A/N Alright guys, one more chapter after this then we're done ! I hope you've enjoyed this book as much as I've enjoyed writing it ! Comments are amazing, kudos are great, thank you so much for sticking with me through this Xx
Harry mumbled to himself, squeezing his eyes shut impossibly more, just wanting to sleep. He felt something though, something woke him up and when he shifted on the bed his hips pushed up into something warm, something wet. And God it felt good, really really good.
He couldn't help the moan that escaped from the back of his throat, clutching at the bed sheet under him and finally opening his eyes to see his boyfriend going down on him.
"Christ Lou," he mumbled out, not even all that awake but he was beyond hard.
Harry's jaw went slack as Louis went further down on him, letting him hit the back of his throat and his tongue running along his shaft. He didn't waste a second before reaching for the shorter man's hair, pushing him down until his nose pressed into his stomach and thrusting his hips forward.
Louis gripped onto his thighs, humming around him and picking his pace up. The younger lad was not being shy in the slightest as he gripped his hair and had him go further down on him.
Harry threw his head back against the pillow, Louis at this point taking it upon himself to hold onto his waist and make his hips jerk forward in time with his bobbing.
He was an absolute mess, thighs shaking and moans escaping him every time he felt his boyfriend's beard scratching his sensitive skin. And it only got worse when one of Louis' hands cupped his balls, giving them a light squeeze and massaging them against his palm.
"L-Louis fuck- I'm-" he tried to say something, anything, but the waves of pleasure crashing over him just had him groaning.
Louis kept with what he was doing, letting Harry thrust into his mouth, taking all of him in as he played with his balls. And as soon as the curly haired man was a squirming mess under him and muttering curses to himself did Louis go down on him faster and faster.
"Fuck, just like that Lou- just like-" he gripped his hair impossibly tighter, a strangled moan coming out of him as his hips jerked sloppily and he shot into Louis' mouth.
Harry let his eyes fall shut, his rush washing over him as he let out a few deep breaths and tried to calm his racing heart.
He felt Louis move up to him though, slowly opening his eyes and seeing the older lad smiling sweetly back at him.
"Happy birthday."
Harry raised his eyebrows, an airy laugh coming out of him as he wrapped his arms around Louis and kissed his temple. "Already the best birthday I've had in years, my God."
Louis smiled against his neck, pressing a kiss into his sweaty skin, "oh and it's only just begun."
Harry hid his face in his boyfriend's hair, not needing him to see his embarrassingly big grin.
"So we have two options," Louis mumbled against him, "it's still a bit early so we can go back to sleep, or..." he trailed off for a second, plopping his finger in his mouth, sneaking his hand between Harry's legs and pressing against his hole, "we can get up and shower."
Harry tried not to shudder as he felt Louis breathing into his ear and his finger slowly dragging in and out of him. His eyes flickered over to the bathroom door, not even needing to think about it before he said a quick "shower".
Louis smiled to himself, leaning down and connecting their lips, "thought you might say that."
And yeah, Harry could easily say this has already been one of his best birthdays, and it was still the early hours of the morning.
Harry looked over himself in the mirror, pushing his fingers through the top of his curls one more time before deeming he was presentable.
He walked down to the foyer, letting out a few deep breaths and trying to prepare himself along the way, knowing his boyfriend would be looking too good for words. And of course his suspicions were correct when he got to the bottom of the stairs and he saw Louis adjusting his cufflinks.
Harry froze where he was, his eyes wandering over the shorter man and a slow smile coming over him at the sight of him.
It was moments like this where he still got a little nervous, where butterflies erupted in his stomach because this man was his. This beyond funny, gorgeous and caring man chose to be with him and spoil him more than he thought imaginable.
'Just breathe,' Harry thought. He wanted to tell himself that because this is Louis he should calm down, but no. It's the fact that it's Louis that has his heart heavily pounding. It was his boyfriend in his stupidly cute glasses and amazingly gorgeous suit, who was completely oblivious as to how incredible he is.
"Hey, there you are."
Harry bit his lip to hide his growing smile at the way he was getting looked at. Louis not being shy at all as he took all of him in.
