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In honor of Mother's Day, I thought I'd give everyone a teaser of what's coming shortly. I will be finishing COL first but here's some appetizers to celebrate the amazing mothers and/or parents out there 💜

Yubin POV

Seokjin's comforting hands landed on my back, carefully kneading out any knots in my tensed up shoulders.

"Babe, you should relax more," he hummed.

"I will once baby two decides to hop on out," I huffed, rubbing my very pregnant belly.

Number two was ready to escape her little cave any day now. I had actually been having contractions this time around, so I knew at any second, I could be going into labour.

Tiny little pattering footsteps drew both mine and Seokjin's attention as our animated two-year old came waddling in with her alpaca stuffed animal.

No matter the exhaustion I was feeling, seeing her always brightened my day. She was like my little battery that always recharged me.

"Hi princess~" Seokjin cooed, scooping the girl into his arms.

"Daddy! I brought Paca to make mommy feel better!" She exclaimed, holding out her beloved toy.

I cooed, reaching out to bring Suyeon into my lap, with her stuffed toy.

"Thank you baby girl. But you didn't have to. You can play with Paca," I hummed, brushing the hair out of her face.

"But mommy~ Paca wants to make you not be sad anymore," she pouted.

I pulled her into a big hug, "But mommy doesn't need Paca when she has her princess."

I peppered her with kisses making her burst into a fit of giggles.

Seokjin sat down beside us, encapsulating us in a big family group hug.

The warmth from one another was enough to make my heart happy and content.

Suyeon laid her head gently on my stomach while she kicked her legs out across Seokjin's lap.

The sight made the two of us coo, as we gently patted her to sleep.

"What do you think she'll be like?" I asked.


I nodded.

"Hmm. Well, I think she'll be pretty just like her mother. And she'll be smart. And courageous. Maybe a bit sassy like her mommy and sister, and maybe sweet and kind too. She'll probably be stunning considering our genes, but I'm sure she'll be modest about it," he rambled.

Hearing him affectionately talk about our kids always made my heart swell.

He was a great father. Extremely well-rounded when it came to kids. I couldn't be more grateful for having him in my life, despite our disagreements and not-so-often quarrels.

While he was talking, I gently shifted the sleeping Suyeon onto his lap so that I could go get some water.

But as luck would have it...the only water I was getting was the one that was broken and running down my legs.

Seokjin was still cutely rambling on, so I turned to him calmly so as to not freak him out.


"Yes darling?" He answered without thinking.

"I think we need to go," I hummed.


"Number two wants out," I said.

His eyes widened the same way they did the first time. Only this time we weren't trapped in a bathroom or running from nosy reporters.

He looked down frantically at the sleeping girl in his arms before taking a deep breath.

"You did it before Seokjin, you can do it again. You are handsome, and amazing, and you can do this-"

"Babe...I'm all for you hyping yourself up, but not at the expense of my labour," I sighed.

"Right, sorry. Let's go," he said.

He carried Suyeon to the car while holding onto me. He helped me get in first, before going and strapping her into her carseat.

I inhaled sharply at the painful contractions, squeezing his hand as he hastily drove to the hospital.

Suyeon had woken up, and was highly confused by all the commotion, but all she knew was mommy was in pain, and she didn't like it.

"Princess...mommy is okay. It's just, your baby sister wants to see you now," I explained calmly.

Suyeon bit her lip, her doe eyes staring at me worriedly.

"Is she hurting you, mommy?" She asked.

"No baby. She's just excited, that's all," I said.

Seokjin's hand held mine tightly as he drove to the hospital. Suyeon was clearly getting agitated, so I tried my best to reach out to her to calm her down.

Thankfully, we arrived at the hospital quickly and Seokjin helped me inside with Suyeon in tow.

"CEO Kim!" Whispers erupted through the hospital from patients and nurses alike. But this was no time to care about their excitement for our personal lives. Baby wanted out now.

"Dr. Jang," he said hurriedly.

The nurses nodded paging in our trusted doctor. And like some sort of life-saving superhero, Dr. Jang came out immediately rushing to greet us.

"Alright mama, you've done this before and you can do it again. Since she's had a c-section before, it might be safer to do one again," she said to the both of us.

I nodded, more than aware of the situation. It didn't bother me anymore. A baby was a baby no matter the method. And all I wanted was a happy and healthy baby girl.

