Chapter 21

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A/N I hope you guys have enjoyed this journey as much as I have ! I'm already working on a new book, and very excited to get posting on the first chapter of it. It's an idea I've had for quite a while now and I can't wait to share it with you guys. Thank you so much for all the support ! Comments are always appreciated, and votes are great, thank you ! Xx

2 Months Later

Louis peered over his shoulder, biting his lip nervously as he saw Harry shifting around in bed.

He was doing everything in his power to do this quietly, and if he was a smarter man he would be doing this in the office but Nate unfortunately ruined his present hiding spot last week. So here he was silently wrapping the presents he hid under the bed because his toddler found some of his gifts already.


"Shit," Louis muttered, "uhm h-hey love, you're up early," he slowly turned around to smile at him.

"What are you- are you wrapping presents?" Harry squinted tiredly, and even through his sleep fogged eyes he could see the new toys, "Lou are you kidding me? He already has so many-"

"Yeah but you know he found some and-"

"Lou," Harry groaned into his hands, it being far too early for his boyfriend's craziness, "he found three toys, that means he has three less to open, that doesn't mean you buy him five more!"

Louis shifted his gaze to the floor as he heard Harry muttering to himself and got up from the bed to look at what else he had bought.

"I can't with you," the curly haired man shook his head as he saw the new toys, "You just... You have to know how much I love you, and you're so amazing in so many ways but will you please relax with the gifts?"

Louis opened his mouth, wanting to explain that today was a special occasion but Harry would shut him down, like he attempted to for Christmas. At least on the holiday he was able to sneak a few extra gifts under the tree without his boyfriend really noticing, but this proved to be more difficult.

"You know what? We'll just save these for some other time or-"

"What? Harry no!" Louis quickly spoke up, "it's his birthday, there's no harm in a little extra spoiling!"

Harry had to physically stop himself from rolling his eyes as he saw Louis rush in front of the presents so he wouldn't grab them.

"H please, it's my first birthday spent with him and it just means a lot to me."

His eyes were locked on Louis as he looked back at him pleadingly. This has been the same excuse he's used for every holiday and birthday, and Harry really couldn't argue, he had nothing to say that could stop him.

"If you do the same thing next year for any celebration I'm calling you out. No more excessive present shopping," he huffed, plopping himself down on the floor and reluctantly fixing the presents Louis tried to wrap.

Louis took that as a win and too happily sat next to Harry to pass him tape whenever he needed it. He liked to think that with their teamwork they got everything done quickly and thanks to Harry they looked like proper gifts.

"Do you want me to order breakfast?" Louis asked as he put the presents with the others they had in their closet.

"I'm afraid if I let you do it you'll go overboard and get one of everything," Harry teased him.

Even at seeing the stack of presents in their closet he wanted to groan, there being no reason a 4 year old should have this many gifts.

"Well I mean there's gonna be five of us so we are gonna need quite a few things," Louis tried to point out.

"Keep that number in mind love, five, just five," Harry laughed, wrapping his arms around the brunette haired man and pulling his back into his chest, "and one of those people eats about a quarter of a serving," he reminded him just as he pressed his lips under his jaw.

Louis held in a sheepish chuckle, letting the younger lad kiss him wherever he pleased, "I promise I won't go overboard."

Harry hummed against his skin, planting one more wet kiss on his neck before letting him go, "you call for breakfast then and I'll call mum to see how far out she is."

Louis jumped as he felt Harry spank his bum and was quick to look at him, only to get a quick wink and smirk back before he looked around for his phone.

He rolled his eyes fondly as he grabbed his own phone and made quick work of ordering breakfast. Already he could hear Harry telling him he was getting too much, but he'd rather over prepare than under.

By the time they were both off the phone food was ordered and Anne was only a half hour away. So with that the two made final preparations for the day.

Louis made sure to get plenty of balloons and streamers, even a banner that they could hang. Harry was sure his boyfriend was the most over the top person in the world when it came to celebrating anything, but he also couldn't say how grateful he was to Louis for everything he's done.

