Chapter 4

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Harry hissed at the gel that was getting spread over his back, knowing for a fact the bottle said "soothing aloe" but if anything it was only putting him in more pain. "Ow! Shit!"

"Okay, okay, you're alright," Louis said softly, biting his lip and carefully rubbing the cool gel into the younger lad's skin. "I'm sorry love, I'm trying to be gentle but-"

"But I'm a fuckin lobster," Harry mumbled into his pillow, almost having to clutch the sheet under him at how much it hurt.

Louis let out a small breath, feeling awful at how bad Harry was burnt, but he did tell him to put on more sunscreen and clearly he was ignored. "How are your shoulders? They're already peeling a bit."

"It hurts," Harry groaned, that being the only thing on his mind besides the way Louis' hands ran down his back and sides.

"I'll find you some better sunscreen, make you feel better, alright?" Louis said as he finished rubbing Harry's back and leaned down to kiss his cheek.

Harry hummed at that, not even trying to stop the small smile that came over him at feeling Louis' lips on him.

Despite being burnt beyond belief they've had a great day so far. Louis joined him and Nate for breakfast before the three of them, Niall and Zayn went to the beach and spent their afternoon lazing around.

If Nate wasn't splashing in the ocean or building sand castles he was burying Louis in the sand and squealing every time he saw a sea shell. And Harry was so busy taking pictures he completely forgot about his hourly coating of sunscreen, even with Louis reminding him.

He couldn't help it though, seeing Nate so happy and him and Louis having so much fun, he wanted to remember all of this.

"You alright? You got that thinking face," Louis said quietly, laying down next to the green eyed lad and carefully pushing his fingers through the top of his curls.

"Yeah, m'good," Harry offered him a soft smile, actually more than good with Louis next to him. "Just thinking about today, Nate had so much fun and played so much he tired himself out, I'm almost grateful."

Louis laughed at that, the toddler falling asleep on him when they were walking back to the boat and didn't wake up even when they put him down. "You're not planning on taking a nap too are ya? Was hoping I could get you to myself for a bit," he said at seeing Harry's eyes start to droop shut.

"Well then it's you and me taking a nap, that counts doesn't it?" Harry tried to joke as he wrapped an arm around the older lad and pulled him into his side.

"I guess," Louis huffed dramatically. "Was kinda hoping we could do something other than nap."

At that Harry shoved his face in his pillow, not needing Louis to see his bright red face at what he was suggesting. And if that wasn't bad enough it was only a second later he felt a pair of lips press under his jaw and moving painfully slow down his neck.

It was no lie, after last night he was aching for a little something from the blue eyed lad. All day the most he got from Louis was a kiss on the cheek and his hand constantly in his own or on his thigh. Of course it's not like they could snog in front of Nate and Louis' mates, but watching the older man walking around without a shirt all day has been torturous, especially now that Harry knows exactly how his skin feels under his palm. How firm his stomach is, how strong his back and arms are, and not being able to touch him was killing Harry.

"We can really take a nap if you're tired though, I-"

Before Louis could even finish huffing out what he wanted to say though Harry stopped him. Cupping the older lad's cheeks and pulling him in for a hard kiss, the other man not wasting a second before he was smiling against him and running his fingers through the back of his curls.

And it was clear Louis was just as desperate to have this time to themselves, maybe more so than Harry was. He was kissing him so heavily and Harry was doing everything in his power not to shudder at the way they blue eyed lad's hand moved from his hip down to his backside until it reached the back of his inner thigh and squeezed tightly over the thin material of his swim trunks. And if Harry didn't moan against Louis' mouth then he definitely did when he felt himself getting pulled on top of the older man and settled against his chest.

"You okay?" Louis asked a bit breathlessly, just barely pulling away from the taller lad on top of him

"Yeah, I'm good," Harry said shakily, and just as he was about to dip his head to connect their lips again he heard a little voice.


Louis snapped his head up as he heard the toddler, only to smack his forehead against Harry's and making them both hiss.

"H-hey buddy," Harry stuttered out as he rubbed his head and rolled off the older lad, his eyes focusing on his confused looking son. "I didn't hear you get up from your nap, did you sleep okay?"

