hey guys, so one day late and I am very sorry, I was away visiting my sister all weekend and by the time I got home I had a load of homework and studying to do
anyways, thanks to whoever made the amazing banner on the side (it's almost kind of what I like to see Iris and George as tbh) and hope you all enjoy :)
I threw myself onto the couch, heaving a loud sigh as I looked to George who sat calmly on the couch. Once he didn't look up, I sighed once again, trying to catch his attention. Yet George did not look up and continued to look towards the ground, not paying attention to me at all.
I let out one final, loud sigh, adding an extra cry at the end for emphasise and George finally gave in and looked up, giving me a creeped out face. I laughed at him and moved so my head was on his lap and he was looking down at me.
"What do you want, Iris?" He sighed as he looked into my eyes as I pouted. I tried to make my eyes water for emphasise but I was never really the best actor and hadn't quite mastered the art of crying and so I probably just gave him a constipated look.
"Well, you know how long and tiring work is. And ever since I got fired showing up to work has been so much harder. I mean, it's so stressful along with all my wedding responsibilities. I mean, I'm on some stupid diet, George. A diet! Me! A diet! With all this stress, I really just need to sit down and relax," I sighed dramatically as I put my hand over my head.
"I'll repeat my previous question, Iris. What do you want?" George said with a blank expression as he tapped his foot. But one thing I noticed was that his lips were turned upward slightly and that made me grin.
"Will you make me a toasty?" I begged, giving him a pout and putting my hands together. George just laughed at me, ruffling my hair as he got up. I rolled my eyes at him. George had been mocking the fact that I was a few years younger than him a lot lately and it had been getting really annoying. I mean, he was like three years older than me, big deal.
"You said it yourself. 'They put me on a diet, George. A diet!'! George mocks me, putting on a squeakily high voice as he flails his arms about the air. I cross my arms over my chest and roll my eyes. I did not sound like that. "So a toasty is not a good idea. But now that you mention it, I haven't had lunch yet and it sounds like a great idea."
The smirk on his face made me want to scream. He began to make the toasty and the smell drifted over to me, making me even angrier at him. As he brought his fresh toasty over to me, he waved it underneath my nose and laughed as I hit him.
"Careful now, wouldn't want me to drop... this," he pulls out another toasty from behind him and sets it on his lap as I prepare to hug him. This had been the only thing I'd dreamed about all day as I waited for the day to finish. Work wasn't the best considering this wasn't really what I wanted to do but at the end of the day it put money in my pocket so I couldn't complain. "You better be able to fit into your dress because I'm not taking the blame for overfeeding you."
"I have good metabolism and the weddings quite soon so don't worry. I shouldn't be gaining too much weight in the time before the wedding. Unless you feed me a ton of crap, in which case I might possibly go up a size," I told him with a laugh as I shove my toasty down my throat. I pick up the newspaper that he had been reading and look at the front cover before flicking through it quickly.
It was all the normal news, nothing out of the ordinary happening. It had been ages since anything drastic had happened and that was a good thing. Some people may prefer lots of drama but I prefer the world as it is now. Peaceful and quiet. So many businesses started up after the war and it was so nice to see people still operating even after the losses many experienced during the war.
Everyone was so happy that the world was finally free of Voldemort that they didn't mind how much had been destroyed. Everyone had died and thanks to them dying, we have finally gotten rid of them. Not that it wouldn't have been better for them to live but their sacrifice was for something amazing. And we finally accomplished it.
Of course, a few people weren't so great after the war, after losing loved ones. In some relationships, one was taken and the other person was alone. And in some cases, a twin was taken from their twin.
I looked to my friend slyly as he concentrates on the toasty that he is slowly getting through. I wonder what's going on inside of his head. I wonder if he can think for a few minutes without Fred coming up in his mind. I mean, he must think of him a lot if he's sad a lot, right?
I couldn't bear losing Adam. It was one of the worst things that I've ever gone through. He was one of my friends, we had been so close before I had gone the wrong way. Even during the summers I would always go camping in the garden with him or go 'fishing' in our fishless pond.