He's never been able to give Nate a birthday even remotely close to what they were doing today and even with what they had planned Harry had to reign Louis in not to do more.

"Should we let him sleep in or do we wake him up and surprise him?" Louis asked once the last balloon was blown.

Harry looked around, unable to even see their floor with how many balloons his boyfriend got. "Breakfast should be here any minute and so should mum and Gem. We can wake him up when everyone and everything gets here and surprise him."

Louis nodded happily as he hummed to himself, resting his hands on his hips as he saw everything put together and looking even better than he thought it would.

Harry shook his head at seeing Louis look around proudly, unable to stop his smile at the way he checked and double checked that everything was ready.

And when the food arrived and Gemma and Anne showed up Louis was more than quick to rush to the door to let them in, wanting nothing more than to wake Nate up.

"You guys stay down here, we're gonna bring him down!" Louis said excitedly, already heading towards the stairs as soon as the two were there.

Harry rolled his eyes fondly, giving his mum a silent look and earning a surprised laugh in return. But he followed after the shorter man anyway, more than ready to wake their boy up and start off the day as well.

Of course he made sure to snag a camera from their room, but the blue eyed man was in such a hurry he almost couldn't keep up.

"Lou! Louis!" Harry stopped him quickly, "you can't barge in love, how about a gentle wake up?" he laughed, his boyfriend almost lunging at Nate's door.

"Right, sorry," he said a bit sheepishly, catching his breath for a moment before reaching for the handle and pushing the door open.

Louis peaked his head in, his eyes immediately landing on the 4 year old's sleeping form. He couldn't hide his grin as he and Harry tiptoed in, the two of them silently kneeling by the bed and pressing kisses into his hair.

Nate groaned as he felt them on him, only encouraging more kisses and his papa to squeeze him.

"C'mon love, you know what day it is?" Harry whispered to him.

Nate picked his head up as much as he could with the pair on him, too quickly waking up at remembering what today was. "My birthday!"

"Yeah buddy!" Louis said happily, scooping him out of bed and tugging him into his chest, "Happy birthday!"

Harry smiled to himself as he watched the two, quickly bringing his camera up to his face and snapping a few pictures of Nate squealing in his arms.

"Happy birthday sweetheart," he said softly, walking up to them and almost stumbling as his son leapt into his arms, "you excited for today?"

"Yes!" he cheered, "you have surprises?"

Neither he or Louis could hide their laughs as they nodded at him, only to earn more yelling and some barking from Princess.

"You wanna go downstairs and see your surprise?" Harry asked, bouncing him in his arms.

Nate didn't even answer before he got out of his daddy's arms and ran for the door with Princess on his heels.

The two really should've expected it, but they were quick to follow after him, catching up with Nate just at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh my gosh!" he screamed, not wasting a second before sprinting through the balloons that covered their floor.

Harry almost forgot to take pictures as he saw his son running around and squealing at the top of his lungs.

Princess was yapping and running through the balloons with him before he was focused on streamers and then signs, and before he could scream about anything else he was yelling at finding his aunt and nan hiding in the living room.

"C'mere H, you need pictures with him too," Louis said, seeing his boyfriend taking shot after shot of everyone with Nate.

Harry nodded back at him sheepishly, Louis telling him time and time again to get in front of the lens with Nate. And he could say he was honestly happy whenever the blue eyed lad reminded him to capture his memories with their son as well.

"Do you like your surprise buddy?" Harry asked through a big grin, getting down to his height and opening his arms for him.

"I love it!" Nate shrieked, lunging into his arms and squeezing his daddy with all his might.

Harry's smile only grew at hearing that, hugging him back and kissing his hair. "Well your papa and I have a few surprises for you, so you better get ready," he poked his belly.

Nate looked at him wide eyed before snapping his head to Louis and seeing the older man nodding at him. "I'm ready! I swear!"

