"I need you guys on your best behavior. That means no swearing, keeping the inappropriate jokes to a minimum and please for the love of God don't embarrass me," Louis almost begged, knowing his best mates had an act for making him look like an idiot.
"It's not our fault you're so easy to tease Tomlinson, especially with how you've been talking about these two since we met them," Niall smirked at the older lad.
Louis couldn't even try to defend himself as he just glared back at Niall and then Zayn at hearing the brown eyed lad snicker.
"But don't worry mate, we'll be good so you can charm your way into their little family."
"Would you stop?" Louis groaned as they got out of the lift and made their way to the pool deck. "It's not like I'm trying to infiltrate their family, I just want to get to know them a bit more, and you do that by hanging out."
"And asking them out on dates," Zayn wiggled his eyebrows at the shorter lad.
And again Louis was left speechless. He couldn't deny that at all, he had asked if Harry and Nate would like to come to dinner with him, and there was no lying that he was hoping that after tonight things could move in the direction he wanted them to, that was if Harry wanted that too of course.
"It's cute Lou, don't worry about it," Niall clapped him on the back. "Let's just hope he's into you as much as you're into him."
"Gee, thanks Ni, real helpful," Louis rolled his eyes as they got to the deck, looking all around and searching for the curly haired lad.
Niall shrugged, not thinking he said anything completely ridiculous or untrue.
"Oh God, there they are," Louis breathed out, finding the two Styles across the deck by the pool. "Alright, please don't do or say anything stup-"
"Nate! My man! How are ya buddy?" Niall asked excitedly as they walked up to the two.
"Hi!" Nate waved happily, almost jumping where he was as he saw the three men. "Daddy say we gon- we gonna swim and when boat stop we go on adventure on island!!"
"Your daddy has the right idea," Zayn laughed fondly to himself at hearing the toddler stumble over his words.
Louis looked between his two mates and he couldn't say how grateful he was to them for being so nice. Of course he knew they would be nice to Harry and Nate, they love kids as much as he does, but he only hoped that when it came to him and Harry they wouldn't say anything embarrassing.
And when he looked to the curly haired lad he could see his eyes already on him, his cheeks almost immediately going pink at being caught staring, but if anything that only made Louis' own smile grow.
"Hey," he said softly, reaching a careful hand over and rubbing Harry's back gently.
Just at feeling his hand on him Harry felt his face heating up impossibly more, having to clear his throat so his voice wouldn't crack as he said a quiet "hi," in return.
"Hey Harry, how've ya been mate?" Niall asked as the 3 year old kept tugging on his hand, clearly wanting to skip the chatter and get straight to swimming.
"I'm uh, I'm really good thanks for asking, but Nate, buddy, c'mon, stop that," Harry said, not wanting his son to bother the blonde lad.
"Oh he's alright, just excited," Niall smiled down at the toddler before scooping him up. "You ready to jump in big guy?"
"Yes!!" Nate cheered.
And just as Niall was about to walk off with him towards the pool Louis stopped him.
"Wait, he needs sunscreen."
The Irish lad raised his eyebrows at that before glancing over to Harry and seeing him trying to bite back a laugh.
"Already put a coat on him, you can take him Niall," Harry said, looking to Louis and trying not to make a big deal of how cute the older lad was being all protective.
And Niall didn't do anything else but smirk at Louis quickly before shifting Nate on his hip and heading to the pool.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna go with them," Zayn said, wanting to leave the two for a bit as he tugged off his shirt and joined Nate and Niall.
Both Harry and Louis watched as he walked away, seeing him jump in the pool right where Niall was swimming around with Nate and hearing the 3 year old squeal and giggle at getting splashed by the water. And even if Harry wanted to he doesn't think he would've been able to stop the wide smile that spread across his face at seeing his little boy so happy.
"You get a coat on as well? We can't have ya burning anymore than you already are," Louis slightly teased as he pulled off his shirt and tossed it on the chair with Harry's bags.
"It'll turn into a tan," Harry rolled his eyes playfully, but as he said that he glanced over to Louis and almost immediately freezing at the sight of him.
