S1: Episode 2 Loo Loo land

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[The episode opens to a shot of the exterior of Stolas' mansion at night, before cutting to the master bedroom where Stolas and Stella are asleep. A young Octavia's frightened voice can be heard from offscreen.]

Octavia (Young): (offscreen) Mummy! Daddyyyy!

[Stolas is roused from his sleep. He turns to Stella who has most of the blanket.]

Stolas: *sleepily* Mmph. Via's calling us, Stella.

Stella: *sleepily, annoyed* You get up.

[Stolas sighs and gets out of bed. He enters Octavia's room, where she is hiding beneath her blankets.]

Stolas: Via? What troubles you, my owlet?

Octavia (Young): *sobbing* Daddy! Daddy!

[Young Octavia climbs down from her bed and runs into her father's arms. Stolas hoists her up to comfort her.]

Octavia (Young): *sobbing* I had a dream! A really bad dream!

[Stolas yawns and wipes away Octavia's tear, correcting her.]

Stolas: A nightmare.

Octavia (Young): *sobbing* I was looking all over the palace, and... I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there!

Stolas: *rubs Octavia on the back comfortingly* There there, Via, it's okay. You're okay.

[Stolas summons his grimoire to him telekinetically as he walks Octavia back to bed.]

Stolas: When you're scared, and you don't know where I am, you must remember...

[Stolas's grimoire floats over to him. He telekinetically flips it open.]

Stolas: No matter what happens to me, I will never be far away... from my special little starfire.

[Stolas begins singing a lullaby to little Octavia.]

♫ It always seems more quiet... in the dark ♫

[Stolas opens a portal above himself and Octavia. She looks up in awe of the beauty of space through the portal.]

Stolas: ♫ It always feels so stark... how silence grows under the moon ♫

[Stolas and young Octavia float up through the portal and into the cosmos, landing on a barren moon.]

Stolas: ♫ Constellations gone so soon ♫

♫ I used to think that I was bold ♫

[Walking across the moon, Stolas leaves footprints in the dust.]

Stolas: ♫ I used to think love would be fun ♫

♫ Now, all my stories have been told. Except for one... ♫

[Stolas looks down at young Octavia, and she looks back with her large, curious eyes. Her gaze shifts to a pink glow to her side.]

Stolas: ♫ As the stars start to align ♫

♫ I hope you take it as a sign that you'll be okay ♫

[A meteor begins its descent towards a giant, pink colored star.]

Stolas: ♫ Everything will be okay ♫

[The meteor makes contact with the pink star, and begins to sink beneath the molten surface.]

Stolas: ♫ And if the Seven Rings collapse ♫

[Multiple planetary bodies begin gravitating toward the pink star, including the moon that Stolas and Octavia currently reside on, which eventually shatters into pieces as the star's gravity pulls on it.]

Stolas: ♫ Although, the day could be my last. You will be okay ♫

[Young Octavia yawns and falls asleep contentedly against her father's chest.]

Stolas: ♫ When I'm gone, you'll be okay... ♫

[Distant planetary bodies fly through the cosmos, pulled in by the pink star's incredible gravitational pull. They disintegrate upon impact and causes the star to explode in a powerful supernova just as the portal closes behind Stolas causing him to sing louder.]

Stolas: ♫ And when Creation goes to die ♫

♫ You can find me in the sky ♫

♫ Upon the last day ♫

[Stolas drapes the sleeping Octavia in a blanket.]

Stolas: ♫ And you will be okay... ♫

[His lullaby finished, Stolas leaves as his young daughter settles to sleep, content. Cut to several years later, where a teenage Octavia is jolted awake by smashing objects and her parents screaming at each other, far less content.]

Stella: (offscreen) I can't believe you slept with an imp, in OUR FUCKING BED!

[Octavia, annoyed at being disturbed, gives a long groan.]

Stolas: (offscreen) It was unexpected! I didn't have time to go to a motel!

Stella: (offscreen) A motel?! Like a fucking PLEBEIAN?!

[Octavia grabs her phone and puts in earbuds, playing "My World Is Burning Down Around Me" to tune out the screaming as she strides down the halls of the Goetia estate, stepping over the smashed remains of a plant thrown in her path. In the kitchen, Stella continues screaming at Stolas.]

Stella: You want to fuck this one, TOO?!

[Stella grabs an imp servant and violently tosses him in Stolas' direction.]

Stolas: No! Of course not!

Stella: You are a goddamn embarrassment! I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic, IMP-SUCKING FACE!!

[Stella storms out of the room, shouting angrily the entire time, and smashing more potted plants. Stolas sighs in exhausted exasperation before he notices his daughter has entered the kitchen.]

Stolas: Good mooorning, Octavia! Did you sleep well, my owlet?

Octavia: Was that a serious question?