"You won't be getting them all at once love, but throughout the day," Harry laughed at him, "but I do believe your next surprise is ready," he said, looking over to his mum and seeing her nod happily back at him, "so if you wanna go into the kitchen there's-"

"Kitchen!" Nate said, quickly getting out of his father's arms and sprinting towards the other room, "whoa! Big breakfast!"

"Thanks for setting it up mum," Harry said quietly as they followed after him.

"Of course sweetheart," Anne said, it being no problem, "look at the two of them, they are just too adorable," she said, her eyes locked on Louis and Nate as the blue eyed man showed him all his favorites that he had ordered.

Harry bit his lip to hide his growing smile as he watched them, his boyfriend going on and on about how great of a day they're going to have.

And of course this was only the beginning. He and Louis planned a fun filled day, starting with their breakfast, which the older man ordered too much for.

All throughout the meal Nate was talking with his mouth full, far too excited for all of his surprises. They all got it of course, turning 4 was huge for Nate, him saying time and time again he wasn't a baby anymore.

But to Harry hearing his son say that broke his heart a little. He can remember the day Nate came home, his first steps, and the first time he called him dada. Here was his boy though talking in almost perfect sentences and running around more than any sane kid should.

The only thing he really loved about seeing Nate grow up was watching him grow into the most caring, funny and sassy of kids. And looking at his son it wasn't so hard to figure out how he was this way with Louis trying to smather Nate's face with whipped cream.

He wasn't shy at all as he tried to get his papa back, but with maple syrup instead and Louis was more than quick to squeal and leap out of his chair.

Harry didn't even try to stop the two as they ran around the loft, instead just watched them with a small smile and may have snapped a picture or two.

And while Louis gave Nate all his attention Harry cleaned up with the help of his mum and sister.

They were both more than happy to help with whatever he needed for Nate's birthday, but the only request Harry had of them was to play with his son all day. Harry wanted nothing more than all attention to be on Nate and make him feel like the most loved boy in the world. It wasn't that hard considering all four adults absolutely adored him with all their hearts.

Their morning they did everything and anything Nate wanted, even let him stay in his pajamas.

When lunch rolled around the 4 year old was quick to get dressed as he heard that as soon as he was changed he would get his next surprise.

Harry knew this was something small, but to his son it would make this day even more special. So they all got ready to go out to Nate's favorite restaurant for lunch and made sure to soak in the July sun and walk there.

Louis of course told everyone to order whatever they wanted and Nate took that as being allowed to ask for all of his favorite dishes.

Harry had to draw the line somewhere, even though he knew his boyfriend was more than ready to say yes and bring home leftovers. So he made sure Nate picked out his absolute favorite dish and promised dessert if he ate everything, but everyone at the table knew he was getting dessert anyway.

The entire lunch the 4 year old was all smiles, and even after their meal he was more than happy and full.

Harry had the privilege of carrying his son back home since he was too stuffed to walk apparently, and it was only a reminder of just how big Nate was getting. He wasn't at the size where he could rest on his hip as easily and he found his arms getting tired quicker.

But before they knew it they were back home, Nate almost begging not to nap, but Harry was already ahead of him.

They weren't home for even 30 minutes before their doorbell went off and when he told his boy to answer the door Nate sprinted for it.

As soon as it opened he screamed and the adults in the room couldn't hide their laughs as Nate had basically attacked his two little friends that came over to play.

Louis ushered them in, the two boys not being shy at all, especially when they saw Gemma there as well. They were quick to run up to their teacher and say very loud "hi's!" before Nate grabbed them and screamed for Princess to come to his room to play.

"Sure you have them Harry?" their mother asked through a small laugh.

"We got'em Sonja, don't worry about a thing," Harry smiled back at her as she saw her two boys running amok with his son, "it'll give this one practice having a few kiddos running around," he winked at Louis, making the older man's cheeks turn pink.

"Oh I don't think I've met your husband, hi, I'm Sonja," she said happily, offering him her hand.

And if possible Louis only went more red as he shook her hand, "I'm uh, I'm Louis, Harry's uhm, just Harry's boyfriend," he stuttered out.