Nate hummed and nodded to himself as he sleepily shuffled towards the bed and climbed on it before sticking himself in between the two. "You and Lou take nap?"

"No just talked for a bit," Harry wrapped an arm around the 3 year old and kissed his head.

"Talk bout what?" Nate mumbled tiredly.

"You, what else is there to talk about?" Harry laughed quietly to himself, seeing Nate's cheeks go red and hearing him giggle.

"Well there was one thing we haven't talked about yet," Louis raised his eyebrows at him, only making Harry confused. "If you two have plans for dinner tonight."

Harry said a quiet "oh", glancing down to Nate as he realized he actually had to talk to the 3 year old about his plans. "Well Liam asked to go to dinner to talk about some stuff, and I was going to drop Nate off at that kids club so they can watch him."

Louis nodded to himself, figuring he couldn't keep the younger lad hostage the entire time they were on the boat. But when he looked to the 3 year old between them he saw him pouting a bit at not being able to go to dinner with his father.

"Uhm you know I uh, only if you and Nate are okay with it of course but I could watch him," he said a bit nervously.

Harry felt his jaw go slack as he locked his eyes on Louis, having no clue what to say at the offer just as Nate started squealing and nearly begging him to say it was okay.

He trusted Louis, of course he did, especially when it came to Nate. It was clear how much he cared about his son, and he loved how much fun they had together but there was something still nerve wracking about letting him watch the 3 year old alone.

"Daddy please, please, I be so good, I promise!" Nate nearly begged.

Harry let out a quiet breath as he glanced down to the toddler, and then looking back to Louis who's eyes were already set on him.

"H if you're not comfortable with it I get it," Louis said softly. "I-I just thought I would offer and-"

"No, no, it's uh, it's okay," Harry cleared his throat slightly. "Thank you for offering and if Nate wants to of course-"

"I do, yes!!" Nate cheered, climbing into Louis' lap and jumping on the older man.

And Louis couldn't help the grunt that came out of him as the 3 year old attacked him and refused to let him go, but even through the pain he couldn't help the smile that came over him. He was more than grateful Nate was so happy to spend some time with him, and he couldn't put into words how happy he was that Harry actually said it was okay.

"You don't have to worry H, I'll take him to dinner and maybe him and I can catch a show on the boat or something," Louis offered him a small smile, hoping to calm some of the younger lad's clear nerves.

Harry nodded back at him, trying not to internally freak out at leaving Nate with Louis for the night. He wasn't sure what had him so scared, maybe it was not being with his son all night, or maybe it was the fact that this would be the first time Nate and Louis would be completely alone and there was nothing more he wanted than for it to go well. Harry would hate for the 3 year old to have a tantrum and the older lad not knowing what to do or just get annoyed, but that was the worse case scenario, and with Louis being Louis he knew the two would have a good time tonight and definitely a sugar overload.

"I should probably shower so I don't smell like the ocean when I meet up with Liam," Harry mumbled to himself as he sat up from the bed. "Would mind just hanging with him for a minute? I'll be quick, promise."

"Don't worry, take your time," Louis grinned back at him as he watched the younger man gather a change of clothes. "When you come out though we're putting another coat of aloe on you."

"What? No," Harry said, trying his hardest not to seem like he was whining.

"You need it love!" Louis called after him as Harry sulked towards the bathroom.

And Harry didn't even try to stop the groan that came out of him, hoping if he stayed in the shower long enough Louis will forget all about rubbing the burning gel on him.


Louis flopped himself down on the bed, letting out a few deep breaths and trying his hardest not to fall asleep on the spot. "How are you not exhausted?"

"C'mon Lou!" Nate whined, tugging on the older man's hand. "Just one more time!"

Louis couldn't believe how much energy the 3 year old had, Harry definitely wasn't lying or kidding about that. The two of them went out to dinner, took a night swim at the pool and went down the water slide too many times to count before heading to one of the many shows on the boat. And Louis was more than relieved to see Nate so happy the entire time, the toddler clinging to him all night and practically sitting in his lap as they watched the performance in the concert hall. But now they were back in Harry's room, Louis all but shocked that Nate hasn't passed out yet but instead wanting to be thrown onto the bed and run absolutely everywhere, and he wasn't even given that much candy.

