Kimi's POV
Everything happened in a hazy blur. Smoke wafted in from the forest that now glowed with a familiar blue light that made my blood run cold.
Within seconds I found myself running towards the route the students would have been taking, the only thought in my mind being that I need to find Shoto.
The further I got into the wooded area the harder it was to see and soon the scent of smoke became overpowered by another smell, the noxious sulfuric scent of gas. Could this seriously get any worse?! I forced myself to create a force field around my head to block out the gas but this could only hold for so long, not only do I lack the skill to keep it going but I still need some form of air supply.
As I ran, looking around frantically I felt my feet catch on something and I face planted the dirty ground beneath me. Great, the woods are on fire, the air is poisonous, I can't find the kids and now I'm on the ground. The hot air biting at my skin was made all the worse by the scorched earth I now found myself lying on but at least the smoke was thinner and easier to see through from the ground.
Expecting my foot to be caught on something I looked down with a glare but saw nothing. What the hell? I'm clumsy but I definitely felt something trip me up.
I tapped my foot around tentatively only to hear a faint groan being released from what seemed to be thin air. I gasped slightly at the sound but then remembered the invisible girl in 1A and crawled over to where I presumed her body was. Did I seriously just kick an injured teenager?
"Hey sweetie it's okay, I've got you. You're Hagakure, right? We spoke in the baths yesterday." I said trying to work out what condition she was in even if I can't see her. Upon closer inspection I could see her t-shirt and shorts, though both were caked in mud and half hidden behind a fallen tree stump. I felt up from her neckline to where her face would be and created a force field to block any more gas reaching her lungs before I cautiously picked her up and made my way back to the main building. This is about more than Shoto, I'm terrified that he's out there but I have to make sure all these kids are safe, starting with Hagakure. As I made it to I building I was soon surrounded by a few of the students, including Kirishima and Iida who looked frantic upon seeing my disheveledform carrying their classmate.
"What's going on out there?! Is that Hagakure? Is she okay?!" The red head asked in a panicked voice as I placed the unconscious girl down on one of the tables.
"She'll be okay." I reassured him but purposefully didn't answer his first question as Vlad came over and tried to calm the students down whilst giving me room to work.
"There you go. I'm going to start healing you okay?" I say tentatively as I began to hover my glowing hands over her chest and where I presumed was her mouth, though it was difficult to tell. I had once joked with Recovery Girl about treating Hagakure and the sad and shameful irony or my passive comments was hitting me hard as I heard her weazing but couldn't see if she had opened her eyes or not.
"J-jiro" Hagakure's weak voice managed to croak out.
"You're okay. Don't move okay we don't know how much this gas has affected you but it doesn't seem to have done much damage." I said unsure where to look given I couldn't make eye contact.
"Jiro ... she... the gas... she was-" the poor girl tried to speak but was constantly breaking out into a series of coughing fits.
"Don't worry honey, I'll get her. Was she with you before you passed out?" I asked to which she replied with a frail 'yes'.
"I'll bring her here and make sure she's okay. If you need anything tell Vlad and he'll take care of it. Just rest okay?"
Without waiting for a reply I got to my feet and approached Vlad who had succeeded in calming down the anxious students.
"Vlad, there's another girl unconscious from that gas. I'm going to go get her and see if I can bring back any of the other kids while I'm there." I said quickly. He looked like he was about to object but upon seeing my cold determined stare thought otherwise.
"Be careful Kita. There are villains out there and Aizawa will be distracted with his own fight." He warned.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Look after the kids." I ordered before hurrying to the door and making my way back to the woods trying to find Jiro.
I really wasn't sure what to expect from this trip but it certainly wasn't this. After the attack on the USJ I thought security would have been full proof. No one new we were here apart from the students and a few select individuals so how the hell can villains have a full scale attack planned?!
By now the thick layers of smoke had diffused to the area outside the forest and the hot ash permeated my lungs making them burn. If this is how bad I feel I can't imagine how the kids must be. I quickly returned to the spot where I had found Hagakure and although the smoke from the inflamed trees made it difficult to see the scent of the gas earlier was much weaker than it had been. Hopefully that meant one of the students had found a way to cut off the source. After searching for a relatively short period of time I came across the disheveled form of Jiro lying just off the path. Black soot coated her body and although she was unconscious her breathing was quick and erratic.
