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I got it "Tell him to watch his back because as soon as I find him I will kill him" funny.

Y/N:It's going to happen, Torch and when it happens I'm going to have a lot of fun.

Torch:Good for you, now let's talk.

Y/N:What do you want from me?



Torch:I want you to come back to work with us, well for me. I have to admit you were good, the only thing you have to do is beg me to be forgiven.

Y/NYou really think I do, you're really dumber than I remember*laugh*.

Torch:Come on Y/N I know you. We aren't that different, I can give you what you want as long as you beg me to come back to work for me.

Y/N:I will never do it, I already have a job.

Torch:The Imp girl right? I saw her tied up with Phyllis.

Y/N:.....What do they want to do with them?

That stupid of Crimson is going to blackmail Ozzie, just for money, he's just a greedy little Imp. It's not something that concerns me.

Y/N:I have to agree with you about this, my first meeting with him wasn't the best.

Torch:See we are similar. Now answer this, why do you keep working for that Imp girl? Because she save you? I think you've already repaid that debt.

Y/N:I like working with Blitz, it's a fun job.

Torch:Is that why? Or because you need it to reach me? It worked, we are face to face. And this leads to my last questions what will you do after you kill me? Will you continue to work for her? will you leave?

Y/N:I-I don't-

Torch:I want to help you have a goal, work for me and we will make money, we will have everything.

Y/N:After what you did to me, to the Boss.......no.

Torch:I knew you'd say that, but I'll change your mind. I'm not like those two Imps, my methods are....more violent.

Torch snaps his fingers and two of his biggest men approach Y/N ​​and start punch him.

Torch:I will be back soon.

Torch walks away leaving his men with Y/N.

[Hell, Lust Ring]

Back at Asmodeus office, she groan holding Crimson lawyer contract.

Asmodeus:Can I just sign it already? Like, can we move this along?

The lawyer give Asmodeus a pen but Stalia stop her.

Stalia:My lady, you need to know the contents of this contract, you can't just sign it. A deal made with a Sin like yourself would be everlastingly binding.....Perhaps I can look it over, I'm a fast reader.

She takes the contract and starts to read it.

Stalia:Oh! Hmm...This is a contract giving Crimson all of Ozzie's factory assets. And, giving him permission to use Phyllis head for a wall decoration.

Asmodeus:WAIT, WHAT!?

Lawyer:Juuust making sure you're paying attention! Here the real contract!

Stalia:Oohoohoo! This will be fun! I love words!

Asmodeus angry burn the fake contract.

[Hell, Greed Ring]

Phyllis struggles to free herself while Blitza just watch.

Blitza:Ya know? You're really bad at this.

Phyllis:Hmmm, ya know? Last time I checked, I was a FUCKING JESTER, NOT an escape arti-

Due to rubs her arms together in her wrap, get zapped and shots up, slamming into the cage and falls down.

Phyllis:*sniffles*I just wanna go home....

Blitza:Hmmm...You want me to get you out?


Raising her foot Blitza extract a knife from under her shoe and cut her ropes.

Phyllis:You had a knife this whole time!?

Blitza use her knife to free Phyllis hands and give her the knife.

Blitza:Now stop bitchin' while I work this.

Blitza observe her surrounding to see all Crimson goons playing with each other, she stops when she see the cage remote.

Blitza:Ahhh, bingo!

Phyllis:So what now, genius?

Blitza:See that remote?

Phyllis:I mean, I could stretch down there....

Blitza:No, no....I have a better idea.

Blitza shake the cage, causing some boxes to falls near a demon, who throws his beer mug in the air that fall on a Imp cards tower. He got angry and starts to shoots at everyone and everything.

Imp#1:Keep it down! I'm shootin' 8 ball ove here!

Imp#2:The fuck goin' on?

The Imp on the furklift got shoots and starts to drive everywhere while hit the other.

Imp#1:SHUT THE FUCK UP-Oh fuck me.....

The furklift hits him and the pool table to fly in the air. One of the balls rolls over a beam and then falls on the remote but nothing happen.

Phyllis:Well.....That didn't w-

The cage drops and the two git free.

Phyllis:Show off....

Suddenly Crimson and his goons walk in and see the mess.


