absolute hardest to gently nudge Harry closer to his side of the bed.
Luckily he was able to make just enough room for him and Nate to lay down without waking Harry. When he placed the 3 year old on the mattress though and then made himself comfortable he almost went still at feeling Nate reach for him and sleepily crawl onto his chest.
Louis just laid there still for a second, the toddler making himself completely comfortable on him, and if he was being honest he didn't know what to do as Nate wrapped an arm around his neck and fell asleep on his chest. He just looked down at the 3 year old, trying to think of what to do, if he should just let Nate sleep on him. But just at watching the toddler on him, seeing his slow deep breaths and how comfortable he seemed on him made a small smile come over Louis.
It was amazing to him how at ease Nate seemed with him, how he was was comfortable enough with him where he felt safe enough to sleep on him. So with that thought Louis wrapped a secure arm around the 3 year old, pulling him impossibly closer to his chest and rubbing his back as he kissed his hair and tried to fight the wide grin that threatened to come over him.
With Nate in his arms and Harry snoring next to him Louis wasn't sure if there was any better way to fall asleep.
And he wasn't sure how much longer it was when he woke up, but when he did it was to a camera going off and a lens pointing at him and Nate.
"What're you doing?" he whispered to Harry, not even trying to fight off his tired smile as he saw the younger lad standing over him.
But Harry didn't say anything, instead grinned back at Louis before kneeling down, bringing his camera back up to his face and taking one more picture of the two.
It was always moments like these he wanted to remember, the small things that could so easily be forgotten, the things that don't seem important but to Harry means the world.
So he didn't say anything but put his camera down on the bedside table and lean down until his lips met Louis, almost immediately feeling the older lad smiling against him and brushing his fingers through the back of his curls.
If Harry had it his way this would be his forever, waking up like this, with Nate and Louis. He just hoped the blue eyed lad felt the same.
Louis bounced on his heels as he waited for the door to open, knowing Harry was inside as he heard him talking and he also got a text from him not even ten minutes ago to come over so they could go to the beach. But here he was, knocking at the door for maybe the third time and still no answer.
"H? Babe can you open the door?"
And it was only a second later it swung open, Harry not even saying a hello before he turned on his heel and got back to his seemingly very serious conversation on the phone.
Louis was still for only a moment, biting his lip and taking a careful step into the room, looking around and seeing Nate pouting on the bed with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Hey buddy, you alright?" he asked as he made his way towards the toddler.
But Nate just shrugged, glancing over to his father who was pacing the room and paying no mind to anything else but who he was talking to.
"Are you upset? Is it about who daddy is talking to?" Louis asked softly, taking a seat on the bed and wrapping an arm around Nate.
"He promise..." Nate barely whispered.
Louis furrowed his eyebrows, having no clue what the 3 year old could possibly be talking about. But just as he looked up to see where Harry was he saw the younger lad come over to them, his phone still clutched in his hand.
"I'm sorry Lou, I'll be off soon," he whispered to him. "Buddy Sam says hi."
"I don't care," Nate mumbled, sinking further into the bed.
Harry just looked at him for a second, letting out a deep breath before sending one more apologetic look to Louis and getting back to his conversation.
And Louis didn't know what else to do besides pull Nate in closer to his side, having no clue who Sam was or why the 3 year old seemed so upset with Harry.
It may have been another 15 minutes when he was finally off the phone though, clearly more than stressed and annoyed at whatever they were talking about.
"Hey, you alright?" Louis asked carefully as he watched Harry throw himself into a chair and run a frustrated hand over his face.
"Uhm, yeah, yeah, m'fine," he mumbled. "Just have some unexpected work that needs to get done."
"Daddy no!!" Nate suddenly screamed, looking at his father furiously. "You promise!!"
"Buddy I know but-"
"No!" Nate yelled again, this time his lip quivering and seeming a second away from crying. "You promise this time no work, a-and you always break promise you say this time different!!"
Harry opened his mouth, wanting to say anything to calm Nate down but knew nothing he said would. "Big guy I know I did, but Sam-"
"Make him do it!" Nate said, this time tears running down his cheeks as he looked back at his father.
"He can't Nate, that's the problem, that's why I have to," Harry tried to explain to him. "I'll be done before dinner and-"
But Harry was cut off again, this time by his son letting out a loud cry and rolling himself off the bed, running to his room and slamming the door shut.
It was silent for a second, Louis just looking at Harry, seeing him completely stressed and hearing Nate's muffled cries from the other room.
"H is there anything I can do?" Louis asked softly, carefully getting up from the bed and heading over to the younger lad to rub his back.
Harry just hid his face in his hands, letting out a deep breath and trying his absolute hardest to calm down. "I'm sorry Lou, he just- he gets like that when work comes up, I-"
"Hey, hey, it's fine," Louis assured him. "I can still take him to the beach and into town, maybe grab some lunch and you can do your work, it's fine love," he said, pressing a gentle kiss to his hair.
"You sure? Because Lou I know-"
"I'm positive," Louis said, not wanting him to stress about this.
Harry looked at him for a second to make sure he was positive about this, but nodded anyway, knowing Nate would have a much better time with Louis at the beach than with him cooped up in the room.
"I really appreciate it Louis... And I promise to be with you guys for dinner... I just have this one client that wants me to do their editing and if I don't we won't get paid so..."
"I get it love, it's okay."
And Harry couldn't even say just how grateful he was to Louis, but he still worried for Nate. It was this exact thing he knew that he had to work on to be a better father, but it wasn't going to come overnight.
"I'll go get him ready to head out and you can start on work," Louis said, offering the younger lad a small smile before leaning down and gently connecting their lips.