"So nice to meet you," Sonja smiled at him, "you must be the one who comes into daycare and does all the voices. My boys have talked about you."

"Really?" Louis raised his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah," she chuckled, "they come home telling me all about your movies and the characters you've done. At first I thought it was Harry because they said Nate's dad."

Louis bit his lip sheepishly, not realizing just how much Nate talks about him at daycare. "He's more of a behind the camera kinda guy," he rubbed Harry's back, "did you want to stay for a bit while they play? We have Harry's mum here and the boys' teacher Gemma too, she's Harry's sister."

"You know what, if it's okay I will. I want to make sure my boys don't destroy your place," Sonja said a bit jokingly, fully walking in and noticing how gorgeous it was.

Louis grinned happily back at her and apologized for their birthday celebration mess that took up most of the loft.

She waved it off as nothing though, clearly seeing just how much fun they've been up to today.

"Do you think Nate's okay up there with them or do like we need to watch them or-"

"Lou," Harry stopped him, trying to muffle his laugh as he eased him down onto the couch, "don't stress love they're just playing upstairs, we'll check on them every so often, it's alright."

Louis nodded to himself, saying a quiet "okay," before glancing over to Gemma, Anne and Sonja chatting on the couch, "is it too early for wine? Like do I offer them water or soda?" he whispered.

Harry raised his eyebrows and shook his head as he chuckled to himself, "babe just ask if they want a drink and say what we have, it's not rocket science," he teased him.

Louis opened his mouth, wanting to say anything but he quickly found himself unable to utter a thing.

"What?" Harry asked, his boyfriend almost seeming nervous.

Louis glanced over to the other three in the room, noticing they were lost in their own conversation as he leaned into Harry. "I just wanna be a good host," he said quietly, unable to meet his eyes, "I've never had this many people here before and I'm worried about tonight, I just want it to go well..."

Harry looked at him softly, knowing very well Louis gets a bit tense whenever they have people over. But he got it, the older man his entire life never really had people coming over or hosted anything and this was all new to him.

"You have nothing to worry about love," Harry offered him a sincere smile, "Nate's having an awesome day and it's only gonna get better. Dinner is all planned, we have drinks and snacks and cake, it's gonna be a fun night, don't stress."

Louis just looked at him for a moment, Harry telling him time and time again not to worry so much when they have people over. "Yeah, yeah you're right," he let out a small breath, "I'm sorry, I just want everyone to have a good time, I'm thinking too much," he muttered to himself.

"It's fine Lou," Harry said softly as he rubbed his back.

Every time Louis does this he can't help but think back to when he and Nate came over to the older man's loft for the first time. He was so excited to show them absolutely everything and it was clear he hadn't had people over in a long time. And all of this was new to him, hosting parties, having family over, and for the first time not just one but multiple toddlers playing upstairs.

Harry was more than proud of him though, he always made sure someone had something to drink and if they were hungry food was put out. And with Sonja here Louis wasn't shy at all about asking how raising a 3 and 4 year old were with them being so close in age.

He got a few laughs from the Styles as they heard him go on and on about schedules and different schools in the area. Louis brushed it off though, he was curious.

He was so lost in his conversation that Harry had to remind him when the time came they had to get ready for everyone to come over.

So with that Louis reluctantly ended his talk, maybe coming up with even more questions by the end of it. But he helped Harry set everything up for dinner and got drinks and snacks ready for everyone.

And luckily just as they finished the final touches and dinner was delivered the first wave of people started showing up.

Before they knew it their living room was full and Harry called Nate down for his last surprise of the night.

It took only seconds before they heard the patter of feet coming down the stairs, Nate with his friends and Princess right on his heels.

As soon as he got to the living room he froze though, before letting out an ear shattering shriek.

"Everyone here!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, seeing all of his uncles in the room.

"Happy birthday buddy!" Everyone chorused, Nate not wasting a second before he went on a hugging rampage and squeezed every person there.

Harry watched on fondly as his boy went from Liam

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