The goons starts to shoots at them, the two runs but Blitza grabs a guns and starts shoots back while Phyllis go catch by one of them. She struggles to free herself while another goons tries to hits her. Phyllis manages to free herself but bumps into Blitza.

Blitza:What the fuck, Fily!? How is someone this flexible, this unless in combat?!

Phyllis:I'm a performer! I sing, I dance, I promote products that I don't actually use...I don't do danger!

The two dodge the attack and starts to run.

Blitza:Well good to know you're still wimpy circus puss.

The two quickly climb up a ladder.

Phyllis:I'd give you a comeback but that'd imply I give a shit what you think.

Blitza:You always cared what I thought!

Phyllis:*chuckles*After what you did to me?

Blitza:I didn't do anything! It was an accident!



A younger Phyllis perform from the people who enjoy the show while a younger Blitza look from afar.

Phyllis(narrating):You always had it out for me, because people liked me better!


A teenager Phyllis enjoy her birthday with everyone, she wave at a teenager Blitza but she turns away.

Phyllis(narrating):You want me gone, becouse you were jealous! Just waiting the spotlight!

Suddenly the curtains ignite with fire, everyone starts to scream while teenager Phyllis got knock on the ground.

Phyllis(narrating):I looked up to you, I thought you were my best friends...YOU RUINED MY LIFE!

Phyllis tries to escape but she runs into a box of fireworks that explode becouse of the fire. She drags her body away to reach Blitza while her whole body is on fire.

Phyllis(narrating):And then you just left me....I lost so much becouse of you. And you selfish piece of shit....YOU DIDN'T EVEN CARE!

Phyllis watch Blitza leaving while crying.

Blitza:I DID CARE!

[Flashback end]

Blitza looks at Phyllis with tears in her eyes.

Blitza:It WAS an accident! IT WAS!

One of the goons tries to shoots Blitza but Phyllis push her away and use her robotic arms to swing them under one of the shelves.

Blitza:Okay, you're right, it was all my fault, okay? I...I should've done more to help, I was....I was TRYING. There was so much going on....I was trying to get help, Fily! I just....It was still my fault....

Phyllis:Glad you could admit it. Want a medal?

Blitza:Look, I'm sorry, Fily....


Blitza turns her back to Phyllis and gaze down at a letter and a rose in her hand, with tears Blitza shove aside a Imp who make falls a birthday cake and set aflame the tent.

Blitza(narrating):I am sorry you got so hurt....

Blitza throws the letter and the rose on the ground and exit the tent while everyone starts to scream.

Blitza(narrating):I'm sorry for what you lost, and I....I know I can never make it right.

Everyone runs away and Blitza tutns to the tent that explode burning her right eye.

Blitza:(narrating):But you have no idea what I lost in that fire....

Blitza runs to a tent completely on fire with a worred expression.

[Flashback end]

Blitza:I mean, it's all my fault. I'd hate me to. I mean I do hate -SHIIIIT!

A goons grabs Blitza but she shoots him and her and Phyllis starts to runs again.

Phyllis:So, why didn't you try to tell me any of this? Or come see me? Even once would've been fine!

Blitza:I tried...You were all I had left, Fily. But they told me YOU didn't want to see me.

Phyllis:I never told them that!

Blitza:Bullshit....You didn't?

Phyllis:No! And no ond told me you came!



A goons climbs a ladder and try to attack the two but Blitza shoots him.


[With Y/N]

Torch's goons continue to hits Y/N.

Demon#1:*laughter* I'm having a lot of fun.

Demon#3:Yeah, but now it's my turn!

Demon#1:I have not finished yet!

The two begin to argue with each other while the other two of Torch goons watch and laugh.

Y/N:Girls, girls there's enough Y/N ​​for everyone *chuckles*

Demon#3:Do you think you're funny? Torch told us everything about you, what you are like and that if you are tired or injured it is difficult for you to create weapons with your powers.

Y/N:And I thought you were just muscles and no brains.

One of the demons angered hits Y/N, sending him against one of the shelves, causing all the stuff to fall on him.

Demon#3:You need to learn to shut the fuck up!

Demon#2:Nice punch.

Demon#3:Thank you, you have to put strength in your shoulders too, not just your arms.