He saw Harry nod back at him before he headed into the other room to check on Nate. And as soon as he walked into the bedroom he almost felt his heartbreak at seeing the 3 year old curled up in his blankets and crying into his pillow.
"Oh big guy, it's okay, it's alright," he said softly, rushing over to the toddler and wrapping his arms around him. "C'mon we can't have you crying on the beach, that won't be much fun."
"I-is daddy coming?"
Louis bit his lip, keeping his eyes on Nate as he let out a quiet breath. "No buddy, it's just gonna be me and you for a bit."
And if possible Nate only started crying more at hearing that, tucking his head into Louis' neck and holding onto him tightly.
"It's alright, you and I are still gonna have a great time, it's okay..."
But Nate just sniffled to himself, knowing Louis was fun to be around, he just wished his daddy would come with them.
"C'mere buddy, let's get ready for the beach," Louis said softly, kissing the toddler's head one more time before wrapping his arms around him and picking him up from the bed.
He knew where everything Nate needed was, making sure to pack a bag for him and triple check he had everything before getting him in his swimming trunks.
"We all set buddy?" Louis asked, offering the 3 year old a small smile and making sure he was all set.
Nate nodded and hummed, and Louis could see he was still a bit disappointed that Harry wasn't going with them. He was determined to make today fun for the toddler though, he hated seeing him so upset.
"Wanna say bye bye to daddy?" he asked, scooping Nate up as they made their way out of the bedroom.
But the 3 year old just looked at his father, seeing him sitting on the bed and seemingly very focused on whatever was on his computer.
"H..." Louis said, trying to get the younger lad's attention as he saw that he didn't even notice them back in the room.
"Huh?" Harry mumbled, never taking his eyes off his laptop.
"We're heading out," Louis said quietly, biting his lip as he watched Harry.
And it was only when he heard that did Harry look up, seeing Nate in Louis' arms and grinning softly at him. "Ready for a fun day?"
Nate nodded at his daddy, resting his head on Louis' shoulder and wrapping his arms around his neck.
"Okay well I-... I love you buddy, never forget that," Harry barely managed out as he kissed his son's head. "And thank you so much, I owe you," he whispered to Louis, making sure to give him a quick peck as well.
"It's no problem love. Just get your work done and you can join us later," he smiled back at the younger lad.
And Harry just nodded back at him, looking between the two and letting out a deep breath before saying one more goodbye and watching as the two left.
"You alright big guy?" Louis asked once they were in the hallway.
Nate shrugged, keeping his head on the older man's shoulder and hiding his face in his neck.
"C'mon Nate, it's alright," Louis said softly as he shifted the 3 year old on his hip and kissed his hair. "We'll still have a great day, just you and me and then later daddy will be with us."
"But he always do this," Nate barely whispered. "He always do work and that more portant."
Louis glanced down at him, trying his hardest not to see how broken the toddler looked. "You and I both know that nothing is more important to your father than you. You always come first buddy, but right now daddy just has to do a little work and that's it."
"That what he say but he no mean it!" Nate suddenly raised his voice. "He always takin picture and always on puter doing work! He say we go on trip and no work, but he lie!!"
"But Nate it's not always work," Louis tried to point out. "When we're out having fun daddy just likes to take pictures, it's not work. And when he's on the computer he's working on those pictures, trust me big guy, that's just what your father does for fun."
And all Nate did was huff, mumbling to himself as he heard the older man, but he still didn't like that his father did those things.
Louis could see he wasn't going very far with him either, knowing Harry would have to talk to him about this, that Nate wouldn't believe him, but maybe his father. He's sure Harry has talked to him about it too, that he tried to explain the situation to Nate, but maybe the 3 year old just didn't want to hear any of it.
But still, he wanted to try to distract Nate enough and make sure today was for him.
So the two made their way off the boat, passing Liam as they went along and waving to him. And Louis may have seen a flash of confusion on the brown eyed lad's face as he saw the two of them with no Harry, but he wasn't worrying about that right now, his focus was solely on Nate.
"Wow, look at that buddy, huh?" he asked, breathing in the fresh air, if possible this island seeming more beautiful than the last they've been to.
Nate picked his head up, squinting into the sun and just at seeing the beach and the large ocean in front of them he couldn't fight his smile. "Lou Lou what that?"
Louis looked to where Nate was pointing as he walked further onto the dock and tried to get past the sea of people to make it to the beach. "Looks like they're windsurfing buddy, maybe you and I could have a go at that, what do you think?"
"We can do that?!" Nate looked at him wide eyed.
"We can try," Louis chuckled to himself. "I'm sure there's somewhere we can get someone to take us out on one."
Just at hearing that Nate was almost squealing in the older man's arms, and Louis could easily say it was the best thing he heard all day. He was thinking maybe that could be one of the last things they do today, ending the afternoon on a great note and it also gave him time to look around and see if it was even possible to get on one of the boats.
"Alright big guy so we're gonna find us a little spot to put all our stuff and then the fun can begin," Louis said, looking all around and only feeling a bit nervous at all the people here.
He would be terrified if something happened to Nate, if he got lost or someone bumped into him. He didn't want to take the 3 year old out of his sight and it was as if within a second a wave nerves washed over him with all the things that could possibly go wrong running through his head.
"Spot there Lou! Go!" Nate urged, seeing an open area on the beach.
Louis didn't waste a second before taking off for the spot on the sand, making Nate giggle from his arms, but he wasn't going to let anyone get there before him.
"Aw yeah buddy, look at this," he said happily, getting to the small area and not wasting a second before setting their towels out. "Now just because daddy isn't here doesn't mean we're going
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