[Hell, Greed Ring Past...]
Inside a giant stadium where thousands of spectators ready for a concert.
Annoucer:Alright, folks! Give it up for the queen of all things greeeen! Hell's number one clown! The money-maker herself!
Everyone in the crowd cheers. In the first raw a teenager Blitza and Phyllis cheers with everyone.
Annoucer:The Sin you all looove most Mammon, Queen of Greeeed!
Mammon appears on the stage with her guitar in her hands.
Mammon:Heya, implings! How're you little *honk* doing tonight? Hope you're ready for the best fucking show you will ever see your shit live!
Crowd:Mammon, Mammon, Mammon!
Mammon:Right I got tons of really fuckin' cool shit for you'ere tonight, but first, how many of you worthless bitches wanna be big clowns like me someday?
Blitza and Phyllis raise their hands and jump up and down.
Phyllis:I do, I do!
Blitza:Me, me, me, me!
Mammon:Well I'm happy to announce that I will be starting up a new, yearly clown pagent!
Mammon:You know-Like one'a them fucked up beauty contests, but for clowns, so it's better! Just for all you aspiring, clown kids out there!
She pick up an Imp child.
Mammon:A new chance to work with me, Mammon! And the new face of my clown-ish brand!
She then throws the child off-stage.
Mammon:I can't wait to see all the new talent I can exploi-U-um, fuck. Wait, I mean enjoy *laugh nervously* uh watch me grow my empire! Also if you're a chick, maybe give up on your dreams now. Couse I'm not gonna lies you have to be talented like me to make people laugh. Because you know, most women aren't funny. ANYWAY! My plan is to find the new face of my brand, YEAH! So they gotta bring the good shit! The winner will get to be like the child I never had, and I'Il be like the stepmom that will love you when is convenient!
Blitza turns sour at Mommon while Phyllis look at her with admiration.
Mammon:You might be a lunchbox, an action figure, Saturday morning cartoon. Hell, I might even make a sex robot of ya! I don't know! I mean, if we'Il make money, sure. But it's not weird. You're wird, you sick fuck!
She point to a random Imp in the crowd.
Mammon:And if you say it's exploitation, fuck you! It's not exploitation! If you think that than you're a dickhead......Anyway, CLOWNS!
Clowns falls on the crowd which cheers in excitement.
Blitza and Phyllis are walking down the streets after Mammon concert.
Blitza:Alright, I'm gonna say it. That was too many clowns.
Phyllis:I have to win that pageant someday. Can you imagine how amazing it would be to get to work with her?
Blitza:What's the point? Isn't being the star of our Imp circus enough? Plenty of people already know who you are, Fily. You don't need to go work for Mammon like some creepy mascot.
Phyllis:It's not about that! It's getting to work with my idol. I just love that she's giving someone new the chance to be in the spotlight! She's an inspiration.
Blitza:Well she's-definitely something alright. I mean, I dunno, was it worth all our savings just to have her put on an over- hyped commercial, and the bitch about taxes, and then assault us with clowns, vomit, and pass out on stage?
Phyllis:*laugh* So worth it!
Meanwhile someone follows them in the dark.
Phyllis:*sigh* Blitza, do you think I could win if I worked really hard?
Blitza:I think-I think if anyone gonna be the new clown face on everything- *laugh* it'Il be you, Fily.
Suddenly an Imp jump in front of them.
Burnie:Holy shit, you're Phyllis! Oh MAN! You're stuff is great!
Phyllis:Oh-hey there. Thank you, I appreciate that.
Blitza and Phyllis walk past him but he runs in front of the two.
Burnie:After seeing you shows, I wanted to get into the clown performing, too! I'm really good!
Burnie extends his hand for a handshake, Phyllis laugh nervously and walk to him to shake his hand.
Blitza:Hey, aren't you the creep who's always trying to sniff around our dressing rooms?
Phyllis stops but Burnie grabs her wrist and pulls her closer.
Burnie:I have the best idea for a duo performance between us, that should spice up your act.*blush* Picture this: We start like a romantic, ballroom dance or a-
Blitza:Dude, weird fuckin' pitch. Fuck off!
Burnie:I was talking to the clown, asshole! I'm sorry Phylli, I'm not normally so aggressive, I promise. I've just waited my whole life for an opportunity like this! With your fame, and my raw, undiscovered talent, I know we can-
Blitza:Hey shit-dick, beat it now or I'Il make ya swallow your fangs!
Burnie:Fily! You don't want me to leave, right? Tell her you don't want me to go!
Phyllis:I-uhm-We have to go now. Thanks, though!
Phyllis leaves Burnie, then Blitza shove past him while he falls to the ground.
Burnie:Eugh! Fiiily! Phyllisssss! Fine, fuck you! You think you're better than me you elitist prick? You act fucking trash anyway!
Blitza:Cheeeese and hot sauce Fily, your fans are something else.
Phyllis:What if my acts are trash? What if I'm never good enough?
Blitza:Hey, hey. Don't let ond asshole get to you 'kay? You're-you are plenty good enough.
