A/N Alright I'm a liar, this isn't the last chapter. I started writing it, got too long and had to cut it down, but you'll get one more out of me after this ! Very excited for the last bit of this journey !
2 Months Later
Harry squeezed Nate's hand as the toddler skipped down the hallway, unable to stop his smile as he heard his boy's nonstop chatter. He's been excited since he picked him up from daycare, but Harry got it. This was one of Nate's favorite places and he was always guaranteed a good time when they visited.
It took them no time at all to find the studio, Nate almost squealing as he saw the familiar door and took off for it.
Harry was quick to stop him though, scooping him up and shushing him gently before he carefully pushed the door open.
His eyes quickly set on Louis in the booth in the middle of recording. He made sure to look down at Nate and put a finger over his mouth, the 3 year old grinning as he mimicked him and nodded.
Harry made sure not to move a muscle or make a sound, only picking his head back up to watch his boyfriend. His one hand was firm over his headphones as Circle of Life blasted through the speakers and Louis' voice was coming out loud and clear.
This was his favorite part of coming to the studio. For Nate it was the buttons and hearing Louis do all of his funny voices. But for Harry what he loved most was coming in on the days where Louis was recording songs. He loved hearing him sing and watching him become completely engrossed in what he was doing.
The entire song his eyes were set on him, and he knew Nate was probably doing the same thing. And for Harry it was over far too soon, but as soon as Louis finished the song and Nate saw the recording light go off he was quick to speak up.
"Papa that sound so good! Oh my gosh!" he squealed as he bounced in his dad's arms.
Niall jumped in his seat, clutching his chest as he spun around and saw the two Styles, "geez guys," he huffed.
Louis wasn't nearly as startled though, quickly waving at the two from behind the glass and pulling his headphones off. As soon as he was out of the booth Nate made grabby hands for him and he was more than quick to take him into his arms and give him a sloppy kiss.
"Gave Niall a little scare, huh big guy?" Louis laughed, his mate still looking like he was trying to breathe.
"I no mean to," Nate shook his head, "but you singing pretty, I like it!"
"Well thank you love," Louis smiled at him, giving him one more squeeze, "and hello other love," he chuckled, standing on his toes and pressing his lips to Harry's.
Harry grinned against him and not so purposefully squished Nate between them. But at least he got a few kisses before the toddler was whining.
"Busy day?"
"Very," Louis breathed out, "I've only run that song about 10 times, but earlier I was doing a few scenes with John and it was a ton of fun."
"Mate John Kani is a fucking legend he-"
"Niall!" both Harry and Louis hissed at the same time.
Niall looked over to Nate, the 3 year old not so subtly scowling at him, "right, sorry..."
Louis rolled his eyes as he adjusted Nate on his hip, "we don't have that much more though. Just rehearsing I Just Can't Wait to be King for a bit and then I'm done."
"Papa I wanna do the Phil voice! I watch Hercules and I like him!" Nate bounced in his arms.
Louis opened his mouth but just as he was about to say something Harry beat him to it.
"Love papa is still working," Harry said, telling him in the car that today wasn't a day they could play at the studio, "we can watch him, and you can sit with Niall, but we gotta be good."
Louis looked at him almost gratefully, the younger lad knowing when it came to Nate he almost never says no.
Nate huffed but nodded anyway, knowing he could get his papa to do it for him later at home, "I help Niall, down please."
Louis laughed to himself as the toddler squirmed out of his arms and immediately ran to Niall.
The Irish lad was quick to pull him into his lap and spin them towards the sound board, Nate's smile unmissable as he was surrounded by buttons.
And Harry couldn't help his own grin as he watched the two, knowing his boy would be on Niall's lap the entire time Louis was recording. But then he felt his boyfriend's arms snake around him, and it took no time at all before pulling him into his chest and nuzzling his nose into his hair.
"Good day at work?" Louis mumbled into his shoulder.
"Great day at work."
"Oh?" Louis raised his eyebrows as he looked up at him, "and what made it so great?"
Harry was trying his absolute hardest to keep calm and collected, but obviously he wasn't doing such a good job by how Louis was looking at him. "Can I- well can I take you and Nate out to dinner? I just have some news I wanna tell you guys."