"One more time and then we're getting ready for bed mister," Louis breathed out as he rolled off the bed and scooped the 3 year old up. "Your father will have my head if he comes back and sees you awake."

Nate huffed but nodded at the same time, knowing his father would be furious if he knew he was up past his bedtime. At least he still got one good run around the room in Louis' arms and a toss onto the bed, leaving him surrounded in the fluffy blankets and in a fit of giggles.

"Alright you, pajama time," Louis said, getting the clothes Harry set out for Nate. "You change, I'm going to the loo real quick."

"Lou go to the loo," Nate laughed at his own joke, earning a fond eye roll from the blue eyed man as he went into the bathroom.

And as soon as the door was shut Louis ran a hand through his hair, almost feeling like he had to splash water on his face just to wake up and remind himself to breathe. As fun as the night has been it's also been exceptionally tiring. He doesn't understand how Harry does this on a daily basis by himself and now it just made Louis want to help out more than ever.

But just as he was about to do what he came to the bathroom for he heard a scream, followed by a loud thump and an even louder cry.

"Nate!" Louis yelled, his heart dropping into his stomach as he sprinted into Harry's room, only to find the toddler on the floor with his pajama pants halfway on and tears streaming down his face. "Buddy are you okay? You hit your head? What happened?"

He quickly checked the 3 year old over, making sure he had no cuts or scrapes and especially no bumps on his head. But Nate was basically balling into his shoulder and Louis felt helpless, he had no idea what happened that caused him to fall off the bed.

"It's okay, you're alright," he shushed him before kissing his head softly. "You just scared yourself a bit, that's all... You're not hurt, right?"

Nate sniffled to himself as he shook his head, wiping his snot covered nose on Louis' shirt. "N-no, I try to put my jamas on b-but my pants hard and I roll off bed."

Louis nodded, trying not to cringe at his now boogie coated shirt, but when he thought about it this is what parents go through on a daily basis. Nate was comfortable enough with him to rub his snot on him and cry into his shoulder, and Louis felt that like he should wear his booger covered shirt like a badge of honor, feeling like he was getting initiated into the parents club.

"I'll help you finish getting dressed, but you're okay big guy, yeah?" he whispered gently to Nate, rubbing his back and kissing one of his chubby cheeks.

Nate hiccupped one more time to himself but nodded anyway wrapping his arms around Louis' neck and resting his head on the older man's shoulder.

And despite what had just happened Louis found himself smiling at having the toddler in his arms. He loved being someone Nate could come to when he was upset, and even though he may not be the little boy's first choice, at least he was a choice at all.

"C'mon buddy, as much as I love hugging you I can tell you're getting a bit sleepy," Louis laughed to himself, giving Nate one more squeeze before setting him back on the bed and helping him finish changing.

It seemed as though as the minutes passed the 3 year old was growing more and more tired, clearly the day's events finally catching up with him. To say Louis was a bit relieved would be an understatement, and when he set Nate in his bed he was happy that there wasn't any protesting but instead him immediately cuddling into his blankets and reaching for an extra pillow to wrap his arms around.

"Goodnight big guy, have a good sleep and I'll see you tomorrow," Louis whispered to him, gently running his fingers through Nate's hair and kissing his head.

"Night Lou Lou," the toddler yawned back, offering him a sleepy smile before his eyes closed gently and deep breaths were escaping him.

And it was almost impressive how quickly he fell asleep, despite being as tired as Louis was he knew he could never possess a skill like that and he was definitely jealous of the little boy. But now he had the fun of staying up, anxiously waiting for Harry to come back and tell him all about his dinner with Liam and show the younger lad that he can watch his son.

In the meantime though Louis busied himself by playing on his phone and checking the texts from his agent, almost groaning at seeing that as soon as he got back to London there was a script waiting for him to look over. As much as he loved his job, and he really did, sometimes it got a bit tiring being in the studio. But that was also why he took this vacation with the boys, to get a little bit of a break from his hectic life as "the voice of Disney". It was nice to just be Louis Tomlinson, to be a normal 26 year old for once and not have to go to interviews about the latest movie he was working on or standing in front of blinding, flashing lights at a premier or award show.