Seokjin scooped up Suyeon in his arms, giving me a long kiss before Dr. Jang and other nurses ushered me away on a stretcher.

I took one last look at my loves, excited to see them again with one more addition to our loving family.

Seokjin POV

I held the restless Suyeon in my arms, nervously watching them take Yubin away. It physically killed me not to be beside her, but it was for the best.

Suyeon looked at me with wide and glossy eyes, her nose running as she sniffled.

I pouted, "What happened princess?"

"M-mommy..." was all the poor girl could murmur out before bursting into tears.

My heart shattered and I quickly pulled her into my arms, rocking my baby girl, humming softly to her to calm her down.

"Ah why is my sweet girl crying? Doesn't daddy's handsomeness want to make you smile?" I cooed.

But I should've probably known that the trick that brought a smile to my wife's face way back when would not make sense in the mind of a toddler who only comprehended that her mommy was in pain.

I stroked her jet black hair, constantly rocking her to calm her wails.

"Princess~ mommy will be okay, I promise. She's just working extra hard to bring your sister into the world," I consoled.

I smiled softly to myself, remembering how when this angel was born, I cried and thought and worried the same. Guess we're just big softies worried about our favorite woman.

Eventually, after lots of silly things and a compromise for hospital cafeteria food, Suyeon had stopped her cries and just held my hand tightly awaiting the sight of her mother again.

I did too. They say the second child is always easier, but I only say it's easier because I'm holding a farce for my kid. If Suyeon wasn't here, I'd probably be a ball of nerves with tears.

I always felt guilty that I could never be by her side during birth but if she could bring that life into the world, then I'd love it every second after.

We heard nothing for a while. In that time, the guys, Eunbi and her family, and Yubin's mother had all come and were eagerly waiting with me in the lobby.

Suyeon's emotions were easily swept away in the excitement of her uncles, aunt, grandma, and cousins and there was a beautiful and bright smile plastered on her face.

Eunbi scooted closer to me with Min, her oldest kid, on her lap.

"How are you feeling dad-to-be round two?" She asked.

"Thrilled. Terrified. The usual," I chuckled.

She giggled, "Ever the dramatic, I see. You passed your petrified genes off to your daughter too, so now no one has faith in my strong sister."

"Now who said that? Believe me, I know how strong she is," I smiled.

Eunbi winked, "Good. And don't you forget it."

It felt like endless waiting but finally Dr. Jang came out to greet us and give us an update.

I approached her with Suyeon in my arms.

"Let me be the first to say...congratulations CEO Kim on your baby girl!" She announced.

My heart felt instantly lighter knowing that she had done it. Brought another precious princess of mine into the world.

"We've got her all cleaned off in the nursing ward and she's sleeping right now," she said.

I nodded, "That's great. I'm...I'm so excited. And Yubin?"

She smiled, "Mama did well. Everything seems to be fine but we're periodically checking in on her. We'll let you in soon, but if you'd like, feel free to see your baby girl at the ward. For now just you two but the family should be able to come soon."

I nodded giving the others a look at while they cheered us on before taking Suyeon inside to go see her sister.

There were at least a dozen babies in separate cribs resting and wiggling as they did but one baby above them all shone the brightest in our eyes.

On the very left of the ward was a pale and tiny little thing sleeping peacefully all swaddled in yellow.

Kim Yujin.

I felt tears of joy prick at my eyes, but I tried to suppress it with a cough.

"Look princess. That's your baby sister," I hummed, holding Suyeon close to the glass.

Her eyes looked on with wonder at all the babies, the sight piquing her curiosity.

"So tiny!" She exclaimed.

"Shh princess. We don't want to wake the babies. They're getting their sleep time just like you. We gotta be quiet," I hushed her.

She lowered her voice, still marveling at the babies, "Where's Yujinnie?"

"Right there," I said, pointing.

Suyeon's doe eyes landed on her baby sister, instantaneously filling with sisterly love. The same look Yubin gives her little sister, I could see it right in Suyeon's eyes.

Suyeon twisted in my arms, hugging me tighter while kissing my forehead.

"I love her, daddy!" She beamed.

My heart probably quadrupled in size just from her affectionate words.

"I love her too, princess. I also love your mommy who we should go check on," I said, leading her away from her sister.

"Mommy!" She exclaimed, remembering her previous concern for her mother being taken to the unknown.

