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[Hell, Lust Ring]

Inside Asmodeus palace, Phyllis and Asmodeus sleeps in the bed until the alarm clock goes off. Phyllis wake up, punch the clock and stretches her arms out to the kitchen, destroying everything in the process. she tries to pour herself a cup of coffee but she misses the cup so she decides to take the whole pot back and set it on the desk. She stretches out and grabs one of her hat, then drink the coffee before throws it away and stretching herself above Asmodeus.

Phyllis:Rise and shine, Ozzie!

Phyllis shake an airhorn and blow it, startling Asmodeus, who covers her head with a pillow..

Asmodeus:*groan*....Again with the horn?

Phyllis:Don't blame me, blame how fucking FUN they are.

She blow the horn again.

Phyllis:M'kay so, today you have a meeting with the distributor about the new shipment of v-v-vibrators. Then you gotta host a safety meeting becouse of what happened with the old shipment of v-v-vibrators.

Asmodeus gets out the bed and puts on her robe.

Asmodeus:You scheduled me during lunch?

Phyllis:Well you pretty good at "squeezing things in".

Phyllis sqeezes Asmodeus robe and eyeing her butt.

Phyllis:But I left time for a ol'brekfast!

Asmodeus:Lemme guess? I'm handling that too?

Phyllis:I mean, unless you want to take a crack at cooking again?

Asmodeus:*laugh*NO. Never again.

Phyllis:What? Maybe I can burn the milk this time!


Phyllis:OH! You know what I'm craving? Burgers!

Asmodeus:Nooo! It's too early for burgers ya maniac.

Phyllis:Burger time! Burger time! Burger time!

The two laugh and exits the room.


While Asmodeus making breakfast, Phyllis opens up a newspaper with an article about Asmodeus and herself.

She crumbles the paper and stuffs it into the trash bin, then throws the bin out the window. Asmodeus open the refrigerator and see no milk.

Phyllis:Yeah, yeah I know. I can pick up some more when I'm out today.

Asmodeus:About that....You're still going to that contest rehearsal? Whitout me?

Phyllis:Well, y-you have a packed day today, and I know you aren't big on the whole Mammon thing. So.....

Asmodeus:It's the Greed Ring....One of the cities is literally called "RANSOM".

Phyllis:Ah! You worry too much, you know I ain't afraid of ropes. 'Sides I'm slippery~.

Asmodeus:I mean, only after I-



Phyllis:Come on Oz! I can be on my own one day!

Asmodeus:But you haven't been to the Greed Ring alone since becoming Mam's big grand-figure.

Phyllis:Yeah, I guess but it's not like I'm gonna stick around!

Asmodeus:I can get you an escort.

Phyllis:Augh! I can handle it!

Asmodeus:At least let me call Y/N, so he can keep an eye on you.

Phyllis:After coming to the club he seemed strange to me, I don't want to bother him for something stupid like this. C'mon Big Mommy. PWEEEASE?

Asmodeus:*chuckles* Well you know I can't say to a face that cute.

Phyllis:MHMM! That's why I use it.

Asmodeus:Just try to stay out of trouble Fily-frog.

Phyllis:Ahh! Stop it!


Asmodeus picks Phyllis up and laugh together. A succubus walk in the room with some box.

Succubus:Oz, I have the new shipment of-

She stops and see the two.

Phyllis:Ya mind? Trying to have an un-emotional bang sesh here!

Asmodeus:YEAH! Cuz we're so NOT in love!

Phyllis:Yeah! Love. Is. STUPID.

The succubus put the box down and walk out the room, staring oddly at the two.

Phyllis:Whew! That was close, huh?

Asmodeus:*sigh*Just come right back when it's over, and keep your phone on ya, okay?

Phyllis:Got it riiight here!

She stretches and grabs her phone.

Phyllis:Be riiight back after! Don't worry Oz, I'Il be super low-key. Nobody will notice me.....

[Hell, Greed Ring]

A limousine stops in the streets, Phyllis steps out onto a purple carpet while speakers and confetti blasters shaped like dicks pop out the car.

She walk off with her puppys, they runs around her while she laugh. The puppys starts to run and Phyllis pulls out rollers skates from her shoes as she blast behind them.

Phyllis:Whoa! Girls, girls!

She skates at top speed destroying everything and knocking over the demons.

Phyllis:Man, it's great not being in the spotlight for once.

Meanwhile Blitza is getting kicked out of a shop while Y/N just walk outside.

Blitza:Look lady, it's not MY fault if you only know how to make coffee that taste like piss!

Phyllis hits the brakes on her skates to avoid hits the two.

Blitza:Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!

Phyllis:Oh wow. Lookee who it is.

Blitza:Oh fuck....you again...

Phyllis:Stalkin' me now, huh? Hi Y/N, are-are you okay? Because when we saw you again it seemed like something had happened to you. You got me and Oz worried, you know that?

Y/N:Oh! Yes I'm fine Phyllis, you two don't have to worry....nothing happened I was just-I just had a bad day that's all.

