Chapter 9

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  hey, so I'm sick but as I lie and do nothing, I have decided I might as well get out my laptop and give you all an update anyway so I hope you enjoy! 

big thanks to _2424_kristina for the banner on the side :)

I sat at the small desk in my room, going over some paper and clipping the files together. I was put in charge of organising the files for the hospital and as always, I had left the entire thing until last minute and now I was under pressure to get it all done. 

I hate when I do this to myself but I also hate feeling like I'm doing too much work. It makes me feel like I'm back in school again and that was one thing I am desperate to avoid. School seems so natural when you're in it and then you start back from your summer holidays and trying to start back your usual routine of doing homework every night just seems like too much work. 

That's what I like about my new job. There's a lot more time on the deadlines for things to be sorted and there's not too much to sort either. I have about three people working with me as it is and that leaves us all with little work. Normally we have one or two hours each day where we all sit around, drink coffee and have a little gossip to ourselves. 

We don't normally talk about anything bad, because none of us are horrible, but we discuss what gender someone said their baby's going to be, where someone's husband or boyfriend brought them on their date and on my part, every single detail of Astoria and Draco's wedding. 

The girls I worked with were all near enough my age and all but one of us was single. Clare, who had a boyfriend, was far from being engaged herself, though. Her boyfriend was one tough case and she must really love him to put with him. He's always making stupid comments or lying to her. Their relationship isn't normally ongoing thanks to all his screw-ups but she always seems to take him back. 

So, hearing the news of Astoria's dress, my dress, the venue of the wedding and the honeymoon is the highlight of the girls' days. They 'ooh' and 'aw' as I tell them exactly what the resort they're staying at for the honeymoon and their eyes glimmer with envy as I describe the dress Astoria has decided on. 

Alas, today I did not get any gossiping done due to this deadline. Missing my normal gossiping session seems to have added to my pile of stress that was slowly building. Not only was I stressed about this deadline, but tomorrow I had to go to work then straight after meet up with Astoria to go look at the flowers, check out the venue where they were holding their reception and collect the cake. Then after we get the cake, we have to attend the engagement party which had been pushed back due to Astoria's aunt's flight being delayed. 

I was finding myself slowly regretting taking on the role of being her made of honour. Now, not only did I have to act all nice and friendly at the wedding, I also had to plan the majority of it with her, whilst trying to handle the few things she shouldn't be doing seeing as she was pregnant. 

I knew Draco was stressed as well and he didn't seem at all pleased when I landed at the wine tasting instead of Astoria. She still hadn't told him but I advised her to do it pretty quickly because Draco only thought she was being silly when I told him her excuse, that she 'wasn't in the mood for drinking'. She had told me that she was going to tell him two nights before the wedding, which was in two days. 

That's right. Four days until this damned wedding. And everything was everywhere as I tried to hold a grip on all of it. I hadn't really been involved with picking out the guests as that was none of my business but I happened to know a lot of people had been invited and that the fact there was going to be three hundred people watching them go down the aisle and an added one hundred watching them dance for the first time as a married couple was enough to stress anyone out. 

I don't really think either of them had wanted a big wedding. Neither of them were the type to enjoy being around a lot of people. But with both their families being so big and popular, their parents had ended up inviting so many people that both of them barely knew along to the wedding. 

Of course, my family (the part that wasn't put away) was invited to attend as well but I didn't actually plan on going with them. I was actually hoping one of the girls at work could set me up with someone just for the wedding. I still hadn't thought much on it. 

It didn't matter whether or not I did find someone to go with because I still had to walk in with the bride and walk into the reception with Blaise (much to both of our disgusts). Not having anyone to go with was no real problem, even if I did bring someone, it wasn't like I was going to be able to spend much time with them anyway. 

"I'm going into my room to try and work on all these products so the smell in the kitchen isn't too bad. This deadline I've set for myself is really stressing me out and I want to have everything done as soon as possible. Goodnight,"George said from my door frame, giving me a small smile. I returned the smile, looking up to him. 

"Goodnight, hope you get them finished soon. Don't stay up too late."

"Same to you."

I managed to finish up at half eleven which didn't seem too bad. I was relieved that all the work had been finished but I knew I still had a load more to do for this wedding tomorrow. I just honestly couldn't wait until the whole thing was over. 