[Stolas opens the refrigerator to retrieve a massive chunk of zebra meat.]

Stolas: Mm-hmm... What's that you're listening to?

Octavia: This song is called "My World is Burning Down Around Me". (beat) It's by Fuck You Dad.

[Stolas looks down, thinking the name of the band his daughter mentioned is a hurtful remark.]

Octavia: It's a band.

Stolas: *bemusedly* Ohhhh! How charming...

[Stolas grabs the zebra meat and feeds it to a massive potted plant situated in a small alcove off the kitchen as he pets it. Sated, it falls dormant, closing its three eyes.]

Octavia: So, you two done screaming for the day? *sips her coffee*

Stolas: Umm...

[Stella lets out another scream of anger and another potted plant is heard shattering in the distance.]

Stolas: You know what I haven't done in a long, loooong time? I haven't taken you to your favorite place in all of Hell! Why don't we go to Loo Loo Land?

Octavia: I'm not five anymore.

Stolas: You always were so happy when I took you to Loo Loo Land! What do you say we go there again, have a day, just the two of us?

Octavia: I'd... rather kill myself.

Stolas: There we go! Anything but staying in this house. Now, I'll arrange our security.

[Stolas picks up a phone carried on a platter by his now bruised and battered servant.]

Octavia: Security for a theme park?

Stolas: We are rich, and we're hot. People want our money and our bodies!

[Octavia grabs a box of cereal on the table and begins shoveling handfuls into her mouth.]

Octavia: *under her breath* Our money, maybe.

Stolas: Speak for yourself, princess. Now... I'm calling the only man who can f*** me!

Octavia: *drops the handful of cereal, disgusted* What...?

Stolas: *immediately backpedaling* Who can protect me! Us! Being part of the Goetia family is rather valuable, you know.

[Octavia groans and pulls her beanie down over her eyes.]

[Cut to I.M.P Headquarters, where Y/N is relaxing sitting down on the couch. He crosses his arms as he begins to feel drowsy.]

Y/N: ugh.....Sleep

[Y/N is about to go to sleep before being interrupted by the ringing of Blitzo's Hellphone.]

Y/N: What the hell?

Stolas: *lustfully* Why, hello, my big-dicked Blitzy.

Y/N: "Ok maybe coming here was a bad idea."

Octavia: *spits out coffee* What the fuck dad?!

Stolas: Language, via! *into the phone* I have a special request~

Y/N: Well this isn't Blitzo.......It's their new hired member Y/N.

Stolas: Oh...........

Y/N: Well regardless what is this special request?

Stolas: Well it's not meant for you it was meant for my little blitzy.

Y/N: Well tough luck he's gone right now. So either you tell me and I can handle it or nothing happens.

Stolas: *taken aback* Excuse me? Do you know who you're speaking to?

Y/N: No.

Stolas: Hmm well i suppose that's why. But the request was for blitzy to come with me to a special place.

Y/N: Elaborate please.

Stolas: I'm taking my daughter to Loo Loo Land, and I was hoping we could have someone who would accompany us!

Y/N: I've been a bodyguard before.........ok I'll do it. However what is Blitzo getting out of this?

Stolas: I'll just be paying him~

Y/N: Pay him what?

Stolas: Moneyyyy~

Y/N: Blitzo does like money........Alright deal.

[Y/N hangs up and accidentally slams his phone down on the desk hard enough to smash it to pieces. Afterwards he prepared to travel to Loo Loo land.]

[Cut to Loo Loo Land. A van with an I.M.P decal spray painted on the side pulls into the rather empty parking lot. Y/N bumps his head before he exits the van and opens the side door. A very cramped Stolas extracts himself excitedly. His daughter exits the van far less excitedly. Stolas dons an apple-themed hat and gestures toward the park gate. Octavia groans and pulls her hat low over her face.]

Octavia: *disgustedly* Hey... Dad... Do we have to--?

Stolas: Oh such a wonderful place this is!

Octavia: I'm literally gonna be sick.

Y/N: Is something the issue?

Octavia: That was figurative, red face.

Y/N: Name is Y/N I would appreciate if you called me by that.

Octavia: Mhm sure got it......

[The park's mascot, Loo Loo appears out of nowhere behind Y/N.]

Loo Loo: Well, hey there!

Y/N: Oh hello.

Loo Loo: I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo Land! If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us!

Y/N: I'd probably kill you since I don't know what that means.

Stolas: *gasps* Look! Via! It's Loo Loo!

Octavia: I have a question.

Loo Loo: Well, ask away, little girlie! A-hyuk a-hyuk a-hyuk!

Octavia: Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Lu Lu World?

Loo Loo: *beat* No?

Octavia: This place reeks of insecure corporate shame.

[Stolas chuckles nervously as he leads Octavia away.]

