Chapter 19

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Her, too

Chapter Nineteen

November 5, 2014

Bey woke up from her slumber with a smile on her face. She had taken the day off today from work, because it was a much needed break. Not only did she need it, it was requested by Shawn. Normally, she wouldn't have even entertained the thought, but she truly missed him. They had been talking since he's remembered everything, and she was loving the change.

They were spending the entire day together. Nothing was truly planned, they were going to free ball it. She got up and went to do her normal routine in the bathroom. When she exited, she looked through her wardrobe. Since she didn't know what was going to happen, she knew that wearing pants would be the best choice. She put on a black leather front sweater with pants that were similar leather in the front and regular pants in the back. She chose her heels and looked to see her phone ringing.

She answered it without looking at the name, but she figured who it was.


"So you actually did it?" Shawn asked in a shocked manner.

Bey laughed softly. "You thought I was going to bail on you?"

"Actually, yes."

She laughed before falling back on her bed. "Well, sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Carter."

"It's fine, Ms. Knowles, if that is your last name."

"It's not."

Shawn laughed. "Stop playing."

"It's as if you forgot I was married. When are you coming?"

"I'm actually outside."

Bey rolled her eyes and hung up the phone. She grabbed her purse and keys before leaving the house. She got into the passenger seat of Kanye's car before looking at Shawn.

"When are you going to buy a new car?"

He frowned. "You forget I'm not a big shot?"

"You bought me a car."

"Yes, I did. Can I have it? I kinda need it."

She laughed at that. "How about no?"

"Worth a try. How are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you?" She asked as she watched the road. Despite his accident, Bey wasn't afraid of his driving. From what she understood, the crash wasn't his fault, it was the other driver's fault.

"A bit sleepy, but I'm okay."

"Long night?"

"With my daughter."

Bey beamed at that news. She was happy that Shawn had finally figured out that his bond with his daughter was probably one of the best bonds in the world. "I'm proud of you."

Shawn stopped at a red light and looked at her with curiosity. "Proud of me?"

"Yes. Do you want honesty?"


"When we broke up, I honestly thought you were going to stop being a father."

He watched as she bit down on her bottom lip. It signified that she probably thought her confession would've offended him, but it didn't. He was actually glad that she was able to be that honest with him. She probably wasn't the only one with that thought.

"I made a vow to be a father, and that's what I'm going to do. I wanna thank you for actually opening my eyes to that bond. That little girl...she's amazing."

Bey smiled before placing her hand on his right hand. "She is."

"So tell me about.."


"That's her name?"


"Cute name."

Bey rolled her eyes. She knew that Shawn knew about Natalia. She smiled. "It is. But she's just as amazing as Ashlyn. She's the sweetest little thing."

"If she makes you light up like that, she has to be special," Shawn commented with a smirk.


"I'm just saying. When will she finally be yours or is she already?"

"That won't happen until December."

"You don't have long. Are you ready?"

Bey looked out her window. "I don't know. It's different going to a facility and having her, you know? This will be full time. She'll be in my house. I've never been a full time parent."

"You'll get used to it, trust me. You already got the protective thing down. Then the time you'll take off to really adjust."

"I'm not taking time off."

Shawn frowned. "And why not?"

"I have bills to pay, Shawn."

"I can pay them."

"Oh no no no!"

He sighed. Bey was very much so independent. The only thing she'd honestly let him pay for was the car, and that was only because she truly needed a new one. Paying for bills for no more than two months wasn't a problem for him.

"Bey. C'mon."

"Shawn no. I'm going to work."

"All new mothers take a break. Take the break."


He looked at her briefly. "Can you think about it, at least? I think it'll be a good idea."

"Shawn, I don't want you paying my bills."

"I'm not doing it forever, Bey. It'll just be until you're ready to go back to work. Once you're comfortable being a mother full time. Just think about it."

He pulled into the small diner, and the two got out. Hand in hand, they walked inside and took their seats. Bey's eyes scanned the menu, even though she knew exactly what she wanted. Shawn looked at her briefly.