"Yeah, of course," Louis said, "is everything okay?"
"Great, everything is more than great," Harry said, not needing him to worry at all, "I just wanna take you guys out, and I'm paying, no protests."
Louis pursed his lips, but as soon as Harry pulled his serious face he huffed, "fine... Thank you for taking us out," he smiled up at him, "I can't wait to hear about your news."
"It's awesome, like amazing and I swear, I can't believe I-" Harry stopped himself as he saw Louis raising his eyebrows at him, knowing if he didn't shut his mouth now he would just spill everything.
"Wait till dinner love," Louis winked at him, "lemme get back to work though. The sooner I'm done, the sooner we can go out."
Harry smiled and nodded quickly at him. Almost bouncing so much Louis nearly missed his mouth when he tried to kiss him before he went back into the recording booth.
As soon as he was behind the glass Nate reached for the microphone and told Louis to put his headphones on, wanting to record a song. And Louis didn't do anything but laugh to himself and give a thumbs before doing what he was told.
"Alright mate let's just go through it two ir three times to get a feel I think we'll be good for the day," Niall said into his microphone before getting everything situated on his end.
Louis nodded back at him before taking a swig of water. He had to try his hardest not to laugh as Nate did the countdown to the start of the song, but as soon as the music was ringing in his ears he gained his composure.
The entire time he rehearsed he could feel Harry's eyes on him, and of course every time green met blue the younger lad was smiling brightly at him. He could see Nate on Niall's lap and Louis was sure he could see the 3 year old mouthing the words. Even though he ran through it a couple times he could see Nate singing along every time.
Luckily it only took a couple takes before Niall said he was happy with what they've gotten done today. And Louis didn't need to hear anymore before he basically skipped out of the booth.
"Did you wanna go now H?" he asked as he gathered up his things.
"We can if you want, or we can head home and relax for a little."
"Nah, I wanna go now, I wanna hear this news," Louis wiggled his eyebrows at him, more than excited for what he had to tell them.
Harry grinned and nodded back at him, secretly grateful Louis wanted to go now because he was sure he was a second away from bursting. So he quickly got his and Nate's coats on before his hand found Louis' and they headed out to their cars.
They hopped into Harry's, him saying he could take Louis into work tomorrow before he dropped Nate off at daycare. And before they knew it they were on the road. Nate chatted away happily in the backseat, all about how fun being in the studio was. But the two up front kept stealing glances at each other, Harry unable to stop his smile and Louis looking at him more and more curiously.
Luckily they weren't too far from where Harry wanted to go and in no time were parking the car.
Louis was quick to hop out and grab Nate, the anticipation killing him. Very clearly his boyfriend was excited about his news since he was basically skipping towards the door.
Once they got inside it didn't take them long at all to get a table and as soon as Nate was situated in his seat Louis' eyes were on Harry.
"Why you guys being so weird?" Nate asked, looking between the two.
"Your dad has news," Louis said happily, "so Harry can you-"
"Yes!" Harry said quickly, shuffling in seat nervously and letting out a deep breath, "so- oh God, okay, uhm- I-I don't know where to start," he stuttered out.
"How about from the beginning," Louis chuckled at him as he reached for his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Right, yeah," Harry nodded at him, "Okay so I uhm- well there's this exhibit happening in the city and I thought for fun I might uhm, well that I might submit a few pieces and they-... Well they accepted me and even asked for more of my work so it can be the main showcase at the exhibit."
Louis' jaw was slack as he heard him, his eyes crinkling as soon as Harry was done and bounding from his seat to crush him in a hug.
"Harry holy shit, that's amazing!!" he nearly screamed into his neck, "oh my God, just when is it, and do you have any more photos or edits you need to do, and what's the exhibit about? I-"
"Louis," Harry laughed, needing to stop him, "I'll tell you everything, I promise, just breathe for a second," he teased him, his boyfriend going almost purple in the face from talking so fast.
"I'm just... I'm so happy for you," he managed out, trying to somewhat catch his breath.
"Daddy what that mean? What happening?" Nate huffed.
"Love daddy is gonna have his pictures hanging and lots of people are gonna come to see them! He's gonna be famous!"