Stolas: Why don't we go check out the rides?

Loo Loo: That chick's creepy, huh?

Y/N: Well I just think she has issue that can be figured out given enough time.

Loo Loo: What's that mean?


[Y/N walks off to catch up with Stolas and Octavia. Loo Loo hangs his body dejectedly.]

Loo Loo: Yeah I am......

[In another part of the park, Stolas and Octavia walk along the path, as Y/N stays close to them with his sword trailing him all, on the lookout for any danger. A group of imps creep up behind the booths, ropes, knives, and pitchforks at the ready. They quickly scatter as Y/N looks in their direction.]

Stolas: You know, it's quite interesting to see that my little blitzy has hired someone who is actually quite a treat.

Y/N: Thank you........whatever that means.

Octavia: You seriously don't know what that means?

Y/N: Uhhh no. I'm not exactly accustomed to modern language here seeing as the most modern I got was in the Middle Ages. In which that time nobody cared about anybody and nobody cared about learning new things so everyone was as dumb as you can imagine.

[A woman walking nearby with her baby glares at Y/N before continuing on in a huff.]

Y/N: What? I just speak the truth.

Octavia: So what you're the sole exception?

Y/N: Not the only exception but one of the few that were known to have a competent mind.

Octavia: Heh. I would love to see others who have come from your time.

Y/N: *smirks* Would you though?

Stolas: *gasps* Oh! Look, Via!

[Stolas points excitedly at the circus tent. A demon mother is struggling to pull her crying son into the tent.]

Stolas: You used to cry such tears of joy at this show!

Octavia: *panicked* Oh, no...

[Cut to a flashback to Octavia as a young girl, as she is pushed against the stage by an excited crowd of imp children, as Robo Fizz sparks and cackles maniacally leering over Octavia, who soon breaks into tears.]

[Cut back to the present.]

Octavia: I hate that fucking clown.

[Pan to Stolas, who has been captured and hoisted aloft by the crew of imps from earlier. Stolas' arms are bound and his head is covered by a cloth sack, and the imps are pointing various weapons at him. One has stolen Stolas' wallet.]

Stolas: *unconcerned* Hellooooo I need my bodyguard, please!

[One imp jumps, to try and skewer Stolas with a pitchfork. Y/N quickly brings his fist to the imps jaw making him spin uncontrollably with a dislocated jaw, splattering Stolas's head with blood. The other imps quickly scatter.]

[Octavia enters the big top and finds a seat. Y/N directs Stolas in, head still covered in the blood-soaked sack, sets him down, and walks off to take position. Stolas makes no move to remove the sack, until Octavia annoyedly rips it off her father's head.]

Robo Fizz: *glitching and sparking* Hey-hey-hey-hey-heyyyy, Implings! It's me, the Robotic Fizzarolli! Shipped from Big Ozzie's factory to bring you a wonderful show celebrating Loo Loo Land, spelled with Os, to avoid lawsuits! H-H-H-H-H-Hit it!

[Stage lights turn on and point at Robo Fizz as she begins to dance and sing a song of the same name as the park.]

Robo Fizz: ♫ Loo Loo Land, Loo Loo Land! ♫

[The curtains open to reveal Robo Fizz's band, FizzaRolli 'n Friends, composed of various hideously decrepit animatronics, including Big Woobly on guitar.]

Robo Fizz: ♫ Everybody sing along with the Loo Loo band ♫

[Robo Fizz goes around pointing and gesturing at various demons in the audience. Stolas looks excited when Robo Fizz gets to him, but this is short-lived as Y/N pops up and brings his sword at Robo Fizz, who dashes back to the stage.]

Robo Fizz: ♫ Ev'ry boy, ev'ry girl, ev'ry woman, ev'ry man loves Loo Loo Laaand! ♫

[Platforms in the stage rise up in time with the music.]

Robo Fizz: ♫ Loo Loo Land, Loo Loo Land! ♫

♫ Everything is beautiful at Loo Loo Land ♫

♫ Ugly children holdin' hands in Loo Loo Laaand! ♫

[Robo Fizz grabs various Imp children out of the audience and wraps them up in a big hug, before jumping up and tossing them away. Most of the children slam into the bleachers, while one soars behind them.]

Robo Fizz: ♫ Everybody's friendly, ♫

[Robo Fizz hugs Big Woobly so hard that its neck breaks a bit more than it already had been.]

Robo Fizz: ♫ And nobody is mean ♫

[Robo Fizz dashes over to the two-headed, banjo-playing bear animatronic and slaps it in the back. The animatronic then squirts a stream of oil from its bigger head at the face of an Imp in the bleachers attempting to drown out the song with music from his phone.]