But I couldn't imagine losing someone that I had been with from the moment I came out of my mother's womb. Someone who you shared a room with, who your every memory was with. Someone in the same year, in the same house as you. Someone who was always right next to you no matter where you turned. Someone who knew every little thing about you and you them.The thought of it was just unbearable.
I cannot imagine losing someone the same way George lost Fred.
"There's a crossword in this you didn't do," I mention as I flick onto the page, pulling out a pen. George pulls himself out his thoughts and shakes his head. He stares at me blankly for a few minutes before replying.
"Oh, yeah, I never really do those things. I'm pretty rubbish at them, to be honest," he muttered as he shrugged his shoulders. I chuckled, grabbing a pen off the coffee table and setting the newspaper between us.
"Nonsense, crosswords are one of the best things in a newspaper. I used to always make my mum and dad give me the newspaper when they were done so that me and Adam could try it. I was like seven when we started so needless to say we got about three every time because the words were so hard but we got better as we grew up," I say, a smile growing as I remember how excited my brother would get when he realised what one of the words were or at least had an idea.
"What was it like having a brother in another house? I've never had any sibling be in another house," George commented, seemingly interested.
"It was pretty hard to be honest. We were always close but since he was in Ravenclaw and I was in Slytherin, it was considered a pretty dumb thing if I were to talk to him. Of course, I listened to them idiots instead of spending as much time with my brother as I wanted to and I know he understood but we weren't really ever as close. Like, we would still talk a lot in the summers and stuff but it wasn't the same. I didn't trust him enough to tell him private things and the same went for him," I shrugged, feeling slightly sad as I remembered I had chosen popularity over my own brother.
"What kind of things didn't you tell him?" George asked me, suddenly looking more curious. I laughed as I sat back, wondering whether or not I was going to admit this to George or not. We had gotten pretty close lately and I didn't see much point in not telling him now that he had asked.
"That I was madly in love with Draco Malfoy."
"As in... Draco your best friend who's getting married? The wedding you're going to be the chief bridesmaid at?" George asked, complete shock on his face. I nodded.
"Indeed, that Draco Malfoy."
"Do you... do you still love him or was that just a faze?"
"Why do you think I had to move out so quickly?" I ask blankly, staring off at the wall. My vision is blurry but not because I am about to cry. I am too used to this to cry every time. I just can't focus right now, I'm not focusing on anything. I'm just staring off at the wall.
"But why... sorry, that was rude of me. I shouldn't have asked so many questions, it's really none of my business," George said hurriedly as he realised what he was saying. Before I got the chance to say that he was fine, he quickly began talking again. "So about this crossword, why don't we get started on it?"
"Oh, yeah. Let's get started on it," I say, looking back down to the newspaper and giving him a slight smile as I lift my pen and look to the first clue. "Okay, number two down. Used to clean everything. Nine letters."
"Oh, I know this one. My mum uses this all the time when she's cleaning the house. Oh, it starts with an S," George began to wave his arms frantically as he tried to think of the spell but it was stuck at the age of his tongue. I laugh as the name of the spell comes to me all of a sudden.
"It's Scourgify. I learnt that one ages ago when Draco and I began to get a little lazy with our cleaning. It really comes in handy, Molly's right to use it," I mention with a giggle as I fill it into the box before George looks to the next one.
"Okay, five down. Something many want but may never have. Four letters," George reads out, scrunching his eyes together. I giggle again as I look at his concentrated face. Eventually he looks up again and shrugs his shoulders. "It's probably something stupid like love, to be honest."
"Hey! Love is not stupid," I scolded him, pouting slightly. I was not one of them people to diss love just because it hadn't exactly gone in my favour. Love was something amazing, even if it wasn't with someone you were going to marry. Loving your family member is as great, just the excited feeling when you get to see them again. Love has so many forms, it can't just let anyone down because everything is capable of love. Even pets.
"Oh and it seems to have been so great to you, hasn't it?" George asked rhetorically. I rolled my eyes at him, hitting him on the arm as I suddenly get an idea.
"You know," I said with a bit of a smug look as I looked down at the last word to be found in the crossword. "Hope is a four letter word."
"So is dead," George answers, a serious look on his face. My smile dropped as he moved the crossword back into the pile of old newspapers.
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