Chapter 10

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  hey, sorry, it's a day late again. I'm almost considering just changing the day I update to Monday because I always end up updating on a Monday anyway and I'm going to be doing it next week as well

hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks to whoever made the banner on the side, it's so cute!


 I had decided exactly what my feelings on George were. He was my roommate and I guess I could maybe call him a friend but he was nothing more and never would he be. I was not one to  purposely make complications out of situations like this that there supposed to be done for handiness. 

So I had decided even if I did find myself slight;y attracted to George that nothing should come of it because the last thing I need is to have to move out of another apartment, especially after just losing my job as well. Nothing has been going too great and the last thing I need to do is mess up my easy living situation. 

I liked George but only as a friend. Yes, these were my feelings towards him, I tried to convince myself as I walked home. I was in my dress that I had been told to wear to the engagement party and I had been putting up with sitting next to Blaise for the past few hours. All I really wanted right now was a few minutes to lay back and relax. 

Of course, I didn't actually want to go straight home from the party as I knew I still had some thinking to do about this whole George thing so I had decided walking home was best. I just needed them extra minutes to make up my mind on whether I'm going to try and actually get anywhere with George. 

I walk up the stairs, taking my heels off my feet and sighing as I take my keys from my purse and unlock the door, entering the apartment to see George is sitting on the couch, watching some old movie on the TV with nothing but boxers on. He looks to the door in surprise, jumping up and grabbing a blanket from the armchair. 

"Sorry Iris! I thought you weren't going to be home for another while! Sorry, I'll go put on some pyjama bottoms," George said, his cheeks turning almost as red as his hair as he runs off to his room, the blanket wrapped around his legs. 

I let out a slight chuckle, entering my own room and putting down my shoes before flopping back down onto my bed, letting out a tired sigh. I can't describe the relief I get from finally pulling off my dress and getting into my pyjamas. I slip on some slippers and exit the room to see George at thec counter, stirring at two cups. 

"You look like you've had a long day. Why don't you go take your makeup off and we can drink this hot chocolate and watch one of the black and white movies dad gave me," George suggests. I nod quickly in agreement. This boy knows exactly how to get me in a better mood. 

Mr. Weasley was known for having his muggle obsessions and that included collecting all of these 'movies' they had. George had grown quite fond of them and bought himself a TV and brought a few into his apartment. Since I had moved in, he had caused me to grow attached to the things. They were just so interesting and intriguing. It was a great way to spend your nights alone. 

I entered the bathroom, rubbing the makeup off and brushing my teeth, yawning as I exit. George is sitting on the couch, a bowl of popcorn on his lap and the two hot chocolates sitting on the table in front of us. I walk over, joining him on the couch and stealing part of the blanket he had. 

"Hey, my feet are could now!" George complained as he set the bowl of popcorn on the table, moving over so his feet were now under the blanket again. He continued to move over until he was sitting on top of me. "Ah, that's a lot better. Don't you think, Iris? Iris, where have you gone?"

George begins to chuckle as he holds back my tiny arms as I try to push him off me, pretending to look all around him in search for me. I roll my eyes, trying to break free from his grasp on my arms but to no luck. 

"GEORGE!" I yell as I feel his butt vibrate. The smell soon comes to my nose and I begin choking as he chuckles more and more. "That's disgusting!  What were you eating, ew! Get off me you foul beast, I am never talking to you ever again. You just farted on me, ew!"

"Calm down, little miss perfect. We all fart, I can hear you farting as you sleep from across the hall, that's how bad you are," he said and I go slightly pink as he mentioned it. I had a feeling he was kidding but Draco had always said I did the same thing. Hopefully they were both just messing with me about it. 

"Yeah, of course I fart but I don't just sit on you and fart on you, now do I? No, my friend, now that is disgusting. I am just absolutely disgusted with you, I am absolutely horrified. George Weasley what would your mother say if she knew you sat on girls and farted on them?" I asked, looking over to him. He had now moved back to his normal seat and with him he had taken all of the blanket, which he was clutching close to himself. He wasn't taking any risks of me stealing it this time, that was for sure.