"Why are you looking at me?" She asked him.

"Because you're in front of me?"

"Wrong answer."

"My answer."

Bey rolled her eyes playfully at him before their blonde waitress came over to collect their orders. She ordered a ham and cheese omelette with orange juice while Shawn went for the steak and eggs with orange juice.

"You seem hungry," she commented.

Shawn laughed a bit. "I'm a man. I eat more than you."

"Not always."

He paused for a moment to keep his mind out of the gutter. "I missed you."

"I missed you as well," Bey responded truthfully.

"I know I apologized before "

"I accepted it. I'm over that part now. You say you support the decision, and that's really all that matters to me, Shawn. I've seen the growth an change you've made. I don't know if it's because of the accident, but I know you've changed and for the better."


"I'm willing to start over."

"As friends?"

"As a couple."

Shawn was stunned a bit by that. "Are you sure?"

"I don't see why not. The past few weeks have been eye opening."

"And difficult."

"Terribly," she agreed. "But only if you're willing.."

"More than," he answered right before their food arrived. One thing Bey adored about small places was the quick time that they received their food.

"Oh! Did Kim call you?" She asked curiously.

"Uh, always. Why?"

"About the pre Thanksgiving thing."

Shawn chuckled. "I'm called every year, babe. I'm guessing you got your invitation this year."


"Are you going?"

"I don't know," Bey responded truthfully.

"Why wouldn't you? You adore Kim."

"I do, but.."

"I'm going to assume that she warned you that Christina would be there."


"Is that a problem for you?"

Bey shrugged before cutting herself a piece of his steak. "I just don't want anyone to be uncomfortable."

"You do realize that you've been around my child? You will be around my child, therefore awkwardness is gone out the window, somewhat. Christina doesn't have a problem with you, trust me."

Bey would still have to think over it. They left the restaurant after finishing their meal. At this point, Bey didn't have a clue as to where they were going. She tried to use the buildings that they passed as clues, but nothing prepared her for where he was going.

"Where are we?" Bey asked once the car stopped.

Shawn smiled at her before exiting the car. Bey frowned and got out. "Shawn!"

He held his index finger to his lips to silence her, but it wouldn't work. She needed to know why they were at a landing strip.

"Shawn Corey Carter!" She called out from behind him, but Shawn continued walking until they arrived at a small plane. She saw parachutes, and her head immediately began shaking in disapproval.

"You two ready to skydive?" The woman asked with a smile.

"No!" Bey said almost too quickly.

"No?" She asked.

Shawn groaned. "It'll be fun, Bey."

"Fun watching me die?! No!"

Shawn laughed. "I thought you were adventurous?"

"I've never told you no shit like that! I enjoy the ground, thank you!"


"Bey my ass. Bey ain't getting in that plane," she said as she folded her arms across her chest and shifted all of her weight to her right foot. Shawn watched her amusingly before walking away to speak to the lady. He soon came back, grabbed her hand, and took her to the car.

Bey didn't utter a word. She had a daughter to worry about. She wasn't going to place her life in unnecessary danger messing with Shawn.

"Where to now?" Shawn asked.

"Are you mad?"

Shawn laughed. "No. I knew you'd say no."

"Then why..?"

"To make sure your ass wasn't crazy."

Bey laughed. "Glad I passed your test. I wanna see a movie, though."


Bey's eyes narrowed. "Are you staying the night?"

"I can, you chicken."

"Thank you!"

They drove to the movie theater. Since kids were in school, it wasn't crowded at all, which Bey loved. Today was reminding her so much of her youth. She hadn't been to a movie theater in so long. They went to see the newest scary movie. Bey got her normal nachos, frozen Coke, and Raisinets. Shawn opted for a simple popcorn combo.

Bey cuddled as close to him as possible as they watched the movie. She spent more time eating and with her head buried in Shawn's shoulders. She really couldn't stand scary movies.

"Could you stop being a chicken?" He whispered.

"Could you shut up talking to me?" She responded.

