Chapter 11

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it last. He wanted to feel every dip, every curve on the younger lad until he was done, wanted know and memorize every square inch of him.

But Harry loved it, and he loved him. He loved how Louis made him feel every second of everyday, but this, these were the moments for them, and he never wanted to let them go.


"C'mere sweetheart, breakfast," Louis said through a yawn, placing Princess' bowl down before watching her waddle over to it.

He smiled down at her, standing back up and stretching, hoping to finally crack his back and loosen some of the tension. And when it finally did crack he let out a breath of relief, shuffling over to the whistling kettle and started making his morning tea.

Louis could say he's become a much bigger fan of mornings, which he never thought in a million years he would say. But he liked the little time to himself and Princess in the mornings. He loved Harry and he loved Nate, but his mornings alone kept him sane through the day. He needed the time to gather himself and his thoughts and just breathe.

But Louis also loved when Harry would get up with him sometimes. It was time just for them and during the day those moments were hard to find until Nate went to bed. The mornings were their escapes for a little bit, at least until the real fun of the day began.

"Good morning dear."

Louis jumped, almost knocking over his mug on the counter before he quickly caught it and stood it back up.

"Oh- I-I- didn't hear you come down," he rushed out, seeing Anne tiredly sitting at the breakfast bar.

"I'm known to be quite sneaky, ask H or Gem."

Louis chuckled as she did when she said it and nodded back before getting a second mug down from the cabinet. "Would you like a cup?"

"Please," Anne smiled at him. "I'm surprised you're up dear, I figured you and Harry got in late."

"Uh, yeah, we did," Louis laughed to himself. "I guess I've just learned to appreciate quiet mornings."

Anne hummed, offering him a grateful smile as he passed her a mug of steaming tea. "It gets like that when there are kids around. I mean look at me, still getting up with the sun even after those two moved out years ago," she joked, making the younger man smile.

"The peace is nice for a bit for sure, but I do have to say Nate scream singing his good mornings to Princess every day is really my favorite part of the day," Louis said sarcastically, making a startled laugh come from Anne.

And just in that one moment Louis could see so much of Harry in his mum. Her contagious laugh, bright eyes and deep dimples. This was a family with nothing but love, and it was a family he so terribly wanted to be a part of.

"There's nothing wrong in wanting time for yourself love, it's how we stay sane," Anne said softly as she took a sip of her tea. "When Harry had gotten custody of Nate and he opened his studio he would escape a lot, need time alone..."

At that Louis picked his head up, his eyes really meeting hers for the first time since she sat down. "Yeah, he uh, well he's mentioned that. Said he would be at the studio a lot and it was hard on their relationship."

"Yeah, it was... It really was," Anne nodded along. "I know he would never admit it, but he was heartbroken with a baby and as much as he loves Nate he needed an outlet."

"Can I ask who would watch Nate while Harry was gone?" he said quietly.

"Gemma would a lot, and so did Liam when H needed someone at night," Anne said as she looked back down to her mug. "I know now he really hates himself for how much he was gone and how distant he was but he did his best at the time... I wish he would see that."

"I know what you mean," Louis breathed out. "Like, he's so genuine and loves Nate with all his heart but he acts like he's ruined them forever. And then you have Nate who looks at him like a superhero and like his dad is the ruler of the word, and H doesn't see it at all."

Anne raised her eyebrows at him, a small smile coming over her as she listened to the younger man. "Yeah, but you've helped him and you don't see it. I'm sure that drives him a little mad as well."

"What?" Louis asked, almost having to hold back a laugh. "I mean, if you want to play that game I could say he's helped me just as much if not more... And that's what I love, ya know? It's not really give and take, but more give and give," he said, this time laughing along with Anne. "We have a good thing goin."

"I would say so," her smile reaching her eyes as she looked back at him. "You'll be gaining two rowdy roommates, are you ready?"

"Oh, am I," Louis said happily, not even trying to hide how excited he was. "This place has been like a tomb for so long, I'm ready for life and excitement and for my house to finally feel like a home."

Anne's smile fell for a moment as she looked at him, "how long has it been dear? Since your last relationship, if you don't mind me asking."

Louis was a bit taken back, not really expecting that, but of course, he didn't mind. "Uhm a few years, but even then those few relationships I did have didn't last long, 8 or so months at most."

"Why?" Anne asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"I... Well, I worked a lot back then. I was only just really getting started with big movies and then came tv shows and guest starring here and guest starring there, so my relationships were put on the backburner," Louis explained, his eyes trained on the cooling tea in his hands. "So after a while I told myself I wasn't gonna get into something unless I was willing to slow everything down for them," he said softly, his gaze glancing over to the stairs where both Styles boys were sound asleep. "And I'll tell ya, I'd stop the world for those two."

Anne couldn't help her small laugh as she watched the blue eyed man, his smile so wide it reached his eyes. "I know you would love... Which is why while I'm here I'm gonna help H pack up his flat. Fully moving in will be good for everyone."

