"Nate! Nate, shoes!" Harry called after his son as soon as he saw him sprinting into the flat.
"I got him H," Anne chuckled, following after her grandson.
Harry let out a quiet breath, hoping Nate wouldn't make a mess that he would have to clean before Louis came home. But just as he was putting his bags down on the couch he noticed a shadow moving outside on the balcony.
He furrowed his eyebrows, knowing Louis was supposed to be at the studio all day but here he was. Just at a quick glance though Harry could see the older lad was mad or stressed.
The blue eyed man had his phone pressed to his ear while his other hand was clutching a beer, which for Louis at this time of day meant something was going wrong. So Harry carefully made his way to the glass door that led to the balcony, opening it and feeling the cool fall air hit him.
Louis spun around, his cheeks pink and fingers white from the cold but that didn't stop the almost relieved breath that came out of him as soon as he saw his boyfriend.
"Hey love, I'll be off soon, I promise."
Harry just offered him a small smile and nodded, of course not wanting to interrupt his conversation. But then he saw Louis wasn't wearing very warm clothes for his pacing outside so he made quick work of rushing to their bedroom and grabbing him a sweatshirt.
"I already told you, I'm not coming in, I don't understand what you don't get about the word no!"
Harry bit his lip as he silently walked back out to the balcony, clutching the sweatshirt as he heard Louis getting more and more frustrated on the phone.
"No! You listen!" Louis yelled into the phone. "I'm asking for a few days off while I have family here! It's not too much to ask for a movie that takes a whole fucking year to make!!"
He really, really didn't want to sneak up on him, but he hated that he was cold and clearly stressed and didn't want to be inside so everyone could hear him yelling.
"Love..." Harry almost whispered, very carefully putting his hand on the back of the older lad's back. "Here."
Louis let out a deep breath, turning around and his eyes immediately falling on the article of clothing his boyfriend was offering him. He couldn't even say thank you before Harry was reaching for his beer bottle and holding it for him so he could put his sweatshirt on.
Louis pulled the phone away from his ear, keeping his eyes on his boyfriend, and for the first time since they said goodbye to each other this morning he smiled. "I love you."
And if Harry wasn't looking at him he probably wouldn't have even noticed the older man was talking to him. But of course he noticed, and as soon as Louis slipped the sweatshirt over his head he was able to sneak in for a quick kiss.
"I love you too," he said softly, his own grin coming over him. "I'll be inside alright?"
Louis just nodded back, the smile never leaving his face as the green eyed lad shuffled back inside.
Harry was at least happy he could get him to smile but from how that conversation was going he wasn't too sure how long it would last.
"What're you looking at love?"
Harry snapped his head to where he heard his mum's voice coming from, only to see her walk to where he was and look out to the balcony.
"I thought he was supposed to be at work all day?" she asked confused.
"Yeah, he was but uh- I don't know, he's on the phone from someone from work I guess."
"Hm, doesn't seem like a pleasant conversation," Anne said quietly as she saw the blue eyed man pacing around and looking like he was doing everything in his power not to blow up.
"Little man, big temper," Harry joked, making his mum laugh to herself.
"Never with you though."
"No, just exceptionally sassy," Harry chuckled. "I've only ever seen him get this mad when a pap gets in our face or someone is rude to me or something."
Anne hummed, Harry not needing to tell her just how protective Louis was of them. "But this is a work call?"
"At least it seems like he's talking to someone from work," Harry shrugged, his eyes following his boyfriend outside.
But it wasn't too much longer Louis was off the phone and making his way back inside.
As he walked passed them he offered them both a small smile before taking his beer to the kitchen.
"You talk to him love, I'm gonna go see what Nate is getting in to," Anne said softly.
Harry nodded, thanking his mum quickly before he followed where Louis went and saw him sitting at the breakfast bar. "Hey, everything okay?"
"Uhm, yeah, yeah," Louis nodded to himself. "I'm sorry if your mum saw me freaking out I just..." he couldn't even finish his sentence, letting out a deep breath and groaning into his hands just at the thought of the conversation he had.
"Hey, hey, it's alright," Harry shushed him. "Talk to me love, what's going on?"