In the meantime Y/N on the ground picks up the first sharp thing that falls from the shelf while the other two goons retrieve him and bring him back to where he was before.

Demon#4:Hey be careful don't break him before it's our turn.

While they argue Y/N starts cutting the ropes on her hands.

[Hell, Lust Ring]

Stalia still looking at the contract while Asmodeus keep looks at her watch.

Stalia:Okay, so! I believe this draft allows for some factory ownership, specifically located in the Greed Ring....With allocated funds going to your client for the foreseeable future...While ensuring the safe return of one "Phyllis".

Lawyer:Yeah sure, sound good...Now lemme just re-read thisssssuh.

The lawyer starts to read the contract while drink from a mug.

Asmodeus:HURRY UP!

Lawyer:Yelling won't make me read faster.

Asmodeus flames grow in anger while Stalia cape gets burned but she quickly stops them.

[Hell, Greed Ring]

Phyllis:Look! Misunderstanding or no, it's hard to just forgive you. It's BEEN fifteen years and....That's so much time...But!

Phyllis move Blitza around who keeps shoots all the goons around.

Phyllis:I guess you didn't really ruin my life.

Blitza:What, you're telling me getting blown up didn't ruin your life!

Phyllis:It was painful...and challenging....and y'know...

She puts Blitza down.

Phyllis:FUCK YOU STILL, BUT...it's not like I'm broken. And I now have someone who understand me and HYAH, HYAH, FUCK YOU!

Phyllis and Blitza hits more goons before lands on the ground.

Phyllis:My life has actually been pretty great.

Blitza:Yeah, that's lovely thing going on with yhat horny rooster fucker dontcha?

Phyllis:Oh yeah, it's been.....*blush* Fantastic....UH, CUZ YOU KNOW IT'S A GRAT GIG! And...and she got the BIGGEST TITS! You know LIKE MASSIVE! I mean imagine, like THE BIGGEST! JUST TWO GIANT, HUGE, LIKE TWO KAIJU FIGHT EACH OTHER! But there are TITS, ya know what I mean? LIKE TWO HUGE MONSTERS! They're BIG, they're HUGE-

Blitza:Yeah, yeah, yeah I get it, I get it! I'm happy for ya Fily.

Blitza puts a hand on Phyllis shoulder and smile until everyone corner them.

Crimson:If ya wanna prove yourself, cowgirl, here your chance.

Striker:You been a pain in my ass long enough, Blitz. NOW, I'm gon' break you like a FUCKIN HORSE!

Blitza:Ooooh don't you dare talk sexy to ME.

Phyllis:You still on the horse thing?!

Everyone starts to walk towards them.

Blitza:Fily! Remember how you used to distract my dad so I could still his booze?

Phyllis:I mean, yeah? Why?

Blitza:Yeah well, I need to get up to that window there to bust us out so we can find Y/N.

Phyllis:Ohohoo! One distraction, comin' up!

[With Y/N]

Torch:That's enough, have you changed your mind Y/N?

Torch returns after leaving.

Y/N:You have to....find yourself some better goons.....these suck.

Y/N angers the four demons as they prepare to hits him, Torch stops them by raising his hand.

Torch:Always the same Y/N, arrogant and stubborn.

Y/N:When I free myself I will kill you.

Torch:I have always loved your spirit. But it seems like, it will take longer to convince you, start again.

Demon#4:With pleasure.

Torch walks away and his goons prepare to start again but Y/N finishes cutting the rope on the punch one of the demons and headbutts another while Torch just watches.

Y/N:Now we can continue on equal terms.

Suddenly the building shakes and begins to fall on top of everyone.

Demon#1:I hate this job.

Under the rubble Y/N breaks free and sees Torch walking away.

Y/N:Not again, asshole.

Y/N limping chases after Torch.

[With Blitza and Phyllis]

The two runs free, laughing until the stop panting.

Phyllis:You know, you're actually pretty good at this action-hero bullshit.

Blitza:And you really know how to put on a show! Which is almost as most impressive as the thing you said I was good at!

They see a broken car, Blitza broke the window then use the cables to turn it on. Blitza climb over the car and opens the door for Phyllis.

