hey guys, so sorry for disappearing in the last while, I really had no intention of doing it but I guess I got a little too lazy over midterm but today I'm back with twice the amount of updates so hope you all enjoy :)
thanks to bzevil- for the banner on the side
"Draco, calm down. Are you okay?" I said calmly as I helped Draco over to the couch, George getting up to put on the kettle for him. Draco looked as pale as I had ever seen him and his expression was one of someone who had just encountered the Bloody Baron in private.
"Astoria... Iris do you not hear this? We're supposed to get married in a few days and she's pregnant! We were getting married and then we were supposed to wait like a year and then we were going to have children, Iris. This wasn't a part of the plan," Draco mumbles, running a hand through his hair and sighing. I put a hand on his knee, leaning down so he could see me again and I look into my best friend's eyes and for once I don't think of this as a romantic moment. Because all I can see is the look of worry on his face and I can't help but feel it too but I know I'm supposed to help him, not panic.
"I heard what you said Draco. I know this isn't what you planned but that doesn't mean it shouldn't happen. Okay, so what, it happened a little before you wanted it to. Is it going to be any less special? Are you going to love that child any less? Are you going to be annoyed at either her or the child for being born early?" I started to ask and for each time he shook his head, his expression slightly softening. "Draco you have the chance to have a baby with the girl you love. Just because it's earlier than expected doesn't mean it's too early or it's not going to be the same. Sometimes the best things that happen are the ones you didn't plan."
"But Iris, we're supposed to get married and act like she's not married. Oh gosh, you knew Iris," Draco's face suddenly goes into a look of shock as he mumbles the last sentence to me. "You came with me to drink the wine because you knew she couldn't. Was that the reason you moved out? Because I've said it before, Iris, you didn't need to move out. There's always your room if you would like to move back in. Except we're going to have to make the apartment a bit bigger for the baby of course and well the sitting room might have to be smaller and-"
"DRACO!" I yell at him, grasping his attention. He suddenly looks to me and I look him straight in the eye and laugh. "Draco I'm not moving back in. And I think you and Astoria should move out of that apartment. Not that I don't like it or anything but you're going to have a child now, you probably seen it yourself when you were planning it all out. You need more room. And I will always come over and babysit when either of you needs a break."
"Iris you are the best friend I could have ever asked for," Draco mumbles, pulling me into a hug. I hug him back and laugh and a small smile takes over my face because for once my heart isn't fluttering. For once I'm not nervous or unsure. Because for once Draco is just my friend and I'm content with that.
"I know Draco," I laughed, pulling back from the hug as George brings over a cup of tea for Draco.
"I'll leave you two alone, I have some work to do," George said with a polite smile on his face. I gave him a hesitant look, feeling kind of bad we were kicking him out of his own sitting room.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, Draco and I don't mind you watching TV or whatever. We're not talking about anything too private," I say, trying to convince him to stay out here but George just laughs and shakes his head, backing up into his room.
"No, I do have a lot of work but it was nice seeing you Draco. Hope everything gets sorted, goodnight Iris," George says before closing the door after him. I look back to Draco who wiggles his eyebrows at me repeatedly. I laugh and shake my head at him.
"What have you put into that little head of yours now?" I ask with a small smile on my face. He just smirks at me and allows me to slowly grow more and more curious, which he know only bugs me.
"Oh nothing, just never realised that you and your roommate were on such good terms, that's all," he said, the same smirk gracing his face. I rolled my eyes at him, slapping the side of his head and chuckling.
"If you think anything is going on there you are dead wrong my friend, we're honestly just friends and nothing else. It's like when me and you were living together, honestly," I said. Okay so maybe using that comparison in my mind wasn't proving my point but to him it would.
"I don't think anything is going on, Iris. I can see something's going on. Even if you and him haven't seen it yet, I can see that there's something going on between the both of you. I see the way you speak to each other and don't think I didn't walk in on what I walked in on. I may have been in shock but I'm not blind, Iris," Draco chuckles and I feel my face brighten slightly. I look towards the ground as I remember how closely we had been sitting to each other only moments ago.