Louis was quiet for a second, seemingly calming himself down as his eyes were locked on the beer bottle on the counter. "I'm not doing the same shit again, I can't. Not to you, not to Nate," he barely whispered. "I'm not letting work take over my life again."
"It's okay to go into work Lou, I mean me of all people get that," Harry said softly.
"No, no, it's different than that," Louis shook his head. "There's a reason all of my relationships ended H, and it's because I wasn't there... I'm not doing that to you and Nate."
Harry just looked at him for a moment, the older man refusing to meet his eyes. "Hey..." he said, placing his hand on top of Louis' and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I love you."
And that finally got him to look at Harry, the smallest of smiles coming over him as he tangled their fingers. "I love you too," Louis whispered back, leaning over just enough to connect their lips.
"You know I was talking to mum earlier and she offered to watch Nate one of the nights she's here so we can go out," Harry started off, "maybe tonight we can go out, get you to stop thinking about work for a bit."
"Really?" Louis asked quietly, his smile only growing at hearing that.
"Yeah, really," Harry chuckled. "Maybe some dinner and afterwards would you want to meet up with the boys and go to a club?"
"Oh come on, now I know you're pulling my leg," Louis scoffed.
"Shut up, you know I like to cut loose every now and then," he winked at him. "Text the boys, I'll call Liam and Sam, talk to my mum and make a reservation for tonight."
And with that he kissed his boyfriend one last time before going off to plan the night.
"You sure about this?" Louis double checked, seeing his boyfriend just staring at the lit up club in front of them. "It's okay if you don't want to go in, I mean, I know you don't like-"
"No, no, it's fine," Harry breathed out. "Just get me enough drinks so I won't remember anything embarrassing I do."
Louis rolled his eyes fondly, giving Harry's hand an encouraging squeeze before they started walking towards the building. "It's when you're drunk your most embarrassing moves come out, you sure you want that?" he teased.
"Hey!" Harry slapped his arm. "It's... It's not like-... Okay, fine, but at least I don't remember it, so who cares."
"Oh come on love, I'm just playing!" Louis laughed, not wanting him to get upset. "Besides, I love your dance moves and I love you, so we'll have an amazing night no matter what."
Harry bit his lip, looking down to his shoes so Louis wouldn't see his growing smile. He doesn't think he'll ever get used to hearing his boyfriend say those words, get used to the comfort and confidence that washes over him every time because this incredible man actually loves him.
"I love you too."
"Good, I thought so," Louis grinned back at him. "Now let's get in there and make fools of ourselves."
At that Harry couldn't hide his smile, knowing Louis would have absolutely no problem dancing worse than him on purpose so he wouldn't be embarrassed. And just at that thought he had a skip in his step the entire way into the club.
The first thing that hit him as soon as they walked through the door was the thumping bass. Lights were flashing, sweaty bodies were everywhere and already Harry desperately needed a drink.
"C'mon love, to the bar!"
Louis read his mind, having no problem letting the older man tug and weave him through people.
"We going heavy or light tonight?"
"Heavy," Harry said, it not even being a second thought.
And Louis was very clearly happy with that decision, about to wave over a bartender before he felt a body crash into him.
"Niall, geez!" he said startled, not expecting the Irish lad. "I thought you weren't gonna be here for another half hour."
"Zayn and I came early!" Niall screamed over the music. "C'mon, we got a table with drinks already there and more coming!"
It was music to the pair's ears, maybe following him a bit too closely as he led them to the table. And Harry could say he was pleasantly surprised to see Liam and Sam both there as well.
"Harry I'm only exceptionally hurt that you never introduced me to these guys and yet them and Liam seem to be best mates, not cool."
"Well we only spent two weeks on a boat with them," Harry rolled his eyes at Sam before making him scootch into the booth to make room.
"I'm just saying it would have been nice to be included after you guys got back," Sam huffed. "I don't like being stuck at work when everyone else is having fun."
"Hey you wanna run the studio have at it, I'll happily switch with you."
"Oh no, you put up with way too much shit, no thank you, I'd rather be lonely," he said quickly, making the table laugh.