They finished their movie, and decided to go to Bey's house. This was the only time that they were actually going to do some work. Shawn had brought his iPad, and Bey had hers. On the couch, she laid on him with her iPad while he had his. There was total silence as Bey read the essays that had been sent to her emails. Shawn was handling business as a principal.

"I like that essay," he commented out of the blue.

Bey didn't budge as she exited the essay and went to her grade book app to give the student their grade. That had been her routine for the longest time until she was finished. She was thankful that Shawn didn't bother her as she did that. She hated being behind on grading papers.

"Wanna go see our daughters?" He asked.

Bey looked at the time, and nodded her head. They went their separate ways. Shawn went to pick Ashlyn up from Christina's mother's house, while Bey went to the facility. She signed in, and began walking straight back to where Tally was usually.

"Oh, Bey!" Naomie called out from her office.

Bey stopped and headed into the room. "Yes?"

"Could you sit for a moment? We have a few things to discuss."

"Okay," Bey said softly as she sat down in the comfortable chair in front of Naomie's desk.

"We'll go in order. First, I want to let you know that if you wish, you may take Natalia for the entire Thanksgiving day. That'll be your choice."

"I'll get her."

"Alright. I'll let front desk know. I've talked to everyone involved, and we feel as though you're more than ready to finally have Natalia permanently. So, December 1st, plans will be made for that. I'm aware that you already have everything set up, but I'm giving you the time to finalize everything."

Bey's eyes began to water with happiness. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am. You've been probably the best mother to that child, and she hasn't even spent the night. But remember that the adoption isn't finalized until three months after that. Meaning, March in your case. I'll be stopping by at random times to make sure that Natalia is alright and comfortable, but I'll also be checking up on you."

"On me?"

She laughed softly. "I have to make sure you're comfortable, as well. That'll be the time for any questions you may have. She'll be turning three soon, which means her emotions will be different, and she'll be learning different things."

Bey nodded her head at the news. "How has she been this week?"

"An angel," Naomie beamed. "An angel that's addicted to pancakes."

Bey smiled at that. Pancakes were clearly her favorite thing to eat. "Meaning she's perfectly fine. Has she been going to the bathroom like she's supposed to?"

"Yes, Mommy."

Bey laughed. "Has she been telling people that she has to go?"

"Beyoncé, go play with your child," Naomie said before laughing. Bey could only smile before going to see her baby girl.

Natalia was playing with the dollhouse before seeing Bey and running toward her.


"Hey, Princess! How are you?"

"Awight. How you?"

"Awight," Bey mocked, causing Natalia to laugh. "I heard you were a big girl today!"

Tally nodded happily before pointing to the ground, letting Bey know that she wanted to be put down. Bey complied and placed her down.

"Are you hungry?"

"No," she answered and went back to playing with her dolls. Bey watched her play for a while before looking down at the time on her phone. She didn't know how long she was going to stay, but Natalia wasn't going to let her leave anytime soon. They did practically everything. There was a marathon of Spongebob on Nickelodeon, and they ended up watching a lot of the episodes. They colored, ate, and Bey bathed her.

"Pick a book," Bey said while pointing to the bookcase. Natalia pulled out "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed". Bey smiled and walked Natalia to her bedroom. She sat down in the rocking chair before picking Natalia up.

Bey read the book softly to her while rocking her. She didn't stop rocking the chair until she was sure that Natalia had fallen asleep. Slowly, she got out the chair and tucked her baby in, and left. When she arrived home, Shawn was waiting for her in the driveway.

"You could've called," Bey told him.

"I could've. But didn't think you'd answer."

"Why wouldn't I have?"

"You were with child," he answered before following her into the unlocked house. Bey immediately began stripping herself from her clothes. Her clothes made a trail to the bedroom that Shawn happily followed.

"Don't tempt me," he told her. Bey climbed into the bed, and smirked.

"I'm not. I'm going to sleep, Shawn."


Bey giggled before lying down. Slowly, he removed his clothes and got into the bed with her. It was only a test of willpower, and he would happily pass the test. He could resist her.

And he did.

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