The next day, work was simple. There was nothing to be done other than take the occasional call or deliver something to one of the rooms. 

And so the girls and I sat at our desks as Katie brought over freshly made cups of coffee from a small café across from the hospital and we all listened to Jo's story about the handsome new doorman in her building. We all teased her and laughed as she went red. Jo was quite shy and you could tell she didn't have much experience with men. 

"Speaking of men, who are you taking to this wedding in a couple of days, Iris?" Clare turns to me along with the other girls. I just chuckle and shrug my shoulders as they all look excited to see if there is a man in my life. 

"I don't really have anyone to bring. I'm already walking into the wedding with the bride and then Blaise has to walk me in to the reception, unfortunately," I said and all the girls grimaced on my behalf. I had told them the reason I had been fired from my previous job and none of them seemed at all pleased with the sounds of Blaise. "I don't really see any point in bringing anyone and anyway, who would I bring?"

"Didn't you mention you live with a guy, though? I mean, is he handsome? Is he nice? Is he funny? Wouldn't you invite him?" Katie asked me as all the girls nodded in agreement, suddenly remembering my male roommate. 

"George is... funny, definitely. Handsome, I guess so. Nice? I think he can be nice as long as he likes you but he's quite a reserved person," I commented, thinking of the ginger haired boy. The image of him now, however, was not the first image that popped into my head. The first image that popped into my head had been one of him and Fred laughing and throwing snowballs at everyone at Hogwarts. 

"Hold on. George as in George Weasley?"

The girls were suddenly paying full attention as Clare asked the question. I hadn't even realised that George had been so popular but I guess if I had noticed him and his twin during my time at Hogwarts, he must have caught a lot of other people's attention too. 

"Yes, as in George Weasley. Why the shock?"

"I'm not necessarily shocked... just a little surprised. George hasn't talked to a girl besides his mum, sister or brothers' wives. I just find it hard to believe that he's had any female contact. You said he's nice to people he likes," Clare commented, going off subject. A sudden smirk grew on her face. "Is he nice to you?"

"Well, yeah, he is I guess. But I didn't mean it like that. I mean, people he likes as in, friends. George isn't really interested in anyone like that, you should know that if you've seen him. It's hard enough to get the boy to be your friend, I can't imagine what it would be like trying to get him to be your boyfriend," I commented.The girls still didn't allow their smirks to fade and I knew I should be giving them short quick sentences and not these paragraphs. They were definitely taking my relationship with George the wrong way. 

"But you'd like to make him your boyfriend. I can see it!" Jo declares, jumping up in her seat and waggling her finger in my face. I just laugh and try to get her to stop being so excited but the girl was like a bunny whenever she was happy. It was almost impossible to get her to stop, especially since I didn't want her to be sad. 

"Jo, I don't like him and I don't want him to be my boyfriend. He's just a roommate. He's not interested in me like that and I don't like him like that either. Besides, he's very pessimistic. It's kind of hard to be around all the time, I can't imagine what it would be like to date."

I was digging myself a whole. I needed to stop referring to everything they were saying as a date. That was just making me look more and more suspicious. 

And I could see I looked pretty bad from the way the girls giggled and smirked at me. Even Jo seemed excited about this and normally she didn't mind too much when about boys. 

"Oh, don't worry. We don't think you could ever like him. No, that would be absolutely disastrous! Imagine, you, Iris Parkinson, having a crush on him, George Weasley. I mean, having a crush on someone who's incredibly funny, extremely nice to you and very cute, that would be a downright scandal!" Katie mocked me and the other girls giggled. I rolled my eyes and shoved her playfully but I was secretly thinking the words over in my head, trying to make sense of it. 

"I don't though. He's barely a friend, if I'm honest. The longest we've talked about something was like half an hour on improving his shop. He's just not the type of person I can see myself being with in that way," I shrugged, turning back to take a sip of my coffee which I had barely touched. 

He's not Draco. And because he's not Draco, I can't see myself with him. Or maybe I just don't want to see myself with anyone other than Draco. 

"You can keep telling yourself that, honey, but I seen the way your lips turned downwards when you spoke about him. They always do that when you're lying, Iris, it's a dead give away," Clare told me. I stopped and thought. 

Did I like George Weasley?

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