[Marinette's POV]
Ladybug was on patrol. She was alone, but she didnt really mind much. It was peaceful. As she ran across the rooftops she enjoyed how the cold wind slightly stung her face and how she felt so free while flying through the Parisian sky with her yoyo.
There was no crime that night so she took advantage of the silent atmosphere and swung herself to the Eiffel Tower to gaze at the beautiful city of love. Complete silence. She loved it.
She stood leaning on the tower's railings to admire the city's beauty. Some time passed and she felt light raindrops hit her face as she looked up. Rain was her favourite weather ever since she found her true love in the cold, wet weather and he gave her his umbrella, but besides that, it was just a beauty to be in. The rain got harder with time so Ladybug eventually decided that it was time to go home.
Just as she was about to leave she got a fright as loud thunder shook and she fell back, but not onto the ground. Something...someone caught her.
"Falling for me already M'lady? I just got here!" Chat said with his typical wide grin he always had when around his lady.
"Chat? What are you doing here? Its raining and its my turn on patrol, you're going to catch a cold"
"You're right, like always M'lady. But i thought I'd come out and enjoy the rain. It's a beautiful night too! I also needed the fresh air. It was just a bonus I got to see you aswell Bugaboo" Chat said with a wink. Though something was off. When Ladybug looked properly, she noticed that his eyes were slightly red and puffy.
"Chat... are you okay?" She asked him. It's not like him to do this. Something must be very wrong.
This seemed to catch Chat by surprise since his eyes widened and his face turned red. Tears lightly began pricking his eyes
"W-what do you m-mean M'lady? I-I'm purrfectly fine" He said with a mild shake in his voice. He attempted to smile but his lip started quivvering.
"Kitty... Talk to me" Ladybug said with a look of worry on her face.
All Ladybug could see was Chat's shoulders shaking lightly. After a second she could hear small sobbing sounds and a small sniff. She gave him a long hug and whispered soothing words into his ear and used cute nicknames and soon he stopped crying.
"Look Kitty, If it makes you feel any worse, you dont have to tell me a thing ? Just know that im always here when you need me ,okay? I promise" And she gave him a warm smile and suddenly all of his troubles vanished. That smile he loved with all of his heart.
She told Chat Noir that it would probably be better if he went home before he got sick. He gave a defeated look and sadly complied. Ladybug gave him one last hug and she swung on her yoyo back to the bakery to take a nice warm shower
[523 words]
A/N: There's my first chapter!! Yayy!! I hope you like it, it is rather short but I'm new to writing and just getting used to all of this. Im sure I'll eventually get better with time, but for now just bare with me. Please dont be afraid to comment any criticism or tips to improve my writing! Love you all and hope to see you in the next chapter!
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