Yesterday the older lad may have spent ninety percent of the day with his shirt off, and yet Harry was still in awe of his body. His perfectly tanned skin, perfectly chiseled pecs with the tiniest bit of hair between them, his stomach that just barely went over the band of his shorts but was so clearly firm if he were to touch it. And then there was his arms, every time he flexed Harry could see just how muscular he was, just imagining feeling his thick biceps wrapped around him or his strong hands-
"H, hello?" Louis laughed, waving a hand in front of the younger lad's face and clearly taking him out of some kind of trance. "Come on love, let's get you out of this and put some sunscreen on."
And Harry still found it impossible to move as he felt Louis tugging at the hem of his shirt, but that wasn't the only thing making him stop in his tracks. Love... He called him love and at a quick glance he could see how sincere and softly the blue eyed lad was looking at him, and just at that Harry wanted to melt.
But instead of standing there like a complete idiot he just pulled his shirt off and reached for the sunscreen. He poured a bit onto his hand and was about to toss the bottle aside before Louis stopped him and put his own palm out, silently requesting some.
And Harry didn't think anything of it, so he squeezed a bit for the older lad as well, only for Louis to walk behind him and just like yesterday start rubbing the cream into his back.
He was a bit proud of himself for not jumping like the first time, but instead felt himself immediately relax at the other man's gentle touch.
"So uh... For dinner tonight would you want to eat somewhere on the boat, or we can find a place on the island?" Louis said as he pressed his fingers into Harry's lower back. "I looked at a few restaurants Antigua has and a few looked good, but I wanted to ask."
"You did research?" Harry glanced over his shoulder, trying to fend off his smile as he saw Louis' cheeks going red.
"Well I wanted to go somewhere that was at least decent," Louis laughed off. "Wouldn't be a very good date if the food sucked."
It was that that made Harry go tense, refusing to move a muscle as his jaw fell slack and his breath go short.
"D-date?" he could barely manage out, not even daring to chance a look at Louis behind him as he felt the older lad's hands go still on him.
And Louis was stuck himself, mentally cursing himself and trying to think of anything to say so he wouldn't freak Harry out already more than he has. But he already slipped up, and since he jumped in with both feet he figured this was it, sink or swim.
"Y-yeah, you know, I just- I really like you and Nate, he's so sweet, I thought it would be nice and kind of fun to go out," Louis said through a deep breath, his heart pounding faster and faster as the seconds passed without Harry saying anything.
But the thing was that Harry was at a complete loss for words. Not only did Louis like him and ask him on a date, but he liked Nate enough and cared enough to ask him on their date as well, and that was just something Harry had a hard time believing to be true.
"Harry..." Louis barely whispered, carefully stepping in front of the younger lad and seeing his gaze focused to the ground. "Shit, I'm sorry, I-I mean I get it if you don't want to-"
"No, no," Harry said quietly as he quickly shook his head and bit his lip nervously, just barely looking up enough to see Louis through his eyelashes. "It's just... No one's ever cared about Nate like that or thought to include him, to get to know him like you... It means more than you know."
At that Louis let out a relieved breath, a small smile coming over him as he saw that he didn't completely ruin everything. "So is it still a yes then?"
Harry was trying not to get stuck in his thoughts, try not to be in awe of the older lad that he actually wanted to go on a date with not only him, but his son too. And before he could scare Louis again by not giving him an answer he found it in himself to nod back and grin softly at the older lad, only to see him light up a second later.
"Great, fantastic even," Louis said happily.
And Harry was doing everything in his power not to show just how excited he was, not wanting to make a fool of himself at just the idea of going on a date with Louis.
"So what do you think love? Have enough sunscreen on to last an hour and maybe go swimming?"
"Hopefully," Harry laughed quietly to himself, already feeling the sun attacking him.
Louis just smiled back at him, reaching for the curly haired lad's hand carefully and tugging him towards the pool.
Harry was sure Louis had to drag him all the way there, because just at feeling the smaller man's hand in his own he went still. But then of course if that wasn't bad enough Zayn looked over at them as they made their way over to pool and not so subtly smirked at them, only making Harry's cheeks go bright red as he saw their hands together.
It was at the same time though that Louis let go of him, only to jump into the water with a huge splash and make Nate laugh and squeal in Niall's arms as he got soaked.