Robo Fizz: ♫ No copyright infringement's ever seeen ♫

[Robo Fizz dumps a gasoline canister onto a large stack of cease-and-desist papers, lights a match, and throws the match and the canister at the stack, setting the whole thing ablaze.]

Robo Fizz: ♫ I have a dream... ♫

Backup Singer: ♫ (She has a dream) ♫

Robo Fizz: ♫ I'm here to tell... ♫

Backup Singer: ♫ (She's here to tell) ♫

Robo Fizz: ♫ About a magical, fantastic place called Loo Loo Laaaaand! ♫

[Octavia is sitting and absorbing the musical with disgusted boredom. While Y/N watches with confusion.]

Y/N: Is she meant to be telling a story?

[We peer over to see Stolas is gleefully clapping to the music, while Octavia has thrown her head back in torment, banging her fist on the seat next to her.]

Robo Fizz & Backup Singer: ♫ --body sing along with the Loo Loo band! Ev'ry boy, ev'ry girl, ev'ry woman, ev'ry man loves Loo Loo Laaaaaaand! ♫

[The show ends with a small pyrotechnic display as Robo Fizz cackles maniacally. The bear animatronic faceplants onto the stage and falls to pieces. Stolas claps and cheers even harder.]

Stolas: Ah hohohoho ho ho ho ho ho, how delightful!

[Behind Stolas, an imp armed with a kris dagger rises from beneath the seats ready to stab Stolas, but the top of his head is quickly blown apart by a dropping elbow from Y/N, who had taken up a position in the gallery behind the back row of seats while Imps scream in absolute fear and run away.]

Stolas: Oh, my! You're good!

Octavia: *furious* Ugh! I can't do this anymore!

Stolas: *concerned* Wait- Uh-... Octavia!

[Octavia storms off, with Stolas following behind as Y/N prepares to give chase.]

Robo Fizz: Mua ha ha ha ha hoho-oh! Who are you? Oh are you the one that fought back against the exorcists? laughs]

Y/N: Yes I am. What's it to you?

Robo Fizz: Nothing much. But if you're here defending royalty you're also here to take us all down!

Y/N: Umm no-

[Robo fizz extends her arms and they grab Y/N and reel him in. Y/N however manages to stop them from pulling him in and he escapes her grasp.]

Y/N: So you want to fight? Ok we'll fight then.

[Y/N readies his sword and swings high at Robo Fizz, who cartwheels out of the way of the incoming rounds. Robo Fizz rapidly spins like a wheel rolling around Y/N. She coils herself around Y/N like a snake, before using her own momentum to launch Y/N through the top of the tent. Y/N using his strength busts through the tent and flies through the air.]

[Outside, Wally Wackford rolls a cart of lit torches in by the tent.]

Wally: Torches, I say, I say! Get your inconvenient torches here!

[Y/N lands with his fist into the ground causing a shockwave which scatters the torches everywhere, which light the big top on fire.]

Wally: Owww! I say, OWWWW!

[The green fire very rapidly spreads to all corners of the park. Burning and melting animatronics flee the tent as Robo Fizz cackles and spins her head with demonic glee at the destruction.]

Y/N: Flames......someone to fight.........my armor and sword in hand.........PERFECT FOR ME!

[Y/N and Robo Fizz continue to do battle against each other as the fires spread. Y/N is thrown up into the air by Robo Fizz and comes down with his fist through the roof of the shooting gallery, crushing and instantly killing the carnie Imp under him.]

Y/N: I'll make this quick and easy because I have a job here. So if you don't mind dying let me put you out of your misery.

Robo fizz: Oh ho ho a feisty one I see. You got that same smartass mouth that blitzo has.

[Y/N bangs his sword against his helmet to ready himself. He runs at the now burning Robo Fizz and sends his fist directly through her gut tearing out her robotic insides. Afterwards he backhands her head the impact of the slap spins Robo Fizz's head around. Y/N takes Robo fizz's body and throws it into the booth, destroying it in a large explosion.]

[Several pieces of shrapnel and burning prizes shoot in all direction, as the camera follows the severed heads of three of the "things" stuffed animal. The piece of stuffed animal strikes a young Imp boy in the head, knocking him unconscious the second a photographer takes a picture of the Imp family.]

Father: Goddammit, Nathan! You ruined another bloody photo! Why were you even born?!

[Y/N sends his sword through the father's skull as  he photo bombs. The photographer just shrugs his shoulders and takes the picture anyway.]

[Elsewhere, Stolas is still running after his daughter.]

Stolas: Octavia?

Octavia: (off-screen) Just leave me alone!

Stolas: Octavia!

[Octavia runs into a building called the "Fun House." Inside, Stolas is confronted with a a surreal room of eyes, tubes, spikes, mirrors, and disembodied hands. He goes further into the room, looking around for where his daughter could have gone. A shadow appears behind Stolas, as a random Imp jumps

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