Inside the tent the contestants appears on stage as the crowd cheers. Mammon look the stage from her seat while eating.
Annoucer:We've certainly got some quality up here tonight, folks. Will Mrs 10 years running come out on top? Or is it time for fresh meat?
Mammon appears on stage.
Mammon:And now you *honk*, we're down to our clowny finalists.
Crowd:Mammon, Mammon!
Mammon:My very own pride and joy, the marketable daughter I never had, Phyllis! And another surprisingly funny women act that made me reflect on my earlier statements: The Glam Sisters! Now we're gonna have a quick meet'n greet with our finalists.
Mammon:So, fork it over, kiddies! You know it's worth it!*laugh*
Mammon take large bags of money from the people before pushing or kicking them in the area. A child put lint on Mammon hands, she snap her fingers and a bodyguard put a bag on the child head before take him away. Meanwhile in the area Glitz and Glam pose for the people while Phyllis hide behind a cardboard cutout of herself, the reach Mammon.
Phyllis:Hey Mammon, uh-I may not be uh-i-in the right headspace to interact with the fans right now. Is it okay if I maybe skip the whole thing?
Mammon:Psh, of course not.
Phyllis:I just really don't think that I'm really-
Mammon:Aaaw vome on, Phylli, my girl. Don't you wanna do this for your fans? Listen to them.
The fans cheers for her.
Mammon:They're dying to meet you! Dying to see your little Phylli face! You gotta make a good impression, mate. The better the impression, the more they'Il want a piece of you they can take home and fuck! Don't you want that, Phylli? To be fucked?!
Phyllis:Uhhh.....I mean, no, not really, actually.
Mammon:Phylli, I-I'm not gonna lie, I want that.
She hold Phyllis face close.
Mammon:So come on, just do this one thing for me.
Phyllis:Okay, ma'am.
Mammon:Aw, you're a bloody legend, Phylli! They're gonna wanna fuck you, like you're fucking my heart with joooy right now! Now get out right there and make me proud. You stupid little *honk*
Mammon desappears again in a cloud of smoke.
Blitza:Wow, Fily, you let her talk to you like that? You got some kind secret kink I should know about or something?
Y/N:Why do you let her treat you like that?
Phyllis:It's just how she is.
Blitza:I mean shit, if she talked to me that way.
Phyllis:*groan*It's fine.
Then Phyllis walk over to meet her fans.
Phyllis:Heya, folks! Where ya from?
One of the fans flashes her breasts at Phyllis.
Phyllis:Oh! Lust, love it there obviously. Wet Dreamsville, hah! Best pharmacies in Hell!
She starts signs toy, book or everything else.
Phyllis:Ragesburg well. Nice to meet cha partner,*laugh* I don't do accents. Fun!
She hugs two fans.
Phyllis:Ah, nice to meet you, too!
She stand in front of the crowd.
Phyllis:Thank you so much for coming to the show.
Crowd:We love you, Fily! Fily! Fily! Fily!
Phyllis notice in the crowd a kid with a pen and a piece of paper who starts to talk yo her with sign language.
Kid:"Phyllis! I'm a big fan!"
Phyllis:"Come on over here."
The kid rushes over her and show her the piece of paper which Phyllis signs with a smile.
Kid:"I want to be a clown just like you."
Phyllis:"You can do anything you want." I hope you're excited for the big finale!
???:Boo! Boo! Sellout piece of shit!
Phyllis:Uh-wh-c-come again?
???:Ughh, you're act is such fucking trash, always has been.
The person climbs over the crowd reveling....
Burnie:Except! Now, I have to see your smug face plastered on everything, everywhere! And you can read all about it on my review blog: fuck-Fily-but-not-in-a-sexy-way-dot-compainer, dot-com, dot-org, dot-gov.
Phyllis:Hah, well, anyway folks heh.
Burnie:You're not even a clown anymore. All you do is work at that overpriced, sleaze joint, and then every year you come back here to put us through the same tired , old routine.
He slowly walks towards Phyllis.
Burnie:Is there a single original idea in that head?
Phyllis:I uh-uh-uh.
Burnie:You fucking suck, and so do your products. You're sex-bots can't even get me off right, you know-
Blitza lend in front of Burnie and aims her rifle at him who raise his hands.
Burnie:What? Still think you're too good to even talk to me? Still gonna get this chump to stand in for you? You're fucking pathetic. To think, what we could've been together....if you hadn't been too up your own ass to listen-
Blitza put the rifle in Burnie mouth.
Blitza:Yeah, one more word out of you, twat-stain, imma blow your head clean open in front of all these fucking kids.
Phyllis starts to hyperventilating while Burnie laugh at her until Blitza hits him with the rifle.
Burnie:You're not done with me, Phyllis.
The fan tries to run away but bumps into Y/N's chest.
Y/N:You're really lucky, since I can't use weapons.....or maybe not.
Y/N cracks his knuckles.
Burnie:Who the fuck should you-
Before he can finish Y/N grabs him by the neck and lifts him off the ground.
Y/N:Sorry but I don't understand you if you make all these noises while my hand is around your neck, you will be the first Imp to fly.
Y/N throws Burnie out of the area and then walks towards Phyllis worriedly.
Blitza:Hey, hey-Whoa, whoa, you're good?
Suddenly Mammon appears and throws Blitza aside and checks on Phyllis.
Mammon:Yeah, mate? You alright Phylli?
Phyllis look up to Mammon who looks at her threateningly.
Phyllis:Yeah-yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm-I'm fine, yeah, heh.
Mammon:Tell you what, I'Il let the hotties go on before ya, give ya some time to get your shit together. Get your shit together, Phylli. You're a bloody legend. You're a bloody legend, ya bitch!
