Kimi's POV
Everything happened in a blur. One minute I was healing Momo who had inhaled a considerable amount of gas and sustained a rather nasty head injury and the next the authorities arrived and the student reunited in a panicked frenzy.
"Sho-Shoto?!" I called seeing the red and white haired teen look up at me before we both run to one another in a flash. Within seconds we crashed into eachother in a tight hug that seemed to last forever, the sound of our heavy breathing and muffled sobs ringing loudly in my ears.
"Are you okay Sho?! I wanted to find you but I couldn't leave the others." I ask him pulling away to cup his face in my hands and scan him for any visible injuries. He shook his head but didn't say anything as he pulled me in once again for a tight hug that reminded me so much of him as a toddler.
"He was right in front of me Kimi. I-I could have saved him ... but I wasn't fast enough." He muttered out in a shaky quiet voice as other students were being taken away by the ambulances and emergency service vehicles that surrounded us.
"What do you mean?" I ask pulling away but keeping my hands securely on his shoulders in a reassuring way.
"Bakugou. They took Bakugou." He managed to say in a cold voice looking out towards the wooded area behind us, as though they were still out there hidden amongst the dark burnt tree line. This wasn't good. It was one thing for villains to attack UA students but they had never kidnapped one before. My throat suddenly went dry and I found myself looking over at Aizawa who seemed to have also just heard the news. In all my years of knowing Aizawa I never once saw him look scared. He was always the stoic pillar we could all rely on to be calm and collected. But now, watching his face pale and his hands tremor, he looked almost unrecognisable. As much as he tried to maintain a controlled countenance, he truly cared for his students and the very idea of one of them being captured by the League of Villians shook him to his core.
"Excuse me Miss? We were told you possess a healing quirk. We're taking this young man to the hospital and were hoping you could heal him on the way before we can assess his injuries fully." One of the paramedics asked indicating with his thumb to Midoriya who sat in a dazed state in the back of the ambulance.
"Of course. Shoto go with the other students I'll see you soon. Please text me when you get back okay?" I asked turning back to Shoto who seemed to have calmed down and returned my order with a resounding nod. I pulled him in for another quick hug before making my way to the awaiting ambulance. Just before the doors closed I made eye contact with Aizawa who remained in his out of place demeanor. It was beyond strange to see him look so lost, so helpless. But upon nodding at him in a means to reassure him I watched as a new found determination flooded his face. He would get his student back. And no force on earth would stop him.
***Time Skip***
We had almost reached the hospital when Midoriya finally spoke. He had spent almost an hour muttering to himself in a hushed voice, fresh tears in his eyes on the brink of falling.
"They took Ka-chan. I couldn't- I couldn't save him." For a moment I was about to grab his hand but I had been focusing on healing his arm and his fingers still looked bruised and sore, so I opted for squeezing his shoulder instead.
"We'll get him back. You can't blame yourself for this Midoriya. I may not know him well but if his performance in the Sports festival is anything to go by, he's tough. UA won't just stand by and watch one of their students be held captive. We'll get him back." I say watching his eyes become more determined by the second.
"I made a promise to myself. A promise that I'd save everyone and do it with a smile. I ... I'm going to keep that promise - ahh." He said wincing when he closed his hands into a tight fist and felt his broken knuckles grind against one another.
"That's the spirit but no moving your bones before I work on them." I reprimanded with a smile. I can see why Shoto likes him. He's so determined to be a hero like All Might. This kid is definitely destined for great things.
Within an hour we found ourselves in the nearest hospital and Midoriya finally opened up about everything that had happened with the League.
"So he had a muscle expansion quirk?" I asked feeling somewhat sick at the idea. Images of the colossal titan flashed in my mind and the thought of young Midoriya facing off against such an opponent was nerve wracking.
"Yeah but he was one of the ones detained. There were so many who got away. One had some kind of mutant quirk, he looked reptilian and carried different types of blades. I think he was influenced by Stain though given his attire so he most likely hasn't been with the League long. But I think that might have been the case with most of them. There was only one I recognised, the warp gate villain, their leader Tomura Shigaraki wasn't there."
"That's the hand guy Aizawa told me about right?" I asked as we waited for his mother to arrive.
"Yeah, he has a decay quirk but from what I saw yesterday they have plenty of other strong members." He said in a quiet voice clearly still thinking back to the moment Bakugou was taken.
"We'll get him back okay? I promise." I reassure him holding his now healed hand. This poor kid has been through so much, come to think of it they all have. It isn't fair, all they want is to be the good guys, but it just seems like they are faced with higher more dangerous hurdles on a daily basis.