"My mother would say that I haven't grown up at all and that this is the reason why I'm the only single one in this entire family. She'd also add in that she wants more grandchildren even though 'Mione and Ginny are pregnant again," George would say, putting on a squeaky voice as he impersonated his mother. I laughed, imagining the red haired woman. I had met her when I went to Hermione's a few times recently and she'd been here once or twice when I came home, dropping off some home made bakes for George. 

She had assumed I was his girlfriend at first and that was when I realised George hadn't told her that a girl had moved into his house. I had to explain to her that I wasn't actually his girlfriend and that we only really knew each other because I needed somewhere to stay. She was quite disappointed that George doesn't have a girlfriend yet but she seemed to like me enough. 

"That sounds like your mother all right. I still remember how convinced she was that we were together when I first met her. That woman wants you to get married so bad," I said with a laugh. Even Charlie, George's second oldest brother, had gotten married eventually. It was to some girl he had met whilst he was dragon training in Romania and they ended up getting married after only knowing each other for like a month. It was actually pretty romantic. 

"Hey, share the blanket," I complained as I tried to pull on it and get him to share it with me but he wasn't budging. I tried to pull harder but it was obvious that he was much stronger than me from the way the blanket just ran through my hands before bouncing straight back to him. "George!"

"Okay, you have to stay really close if you're going to share the blanket with me, my feet get cold really easily," George finally gave in, lifting the side of the blanket and allowing me to lay next to him, leaning on him slightly as I ate the popcorn. 

I didn't pay much attention to the movie if I'm honest. I don't even know if it had ended or not when George turned to me, looking curious. 

"So how was the engagement party, then?"

"It was exactly how I expected it to be. Astoria and Draco were too busy looking dreamily into each others' eyes to notice anyone else actually attended the party, Blaise made a comment directed towards me every chance he got including when the waiter offered me extra bread and not him. Honestly I think the waiter just seen how rude he was being and decided to ignore his existence like I prefer to. The guests were alright, I guess, I didn't really get to actually talk to them though. They were too busy with their meals and all, and I didn't bother to stay around much longer than was necessary. I guess that's why I was back earlier than you thought I would be," I explain to him and he nods his head in understanding. 

"I don't see why you continue to put up with this Blaise guy. I mean, does Draco even know how harsh his friend is on you? Because if he does, well no offence or anything, but he's not exactly the best friend you make him out to be," George says, shaking his head. I quickly shake my head, holding up a hand. 

"No, no, I don't tell Draco about things Blaise says and does. He's just being an idiot but the last thing I want is for him to lose his only friends over the whole stupid thing. Maybe one day Blaise will get over it and realise he was just being an idiot," I suggest, hoping to myself that that day might be sometime soon. Especially if it meant getting an apology from Blaise. An apology sounded great about now, especially since I was completely sick of putting up with all the things he does. 

"I don't want you to wait until he realises he's an idiot. If he was actually smart he would have realised he was an idiot by now. I think you should tell Draco or someone. I mean, it doesn't have to be Draco but I don't think you should keep how horrible he is to yourself. I mean, he's just overreacting about the whole thing and blowing it out of proportion," George said, an annoyed look taking over his features as he talked about Blaise. 

"Hey, aren't I telling you about it? You're someone, right? There, you're someone who knows all about what Blaise says to me and why I actually don't work for him any more."

"What do you tell other people when they ask why you don't work for him any more?"

"I just tell them that it wasn't working out and that I didn't really like the job, that I wasn't really interested in doing that for the rest of my life. Maybe someday Blaise will ask me back to work there when he realises he's been an idiot and then I will explain to everyone what actually happened with it," I shrug my shoulders, a smile coming to my face. 

"I don't know, I just don't think not telling one of your proper friends is a good thing, I mean, what if-"

"Are you not my proper friend, George?" I ask suddenly, looking him right in the eye as I said it. He opens his mouth but now words come out and it looks like he's struggling to find words. 

"No one's ever really relied on me for anything in the past few years, I'm not sure I should really be trusted to help you."

"Well I trust you."

He was leaning in. My eyes widened but I wasn't pulling away. I didn't want to pull away. 


I bolted up, running to the door where the loud sounds were coming from. I open the door to see a dishevelled looking Draco. He walks in, running a hand through his messy blonde hair. 

"Astoria's pregnant."

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