She make Phyllis spin near the stage.
Blitza:Oh shit, that guy got you, didn't he?
Y/N:Do you want me to take care of him?
Blitza:You know you don't have to-
Phyllis:I do Blitz, I do.
Blitza:Fucking hell, Fily this is stupid. That clown shit is not this important.
Phyllis:This job is! Without it I'Il lose-
The sister step through the backstage.
Blitza:Seriuosly, that girl is a fucking dick, and she's using you for everything, cause you're likeble, and she's a fucking trash fire.
Phyllis:No she's not! She's just trying to make me good enough.
Blitza:Good enough for what?
Phyllis enter her dressing room in panic, then looks at her reflection in the mirror.
Phyllis:O-Okay, Fily. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. It's okay, it's fine. You have a show to do soon, it's fine.
She wipes sweat off her forehead, then notices the makeup on her face gone.
Phyllis:*gasp*Oh, oh no, oh no, no, no, no, no.
She get a makeup brush and tries to apply it but her hands shakes. She get a heart shape makeup kit with Ozzie name one, she open it to see a mirror.
Phyllis:It's okay, you're fine. You need to be fine.
Asmodeus:Fily! Are you okay?
Asmodeus enter Phyllis dressing room.
Phyllis:Why does everyone keep asking me that? You shouldn't be here, Asmodeus. I'm fine, please.
Asmodeus:Come on. Froggie.
Phyllis:I'm fine! I'm fine! Just needed a minute!
Asmodeus:You aren't okay, you're shaking.
Phyllis:Ozz, I'm about to go on for the finale, I need some to mentally prepare.
Asmodeus:Fily, come on! I'm trying to talk to you. You can't force yourself to-
Phyllis:Ozz, I have to do this. This could be my last chance to prove that I'm still good at this. That it's not over! That's I'm still good enough! It's not just Mammon. I'm fine, I just-need to be better.
Asmodeus:You think you need to be this perfect, model performer, but that's becouse Mammon is always forcing that image onto you!
Phyllis:But everything I have is becouse of Mammon. I have this life. I have security. I have you. Whitout Mammon I wouldn't be-I wouldn't have- I just-I have to win this.
Phyllis:I don't want to lose. Becouse I feel like if I lose this, I lose you.
Asmodeus:How would you lose me? Come on, Froggie.
Phyllis:You're with me becouse of who I am at my best! I'm barely worthy of working with a Queen of Sin, cause THIS is who I am!
Phyllis remove her jester hat reveling her broken horns.
Phyllis:Without all of this, I'm just nothing, and Mammon made me this. I owe it all to her.
Asmodeus:Fily, Mammon didn't do shit. You already were this. You'd be this no metter what! You are the most inspiring demon I have ever know, and meeting you was one of the best thing that ever happen to me. I adore your inventiveness, your attitude, your resilience. And you're just the cutest thing alive. Also you are waaaay better performer than Mammon ever was, and thaaat's just facts.
Phyllis:It's-It's hard, you know? To t-trust that. I-I just I love you so much, Ozzie.
The two hugs each other.
Asmodeus:And I love you too, Phyllis. And I would whether you win this bullshit or not.
Phyllis:Well, I kinda spent my whole warmup having a panic attack *laugh*.
The door of the dressing room got kicked by Burnie who is holding a knife.
Burnie:You're gonna listen to me now, BITCH!
Suddenly two bullets go towards Burnie head and chest, his body falls on the ground reveling Blitza and Y/N at the door.
Y/N:I finally got to shoot someone.
Blitza:Oh, so you two are an item?...Well congratulations you fucking hypocrites.
Y/N:So Fily do you want to go on stage or not?
Mammon is dealing with a bored crowd.
Mammon:Uuuuh. D-Don't worry, folks. I-I'm sure Phyllis will be out soon with a grand fucking performance.
Suddenly an explosion of blue smoke appears on stage.
Everyone looks at Phyllis in shock after what she said.
Mammon appears in front of Phyllis.
Mammon:QUIT!? You miserable piece of shit! Whag do you mean quit?
Phyllis:I meeean, I quit. I'm done. G'day mate!
Phyllis walk away from her. Mammon in fury growl and transform in her demonic form.
Asmodeus:Oh, that bitch.
Mammon:You fucking ungreateful little shit! I give you everything! You practically in my image! I raised like the daughter I didn't want!
Suddenly behind Phyllis, Asmodeus turns in her demonic form like Mammon.
Asmodeus:You better back the fuck up, Mam!
Wally:Ho-ly shit! I say, I say.
Mammon:*laugh*Look who's acting like a big fuckin' hero. Careful whag you say, Ozzie. Wouldn't want your secrets getting out, would we?
Asmodeus:I don't care anymore!
Mammon:Becouse if you let her quit, I could tell everyone hereee that you-
Asmodeus:What? That I love her? Well I do! Exactly like-
Crowd:I knew it! I knew it!
Everyone in the crowd pulls out their phone and starts to post the news everywhere.
Mammon:Oh-uh. Shit. Ah-you dirty bitch.
She slithers around Asmodeus.
Mammon:You are gonna regret reveling that, Ozz. *laugh*
Mammon laugh at the two than creates an explosion which destroy the tent and make her disappear.
Glitz:So, does that mean we win?
The sister got hit by a wooden plans that falls on top of them.
Inside the back seat of a limousine Blitza, Y/N, Phyllis and Asmodeus drive away.
Blitza:So, uhm, who tops?
Phyllis groan while Asmodeus grins at her.
Y/N:Who's been touching my butt since we came in?
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