Chapter 69 - Rate your stay on trip advisor

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Hawk's POV

The weeks felt like years without Kimi. The bright comfortable glow of our home was now dull and void, even Peanut refused to chirp when I came home. I had been working with a collection of heroes to steer them towards the Hassaikai HQ, though every fiber of my being was telling me to just swoop in there and save her. But it had finally arrived. The day we would get her back. Sir Nighteye had gathered intelligence and we had successfully gathered a force of heroes, sidekicks and additional police officers just in case. I had tried to convince Tokoyami to stay behind but the kid was adamant about coming, he and Kimi weren't by any means close but he liked her and wasn't about to sit at the sidelines knowing he can help. I wasn't overly fond of the idea but seeing as there were other placement students I allowed it but I told him to stick with Froppy and Uravity.

I stood back from the others outside the Hassaikai HQ, my muscles tight and my heart racing as I stared down at the fortified building before pulling out my phone and calling Dabi.

"We're going in now."I said as soon as he answered. A part of me hated the fact that I had his number now, it was like we were becoming more connected when all I really wanted was for him to leave forever.

"I know, I'm watching." he said causing me to look around frantically at the surrounding buildings. I spotted him almost instantly, a tall dark shadow lurking on the rooftop of a nearby warehouse, his figure almost indistinguishable against the darkened rooftop which lay in shadows against the taller more modern buildings.

"That's not creepy at all" I mocked turning around to make sure none of the other heroes noticed him, which luckily they hadn't.

"You should be more careful you know. This place is swarming with heroes and your not exactly the most inconspicuous." I added.

"Aww are you concerned about my wellbeing? I'll be fine. Besides you're not the only one invested in seeing her out safely Chicken Little" he grumbled back like the chainsmoker he is.

"Yeah yeah. Listen I gotta go but if you see them sneaking her out passed the heroes you know what to do." I said hanging up before he can reply and making my way to the front with the other pros.

"Ready to get our girl back?" I asked looking up at Fatgum jokingly. The big guy always seemed so at ease so seeing his steely gaze was a little unnerving.

"Haha you still jealous I'm her favourite hero Hawks? Don't worry we'll get her back in no time, the little girl too!" He grinned back patting me a little too roughly on the back.

However, before I could reply the gates burst open and a number of members of the Shia Hassaikai launched a full on attack. They were expecting us.

Kimi's POV

I just have to knock the guard unconscious, and run out with Eri, my forcefield should be able to shield us at least until we are outside and by that stage we just have to distance ourselves from the building, which would be easier if I even knew where exactly we are. I had been running over the plan in my head for hours and it was time to put it in action. I'm not about to sit back and let Overhaul kill me or Eri. I ran through the plan with Eri one more time before I opened the door but froze seeing Overhaul standing in front of it.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked with clear disgust.

"I could smell your rubbing alcohol from here, what do you want?" I replied quickly, damn that was close.

"We're leaving. Get Eri and follow me." He said sternly, glaring over my shoulder at Eri.

"Leaving? Where to? Why?" I asked feeling excitement for the first time in forever, if we are leaving it can only mean one thing. The area has been compromised and the heroes are here.

"Stop asking questions and hurry up!" He barked back, his hands twitching in anger. Oh, this is good.

"Okay okay, don't get your beak in a knot!" I smirked going over to Eri and lifted her up, placing her on my hip and walking out rather slowly.

"Come on!" He demanded, two of his Yakuza goons pushing us further down the corridor as the booming sounds of explosions and fighting echoes behind us.

"Damn heroes..." I could hear Overhaul mumble out as I held Eri tighter to my side.

"Don't worry sweetie, we'll be out of here soon" I whispered to her feeling her little arms tighten around my neck, her face coming to rest in the crook of it.

"Overhaul!" A voice echoed behind us and we came to an abrupt stop. The passageway behind us appeared to be a solid wall but standing in front of it, in full hero gear was Mirio.

"I let her slip through my fingers once, I won't let if happen again!" He growled, his voice darker than I had ever heard it before. I held Eri tighter in my arms and moved to the side, slowly increasing our distance from Overhaul. He glared at us and jerked out a hand only for me to duck out from under it and dash across the room towards Togata.

"Hey buddy long time no see!" I laughed though it sounded more like a sigh of relief.

"Hey Kimi! How was your vacation?" He joked back eyeing up Overhaul and his two guards who had yet to move.

"Not the best, I'm afraid they won't be getting a good review on trip advisor!" I smirk back before we both began to sway. The world around us seemed to move, the walls turning into a dizzy haze, as I clutched onto Eri to keep her secure.

"How do you like my quirk?" Screeched one of Overhaul's thugs, who appeared to be swigging from a bottle of vodka. Great, this just gives me more reasons not to like alcohol.

"Not going to work on me! Keep her safe Kimi!" Togata demanded as he sank into the ground heading towards Overhaul only to knock out the drunk Yakuza thug.

"Quickly do it now!" Overhaul bellowed moving aside to reveal the other Yakuza member pointing a gun firmly at Togata.

"Watch out!" I screamed watching the bullet phase through Togata's body whilst Overhaul stumbled back from the hero in apparent shock. I released a sigh of relief only to suck it back in when the gun was pointed directly at Eri and I. Not happening. Not to her. I pushed her back, blocking her body from the Yakuza members and staring them down, daring them to shoot. We won't be much use if we're dead so do your worst!

Within the blink of an eye the bullet was fired and as though in slow motion I watched in horror as Togata phased into the floor and out in front of me blocking the bullets path with his body ...

Author's note

Cliffhanger dun dun duh! Sorry, I couldn't resist but because the story is coming to a close I'm going to be putting out the next chapter today anyway so you won't have to wait long!
xx Lara

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