Louis froze for a second, not believing she was actually willing to do that. "I mean if H is okay with it, please, yes, get them in here."

"It's not like it will take much convincing," Anne rolled her eyes.

"I'd hope not," Louis joked. "And I really appreciate you offering, I mean you came down here for a visit and-"

"Sweetheart please, I'm a mum, let me mum."

Louis had to give her that one, and just as he opened his mouth to say something he heard the morning ritual of Nate screaming his good mornings to Princess before he came barrelling down the stairs.

"Lou Lou! Mornin!" he said happily before sprinting to the older man. "Waffle time!"

Louis let out a grunt as he got attacked, but that didn't stop him from scooping the 3 year old up and getting him settled on his hip. "Waffles before you even say good morning to your nan, my word sir," he said in fake shock.

Nate quickly covered his mouth with his hands and looked over to his gran almost horrified. "Sorry! I sorry!!" he rushed out. "Good mornin!"

"Good morning waffle monster, you have quite the energy," Anne said a bit surprised at his chipperness.

"Oh you can thank-"

"Because daddy say it's- it's a start a new beatiful day!" Nate interrupted Louis, almost falling out of his arms as he jumped.

"That's right, daddy says it's the start to a brand new beautiful day," Louis translated, unable to stop his smile as he watched the 3 year old.

Anne couldn't help her smile as she watched the pair, the two of them happily chatting as Louis carried him around the kitchen and started his breakfast. It seemed to be routine at this point, and the fact that they were so comfortable with one another while Harry was still upstairs sleeping only assured her that them moving in was more than the right thing to do.

"Lou what we doin today?" Nate asked as the older man sat him on the counter, letting his little legs swing.

"Well, I gotta go to work for a bit, and I think your daddy does too today so we were thinking maybe you could spend some time with auntie."

And it was almost immediate Nate's smile fell, his little face already turning into a pout.

"Hey, come on now, you know we'll have most of the day together. It's just until a bit after lunch, that's all," Louis said softly, expecting the little tantrum that was bound to come.

"But you say that and then it dinner time," Nate whined, throwing his head back so he wouldn't see him close to crying.

"Sometimes we do have to work a little later, but not today, alright?" Louis rubbed his leg to calm him down. "You know we'd love to spend every waking second with you, but we have to go to work too ya know. Otherwise I won't be able to afford Princess' food and we don't want that."

At least that got a small giggle out of the 3 year old, him wiping his eyes quickly and nodding back at Louis.

"You promise?"

"Better yet, I'll pinky promise ya," Louis raised his eyebrows at him before bringing up his hand.

"Okay," Nate smiled at him as he intertwined their pinkies.

"And sweetheart I don't mind watching him, little nan and Nate time," Anne jumped in.

"Oh, no, have a day to yourself, you watched him last night and-"


"Dear please, I don't mind," she said, immediately calming the toddler down. "It'll be perfect, we can go to the flat and start packing up Nate's room."

"Pack my room?" he asked confused.

Louis looked over at Anne, not sure himself if Harry had talked to Nate about moving in or not.

"Well we're just gonna be moving things around a bit, that's all," Anne said as simply as possible.

And Nate seemed to accept it, his focus taken away anyway by the plate of steaming waffles that Louis put on the breakfast bar for him.

"Anne I'm gonna go wake H up, you good with him for a minute?" he asked as he got the 3 year old settled in his seat and food cut up.

She smiled back and nodded at him, it being only a minute later Louis made his way for the stairs.

He figured Harry would want to sleep in for a bit after last night, but he also knew Nate would have a right meltdown if he didn't get to spend a little bit of time with his father before he left for work.

Louis wasn't at all surprised to see the younger lad snoring rather loudly as he slept like starfish on the bed. It's like as soon as he left in the morning Harry took full advantage of it.

"Hey... Love," he said softly, taking a gentle seat on the bed and running a careful hand down his bare back. "H..."

Harry let out a muffled grunt as he curled in on himself and reached for the covers.

"Sweetheart come on, it's time to start the day," Louis said, trying to roll him over. "We both have to leave for work in an hour and you know-"

Harry just groaned, hiding his face in his boyfriend's stomach and clinging to his shirt.

"Don't feel so great?" he asked quietly, running his fingers through his curls.

"I drank... A lot," Harry mumbled.

"Yeah you did," Louis' laugh filled the room. "You want some medicine? You don't have to go to work you could just rest."

"No, I have to go," he breathed out. "But medicine would be nice."

"Alright, I'll get it for you when I head back downstairs, get ya some tea too," Louis bent down to kiss his hair. "Also your mum is watching Nate today, she said she'd take him to the flat to start packing his room."

At that Harry picked his head up, his eyes finally landing on Louis since he woke up. "She told him?"

