Kimi's POV
I knew the student's had an early start but I was genuinely hopeful that I wouldn't be needed that early ... evidently I was wrong. Aizawa had practically dragged me out of bed with an annoyed "If I can't sleep in either can you." So here I am, witnessing the entirety of the first year hero course training to an excessive and frankly dangerous degree. One kid was standing on a raised platform shooting off bolts of electricity whilst Momo and another boy sat at a table consuming large quantities of food and looked almost sick doing it. I glanced around to see Shoto submerged in a pot of water trying to keep it at a consistent temperate and clearly struggling to do so. Just as I was about to approach him a blood curdling scream could be heard from the caves behind us and I had to stop myself from running to them when Aizawa reassured me it was just one of his students training. What the hell are they doing to these kids?!
"Umm Aizawa, are you sure the student's aren't being pushed a little hard here?" I asked the tired hero with apprehension.
"Quirks are the same as any other physical ability, they need to be over used to improve. It's like pulling a muscle. It hurts but it'll heal stronger than before. They can't afford to slack off, not given everything that's going on." He said never taking his eyes off his students.
I jumped slightly at the noise seeing the student who had been shooting off bolts of electricity walking around with his thumbs up and a vacant expression on his face. The poor kid looked like pikachu but upon closer inspection of his hands it was clear he had suffered some electrical burns on the skin of his fingers.
"I may need to take a look at that one!" I say to Aizawa indicating the goofy pikachu boy who had now bumped into a tree.
"Damn it Kaminari it hasn't even been an hour." Aizawa muttered but nodded at me to take him to the medical station. My medical station was no more than a small room with a bed, desk and cupboard of supplies and was no more than 20 feet from the training grounds. However, trying to manoeuvre the hazy teenager to the room was more difficult than I had expected. He would veer off course towards walls or slam into passing door frames which would ultimately result in me having to heal a series of bumps and bruises in addition to his burns.
"Come on kiddo take a seat, there you go." I say sitting him down on the med bed and pulling up a chair to sit on whilst I examined his fingers closer. They weren't the worst I had ever seen, having grown up with Touya I was used to treating burns. But electrical burns were somewhat different. His finger tips were scorched black up to his knuckle, looking almost like frostbite.
"These are some pretty nasty bruises buddy but don't worry I'll fix you right up! You might feel some heat but that's completely normal." I smile cupping his hands and beginning to heal them, a soft purple glow moving from my fingertips to his. I genuinely felt sorry for the kids of 1A. Everyone dreamt of being a hero when they were little, even Touya though that went down hill rapidly. But to have all this happen, the USJ attack; the destruction of Hosu city; the growth of the Hero Killer and his followers, it was so much to bare for people so young. I worry for Shoto constantly but I need to keep in mind it's not just him. He has an entire class who are in the exact same position. Not to mention Tamaki, Mirio and Nejire. I have been actively trying to avoid them ever since I learnt about Tamaki's feelings for me, not that it was hard with how busy they all are, but I still worry for them. These student's are placed in the face of danger just by being in the hero course, it must be ten times worse for the third years who actively work alongside heroes in the field. It seems like everyone I love is in danger because of the dynamic of this world. Keigo, Shoto, the big three, even Touya. This hero verses villain, good verses evil dichotomy always ends the same way. Someone always gets hurt ... or worse.
"Wow." I heard, looking up to see the blonde teenager staring at my glowing hands in awe as they healed his burned fingers completely, burnt flesh fading to fresh pink skin.
"Good to see you're back, you were a little out of it there!" I smile watching him look up at me and stutter out a thank you.
"You should be okay to head back to the training ground, Kaminari was it?"
"Y-yeah. Is it okay if I sit in here for a little longer? I'm still kind of exhausted from earlier." He asked with an awkward smile. Poor kid was pushing himself past his limits.
"Sure thing! How're your fingers feeling now? Any numbness?" I asked leaning back in my chair and crossing my legs casually.
"No, they feel fine! That's amazing by the way! How does your quirk work?" He asked me staring up at me like a puppy.
"Thanks, I use my own store of energy to speed up the healing process. That way I can make sure you kids are okay and that you still have stamina to keep training!" I smile as he nods his head in understanding.
"You look pretty young to be a nurse? Sorry if that's a rude thing to say! I didn't mean you aren't qualified! I just meant-"
"Haha don't be silly it's fine, I get that a lot!" I laughed looking at his flustered face.
"Okay I should probably get back before Mr Aizawa shouts at me! Thank you Miss Kita!" He almost shouted, hopping up and bowing awkwardly before running out.