And Harry couldn't help the soft smile that came over him just at hearing his son, seeing how happy he was at swimming around with the three lads. But it was when Niall tossed Nate in the water, only for Louis to catch him and make the 3 year old burst into laughter did Harry still, just watching the two for a second as they swam around together.
Nate climbing on Louis' back, wrapping his arms around his neck and yelling "Lou Lou swim faster!" or "Louis do the Stitch voice!", only for the blue eyed lad to counter back that Stitch doesn't like the water. But of course Nate screamed an excited "exactly!", just so he could see the older man pretend to freak out while he was swimming and doing the famous voice.
And Harry can't remember the last time he heard his son laugh so hard at watching Louis. Even Zayn and Niall couldn't help themselves as they watched their mate entertain the toddler despite multiple onlookers watching them like they were crazy. But Harry loved every second of it, just seeing Nate so happy and playing with Louis in the water, and maybe taking more than enough pictures so he could capture and remember this moment.
"Daddy come on!" Nate groaned, making Louis help him swim to the side of the pool so he could talk to his father. "Come swim! Lou Lou gon be Tigger!"
"You got him being Stitch and now Tigger? Give him a break big guy," Harry chuckled to himself, reluctantly putting his camera away before walking back over to the edge of the pool, taking a seat and letting his legs dangle in the water.
"Oh I don't mind," Louis said as he smiled at Nate and shifted him on his hip. "You gonna come in?"
"Yeah, just gonna warm up to it," Harry breathed out.
"No daddy, you jump in," Nate shook his head as he made grabby hands for his father.
Harry bit his lip, not wanting to just jump, knowing it'll be freezing but he reached for his son anyway, more than ready to pull him onto his lap. But just as he was about to grab Nate from Louis he felt a strong arm wrap around his waist, tug him forward and successfully making him splash into the water.
Nate was a laughing mess in Louis' arms, hiding his face in the older man's neck as he saw his father's shocked face.
"Oh I am so getting you back for that," Harry shivered, but still unable to stop the small laugh that came out of him as he saw Louis snickering to himself.
"Getting aggressive there Styles, I like it," Louis smirked and winked back at him.
Harry's eyes immediately went wide, his face going red hot and feeling his heart almost stop at how Louis was looking at him. And luckily Nate wasn't even phased by it and he was beyond grateful for that, but he knew he would be shaken up for a little bit if the older lad kept looking at him the way he was.
"Come on boys, enough flirting, more swimming!" Niall said, splashing the two out of their own little world.
If possible Harry only felt his face get hotter, only to see Louis roll his eyes, clearly wanting to curse his mate out but kept himself together because of Nate. But neither of them had to be told twice, even the toddler whining and begging to keep swimming, so that's exactly what they did.
Nate clinging to anyone who would hold him, playing tag with his daddy and the three other men, having jumping contests and seeing who could make the biggest splash.
And it was crazy to Harry, to see his son so happy with people they just met, to see him having so much fun. But the one thing he couldn't ignore was that Louis was willing to do absolutely anything just to see Nate smile and laugh. He was caring, loving, and too sweet for his own good. And Harry had a date with this man, and he couldn't wait.
"Nathaniel! Big guy come on!" Harry groaned as he heard his giggling toddler and saw him running all over the room without clothes on. "We gotta get ready for dinner with Louis!"
"But daddy we just see Lou," Nate breathlessly said as he came up to his father.
"I know but he asked us to go to dinner, don't you think that's nice?" Harry offered him a small smile as he started to get the 3 year old dressed.
Nate hummed happily as he nodded to himself, loving it whenever they spent time with the older man.
"Buddy can I-... Well, can I ask you something?" Harry said quietly as he looked at his son nervously.
"Sure," Nate shrugged just before his daddy pulled his shirt over his head.
Harry bit his lip, trying to think of what exactly he wanted to say, he's never had a talk like this with Nate and he didn't want to say something wrong. "W-well uhm... What do you think about Louis?"
"He nice and funny!" Nate giggled to himself.
"Yeah, he is pretty funny, isn't he?" Harry smiled at him. "But you like him, yeah?"
Nate looked at his daddy like that was the dumbest question ever before nodding and humming happily back at him.