Blitza:I guess, royal jester first? We need to hurry and find Y/N's sexy ass.

Phyllis tries to go in the passenger seat but she is dragged away by a robes making Blitza point the gun at the person.

Blitza:Get.....Your.....FUCKING shit-stain claws off her!

The smoke clears revealing Striker with Phyllis in her arm and her revolver in the other hand.

Striker:*laugh*You think I'm just gon' let you get away after all this?

She point the gun at Phyllis.

Striker:I'm THROUGH losin' these fights! This worthless little pet REEKS of her over-bloated master....I'Il at last enjoy gettin' rid of her.

Phyllis:Okay....is it bad that I'm getting wet?


Blitza shoots the gasoline cans wich explode, sending Phyllis against a billboard and then falls on the ground while flames surrounded her. Striker rolls on the ground to put out the flames on her before running off. Blitza look at Phyllis who tries to use her robotic arms to reach a car and swing to safety, but her arms are too dameged.


Blitza runs towards a crane, climbs onto the crane's arm and tries to reach Phyllis but is unable to until the arm drops and the two grab each other's hands. Phyllis looks towards the crane to see Torch climb down the ladder and give her a sneer and then walk away only to be picked up by Blitza and taken to safety.


Blitza:I did...But this time, I stuck around.

Phyllis smile at her and then hug Blitza who hugs her back while crying.

Blitza:Woooould iit...Fuck up the moment if we made out right now?

Phyllis leans away and glare at her,

The two then see Y/N injured on the ground and decide to jump down to help him.

Blitza:Y/N, who is the asshole that did this to your pretty face to sit on?

Phyllis:Are you okay? We need to take you to a doctor immediately.

Y/N:Where is he?


Y/N looks around angrily, looking for Torch but can't see him, then falls to one knee causing Phyllis and Blitza to worry and immediately try to help him.

Phyllis:Come on, we have to take you away.

Y/N:I'm fine, why....do you all always ask me that?

Blitza:Because you wouldn't think so from the way you are.

Y/N:Well I'm fine!

Y/N tries to get up but falls again only to be helped by the two.

Phyllis:Come on let's go Y/N.

Y/N:*sigh* Okay you can help me.

[Hell, Lust Ring]

In Asmodeus office Stalia is asleep with a contract page on her face whil Asmodeus keep looks at her watch pissed, meanwhile the lawyer is still reading the contract.

Asmodeus:THAT'S IT! I'm going to fucking END YOUR LIFE!

Everyone heard the curtains move and see Phyllis walk inside. Asmodeus immediately runs towards her.



The two hugs each other and starts smooching each other. Stalia notieces the lawyer gathering all the contract page before leaving.

Stalia:Hm. Get fucked, little one.

The lawyer see Asmodeus and Phyllis standing above him before move closer to him.

Lawyer:OH, MY SATAN!


Asmodeus:*sigh*I'm so glad you're okay, babe....You ain't never leaving the palace whitout protection AGAIN.

The two exit Asmodeus office and starts to walk in the halls as thry nuzzle each other while all the succubusand incubus look at the shocked.

Phyllis:*blush*Oz....You know there's eyes around...

Asmodeus:I know. I don't care. Cuz they know, if they tell anyone, I'Il BREAK THEM.

She punch and break a statue scaring everyone who runs away.

Phyllis:Well don't worry, today I learn that I hate going outside!

The two enter an elevator.

Asmodeus:You won't have to again.

Phyllis:I'm sorry....I got a little messy...

The elevator stops and the two enter workshop room.

Asmodeus:You don't need to apologize for getting banged up, babe!

Asmodeus opens a box and gets out a new arm for Phyllis.

Asmodeus:I'm just sorry I couldn't be there...

Phyllis:It's okay, Oz...Guess I'm just not used to this kinda thing....

Asmodeus:*sigh*It's been an intense day. Just take it easy, okay?

Phyllis:Oh it's fine! I'm FINE! REALLY! You know I bounce back fast! Soooo...besides my whole scary hostage thing...How was YOUR DAY?

Asmodeus:Well I was stuck with Stalia tge whole time. WHO by the way ask ME. To give her one of my crystal, as a gift for that girl you hate! So! I told her...NO!

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