"Lou," Harry said bashfully, "I'm not famous."
"Not yet," Louis winked at him.
Harry rolled his eyes, even if he thought his boyfriend was being beyond ridiculous he couldn't fight his growing smile.
"Obviously you two are coming of course, but it'll be in a month and luckily everything I'm giving them is work that's already done," he said happily.
"You have everything done already? Really?" Louis asked surprised, and when Harry nodded he couldn't believe he already had enough material. "What pictures are you using?"
Harry bit his lip, trying desperately to hide his dimples but couldn't, "every picture is uhm... Well it's of you and Nate," he said quietly, stealing a quick glance at his boyfriend, "it's a timeline of when you guys first met till now."
"What?" Louis barely whispered.
Harry couldn't take his eyes off him, his boyfriend looking like he was at a complete loss for words, "this exhibit, it just... I saw it and it made me think of you and I didn't have anything to lose, but they... They love everything."
"What's the exhibit?" Louis asked, now growing more curious.
He let out a sheepish laugh, knowing his face was going pink, but he finally managed to look up when he felt Louis squeezing his hand. "It's called 'The Family Man'."
Louis was still in his seat, his eyes unable to break from Harry's as he felt his breath fall short, "Harry..."
Harry smiled back at him, leaning over the table and capturing his lips, at least that breaking him out of his small daze. "I can't wait for you to see it."
Louis wrapped his arms around his neck and nearly pulled him out of his chair as he tried to hug him. He was doing everything in his power not to cry but he knew when the day came to see the exhibit he'd be a sobbing mess.
It may not have helped that when they explained to Nate what was fully happening he was cheering in his seat at being able to see all of their first pictures together. Just at the memories Louis was sniffling to himself and he was too quick to grab Nate and squeeze him even harder than he did Harry. The 3 year old was just as fast to hug him back though and for the rest of dinner go on and on about all their past adventures.
Harry let out a deep breath as he picked up the covers and slid into bed. Next to him Louis didn't waste a second before putting his glasses and book off to the side to cuddle into him.
"You okay?"
"Yeah," Harry breathed out as he felt Louis mumble against him, "Just tired... I know I'm being too anal about my pieces for the exhibit, but I just want them to be perfect."
Louis nuzzled impossibly closer into his neck as he tangled their legs and gave him a small squeeze. "And they will be love, all your hard work will pay off."
"2 weeks away," he said quietly, his nerves only picking up as the days went on, "I hate asking because I know you set a schedule with the studio, but is it maybe possible-"
"Already talked to them about it love," Louis picked his head up to smile softly at him, "I can get Nate from daycare and we'll be at home waiting for you till you get everything done."
Harry almost wanted to groan as he heard that, "see this is why I keep you around," he said before connecting their lips, only for Louis to laugh against him.
He didn't pull away though, if anything shifted himself so he could fully lay against the younger lad. Louis could honestly say this was his favorite part of the day. When both he and Harry got into bed and could just relax with one another. And more often than not their lazy snog sessions would turn into something just a little bit more. Tonight seemed to be well on it's way to be one of those nights before Louis heard the door open and he had to scurry off his boyfriend.
"Nate," Harry said breathlessly as he adjusted himself under the covers, "buddy what're you doing up?"
"No sleep," Nate mumbled as he tiredly shuffled towards their bed.
"Love no, c'mon," Harry said as he swung his legs over the mattress, "you know you gotta stay in your bed after you get put down."
"But I no sleep," Nate groaned.
Harry rubbed a hand over his face, not even needing to think before he scooped his boy up.
And he could already hear the crying, Nate too easily breaking into tears as he wrapped his arms around his neck.
Harry didn't do anything but kiss his head and rub his back as he carried him off to his room, knowing for a fact Nate was exhausted. His ears were ringing with how much he was screaming but at least he wasn't kicking and trying to get out of his arms, those were the absolute worst nights.
He was quick to get Nate back into bed and tuck him in. Harry made a point of showing how good of a girl Princess was, sleeping in her bed in the corner of the room and he tried to get it into the toddler's head that maybe he should try to be good like Princess.