Phyllis:Okay, Hey! Why don't you come one of these days-

Blitza:Hey! I'm still here. Don't fucking flatter yourself, clown. We have our own lives, I have my own life, you know whitout YOU in it.

Phyllis:Uh huh, sure! Blitza.

Blitza:The "A" is silent now bitch!
And gee whiz, we've been in each other relative vicinity TWICE, in the last fifteen years! That would make me, THE SHITTIEST STALKER IN HISTORY!

Phyllis:Twice.....is already way too much.

She shoves Blitza out of her way and walk off.

Blitza:Yeah, well at last I'm still actually working for my shit. And not getting everything headed to me like some pampered attention whore!

Y/N:Maybe we should go Blitz.

Phyllis growl in anger. She calm down when her albino puppy rubs against her and hands her a bone. She move the bone to show the lash, saying "From Ozzie with 💛".

Phyllis:Yeah, well.....Guess that's what resilience and talent gets ya. *chuckles* Plus my horns were always bigger than yours. Wheren't they?

Phyllis walk away but Blitza charge at her and the two starts a fight.


Inside a near bulding Crimson and Striker talk with each other.

Crimson:So, you say you're good? Cuz we really need a big score right now.

Striker:The best, had a royal on the ropes just last week.

Crimson:Sure, but not dead?

Striker:It was.....called off. But I have a body count in the hundreds. Ain't afraid of go after anyone.

???:I hope that's the case.

A new figure enters the room.

Crimson:Torch you have finally joined us. Don't worry the lady here can help us all.

Torch approaches the desk.

Torch:If this plan doesn't work.....

Torch opens his jaws and approaches Striker.

Torch:I'll eat your little Imps heads.

He closes his mouth with a snap, making Striker and Crimson jump while his men gulp in fear.

Crimson:M-My plan can't fail we both would have what we want.

Torch:We will see.

Striker:And what do you want so much?

Torch:Not something but someone, that's the only thing you need to know little cowgirl. Don't disappoint me Crimson make sure he's there too or otherwise......

Torch growl at Crimson and then walks away and exits the room with his men.

Striker:Ahem! As I was saying I go against anyone. Woman, kids-

One of Phyllis puppy is launched into the window.

Striker:And cute little faced puppy-looking things. Don't matter.

Striker heard sound out the building, so she walk over the window to see a fight in the streets between Blitza and Phyllis while Y/N watch like the other people.

Crimson:Hmm....I'Il tell ya what. If you can deliver something of value....I'Il consider it.

Striker:One moment...

She opens the window and use her lasso to ropes Blitza and Phyllis into the room and slam them into the wall while Y/N look at the scene, he starts to runs inside the building.


As soon as he enters the building, however, he is immediately hit from behind, causing him to fall to the ground.

Torch:We meet again Y/N.

Y/N:It's you....asshole...

Torch:We'll talk more when you wake up.

One of Torch's men hits Y/N knocking him out.

Torch:I can't believe that useless Imp's plan worked, take him.

Back in the room Crimson man aim their weapons at the two.


Striker:Funny to run into ya again, "Blitzy". And with a famous friends...

Blitza:Oh, fuck me.

Phyllis:For the record, we are not friends.

[Hell, Lust Ring]

Inside Asmodeus factory everyone work on the production of sex toy.

Asmodeus:Larger, you can never be to large *laugh*. You can never be too large.

Asmodeus looks at some project for new toy to build.

Asmodeus:Hm....smaller. Get this sport right there, and that's good! I like....ooh, I like that, that's good, mhm!

Asmodeus and her employees puts a new vibrator inside the test chamber. Everyone puts one safety goggles and turn on the vibrator. The vibrator starts to shake violently and explode shocking everyone.


Asmodeus groan in her office and look at a painting of her and Phyllis. Her watch made a sound for her appointment, she walk to the door and see Stalia waiting for her.

Asmodeus:Stalia! Hey there birdy babe. Haven't see you since you crashed my club, how you been?

Stalia walk into the office.

Asmodeus:*giggles* Still gettin' you kink on with that faisty Imp?

Stalia:Aha. Well, um, that's actually what I'm here about. You see, I, um....seem to have found myself with....feelings for her and someone else. And I'm not sure if it's a mutual thing.

Asmodeus:Well, I can tell ya, if you looking for a love potion. You came to the wrong fucking girl. I don't fuck with that artificial bullshit! Lust shouldn't be about force...It's an ART! To be earned....And enjoyed.

She pick up two candy shaped like a penis and shoved it through a candy shaped like lips.

Asmodeus:It's about the journey to Pleasure Town....you feel me? *giggles*

Stalia:Oh! No! Never. NEVER that. I just, you see...

While Stalia is speaking Asmodeus starts to eat the whole bowl of candy.

Stalia:This two had a business. They need to access the mortal realm to carry out their work. I know your demons are some of the only ones who can traverse freely and legally. I was wondering if you could assist me in....finding a way they could too?

Stalia summon her book and place it on the table.

Asmodeus:Oh! Hmmm, Stalia. My heart is bleeds for you, but my partner-Uh, business partner, Phyllis HATE your Imp girl. Blitza right? Yeeeah...haaates.