I led her to the room Dr. Jang gave and quietly opened the door.

"You have to be quiet, princess. Mommy needs her rest," I told Suyeon softly as I opened the door.

Sure enough, Yubin was totally passed out on the bed. She looked fine, and seeing her gentle breathe made my heart feel at ease.

I placed Suyeon beside her, watching affectionately as Suyeon kissed her sleeping figure. God how did I luck out with the best girls.

I held Suyeon in my lap as I tightly held Yubin's hand.

Suyeon eventually fell asleep in my arms, but I was up for a little longer watching the two of them peacefully sleep before dozing off myself.

Time Skip

The next morning, I was awoken to the amazingly comfortable feeling of someone's hands playing with the my locks of hair.

My eyes fluttered open to see Yubin staring at Suyeon and I with a loving twinkle in her eyes.

I glanced at Suyeon who was still fast asleep in my arms and moved so that I wouldn't wake her up, but could readjust.

I squeezed Yubin's hand, "Hey darling. When did you wake up?"

"About half an hour ago," she hummed, giving me a bright but tired smile.

"How're you feeling?" I asked, letting my thumb caress her knuckles.

"I'm pretty worn out, and sore, but I'm happy that our baby is out in the world," she smiled to herself.

Had it not been for the child in my arms, I would've given her a long kiss and snuggled up with her.

There was a gentle knock at the door that caused Suyeon to stir from her sleep. She whined crankily, twisting in my arms in the hope of going back to sleep.

"Hey silly princess~ your mommy is awake. And your baby sister is here. Don't you want to see them?" I cooed.

Her eyes peeked open, giving the room she was in a side-eye.

She sat upright looking at Yubin's affectionate look towards her.

"Mommy!" She gasped, launching herself off of me.

"Woah woah careful sweetheart," I said, gently easing her beside Yubin.

Yubin let Suyeon crawl over her until she settled on her side, placing an arm over her.

With the freedom to move, I got up to answer the door and bring in just who we'd hoped for. Dr. Jang and the newest Kim addition.

"I come bearing gifts," she said softly.

I helped Yubin sit up in bed so she could hold Yujin. The second her hands landed on the swaddled bundle of joy, she let out a tear, holding her with the utmost care.

I was always in awe of Yubin as a mother. The way she held our girls with care and love, each touch filled with supportive and nurturing meaning.

Yubin gently held Yujin's tiny little fingers, totally mesmerized by the angel in her arms. She looked perfect, ethereal, holding our daughter like that.

"Welcome to the world my love," she cooed, resting the baby against her chest.

She gently passed the baby to me, letting me get a good luck at our newest addition.

It was love at first touch just as it had been for Suyeon. She was totally perfect in her own way. A happy, healthy baby. And that's all I could've ever wanted.

The more I looked at her, the more I saw my Yubin in her. She was a bit of a crinkly baby prune, but I could still see it in her. Her bright beautiful brown eyes. And her tiny little lips. Her cute yet short fingers.

"You're just as lovely as your mommy is, aren't you little baby?" I cooed. "And I bet you'll think your daddy is quite handsome too, just like she does."

Yubin rolled her eyes, but still cracked a smile meaning I still got it.

"Do you want to hold her sweetheart?" Yubin gently asked Suyeon.

Suyeon watched me hold Yujin with immense fear in her big eyes. There was a sisterly love in there shared with a look of terror.

Yubin combed her fingers through Suyeon's hair, "Aww baby. Don't be scared. You won't hurt her okay? Just be gentle. She's like a stuffie. A friend you don't want to hurt."

"Like Mr. Paca?" She cutely inquired.

Yubin giggled, "Just like Mr. Paca." She guided Suyeon's arms out holding them steady as I brought Yujin to her.

Obviously she was two so she couldn't just hold the baby all on her own so Yubin supported Yujin from behind, letting Suyeon more or less just barely hold onto her. Still, the fear left Suyeon and was replaced with the sweetest loving look I had ever seen on her.

Like she was going to protect her little sister. Like she wanted to be her little's sister's role model.

It made my heart swell with pride and I could tell Yubin felt the same.

Finally, Yubin took Yujin back into her arms, softly swaying with the tuckered out newborn.

"What do you think princess?" I asked Suyeon.

"Hmm...I love her!" She squealed, placing a bright and proud smile on both of her parents' faces.

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