"Well, no, not really," Louis scratched the back of his neck, not wanting him to be mad. "She said they were just gonna be moving stuff around a bit."

He could somewhat breathe at that, him really wanting to be the one to explain what will be happening when they move, and the one to tell him that they're moving in general.

"Okay, well I guess I'll have a little talk with him before work," Harry said, all of a sudden feeling his nerves pick up at the thought of this conversation.

"Do you want me to sit with you guys and talk? Make it a bit easier on you?"

Harry didn't even need to think about it as he said a strangled "please" under his breath.

"Alright love, it's okay," Louis said gently as he pulled him into his chest. "If anything I think he'll be thrilled, it's nothing to be nervous about."

"Just another change for him."

"But it's a good one, don't worry over it," Louis reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right," Harry said, him going over this a million times already.

Louis smiled down at him, connecting their lips and squeezing him one last time before he let him go. "I'll meet you downstairs."

Harry nodded, letting himself flop back onto the mattress as he watched Louis leave.

He's thought about how he was going to tell Nate so many times. Of course he never expected his mum to get a move on things so quick, but he figured while she was here she wanted to help. And Harry appreciated it, he really did, it was less work for him in the long run.

He figured he should also get up and actually have this talk with Nate so they have enough time together before he jets off to work.

So Harry slid on a pair of shorts and t-shirt quickly before heading to the bathroom, brushing his fingers through his hair and preparing his toothbrush. When it came time to actually get ready for work he'd change, but this was good for now.

Once done he made his way downstairs, hearing the usual loud chatter that echoed through the kitchen in the morning.

"Well good morning everyone," Harry said happily, as soon as Nate seeing him squealing and hopping down from his chair. "Buddy! Hey, careful, yeah I'm happy to see you too," he said, picking the 3 year old up and making sure he didn't choke.

"Mornin!" Nate said once he swallowed his food, wrapping his arms around his daddy's neck and squeezing the life out of him.

But Harry just hugged him back, kissing his son's hair and carrying him to his seat. "You seem to be having a great morning."

"Lou made waffles!" Nate said, showing his father his waffle and syrup covered fork.

"My goodness does he spoil you," Harry said, his eyes catching the older lad as Louis winked back at him. "Mum, good morning," he said with a soft smile, leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"Morning dear," she grinned back at him. "I'm actually going to head upstairs and get ready for my day with this one," she tickled Nate's side, making a loud squeal come from him.

Harry watched as his mum gave them all one more smile before she headed for the stairs, and he knew this was their time. It seemed Louis knew it too because as soon as their eyes met his boyfriend nodded and grinned at him, offering him the smallest of encouragement.

So Harry took a deep breath and seat next to his son as he tried to gather his courage.

"Hey buddy, so uhm, Louis and I wanted to talk to you about something," he said, thinking that would be a good place to start

"Okay," Nate said before shoving a forkful of waffles in his mouth, slurping up syrup and smacking his lips as he went along.

"Alright, well I know nana said that today she's gonna help pack up your room and we're actually going to be packing up the entire flat."

Nate looked over to his daddy with furrowed eyebrows, "why?" he asked.

"What we're gonna be doing is uhm, well we're packing up the flat and moving all of our stuff here, with uh, with Louis and Princess," Harry said, offering his son a warm smile so he knew this was an exciting thing.

"We moving?" Nate asked, now his gaze focused on Louis who was nervously nodding back at him. "So we live with Lou Lou and Princess all the time? And that my room now?"

"Yeah, yeah buddy, that's exactly right," Harry nodded at him. "Are you okay with that?" he asked, almost a bit scared that Nate wasn't jumping for joy at this point.

"Yeah," Nate shrugged as he looked back to his breakfast. "It like we live here now," he said as if they knew this. "But now I get all my toys back!"

Harry and Louis just looked at each other, both of them letting out muffled laughs at hearing what the 3 year old said. It's like to him it was nothing, as if they've already been living together, as if they're already a family.

"We'll have to make some more space in your room for them, huh?" Louis asked, smiling over the rim of his mug before he took a sip.

"Yes! And my- my color table and we gots ta hang all my poster!"

"We promise buddy, we'll decorate just how you want," Harry said, relief seeping out of him as he saw Nate buzzing with everything he could do to his room.

"And I want a bed for Princess in my room! I can't share mine all time," Nate huffed.

"Demanding little bugger, I love it," Louis chuckled before kissing the top of Nate's head.

Nate giggled into his syrup coated hand, only to rub the sticky mess on his face. "Love you Lou."

And at those little words the room went silent, Louis' eyes trained on the 3 year old even with Harry's gaze staring at the two of them.

"I love ya buddy, I do," Louis barely whispered to the toddler, leaning down to hug him to his side and give him one more kiss.

Nate smiled back up at him, not even phased by what had happened, but the older pair were near stuck. Just at their eyes meeting though they both knew that this was it, this was the true start to their family.

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