"You look amazing H," he said softly, his eyes crinkling at seeing the blush rising on the younger lad's cheeks.
"So do you," Harry said, trying his hardest not to seem too excited with how Louis was watching him walk towards him, his eyes never leaving him. "Are Sam and Liam here to watch Nate?"
"Yeah they're in the living room," Louis nodded towards the other room.
Just as Harry was about to head in there though he felt a hand grab his arm, stopping him in his tracks.
"C'mere," Louis whispered, tugging him in until he could wrap his arms around him and their chests met, "you are just.... Absolutely striking," he said, turning his boyfriend around in his arms to get a full view.
"Lou," Harry groaned bashfully.
Louis hummed, as soon as he was facing him again standing on his toes to press their lips together.
Harry smiled against him, wrapping his arms around his neck and letting out a deep breath as their mouths slowly moved together.
"I guess if you're ready to go we can," Louis pulled away just enough to grin at him, "let's say bye to that boy of ours first," he winked at him, patting the younger lad's bum before heading towards the living room.
Harry was stuck for a second, his heart fluttering every time he hears Louis say that. But he was quick to follow behind him once he regained himself, finding Nate already in Louis' arms.
"Daddy you go bye bye for birthday?" Nate asked, resting his head on the blue eyed man's shoulder.
"Yeah, your papa is gonna take me out for a special dinner," Harry smiled between the two, unable to miss the way Louis lit up, the same way he always does whenever he refers to him as papa.
"You be back for bed?"
"No love, but we'll see you in the morning for breakfast," Harry said, taking Nate from his boyfriend's arms and kissing his head, "don't worry Uncle Liam and Sam will make sure you're all tucked in."
Nate let out a small huff but nodded anyway before he hugged his father tightly. "Miss you daddy, but you have fun with papa for birthday."
Harry laughed into Nate's hair, squeezing him just a bit tighter, "I had the best birthday with you buddy, thank you for the great day."
The two said their "I love you's" before Harry gave him enough kisses where the 3 year old was squirming in his arms.
"We got'em H, don't worry," Liam chuckled, saving his nephew from the never ending kisses his dad was giving him.
"Yeah, have fun tonight mate," Sam added in, his gaze focused on his boyfriend with the toddler, "let me convince Liam to have a baby while we have this one. I know he'll break."
Liam rolled his eyes, unable to say anything though because his boyfriend knew he went absolutely baby crazy whenever Nate was around.
"Alright c'mon love, we have a reservation," Louis said, reaching for Harry's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, "thanks again for watching him tonight guys."
The two chorused out a "no problem!" and gave the pair a final wave as they made their way out of the loft.
Harry was almost skipping on the way to the car, not caring in the slightest that Louis was laughing at him. He knew tonight would be great, he and his boyfriend were going to have an amazing dinner and just having Louis to himself for a nice meal was a gift in itself.
And Harry may have been more than open about how excited he was the entire way to the restaurant, thanking the blue eyed man too many times to count for the day he's had.
From his early wake up call, an over the top breakfast, to a relaxing afternoon with a nice lunch before Nate demanded they do presents. Harry was sure he was close to crying multiple times during the day just because he's never had this. He's never had someone take care of him the way Louis does, and not just today but everyday. His birthday was a definite reminder of just how much his boyfriend loves him though.
"Alright sweetheart, here we are," Louis smiled at him, pulling up to the valet and trying not to laugh as Harry squealed at the sight of the restaurant.
He hopped out of the car, passing his keys to the attendant before reaching for the passenger door.
As soon as Harry was out of the car his hand found Louis', giving him a small squeeze as the older lad led him inside.
They couldn't even make it five steps into the restaurant before Harry was in awe. Not even sure where to look because every time his eye caught something it was more beautiful than the last. He couldn't believe this was a restaurant and not a museum with it's beyond high ceilings and grand lights.
The only thing that got him out of his trance was Louis tugging on his hand, trying to lead them to their table. Harry was shocked he even got his feet moving as the further they got into the restaurant the more gorgeous it was.
"All good love?" Louis asked, having to hold in a chuckle at his boyfriend's face.
Harry hummed, his eyes still roaming the open space as he took a seat in the chair Louis was pulling out for him.