But there would be something different when he got back home, something he can easily say he hasn't had in a long time, or maybe even ever if he really thought about it. Louis felt like he finally found someone he could share all of this with, that he didn't have to be alone anymore. He only hoped Harry felt the same, that when the boat docks in a week it won't be the last time they see each other, that when they go back to their lives in London it will still be Harry, Nate and Louis.

And maybe it was a bit bad of him to be so caught up in his thoughts about what would happen when they all return home, thinking about every possible outcome. Louis was so distracted though that he didn't even hear the room's door open, and maybe letting out a not so manly scream at the quiet "hey" he heard in the silent room.

"Jesus Harry," he clutched his chest, looking to the younger lad wide eyed, only to see him offering a crooked smile back. "How was Liam?"

"S'good," Harry nodded to himself, unable to wipe the grin off his face as he nearly threw himself on the bed next to Louis and rolled around a bit until he got comfortable.

Louis watched him for a second with raised eyebrows, trying his hardest not to laugh as Harry almost looked like a cat trying to find the perfect spot on the bed. "You drunk?"

Harry let out a deep breath as he flung an arm over the top of the blue eyed lad's lap and buried his head into his side. "Maybe a little," he whispered as if it was a secret between them.

And Louis couldn't help the laugh that escaped him, pulling him impossibly closer to his side and kissing the top of his curls. "You didn't have too much fun without me, now did you Styles?"

"Oh never, you're so much fun Lou," Harry slightly slurred, nuzzling his nose into the older man's shirt. "You and Nate have fun?"

"Well I tired him out, that's for sure," Louis scoffed as he ran a gentle hand down Harry's back. "But yeah we had a lot of fun, clearly not as much fun as you but," he trailed off and shrugged, trying to tease him a bit.

"He's sleeping now, you can get on my level," Harry joked back.

And oh the temptation was almost too much for Louis to pass up, just at the mere thought of having a few drinks after the exhausting night he's had, it sounded perfect. "You know what I might," he chuckled. "You okay if I grab a few drinks from my room?"

"I got some in the cooler, take your pick."

Louis raised his eyebrows at that, not needing to be told twice before scrambling over Harry and rushing towards the cooler, only to see it stocked with drinks. And to say he was more than surprised would be an understatement, but he understood with having Nate that the younger lad may want a drink or two once the toddler was in bed and Liam probably hooked him up with it.

So he grabbed a few beers before shuffling back over to the bed, crawling over Harry and hovered over him just for a quick second to peck his lips and laying down next to him.

Harry hummed to himself, a smile coming over him as he practically engulfed Louis and clung to him like a koala. "I like you."

"Well I like you too," Louis laughed to himself as he sipped at his beer and wrapped an arm around the green eyed lad. "You're cute when you're drunk, you know that?"

"M'not drunk, just tipsy," Harry huffed. "Trust me when I'm drunk you're dealing with a whole other beast."

"Oh yeah?" Louis asked, not even trying to hide his smirk. "And what kind of beast are you?"

Harry opened his mouth, realizing he probably shouldn't have said that. "Well... You know..."

"Hm, don't think I do. Mind explaining it to me love?"

And Harry was left kind of laying there, not wanting to explain it at all. "You should just drink, come on."

Louis rolled his eyes fondly but did as he was told, taking a few large gulps of his beer and trying not to choke on it as he saw Harry smiling happily at him. "Didn't really take you for a drinker."

"Eh, I'm not really, maybe a drink or two a night and on a very very rare occasion I'll go out with Liam," Harry shrugged.

Louis hummed and nodded, understanding that with him having a 3 year old. "Well there's a deck party tomorrow night and Zayn and Niall are going, and they asked me to go but I wasn't sure... Would you uh, would you maybe want to go with me?"

Harry thought about it for a second, the only thing really to think about was who could watch Nate. "If Liam is free to watch Nate of course I'd want to go with you."

"Great," Louis smiled back at him before finishing off his beer and reaching for another one. "And you know if at any point you want just some you

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