Phyllis:But, I have to be perfect.
Blitza:*groan*Do you?
Phyllis:I'Il just have to keep practicing, and someday, maybe, I'Il be good enough for M-
[Timeskip Commercial Spot]
Mammon:It's me Mammon! And I'm here to announce the amazing new brad-
Mammon:Phylli! We got a Phylli for every occasion!
Mammon shows various Robo Phyllis, branded for every proposes, skill and desires.
Mammon:We got fluffy toy Phylli, fireman Phylli, therapist Phylli, wait in line for you Phylli, doctor Phylli: beeps every time it sense cancer! Fat Phylli, skinny Phylli, so many Phylli! And if you wanna fuck'em, you can! We got Phylli for the kids, Phylli for the teen and Phylli for you sick, fucking degenerate adults! We got'em all! All based on my new face, Phylliii!
Mammon bring a nervous Phyllis on camera.
Phyllis:That's me!*laugh nervously*
Mammon:Buy yours now! Do it!
[Hell, Lust Ring Present...]
Phyllis look in a mirror, focused on a scar over her right eyebrow. She begins serching around for some makeup.
Phyllis:Oh, fuck. Mammon is gonna notice that. Ozzie! Where did my foudation go?!
Asmodeus:This is the 10th year in a row you've done this stupid pageant, Froggie. And you win everytime! How come you're always so dead set on this?
Phyllis:I wanna make Mammon proud, okay? She's really passionate about the craft of clown. She expects perfection, so I-I gotta be perfect.
Asmodeus:Fily, you ain't perfect! Nobody is! How about, you sit this one out, and let someone else take the spotlight? You deserve a break. Or a vacation, where you don't to fend off creeps the entire time.
Phyllis:*scoffs*I had to fend of creeps before the robots, I just have thirstier ones, now. Besides, I just-have to do this!
Asmodeus:Lemme rephrase: I don't like how many creeps you have now, thanks to Mammon. And I don't like disigning sex toys with your likeness for her! Pretty sure you feel the same.
Phyllis:I just don't think about it, a toy is a toy. Look Ozz, I'm fine. Working for Mammon is a big deal to me. She's been my idol since I was five, I can't just-no compete! I'd be letting her down! Th-the fans down!
Asmodeus:Mammon can eat my ass. In a bad way. Fily I've know that girl since the start of Hell, and She. Fucking. Sucks. Always has! She doesn't even do clown shit anymore.
Asmodeus look at Phyllis and give her some makeup.
Asmodeus:*sigh*I just don't want you doing all this for someone approval. Sometimes heroes let you down.
Phyllis:I know, Ozz. But this i-is for me. I don't wanna lose.
[Hell, Imp City]
In her apartment Blitza watch TV and eat cereals on the couch until her phone rings.
Asmodeus:Is this Fily former bestie, then lifelong enemy, the recent hero, now newly rekindled sort of friend, Blitz?
Blitza:Ehn, that is a weird way to put it, but eeyup, that's me.
Asmodeus:This is Asmodeus.
Blitza:Oh, shit. The big Ozz herself! Heh, is there a reason you're calling me on the weekend your Sin-sinness? Sinfulness? Sin-Royal, big girl?
Asmodeus:You've lived rent free in Fily head for years, so I can't help feel she values your take on things.
Blitza:Yeah, I was the one who usually had the strong er opinions. Yeah like, like one time, she tried convincing me that juggling was cool, but it's only a little cool at best.
Asmodeus:Look, she's deadset on re-entering Greed yearly clown pageant.
Blitza:Wow, big fucking surprise there.
Asmodeus:I was hoping to have some-backup to convincing her that this thing is a waste of time.
Blitza:What? Why? Doesn't she always win?
Asmodeus:Cause Mammon is a selfish, manipulative piece of shit! And Fily doesn't listen to me when I try to tell her that.
Blitza:Well my special skill are killing things whitout giving fucks-and pointing out people flaaaws....Alright, count me in!
Y/N in his apartment rests, until his phone rings.
U/N:Who is?
Asmodeus:Heeey Y/N dear, how are you doing?
Y/N:Ozzie, we haven't spoken in a while, what do I owe pleasure of the call to?
Asmodeus:I wanted to ask you if you could do me a favor? It's about Fily she has to participate in that stupid pageant, and I would like someone to protect her from all those creeps, would you be available?
Y/N:Of course, don't even consider it a favor as I always told you, I'm always here for you or Fily.
Asmodeus:Thank you Y/N, I know I can always count on you......Y/N you're alright Fily told me what happened when you met so-
Y/N:I'm fine Asmodeus as I told Phyllis you don't have to worry about me I can take care of myself.
Asmodeus:Yes, yes I know it was just that.....there are times when you always do this and keep it all inside so I wanted to-
Y/N:I'll be there for protection, Asmodeus.
Asmodeus:Oh, uh okay it will be nice to see each other again after all this time....so see you soon.
[Hell, Greed Ring]
A crowd of people is gathering around a circus tent.