"Yeah, it's just ... the guy who took him ... he was so ruthless ... I don't want to imagine what he's capable of never mind the rest of the league and those blue flames they were so-"
"Blue flames?!" I felt my blood run cold and I shot up from my seat. It can't be. There is no way Touya would have joined the League of Villians. Not with knowing the danger it could put Shoto in!
"Y-yeah one of the villians had blue flames." Midoriya said with wide eyes looking somewhat shocked at my reaction to the news.
"What did he ... what did he look like?" I asked praying he wouldn't say what I thought he was going to say. Though I suppose I already knew.
"Talk. Black hair. Covered in scars and staples."
He described him perfectly. There's no doubt, it had to be Touya. He actually joined the League of Villians. He joined them knowing they attacked the USJ. Knowing they would be more than happy to hurt UA students. Students like Shoto.
"Is everything okay Kimi? You look like y-" Midoriya began before we both jumped as the door opened and an older female version of Midoriya burst into the room.
"Izuku my baby!" She cried wrapping her arms around her son and littering kisses across his red embarrassed face. She began to mutter out words of relief and ask him over and over again if he was okay whilst he tried to pry her arms off him and convince her he was fine.
"I'll leave you both to catch up." I said with a forced smile and made my way out to the hospital hallway. As soon as I left the room I felt my resolve starter and the air grew cold. He really is gone. The Touya I knew might as well have died because this Dabi sure as hell isn't him. I felt myself sink to the ground and I pulled my knees up to my chest. A part of me wanted Touya to change back to who he once was. He sweet boy I grew up with. The boy I loved but that's never going to happen. Not anymore. Tears began to roll down my face and I couldn't stop them.
The quiet corridor was suddenly filled with the Attack on Titan theme song and I felt my pocket vibrate momentarily pulling me out if my sad stupor.
"Hello?" I asked not even bothering to look at the caller ID. Only to be met with the sound of distant screeching and a news report playing.
"Babybird? Oh thank God! Are you okay? Where are you? Are you hurt?!" Keigo asked in a panicked voice as Peanut screeched somewhere behind him.
"Don't worry Birdy I'm fine! Just a little shook up. I'm in the hospital with some of the kids." I said quickly hearing how his breathing hitched as he heard the word hospital.
"Is that her?! Is that my Kimiko?!" I heard being shouted from the other line and I rose my eyebrows in confusion.
"Keigo is that my mom?" I ask confused.
"Yeah Hana came over as soon as she heard. It's all over the news Kimi. They say a kid has been taken." He said in almost a questioning tone before the phone was ripped from his hands and the sobs of my mother could be heard loudly.
"Oh my baby are you alright? What did those League of creeps do to you? Is Shoto alright?! I swear if they hurt either of you I'm going to hunt them down and-"
"We're both fine mom, honestly. We're okay, but Keigo was right they did kidnap one of the student. How did the media find out about this so quickly?" I ask thinking back to the events that had only happened about 6 hours ago.
"I don't know someone posted something online and within minutes it was all over the news. Oh I'm so glad you're both safe. Will you be back home soon? I want to see you both to make sure your okay for myself." My mom asked in a soft worried tone so unlike her usual booming voice.
"Yeah, I'll let you know as soon as I'm back and we'll all have a catch up." I said with a small smile. As awful as the situation at hand is, the thought of hugging my mom and Keigo again eased my mind slightly.
"Okay I'll see you soon sweetheart give Shoto my love." She said before handing the phone back to Keigo and going to cuddle Peanut by the sound of his happy chirping.
" Are you sure you're okay baby? I can come pick you up if you want?"
"I'm okay Keigo don't worry I'll be home by tomorrow. I miss you." I couldn't help but smile.
"I miss you too Babybird. Peanut misses his mommy as well." He chuckled taking my mind off everything that had been happening for a few moments and putting my mind at ease.
"Of course he does. Did you manage to get him to say dada?"
"Not yet but I'm still remaining hopeful." He said with a clear grin evident in his voice.
"I look forward to it. I'll see you tomorrow yeah? I love you." I smile.
"I love you too baby. See you then."
I remained seated on the hospital floor for a few minutes just thinking about my family and wondering how Bakugou's must be feeling before I spotted Aizawa and made my way over to him.
"Hey you okay?" I asked as I neared him and watched him pocket his phone giving me a hard stare.
"Yeah. I'm just finished talking with Bakugou's family. Make no mistake, this isn't over. No one messes with my students." He spoke in a ruff tone before walking off towards two of the numerous police officers scattered throughout the hospital.
Touya may have helped do this, but there's no way he's getting away with it.
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