Chapter 70 - What a reunion

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Within the blink of an eye the bullet was fired and as though in slow motion I watched in horror as Togata phased into the floor and out in front of me blocking the bullets path with his body ...

Kimi's POV

... or at least that's what he thought.

The bullet hung in mid air, a purple translucent haze surrounding it along with Togata, Eri and I. I had acted on instinct with the sole purpose of protecting everyone on this side of the bullet's trajectory and it had paid off. I placed a hand on Togata's tense shoulder squeezing it reassuringly and reached a shaky hand out to pluck the bullet out of its forcefield prison before flicking it onto the ground. Both Overhaul and the man in front of us stood with clear shock and confusion.

"Opps did Kenji forget to mention that I can do that? Pity, he was so good at leaking information to illegal organisations!" I laugh back bitterly.

"Stand down Overhaul. It's over. Just give us Kimiko and Eri." A tall thin man said evenly, clapping Mirio on the back with pride. He had to be Sir Nighteye, the hero Togata is interning with. Beside him, though slightly battered and bruised stood Midoriya, clad in his signature green hero outfit.

"Hey kiddo, good to see you, how've you been?" I smiled at him, Eri moving out of my arms to walk up to the boy who had quickly become her favourite hero.

"I'm good. Better now that you and Eri are safe." Midoriya said with a weak smile towards Eri.

"Yeah, this loser made the League of Villains hideout look like Disneyland, though it must be said they do serve nice French toast." I rambled, I think being void of conversation with anyone over the age of six had left me overly talkative.

"Enough of this. It's not over you're just no longer of use to me, goodbye Kimiko Kita!" Overhaul hissed, placing his bare hand on the floor and causing spikes to erupt from it with the intent to impale me. Eri's heart breaking screams echoed across the room but as I braced for impact I felt none. The spikes that would have splintered into my body were bent and crumbling, the faint traces of my forcefield only visible by the dust and rumble tumbling off it.

"No - No Sir!" Came the desperate cries of Togata. I looked up only to see Eri and Midoriya on one side of the collapsing room, Overhaul and his minion on the other, whilst Togata and Sir Nighteye stood in the centre, a spike protruding from Sir Nighteye's chest.

"Pity, that spike wasn't meant for you. But nevermind, accidents happen. As much as it sickens me to do this I suppose I have no choice." Overhaul murmered, his voice almost indistinguishable under the cries of Togata, who was desperately pressing on Sir Nighteye's abdomen, though it was clearly too late to do anything about it.

As Overhaul began to merge his body with that of the other Yakuza thug, Sir Nighteye whispered out to Togata and Midoriya, who had now joined him with Eri in his arms.

"Go!" He screamed before Midoriya shot off into the sky with Eri in his arms as Overhaul followed him, leaving me barricaded in by spikes and watching Sir Nighteye take a shallow breath in Togata's arms before the world went dark.

Hawk's POV

Fuck Dabi. His so called buddies in the League had told him that they had found Kimi, and as awful as that might seem, we were able to pinpoint her exact location within this building. He failed to mention however that someone in this building has the ability to morph and bend walls. Getting to Kimi was proving more difficult than I had initially thought. After sending out a flurry of feathers to scan through the building I had finally found her but the walls and corridors kept changing and I was seriously getting sick of it at this point.

"Hawks have you picked up where they are yet?" Bellowed Fatgum who quickly absorbed one of the Yakuza members into his stomach.

"Yeah I think so but she's behind too many walls and they keep changing. I think I can cut out some time if I can make it behind this wall!" I shout back indicating to the tall blank wall infont of us. The Yakuza had been relentless, attacking us in waves without rest, yet the more they came at us the more motivated I felt to get to Kimi and get out of here.

"Don't worry Hawks I got you covered!" He shouted back before launching the Yakuza thug he had absorbed at the wall in question like a bullet from a gun, the man's metallic looking body causing the wall to crumble and fall around him as he groaned in pain from the impact.

"Go get our girl back!" He joked as I stared in awe at the now demolished wall, remind me never to get on the wrong side of Fats. I gave him a quick salute before pulling out two sharpened blade feathers and heading towards the now viable corridor which had been obscured by the wall.

"H-Hawks ... look after her." Came the timid voice of SunEater. I looked up to see him, clams morphing from his left hand and tentacles from his right. Although his voice shook, his expression was stern and his words seemed to mean more than just rescuing Kimi. Regardless of their context it was a promise I knew I would keep. With a swift nod of acknowledgment I left them to it and went to find my girl.


The corridors seemed to go on forever, even with my speed I was too late, finally reaching Kimi only to see her collapse against sharpened stone that enveloped her body like a spiky prison.

"No! Kimi!" I yell out making my way over to her in a flash of red, my sharpened feathers falling to the ground whilst I manoeuvre my other feathers to break off the manipulated ground around her and lift her into my arms. She was out cold, but bringing her face up to mine I could still feel her hot breath against my cheek and I felt myself calm down instantly. She's alive.
She's going to be okay.

"It's okay Babybird. I've got you, let's get you out of here." I whisper to her, pulling her closer to plant a faint kiss on her forehead. As I pulled back I noticed the multitude of scars that littered her face and body. Some shallow whilst others cut deeply into her skin, thick white bands of fresh skin bunching up to heal the wounds and leaving them scarred and inflamed. I'll kill whoever did this to you Babybird I swear.

"Kimi!" I heard her name being called, my shoulders tensing as I looked up ready to attack. But instead of villians I found LeMillion, his white top soaked with blood, the body of Sir Nighteye drapped in his arms with a spike still piercing his abdomen.

"Shit! She's okay. We need to get him out of here. Are you hurt?" I asked quickly scanning him up and down with my eyes.

"I'm fine. Can you fly him up? I don't want to move him too much because of ..." he gulped thickly looking down at the protruding spear in his stomach that seemed to spurt with blood.

"Okay. Hold on I'll use my feathers to lift us all out of here" I said, keeping Kimi clutched tightly in my arms as I sent out dozens to move the unconscious body of Sir Nighteye and a few more to lift LeMillion into the air and out of the crumbling building around us.

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