A limousine arrives and Phyllis, Asmodeus in her smaller form and Blitza and Y/N as bodyguard while everyone cheers for Phyllis.
Crowd:We love you, Fily! Yeah, baby, yeah!
Blitza:Wow, I have not been to a crowded event in years.
Phyllis:Can you remind me why you're here, again? Y/N would have been enough.
Asmodeus:I uuuuh-iviyed her. To help you, with extra security. You know your fans. Since I can't be with you I felt she can help Y/N keep an eye on you.
Phyllis:She can help Y/N?
Asmodeus:Well she kept you safe when I wasn't able to, so I trust that.
Blitza point the gun at a child Imp while Asmodeus laugh nervously.
Phyllis:Mmm-hmm. L'il sus babe.
Y/N:Don't worry you two, if Blitz gets distracted, I'm here. I will shoot anyone who gets too close to you.
Asmodeus:Y/N dear, let's consider shooting the last option, okay?
Y/N:You are the boss.
Phyllis walks ahead as Asmodeus look at Y/N and Blitza who nods at her. Asmodeus leave and the two catches up to Phyllis.
Crowd:You're doing an awsome job, Phyllis!
Blitza:Come on, it's just like old times. I'Il make sure no one gives you shit, today.
Phyllis:You mean beside you?
Suddenly Mammon appears with a green explosion.
Mammon:Aaay, there she is! Now, how's my bright, shiny brand baby doing? Ready to reclaim your win another year? Yeah?
Phyllis:You know it, Mammon ma'am.
Mammon:Gooood. Cause, you know, I saw your competition and it's pretty stiff, right? You are gonna have to try extra hard like-fixin that posture. Not gonna lie you're looking a bit chungo, yeah? Maybe lose a few so we don't gotta make any more adjustment to the Phyllis. People like'em skinny as FUCK.
Phyllis:Oh-right ma'am. Of course! I'Il work on that.
Y/N:*wisper*Blitz don't-
Blitza approaches Mammon and Phyllis.
Mammon:Oh. And who's this dumpster-driver ya got here with ya?
Blitza:Hi, yes, nice to meet you, I'm the one who saw through your fake-ass bullshit from the day I had to spend all my savings on the shit covered, dick show you called a performance. Thanks for that, by the way.
Phyllis:*laugh nervously*Ignore her, ma'am. She's uh-she's like this all the time. She think she's funny.
Mammon:Riiight, yeah. You can shut your *honk* ass mouth, girl-
Mammon notices Y/N behind Blitza.
Mammon:Y/N? it's you, I recognized your body.
Mammon appears in front of Y/N and grabs his face
Mammon:We haven't seen each other in a long time, how are you? Thought about my offer?
Y/N:Hi Mammon it's true we haven't seen each other in a while, I see you've let yourself go.
Mammon:The price of fame.
Y/N breaks free from Mammon.
Y/N:And no, I haven't changed my mind.
Mammon:Don't say that, you'll break my heart, think about how much money we'll make with a robot like you! We could sell them as a pair with the Phyllis.
Y/N:I'm not going to have sex robots in my image running around in hell.
Mammon:Never say never Y/N I'll convince you, so I can- I mean we can make tons of money. Anyway all see you on stage! And don't forget to fucking smile Phyllis. The smile is the face people like to seeee froooom you!
Mammon desappears.
Blitza:Wow, that bitch sucks so hard.
Phyllis:Look, Blitz, I don't know why Ozz brought you here, but can you at least not talk back to my boss!? I need this gig!
Blitza:Why? Don't you have the the world's best sugar mommy?
Phyllis:I just need it, okay!?*sigh* Smile inside and out.
Phyllis walks again with a smile on her face while waves at the crowd.
Crowd:We love you, Fily! We love you! Ready for another win Fily?
Phyllis:Oh, pfff-well, I don't wanna assume, but as always I have an act that's whitout a doubt gonna-
???/???:Fucking lose!
Phyllis turns to see two girl in front of her, the two make the crowd go wild.
Phyllis:Oh, fun. You gals gonna be competing as well? That really nice.
Glitz:You can shut up now you fugly Imp.
Glam:Yeah, see we didn't come to chat, we came to win.
Phyllis:Wow, what attractive attitudes you got.
Glitz:Like we care what your opinion is Phyl-ah.
Glitz:Shut up, U was thinking of one!
Glam:Should've been faster.
Glam:Slow-ass, bitch.
Blitza:You know it's telling that you snatches can't even keep your stupid mirror schtick together. It ain't cute.
Glitz:We don't need to.
Glam:We put our energy towards our performance.
Glitz:And winning Mammon favor.
Phyllis:Oh, well. I look forward to seeing what you do, and may the best clown w-
Glam/Glitz:We plan to/We plan to*laugh*.
The sister walk past the three.
Y/N:Maybe next time Fily, tries to be more competitive.
Blitza:Aw man I didn't give a rat ass about this competition, but Christ on a stick Fily, pile drive those
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