Harry let out a deep breath at that, figuring Nate would yes, but he wanted to be sure. "Well I just wanted to ask because uhm... Y-you see Louis asked us to dinner, it's something called a date because he likes spending time with us and wants to get to know us a bit more," he tried to explain as easily as possible.
Nate thought about that for a second, it seeming to make sense and any time spent with Louis was a fun time. "So we go on date with Lou?"
"Yeah, if you're okay with that," Harry said nervously.
"Sure," Nate shrugged, it not seeming like a big deal at all.
Harry just looked at his son for a second, still feeling like he had to explain the whole situation a little bit. "Buddy do you... Well do you remember when your mum and I were still together a-and-"
"Daddy..." Nate cut his father off quietly, carefully reaching for him and climbing onto his lap.
"It's okay, I'm not sad, I just want you to understand something," Harry said softly, knowing that whenever he talked about Nate's mum he more often than not thought back to memories he wished he could forget, and his son knew that. "But do you remember when sometimes we would hold hands or kiss because you know, we were a couple?"
Nate nodded slowly, resting his head against his daddy's shoulder as he felt him hug him and kiss his hair.
"I'm just asking because I wanted to know what you thought if... Well, ask if you were okay if maybe I did those things with Louis?" Harry said nervously, hoping and praying Nate would understand what he was trying to say.
"You and Louis couple?" Nate asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"No, not quite, but that's why we're going on this date," Harry said, trying really hard not to confuse him. "People who have feelings for each other go on dates, and after a few dates sometimes they become a couple."
"So... You and Lou have feelings?"
"Yeah, we have feelings for each other," he said, that being the first time he really said it out loud, and to his son no less. "Are you okay with that?"
Nate was quiet for a second, just looking up at his father and wrapping his arms around his neck. "If he make you happy daddy."
Harry was at a loss for words as he heard Nate, hugging him close to his chest and kissing him anywhere he could. "Big guy you know what makes me happy?" he asked, his eyes focusing on his son and smiling softly at him as he saw Nate look back at him confused. "You do."
And just at that Nate lit up, almost squeezing the life out of his daddy as he smiled widely into his neck. "Make me happy daddy," he mumbled against him, giving him one more hug and kiss before scampering off his lap. "Come on! We get ready for date!!"
Harry couldn't help the laugh that escaped him as he felt the 3 year old tugging on his hand, urging him to get up and get going. And he didn't have to be told twice, pushing himself off the bed and starting the long and grueling process of figuring out what to wear.
Nate perked his head up at hearing a knock at the door, screaming to his daddy that someone was here before rushing towards the door and swinging it open. "Lou!" he squealed, nearly bounding for the older man and wrapping his arms around him.
"Hey big guy, excited for tonight?" Louis asked breathlessly as he scooped the toddler up and walked into the room.
"Yes!" Nate jumped excitedly. "You look pretty for date Lou."
"Oh, well thank you buddy," Louis said, feeling his cheeks heat up just a bit from that, but hopefully Harry thought he looked as good as the toddler did. "Your daddy told you this was a date?"
Nate hummed and nodded to himself as he adjusted his arms around the older man's neck. "He say you have feelings."
"Have feelings?" Louis asked with furrowed eyebrows, trying to understand what that meant in 3 year old language. "Feelings... Like, feelings for each other?"
"Yeah," Nate scoffed, thinking that was obvious.
At that Louis felt his jaw go slack, not only hearing that Harry had feelings for him as well, but that he had clearly talked to Nate about him, about them. Of course he figured the younger lad at least liked him a little bit to agree to go out with him tonight, but to know that he liked him enough to have a serious talk with Nate gave him a clue as to just how much.
"Hey I-... I-I didn't know you were here."
Louis snapped his head up, seeing a frazzled looking Harry come into the room. "I'm sorry, I knocked and Nate answered the door, hope that's okay," he said a bit nervously.
"Uhm, yeah, yeah, it's fine, no worries," Harry said, it being clear Louis thought he did something wrong.
And Louis just smiled and nodded back at him before gently placing Nate down and letting his eyes scan over the younger lad, almost feeling himself stop breathing just at the sight of him.
"W-well you uh, you look
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