Stalia:she does? But why?

Asmodeus:Not my story to tell, but trust me I would help if I could. But I can't, sorry.....

Asmodeus phone rings with a new video message from Phyllis. She smile and opens the video causing the phone to project the video in the room.

Crimson:Hello Asmodeus. You don't know me but you don't need too. All you need to know is I have your little jester here with me.

Striker bring Phyllis in the video with tape on her mouth. Asmodeus growl and tries to grabs the hologram.

Crimson:If you want her back alive, you will give me exactly what I want.

Asmodeus:Do you have any idea who you are FUCKING WITH?

Stalia:I...think it's a recording.

Crimson:You probably just asked if I know who I'm dealing with. And, oh yes, I know. The weakest and most non-threatening of the Sins. The queen who will do whatever it takes to save the worst kept secret in all of Hell. We both know you want risk anything happening to the clown. So be a good bitch and do the thing. My lawyer will be over shortly with the contract of demands. You have until the witching hour to sign it. *laugh*! Now, cut....I SAID CUT IT, YA FUCKIN MORON!

The phone falls back on the table, the whole room shake as Asmodeus roar in rage.

[Hell, Greed Ring]

Crimson smoke a cigar while his man throws Phyllis in a cage with Blitza, which Striker is on top of.

Blitza:Hey assholes where is Y/N? I know he would come looking for us.

Crimson:Oh don't worry about him, someone I work with has an exclusive interest in him.

Phyllis:I-is he here too?

Crimson:Of course it's here, but my colleague has different ways of doing things than me.

Phyllis starts to panic while Blitza stay calm.

Blitza:Oh, chill out, jester. Christ on a stick, it's like you've never been tied up before.

Phyllis:Sure, but not by a bunch of a psychos. And a piece of shit!

Blitza:Am I?....Okay am I psycho or the piece of shit?


Blitza:Yeah, that checks.

Phyllis:How is this happening?! I was just supposed to grabs some gas station milk and rehearse some juggling!

Blitza:Oh, relax, I'm sure your big royal chicken ain't gonna let anything happen to her peppy lil fuck doll.

Phyllis:Ooooh playin' that card huh? Okay....What about you? Seems your taste have gotten more...."regal" lately *laugh*.

Blitza:Yeah, well unlike you, I fuck who I want when I want. I'm not gonna be tied down with some big blue-blood asshole.

Phyllis:You could've fooled me, the way princess was cozying up to you at Ozzie's.

Blitza:Hey! Stalia only cares about having a rugged peasant raw-dog her into her mattress, it's nothing....ya know....it's nothing else....

Phyllis:Then why were you even there?

Blitza:OTHER very important reasons, of course!

Phyllis:Whatever, I don't actually care.

Stalia:I mean Stalia is just a loud, thirsty bitch who love the feelin' the thrill of getting fucked by the lower class. It's a novelty to her.

Phyllis:Literally just said I don't care.

Blitza:And then, she'Il call me and try and see how my day was! And she'Il pretend to care about me, and comment on my photos and laug at my jokes-

Phyllis:Oh! Well that's definitely your clue right there that it's all bullshit.

Blitza:I KNOW, RIGHT? She just a fake privileged asshole!

Phyllis:Sound like you hate her for bein' a princess. Becouse no one, and I mean no one pretends to care that much just for a cheap lay.

Blitza:Point is....royal demons don't give a shit about girls like us. They're all the fuckin' same.

Phyllis:That's not....! A-always true...But, I guess you're right. They can't all be the same, if SOME have taste and SOME wanna fuck YOU.

Blitza:Can we talk about something other than my sex life? Satan's taint, is fucking that Lust girl make this what you're all about now?!

Phyllis:YOU brought it up, asshole!

Striker bangs on the cage.

Striker:Would you two shut the fuck up already? Bicker like a couple of teen skanks....

She steps on some box, then leans towards the cage.

Striker:As far I'm concerned, you two are BOTH embarrassments to our kind for meddlin' with blue-bloods to begin with. *sigh* But at least loud-mouth here has the sense to only fuck her rich bitch, instead of bein' a little purse dog.

Blitza:Oh great. The fucking supremacist is on my side, wonderful.

Phyllis:Neither of you filfth bags know what you're talkin' about. If you think you're superior to ANYONE, then you're no better than any royal-

Striker growl and grabs Phyllis by the neck.

Striker:DON'T. You. Dare...Finish that sentence, clown...

Crimson:HEY! Hick-for-hire! I said watch'em not fuck'em. Keep ya hands off the merchandise!

Striker sqeezes Phyllis neck and then jump off the cage.

Phyllis:Eaugh! Never heard of mouthwash!? FUCK FAAAAACCCE!

[With Y/N]

Y/N tied to a chair is hit repeatedly by Torch until he stop.

Torch:This was for our last meeting, Y/N.

Y/N spits blood on the ground as Torch rolls up his sleeves and turns to Y/N while some of his men look on laughing or smiling.

Torch:Now we can talk calmly.

Y/N:*chuckles* did you get my message?


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