Louis kept his gaze on the younger man, a warm smile coming over him as he saw him so entranced by everything.
"Louis this place is incredible," he finally found his voice, their eyes meeting for the first time since getting inside, "you've already done so much for me today and then this, I-I-"
"H," Louis said softly, reaching his hand across the table and resting it on top of Harry's, "today is a special occasion and I think I'll spoil you as I see fit."
Harry ducked his head, trying to hide his embarrassingly big grin, "after everything you've done today..." he trailed off, shaking his head, "wish I could've given you half the birthday you've given me."
"Woah, no," Louis said, squeezing his hand and making him look up, "Harry it's because of my birthday that I wanted to do all of this," he said, the younger man looking at him confused, "Do you-... Like do you understand what you gave me?"
Harry furrowed his eyebrows, his face probably showing how lost he was as Louis laughed quietly at him.
"You gave me a son, Harry," he barely whispered, his smile reaching his eyes, "and for that I'm gonna give you the world."
Harry felt himself still where he was, his boyfriend looking at him like he never has before. He couldn't place it, didn't know what it meant, other than it made his heart race and insides warm.
"I swear you've been trying to make me cry all day," Harry muttered, trying to bite back a smile but he knew his dimples were showing.
"Surprised you haven't yet," Louis winked at him, earning an eye roll from the younger lad.
"Trust me, I've been seriously fighting it," Harry chuckled, even finding himself now needing to blink back a few slow welling tears, "this has been the best birthday I've ever had."
"We aren't over yet love."
"Harry, H" Louis gasped out, pressing on the taller man's chest as he pushed him against the loft door.
Harry hummed, moving his lips down Louis' neck and gripping at his waist.
"Listen, I still have one more surprise and as much as-"
He was cut off by a strong pair of lips crashing onto his, knowing he needed to stop him but when it came to Harry he always gave in.
Harry was more than eager though if by how he was kissing him was any clue, but just before he reached for the door handle Louis stopped him.
"Love really, trust me, I want to so bad, but please," he begged, "we can't just- just not right now."
"Lou," Harry groaned, him being tortured by seeing his boyfriend in a suit all night and three quarters of a bottle of wine in him didn't help anyone.
"I promise, just one more surprise then we'll do whatever you want, wherever you want."
Harry immediately felt his cheeks heat up, saying a barely audible "okay" before Louis pecked his lips and pushed the door open.
He followed him inside, trying not to seem too pushy as Louis slowly made his way through the loft.
"Lou is the surprise in the bedroom or-"
"Happy birthday!!"
Harry couldn't stop the shriek before it came out, clutching his heart as he looked at all of his mates in the living room wide eyed.
"Lou's got a lil something for you upstairs, huh?" Niall smirked, eyeing his mate.
Zayn jabbed him as he saw Harry go bright red and stutter to himself. "Lou just thought a lil boys night was in order."
"Yeah, he got us drinks, even your favorite goodies from the bakery," Liam said happily.
Harry opened and closed his mouth, looking between the guys before his eyes set on Louis. "C'mere."
Louis didn't fight the smile as he let himself get tugged into Harry's chest. Too easily standing on his toes to press their lips together.
"I love you," Harry whispered against him, carding his fingers through the back of his hair.
"Yeah, yeah! Save it for later you two," Sam interrupted, "Liam and I are gonna get drinks, you two keep it together for the next 2 hours, please," he said, looking between the pair.
"Like you guys are any better," Louis scoffed, wrapping his arms around Harry just a bit tighter, "you just wanna get drinks with Liam so you can get at least some action while you're here."
"Called out," Harry snorted, seeing his mate caught like a deer in headlights.
"Whatever," Sam muttered, reaching for Liam and dragging him out of the room.
"Oh tonights gonna be fun," Nolan laughed, never seeing Sam like that.
Harry smiled into Louis' hair, dipping his head just enough so their lips could meet. "Thank you for inviting the guys over. It's been a while since we've all been together."
Louis hummed, pecking him one more time before reaching for his hand and dragging him to the couch. "You guys know if Nate got put down okay?"