Nate was still crying and rolling around in his sheets, so Harry stayed until he calmed down enough where just hiccups were escaping him.
"I love you buddy, try to get some sleep," he whispered, and with a final kiss made his way out of the room.
He shuffled down to his and Lous' room, and as soon as the door was closed behind him he let out a deep breath.
"Think he'll stay in bed?" Louis asked as he lifted the covers for the younger lad.
"I hope," Harry mumbled, "I really can't have one of those nights tonight."
Louis looked back at him sympathetically as he got settled into bed, "did you wanna go to sleep, or...?"
Harry side glanced at him as a slow smile crept over him, not needing to think too hard about what he was really asking. "Or do I wanna...?" he teased, unable to help his laughter.
Louis bit his lip as he felt his cheeks heating up, only finding it in himself to shrug.
"My man, the smooth talker," he joked further, trying to tug him into his chest.
"Would you leave me alone," Louis groaned as he playfully shoved Harry's arms off him.
Harry only held on to him tighter though, not being shy at all as he got his arms under control and laid on top of him, "that seems like the last thing you want me to do."
Louis was still under him, letting out a few deep breaths as his mouth opened and closed.
Harry just smirked above him, letting himself completely fall against his chest before he ducked his head and connected their lips. Louis of course melted right into it, humming against him and as soon as Harry let his arms go he wrapped them around his neck just to pull him closer.
It was slow for a minute, just careful hands running over bare skin and shaky breaths exchanged between them. Harry wasn't going to lie though, he kind of wanted them to get a move on with things considering it was getting late and he had an early morning.
He carefully rocked his hips on top of Louis', resting his hands by the side of his head to steady himself as he started to move their lips together quickly.
And maybe his boyfriend got the silent message as he felt his hands gripping his waist and helping him move on top of him.
Harry took his lips away from Louis', the older lad catching his breath only for a second before Harry was nipping along his neck and jaw, making a low moan come from the back of his throat.
At feeling Louis grow more and more stiff under him Harry was quick to work his way down his chest. Sucking deep bruises into his skin the further he got down and feeling his boyfriend squirm under him. He smirked against him, shuffling himself further down and just as he got to the band of his boxers he heard the quiet click of the doorknob turning.
Harry snapped his head up, not even trying to stop his groan as he sat up on the bed and peered at the cracked open door.
"Nate I see you," he huffed.
The door opened further, the toddler popping his head in and biting his lip as he looked at the two.
"Nathaniel, you need to go to bed," Harry said, trying not to sound frustrated.
Nate hiccuped to himself, still clearly crying a bit as he carefully made his way inside, "but I no sleep, my brain no quiet."
Harry rubbed his hands over his face and when he glanced over to Louis he saw the blue eyed lad looking right back at him like he almost wanted to let Nate stay.
"Buddy papa is gonna take you to bed and tuck you in okay?" he said, his boyfriend looking at him like he was crazy, "maybe he'll even tell you a story to get your brain to quiet down."
"Harry no," Louis whispered, "I-I mean you should, I-"
"I no go to bed!" Nate suddenly wailed.
And as their room echoed with cries Louis went wide eyed and opened and closed his mouth, while Harry raised his eyebrows at him.
"Harry c'mon you know I-"
"Lou it's time you start disciplining him, it can't always be me," Harry shook his head.
Louis was a gifted tantrum diffuser, he will give him that. But a fair few of those tantrums still ended up with Nate getting his way and Louis very rarely used the word "no" with him, it had to change.
"Love papa is taking you to bed, it's okay," Harry said, wanting his cries to settle at least some, "well c'mon," he urged Louis, nodding towards their sobbing toddler.
Louis set his eyes on Nate and let out a deep breath as he got out of bed and scooped him into his arms, "don't cry love, it's okay, nothing bad is happening," he shushed him quietly as he wiped his tears.
"No bed," Nate cried, him quieting just a bit.
"We gotta go to bed Nate, it's time," he said, rubbing his back and carefully making his way out of the room, praying he wouldn't start wailing again.
And luckily he didn't get any louder but he didn't stop his crying either as he hid his face into the older man's neck.
As soon as they got to his room though Nate picked up his crying, but
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