"Don't worry. It's me, Kimi. I'm going to get you back to the others okay?" I say whilst scooping her up and rushing back to the building as quickly as possible, though having the upper body strength of a penguin, cradling a teenager and inhaling dangerous amounts of smoke definitely slowed me down.
The next twenty minutes went by much the same. I would venture into the forest, find some of the students and bring them back to the main building whilst others made their way back independently. Though with every passing student and no sign of Shoto I became more and more restless.
"I'm going to go look for the last few student" I say and start to move towards the door only to have Aizawa stop me. He had come back whilst I was away gathering some of the students from 1B and had kept me busy healing the students ever since, making sure I had no time to search for Shoto or the others.
"We need you here Kita, this is the emergency first aid station." He said with a tight grip on my arm before both his grip and his tone softened.
"I know you are worried about Todoroki but he's in good hands and he's been through worse. Have faith in him. The villains are after Bakugou if Mandalay's message is anything to go by. So I'll be going out to try and find them whilst Vlad gets in contact with the authorities and you are in charge of emergency aid."
I felt myself stiffen at his words. I'm not here as Shoto's friend, I'm here as a nurse. I'm here to protect the students and as much as my instinct is telling me to run out and find the boy who may as well be my brother, I have a job to do.
"Bring them back safe Eraserhead." I told him with a determined nod and forcing my feet to move me back to the other students. Please be okay Shoto.
Dabi's POV
The world around me was on fire and I couldn't have loved it any more. I watched as the scorched earth became crushed and shrivelled beneath my feet, the smell of smoke thickly coating the air and leaving a familiar burn in my throat. It was a beautiful sight, watching the world burst into blue before it decayed and blackened but we weren't here just to take in the scenery. We were here for some kid named Bakugou who Shigarakai had taken a liking to or a liking to his quirk at the least. Although I was paired with Twice he was still less annoying than crazy Toga. I could live without Twice but Toga made my skin crawl, something about that shrill laugh of hers always put me on edge.
My clone had already attacked Eraserhead and had been melted quickly, much to my own annoyance. Everything was going to plan in my group, Compress had captured Bakugou and some bird head kid and we were on our way back. That is until a few of the other kids decided to fight back and launch themselves into the air tackling Compress.
Toga and Twice instantly stopped talking and I warned Compress to dodge before releasing a strong burst of flames at the students. The air was almost unbearably hot, the smoke from the trees was growing thicker by the second. If we don't leave soon chances are we're going to pass out with or without the gas masks. Within seconds rough walls of ice sprang from the ground in sharp peaks, reducing the temperature and creating somewhat of a barrier between us. I knew who it was immediately. It had to be Shoto. I had watched his quirk grow for years and the beautiful crystal like shards engulfed the hot earth and made it glow a familiar blue. His right side reminded me of my own quirk in a way almost more than his fire side. That brilliant blue encapsulating a darkened world, though it lacked the heat and destructive force of my own. He began to sprint towards us, using the ice at his feet to propel him forward.
"Don't be foolish Sho." I whispered under my breath before launching myself at my little brother just as the warpgate opened behind us lined with Nomu.
"We need to go!" Cried Twice before he swan dived into the portal and disappeared altogether.
"Hang on the target's still ..." I began before Compress cut me off and opened his mouth to show the two marble like spheres that I knew held the target and the other kid. I could have sworn he dropped them, sneaky bastard.
Before I could really think what was going on however the green haired kid launched himself at Compress and a sticking beam of light shot through the tree line blinding us all momentarily. The students threw themselves towards the sphere prisons with a heavy grunt, Shoto's fingertips just about to grab the target. This is definitely not how I wanted to come face to face with my little brother. I quickly snatched the marble like sphere seconds before his hand could touch it.
"How sad for you ... Shoto ... Todoroki" I whispered before stepping back into the portal and watching my brothers terrified face fade to blackness.
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