But that didn't mean anything, right? I mean, it's not like it was for any reason other than to share the blanket and we didn't really have a moment or anything so there's nothing really romantic about it. Hopefully George was thinking the same thing because I didn't want him to think I'm interested. The last thing I want right now is to be moving out of yet another apartment because of attraction to the person.
I shake my head of all thoughts of George and turn back to Draco, continuing to shake my head at him.
"There is nothing of that sort going on with George and me. We are roommates and nothing else. Besides, even if we were attracted to each other, as I said before, we're roommates. Nothing can happen because we both need the other to stay in the house so we can afford to live here. So nothing that can ruin whatever sort of friendship we have going here can happen," I explain to Draco who looks to understand but I can tell from the ghost of the smirk that he's still not taking in every word that I'm saying.
"I mean, I guess I see where you're coming from but still, I don't think you guys should do nothing about it. That's kind of just a waste. I think you guys should just let whatever happens happen and if you do end up breaking up or whatever it's not like you both don't have other options. There's plenty of people looking to share apartments these days and your job pays well enough to live on your own, I don't see why you're even bothering with a roommate," Draco laughed and I looked down slightly. I still hadn't gotten around to saying that I didn't work in the ministry any longer but I guess now would probably be the best chance. "What did I say? Why did you look down like that?"
"Draco, I don't work with Blaise in the ministry any more. I didn't enjoy working there any more so I decided that I should quit. I got a job at the hospital but it obviously doesn't pay as well so really I'm just barely scraping by in this apartment. I have enough money to pay rent and bills and for food and all but I'm going to have to budget again so that I can have money for emergencies and presents and all," I confessed. Draco's nodded his head slowly, taking in the information.
"You don't have to get me a wedding present you know. Like if you really want you can get me one later but don't panic yourself about getting me one any time soon. Astoria and I don't mind, it's just a stupid present after all," Draco told me. But that only made me feel even worse. Because if I'm honest, the thought of buying him a wedding present hadn't even crossed my mind in the middle of all of this mess. But I just nodded my head slowly, acting like it was a relief.
"Well I'll get you the best one I can afford when I have a good bit more money but thank you Draco, it means a lot. I guess I'm just having a tough time since the move and all," I said with a small chuckle but Draco's face grew worried again and I slightly regretted what I had just said.
"Is it because it's more expensive? I'm sorry you felt the need to move out Iris, I can give you some money to get by if you want? It's no bother, really. Just tell me how much you need and I can give it to you," Draco began to ramble on as I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to be quiet.
"I don't need your money Draco. I'm getting by, I've told you that already, I just don't have a lot of money. But if I just save it more instead of spending it like I was before I should be fine and hopefully I'll get a permanent job at the hospital and I'll get more money," I told him with a slight smile appearing on my face. He smiles back but he still looks slightly conflicted about whether he should be forcing me to take his money or not. I just shake my head at him and laugh.
"The reason you left your job isn't because of Blaise, right? Because I can talk to him if he's bothering you again, Iris. I know how he can be sometimes but I can just tell him to stop and I promise he will," Draco starts again but I hold up my hand once more and yet again I shake my head with a laugh.
"Draco, calm down. You think you can fix every problem in my life but you can't. I'm fine Draco, I don't need you to try and fix everything. And no, it's not Blaise. It's really my job in general, I just wasn't enjoying it any more so I decided it was time for a little change. I'm sure if I went back Blaise would give me my job back but I don't want it back. I'm happy where I am. I work with some amazing girls," I told him and he gave me a smile.
"Well I guess I'm happy you're happy then. And don't stress over the wedding too much, after all, it's my wedding not yours. Anyway, speaking of weddings and worrying, I better get home to my beautiful fiancee who is probably thinking I want nothing to do with her. I'll see you later, Iris. We should talk like this again," Draco said as he set down his cup of coffee and got up from the couch. I got up too and walk with him to the door.
"Okay, say hi to Astoria for me even though I should be seeing her tomorrow. Goodnight."
"Goodnight," Draco said, turning around before quickly looking back to me. "Oh, and Iris. Please invite George to the wedding."
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