"That's what I thought," Harry hummed. "Sam, this is Louis by the way, babe, this is Sam," he said, remembering the two still haven't met.
Louis stuck out his hand to shake and smiled at the other man. "Hey mate, good to finally meet ya. Heard loads about you from H."
"And I've seen loads of you," Sam laughed. "You know Harry's computer at work is like seventy five percent pictures of you."
"Sam!" Harry hissed.
"Well hopefully it's only the appropriate ones," Louis winked back at him, making Sam bark out a laugh.
"Louis! God, can we not?!" he looked at his boyfriend wide eyed.
"Oh c'mon Harry, people like us are the only ones where it's okay to have files of naked men saved on our computer, it's artsy," Sam laughed at him.
Harry covered his hands with his face, not even here for 10 minutes and already this was happening.
"Get me drunk, please, just give me anything," he mumbled.
"Are they actually on you work computer?" Louis asked slowly, now not knowing what Sam has seen.
Sam stilled for a second, glancing over to Harry and seeing his face bright red. "Wait... I was totally kidding... Harry you seriously took pictures of-"
"Sam!!" Harry screamed, now laughter booming from all around the table except for Louis next to him who realized that Sam was joking about these inappropriate pictures that really exist, just not on his work computer.
"Holy shit... Fuck Harry I'm sorry, I thought-" but Louis stopped himself at seeing his boyfriend reach for two shots and then immediately shoot them back. "Yup, I messed up..."
"This is why I love him," Liam said through his laughter as he wrapped an arm around his boyfriend. "He has such a skill for making this happen," he said, gesturing to his best mate that was trying to drink anything available.
"Honestly, I don't blame ya H," Niall chipped in. "Hell if I could take pictures the way you do I'd be doing it for my lady."
At least that was enough to ease some of the tension, Harry actually smiling as he heard that. But then Louis was pressing himself into his side and kissing his temple and maybe it was the obscene amount of alcohol he just drank but everything felt right in the world again.
"Yeah, how come we haven't done that?" Liam asked Sam with furrowed eyebrows. "I'm sure you'd appreciate it when I'm away for work," he joked.
"I didn't know it was an option until now!" Sam retorted. "See, this is why Haz runs the place, he has the brains and creativity."
At that Harry chuckled, now not feeling horrified that all his mates found out about his secret collection.
"You alright?" Louis whispered to the younger lad, praying he hasn't ruined the night.
"Yeah just mildly horrified," Harry said through an airy laugh. "Just keep getting me drinks and we'll be even."
"I can make that happen," Louis smiled back at him before connecting their lips.
And that was just what Harry needed to hear before he took the last shot on the table.
It wasn't exactly how he planned the night to start off with the boys but he knew nothing could top that, so the worst of it was over. And it was almost on cue a waitress came over with more drinks, Harry almost too happily helping her empty the tray and placing glasses on the table.
"Alright boys, listen up!" Niall yelled over the music as soon as he saw that everyone had a drink. "I just want to say that I'm really super happy that we're all mates and we could come out tonight, and Lou, Harry, I love you guys. Thank you for combining our little groups and bein the glue we all need, so here's to ya!"
The lads all cheered around the table, raising their glasses and taking large gulps of their drinks. But Louis and Harry were stuck, their hands tangled under the table and giving each other that look they have a thousand times before.
"I love you," Louis whispered to him, it not being a second later he felt a pair of lips on his.
And Harry knew he didn't have to say it back, that Louis knew, but he had to keep telling him, had to remind himself that this man was his.
"I love you too."
"Alright! We get it! Now drink up!!" Zayn screamed at the pair.
Louis may have kissed him one more time but he didn't waste a second afterwards to grab them drinks and earning another round of cheers from the table as they shot them back.
"Whoo!! C'mon baby, we're dancin!" Sam yelled, standing up and nearly dragging Liam out of the booth.
"I love him," Niall said, his eyes trained on the dark haired man dancing. "He's amazing and Liam should love him like he deserves."
Zayn raised his eyebrows at his mate, knowing for a fact he was hammered at this point. "Let's go dance mate, maybe you can steal him away."