The day continued as normal, students from both 1A and 1B would get hurt and I'd be there to heal them becoming more and more exhausted as the day went on.
I did end up sitting beside Momo and a sweet boy named Sato, eating the wide selection of sugary food before them to try and gain back some energy.
Though even with the constant snacking on sweets I was still ravenous by the time dinner was being served.
"And that is why I will never date a guy with a man bun." Pixie-Bob concluded after we had eaten the curry the kids had prepared. She had been giving Aizawa, Vlad and I a breakdown of her dating history which to be fair was far more entertaining than mine, although Aizawa looked like he was about to fall asleep at any minute.
"You know Eraserhead here is single and I hear he likes cats." I joke earning a glare from said catlover. Pixie-Bob looked hopeful momentarily before seeing Aizawa's glare and shrugging it off.
"I prefer blondes anyway." She grumbled as Mandalay and I tried to hold in our laughter whilst Vlad nodded along clearly not listening to the conversation.
Within seconds the Attack on Titan theme song thundered from my pocket and Kaminari and Kirishima began to sing along only for Bakugou to hit them on the back of their heads rather harshly and tell them to shut up.
"Sorry, I better take this." I said excusing myself from the table and walking outside to be greeted with the cold night air.
"Hey Songbird, I missed that beautiful voice of yours and thought I'd see how you are." Keigo's smooth voice said through my phone.
"Aww I miss you too Birdy, it has only been one night away though. How's Peanut?" I smile pulling my cardigan tighter around my body and looking out at the dark forest that surrounded the building. There was something about being out here alone that made me feel closer to Keigo. The quality of his voice was heightened by the absence of everything else.
"That's one night too many for me. Don't worry the baby's fine though he still hasn't managed to say 'dada'. I've been looking into houses by the way and I think I've found one you'll like. I know it might be a little early but I just got excited!" He chuckled awkwardly and I could only imagine how cute he must look with his blushing face.
"Not at all, what's it like?" I ask playing absentmindedly
with my slightly threading sleeve.
"It's cute, not too big not too small and it's close to UA so you won't have to take the train anymore! Plus it's two bedroom so we've got room for down the line, you know if you ever want a chick in the nest?"
I felt myself stop for a moment. Kids with Keigo? I mean maybe in the future but it felt strange to think about. Not a bad strange, more of a fluttering feeling in the pit of my stomach and a resounding understanding that life is moving on from what I have become accustomed to.
"You still there? Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you off Babybird! It was supposed to be a joke ... not that I don't want us to have kids, I'd love that but you know I still have to pop the question and all that!" He rambled clearly embarrassed by my silence.
"Good to know! Don't worry Birdy you've said nothing wrong but now I'm super excited to see this house!" I say with a smile still looking out to the dark woods encompassing the entirety of the training grounds. The sound of shuffling feet broke through the quiet world however and I watched as the students made their way towards the tree line for the 'test of courage' challenge that Vlad told me about earlier.
"Hey I should probably get going the kids are doing a challenge in the woods and someone always gets hurt!" I chuckle watching Shoto shuffle out alongside an angry Bakugou who clearly didn't want to be partnered up with him.
"Challenge in the woods huh? Sounds fun. Please don't think I was trying to pressure you there baby I just got carried away and-"
"Honestly Birdy it's okay! I couldn't imagine starting a nest with anyone else ... I miss you." I say moving away from the wall.
"I miss you too. Go look after those kiddos and you'll be back with me and Peanut in no time. I love you." He said with a clear smile in his voice.
"I love you too. Goodnight Birdy." I smile and make my way over to the starting line as the kids of 1A began to walk into the woods preparing to be scared by the students of 1B.
"There you are! You talking to your boyfriend?" Asked Mandalay with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"Yes, in fact I was." I laugh as Pixie-Bob groans.
"Damn you and your happy relationship!" She moaned and pushed my shoulder playfully.
"Hey I'm sure by this time next year you'll be- do you smell that?" I ask confused sniffing at the cold air and being hit with the strong scent of smoke. It was always smoke. The one thing that reminded me of Touya but also almost always resulted in danger.
"Is it one of the kids quirks?" Asked Pixie-Bob, worry evident in her voice.
"I don't think so. Shoto rarely uses his left side and he isn't the one supposed to be scaring anyone. He wouldn't use it."
"Somethings wrong." Mandalay whispered looking out to the woods, an ominous cloud of black smoke enveloping the mountain range and reaching out from behind the scorching tree line.
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