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"Hey gorgeous," my hubby's cheery voice filled my ears.

"Are you talking to yourself or me?" I questioned, motioning for the reflection of him in the window.

"Me of course," he snickered.

I pouted, childishly turning away from him with baby Yujin securely coddled in my arms.

"Aww I'm kidding love. You're just as gorgeous as I am," he giggled.

"I better be," I huffed with a small grin.

Suyeon came barreling in immediately latching onto Seokjin while Eunbi ran after her.

"Dang girl you are fast," Eunbi huffed.

I chuckled, "Thanks for watching her sis."

"Any time. Send me all the baby pics once she's settled in," she said motioning to Yujin.

"Of course I will," I chuckled, waving as she took her kids and Chanhyuk and went home.

All that was left was the four of us. Ah it felt so weird to say since we had lived as three for so long, but were excited about our expanding size.

Seokjin scooped up Suyeon in one arm while the other held my free hand. He pressed a soft kiss to my cheek, conveying his unrestrained love and excitement for this new chapter.

But as it seemed, it might be short lived. He was still the prize possession of the business world, revered for his talents, looks, and attitude and was idolized in that sense.

I watched him cautiously as he picked up a call.

"Yes Driver Son?" Seokjin answered before putting the phone on speaker for us to hear.

"CEO Kim, I don't mean to bother you as you and Yubin try to leave, but there's a bit of a problem."

"Like?" Seokjin questioned, voice lowering.

"Someone leaked the discharge date. Cameras are lined up for miles outside. There's no way you can walk out the front door and not be bombarded. It won't be safe for the kids or for Yubin."

Seokjin glanced at me worriedly. He was always worried after we came home from a birth. I was a little sore but he always made me take the first couple of days easy. And to be honest, I wasn't sure if the stress of hiding my kids from cameras was going to benefit me in any way, shape, or form.

"Are they blocking all exits?"

"Just the front one."

"Come around the back. There's another exit on the western side of the hospital. We'll have to drive past them but we'll be fine," Seokjin instructed coolly.

But I saw through that. We had been together long enough to know when the other was irritated. And when it came to privacy-invading-blood-suckers, also known as paparazzi, it didn't take long for Seokjin to burst.

"Yes sir. I'll be there immediately."

"Thank you Driver Son," he said sincerely, hanging up the call.

He glanced at me with a long sigh, the silence speaking a thousand words. We weren't exactly left alone after Suyeon was born. Sometimes we'd get thrown into the light for something and angry comments and invading reporters would try to continue the scoop, but it was something we had gotten accustomed to.

What we never ever wanted however, was for our daughters to deal with that pressure. Whatever it took to keep Suyeon away from cameras, we would do it.

The four of us trekked to the other side of the hospital which was really inconvenient for us, but we did what we had to.

Driver Son met us in the empty parking lot, used for widespread emergencies that we thankfully got clearance for.

I held Yujin tightly as Seokjin got Suyeon settled in and Driver Son drove off. Usually he would try and speed away as fast as possible, but with our precious cargo, we'd have to do whatever it took to remain safe.

Luckily we got out in time before the paparazzi caught onto what was happening.

Though as I glanced out the window, I noticed an unfamiliar woman. At this point, I knew the names of reporters like the back of my hand, but I had never seen her.

I shrugged it out, but the thought lingered in the back of my mind long after we had driven off.

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