[Adrien's POV]
"Get out of my house! You are no longer welcome here!" a raging voice yelled at poor Adrien. His father was kicking him out because he was caught sneaking out one too many times with a warning on each. This time just happened to be the last straw.
Gabriel told him to leave right away and return the next day for the things he needed. He was 17, so he was able to handle himself, but he's been warned like this since he was 14 years old, when the sneaking out started.
Adrien was broken. If only his father knew... He would have a roof to sleep under, and food to eat, but now he had nowhere.
He was crying for hours until his father finally kicked him out forcefully since he didnt leave fast enough.
The blonde had nowhere to go. It was cold and it started to rain. He remembered he still had Plagg and he flew out of his hiding spot in his owner's jacket pocket.
"You really messed up now kid. I've never seen your dad so pissed." Plagg said.
"Plagg, I dont have anywhere to go! What am I going to do! My father can't know that im sneaking out at night to save Paris!"
Plagg lowered himself down and gave Adrien a look of sympathy. He genuinely felt bad for his owner, "Hey, isn't Ladybug out on patrol tonight?"
"I could go and see her! Maybe she has some advice! Plagg, Claws Out!" And with that Adrien was now the pun loving superhero of Paris, speeding across rooftops looking for his Lady.
Chat struggled to find her and the rain got harder and harder. He decided to look in one last place he knew she would be, and thats precisely where she was. The Eiffel Tower.
Chat landed on the tower lightly and there she was in all of her glory, leaning on the tower's railing gazing off into the night. Suddenly thunder struck and she jumped and fell backwards. Luckily Chat had caught her before she could get hurt. He was happy to see his lady and seized the chance he got to use the perfect pun to brighten up her evening.
"Falling for me already, M'lady? I just got here"
Time skip
Chat had been abandoned by Ladybug who needed to go home. Where could he go? He leaped from rooftop to rooftop feeling hopless when suddenly he came across a house with the lights still on. It just happened to be owned by his dear friend Marinette.
He extended his baton end landed rather roughly on her balcony, making a loud crash as he rolled over onto the balcony. He had hurt his ankle and managed to gain a small cut on his cheek.
As he hissed in pain and grabbed his ankle he saw some blood dripping from his cheek.
The balcony lit up as Marinette opened up her trapdoor letting the light escape from her room. Realising what happened, she started to get worried,"CHAT!! Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!"
"Uh... hi Princess...Sorry...did i wake you?"
[522 words]
A/N: Another Chapter! I hope you like the story so far! Its taking some time since i started this with no real guidline on what this story is about, just a simple idea. But so far so good, eh? Feel free to leave comments on criticism or tips for improving my writing and this story! Love you all and see you in the next chapter!
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