"Yeah Zayn and I came by early to hang out with him, tired him right out," Niall said through a smile, "don't worry, he won't be getting out of bed. Made sure ta help ya guys out a bit."
Louis rubbed a hand over his face and muttered his apologies to Harry. At least it wasn't too much longer Liam and Sam brought drinks in, no one being shy about quickly claiming one for themselves.
Louis made sure to get more than enough drinks for all of them, snacks for the guys and Harry's favorite desserts. He knew having their mates over would make his boyfriend happy, but seeing him as happy as he was made him feel better that Harry couldn't immediately drag him to their bedroom.
"How's the new guy working out H? He pulling his weight since the studio is getting busier?" Niall asked, clapping Nolan on the back and making him sputter his beer into his bottle as he sipped it.
"Uhm, yeah, he's doing okay," Harry shrugged, Nolan's eyes immediately catching his, "could work a little faster but other than that..."
Nolan opened and closed his mouth, him clearly panicking but Harry could only hold his serious face for so long before he broke.
Louis rolled his eyes as he heard his boyfriend cackling to himself and saw the man across from him let out a deep breath. "Careful with him when he drinks, thinks he's a right comedian."
"But he is joking right? Like he doesn't actually-"
"He loves you mate, relax," Sam said, Harry still in a fit of giggles.
Nolan's eyes flickered over to Harry, seeing him hum and smile to himself before taking a gulp of his drink. And at seeing him do it he himself felt like he needed a swig.
"Work has actually been a lot easier with Nolan, and Sam of course taking on some more projects," Harry said, not needing to completely terrify the older lad, "they make sure I get home to my boys at a reasonable time."
Louis smiled to himself as he felt Harry press his lips to his cheek. He pulled him in just a bit closer, letting his hand run up and down his side.
"Works been good with you then too, huh Lou?" Liam asked, a soft grin coming over him as he looked between the pair.
"Yeah I finished up what I had to for Horton so now it's in the hands of Niall and Zayn," Louis said, unable to miss his mates' groans, "so I'm home with Nate some days or going over scripts."
"Babe!" Harry suddenly burst, making the room jump, "did you tell them?! Tell them about the one they want you to do!"
Louis raised his eyebrows and laughed to himself, looking around the room and seeing the interested looks, especially from Niall and Zayn. "Well uh... My agent sent me a script about two weeks ago to play uhm, to play Simba in The Lion King reboot."
"What?!" Niall shrieked.
"Lou, that's incredible!" Zayn said excitedly, "when do they wanna start? I mean, I'm sure we'd all love to work on that! The dream team back at it with another Disney classic."
Louis bit his lip sheepishly, glancing over to Harry and seeing him buzzing. "They're waiting for an answer from me, but I think when I give them one they'd wanna start within a month."
"Well are you gonna do it?" Sam asked excitedly before sipping at his drink.
"I told him to, I have a million times," Harry huffed.
"H c'mon," Louis whispered, squeezing his side, "you know I just gotta think about taking on a new project and making sure I'm home."
"That's fair," Liam said, offering Louis a small smile, "from what H told me though you kinda sound like you run the place," he joked, "maybe you could talk them into a schedule."
"Oh he definitely could," Niall chipped in as he placed his empty beer bottle down and picked up another.
Louis shook his head, letting out a small breath as he looked to his lap, "with a movie like that it's just a lot of pressure and time consuming... I dunno, we'll see."
"Things are different now mate," Zayn said quietly, getting the blue eyed man to look at him, "set a schedule with them, make deadlines ahead of time and work at a good pace. They'll understand if you say you wanna be home at 5, you have a family."
Louis kept his eyes on him for a moment, a small smile coming over him as he felt Harry nuzzling into his neck.
"They'd do anything for you 'voice of Disney'. Just have a conversation with them," Sam added in.
"Yeah, yeah, it's the least I could do," Louis nodded back at them, "if we set a schedule and they're okay with the hours I give them then yeah, I'd love to do the movie."
"Yes! Thank you!" Harry cheered.
Louis almost choked as Harry wrapped his arms around his neck and squeezed the life out of him.
"Need any more drinks H?" Liam teased.
"Actually yeah, I finished this one off," Harry said, suddenly very aware of his empty
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