[Adrien's POV]
"Uh...hi Princess...Sorry...did i wake you? Chat said, still clutching his ankle. Blood was slightly smeared along his face from touching the wound.
"Chat, Your face! Its bleeding! How hard did you fall? Come in, ill get you some ice for your ankle and ill clean up your cut." Marinette hurried the superhero inside and sat him down on her bed and rushed to get some first aid and ice.
"I'll be right back kitty. Don't move okay? It will be okay" Marinette comforted him and gave him a little smile.
Chat's insides melted. He didn't know why, but her smile did it for him. His heart skipped a beat and he couldn't respond to her, he just nodded with a huge blush spead across his face and watched her leave.
With his Princess gone, he had some time to himself. He sat quietly and admired Marinette's overly pink bedroom. Everything was neat and tidy, except for her desk, which had bits and pieces of loose material and scissors. She also had a sketch layed out. She was probably busy designing something before he arrived.
He looked at her bed and noticed a long cat pillow. She also had a board with loads of pictures on it. It was difficult to see what was on the pictures though, but when he had the time, he would take a look.
Marinette hurried back with the ice and first aid. "Here. Keep this ice pack on your ankle to stop the swelling. Turn to me so i can clean your cut."
Chat didn't say anything, he just complied with her orders and let her try and heal his wounds. He found her being so worried about him sweet. She had a cute look of determination plastered on her face.
Marinette wet a cloth with water and dabbed the cut with it to get rid of the blood spread across the surface. Next, she got a cotton ball and wet it with a little bit of rubbing alcohol. "this will burn a bit ,okay. You can squeeze my hand if it hurts too bad. i just want to get rid of any dirt or bacteria that might have gotten into your wound, alright?"
"O-Okay princess" Chat said hesitantly
"On the count of three I'm going to apply it. Okay...One..." Marinette started
"One." Chat repeated, counting with her.
"Three..." Marinette slowly applied the substance onto Chat's face. She could feel him lightly squeeze her hand and she heard him hiss a little with the pain "Sorry. I'm done now, now im going to add a bandaid, and then youre about done."
Marinette added a little dot of cream to the cut and placed a neat bandaid on to cover the wound. "There you go Kitty. So now...what brings you here? A superhero like you wouldnt just randomly come and visit a girl like me." Marinette stated, a little confused as to why her partner decided to drop by (literally)
"Oh! Can't a knight come and visit his princess every once and a while?" Chat said, hiding the real reason of why he was here. He had nowhere else to go.
"Chat, Whats wrong. I can tell you're hiding something from me." Marinette said, remembering how upset he was up by the Eiffel Tower.
"I really cant hide anything from you, can I princess.. " Chat said with a light chuckle and a look of defeat. "I guess I should let the cat out of the bag, huh. I cant really say too much without revealing my civilian life...but I have nowhere to stay for the night. This stray cat has no home."
Marinette was shocked beyond belief. How could the Superhero of Paris have absolutely nowhere to sleep for the night or stay. "What? What do you mean you dont have anywhere to stay? What about your home?" Marinette kept on asking so many questions...maybe too many questions. "How could a Hero like you have nowhere to go? Im sure anyone in Paris would die to have you. Why did you come to me?"
Chat wanted to tell her everything. There was something about her that made him trust her with his very life. But he couldnt tell her about his father and how he is now homeless. He can only draw her the outlines, "Princess, I...I got kicked out..."
The boy started to get upset again, with every memory playing though his head at once, it were as if he was in that very moment all over again. He couldnt take it. He started to tear up.
Marinette saw how the boy started to cry. How could this happen to him? He's such a wonderful person, he doesn't deserve this. She knew what she had to do...but it was risky...
"Chat..." She said cautiously
The Hero looked up at her with a wet face covered in tears.
"Would you like to stay here for the night or two. Y'know...until you can get back on your feet...?" She said with a hint of a smile appearing on her face.
"Princess...Really, you dont have to...I dont want to be a burden" Chat said. It was the reason he came to Marinette, but he was starting to doubt himself after the care he had gotten from her.
"Of course Kitty! You're not a burden at all. Look, ill set you up on the chaise and ill bring you some hot chocolate?"
His heart...He's never felt his heart do this since his mother..."Thank you Marinette. I dont know how I could repay you. Im forever grateful" He also realised that his palms were damp...was that normal?
"Well...You can repay me by helping me make the hot chocolate! My parents are catering at a gathering for a whole week, so we can go downstairs and make some together!" Marinette giggled with a taint of pink dusted aling her cheeks. "Last one down has to clean the dishes!!!"
"Heyy!!! No fair! My ankle!!! Princess, wait up!!!!"
[1015 words]
A/N: Woahhh! Long chapter! Its almost double the ones before. Yayy!! Anyway, hope you all enjoyed! Feel free to leave a comment with any criticism or tips for improving the story or my writing. Love you all and see you in the next chapter!
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