Niall let out a booming laugh but didn't hesitate before heading in the direction of the dancing pair with Zayn amusedly following behind him.
"Oh we are so lucky," Louis chuckled to himself before taking a swig of his beer.
"Yeah, we are," Harry nodded along, his eyes focused on the older lad.
And he was so, so lucky to have what he did. He never thought he could say or even think that with full confidence, but now he can and he will until his lungs give out.
"You want to come dancing with me? Preferably away from the lads," Louis chuckled, the alcohol already catching up with him as Harry took his offered hand.
Just squeezing through the crowd was more hard than usual, his feet tripping over each other and people knocking into them but luckily it seemed Harry was already too drunk to care.
Louis made sure that they weren't in eye sight of the other lads before twirling Harry and pulling him back into his chest.
The green eyed lad's smile was infectious as he looked back down at him, normally him being quite shy when they go out like this but Harry wasn't thinking twice before moving to the music.
Louis was quick to reach for his hips, letting him come as close as he could. It was moments like this, both of them drunk, dancing and completely stuck in their own world that Louis loved.
It was rare they could do this, but even if that was true he wouldn't trade it for anything.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Louis rushed out through a heavy breath. "Where are-"
"Sleeping idiot, where do you think?" Harry rolled his eyes. "It's like 3 am Lou."
Louis only had to think about it for a second before nodding and standing on his toes to connect their lips again. He was drunk and not used to having his house full, it wasn't his fault for being a bit nervous.
"Well, we- we can't just barge through the flat. What if-"
Harry let out an annoyed grunt, taking no time in reaching for his boyfriend's waist and throwing him over his shoulder. But of course Louis just had to scream and started clinging to him for dear life.
"That's how you wake people," he slurred before not so carefully making his way towards the stairs.
"Don't scare me like that! Warnings are nice!!" Louis whispered yelled.
"Where's the fun in that?"
"Harry I swear if you end up waking Nate or your mum I'll kill you!" he threatened, "Need I remind you of the night Nate almost came barging in because you sounded like you were having nightmares?!"
"I'm not even the one making all the noise!" Harry retorted, picking up his step just to get them to their room faster.
And just as Louis opened his mouth he felt himself get tossed on the bed, not even having a moment to catch his breath before he saw the younger lad pulling his shirt off.
"There's one way to get you to shut up," Harry chuckled, reaching for Louis' hips and tugging him towards him until they met on the edge of the bed.
All the older lad could do was hum, pressing his lips to his boyfriend's and wrapping his arms around his neck as he felt that familiar warmth wash over him.
There wasn't any point in trying to hide it, since the club he's been stiff in his pants and he swears the entire time Harry was trying to make it worse. His reputation as the man behind Disney would have been quickly ruined and replaced with something vulgar if they stayed at the club any longer. Harry was killing him, and he knew it, but Louis knew that's what he loved.
"H I know sometimes you like to go a bit slower but I've had a hard since the club and I-"
Harry didn't say anything though, and was grateful it was dark in the room so Louis wouldn't see him rolling his eyes as he reached for his pants button and yanked them down to his knees.
"Wow you really want me to shut up, I'm talking too much, aren't I?" Louis asked, his drunken rambling probably annoying him.
"Oh no, you know me love," Harry slurred himself, "I just like to get the deed done quickly so I can have a second round."
Louis furrowed his eyebrows, maybe taking a moment too long to realize Harry did that on the regular. "Wow... I love you."
And Harry may have let out a too loud laugh for their silent home but it was quickly muffled between the two of them as Louis yanked him down for a kiss.
Of course it was one of those nights Harry was more than quick to take his boyfriend into his mouth and humming around him as the older lad prepped him. It was messy and quick and one of those times Harry loved the most because there was something so sexy and intimate about it. He felt young and alive and it was with someone he loved which made the second go that much more special.
Louis' head tucked into his neck, sweat dripping from his chin and wet lips sucking and nipping at his skin.
He could hold him like this, feel him everywhere at once with every thrust he made into him. His strong hands on his biceps or fingers running through his curls. And it was these touches that had Harry aching for more, but Louis always made
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