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Saturday morning and I heard the door bell ring.Mum or Tayeba will probably open it, I thought as I pulled the duvet near me to endorsed me back to sleep.



Seriously whoever this satin son or daughter of a  bitch is here this early in the morning, ringing the door bell is probably
in need to some psychotic therapy.

Nights are for us humans to sleep and days are to stay awake and use the energy stored from the sleep.Saturdays and Sundays are those two days where you are forbidden to wake someone up in the morning.But no, some people don't get the right idea and start disturbing others.

Who does that, man-arghhh...

Shutting the door behind me, I groaned as I wrapped a dupata over my hair; which happened to be peela and lazily started walking downstairs.

With each step, my brain started to function again and I remembered that my mum had a flight to Saudi Arabia last night so that might've been the reason why the door hasn't been opened yet.

But what about Tayeba, where the hell was she?I'm definitely stealing more of her scarfs  next time.Karma.



"Shut up, stop ringing the flipping bell."I spoke with a annoyance in my tone as I reached the door and pulled the handle down.

"Hey, babes."Appeared someone who's face I'm definitely going to chop up in little segment and burn until it turns to ashes and feed it to hungry wolves around the woods.

Graphical.I know.I've watched enough movies and anime to sculpt this brain of mine.

And I don't regret one bit of it.

Just like the door opened, I pushed it back closed again within seconds.She should learn from her mistakes.I head into the toilet and begin to brush my teeth...






This is the only noise I've been constantly hearing for the past hour.Has she stopped?No.Have I listened?No.


My anger has been washed away by annoyance as I make my way down- again to open the door for my beloved sister-again.

Just as I pull the door open, Tayeba rushes inside and takes off her shoes; gripping them outwardly, quickly scraping them off with her hands.Then she takes off her coat making it land on the floor before sprinting upstairs.

The Safders have never been the running type so seeing her run or even sprint in this situation; with those tiny legs of her,
makes me giggle.


I follow her up after closing the door and look around and discover her to disappear within seconds.

I sit myself down on the sofa before letting out a yawn.Reaching for the t.v remote, I turn on the t.v and look through channels.Weird Persian channel appears,then some charity sponsor appeal program comes before Hum T.V shows its face.


My morning desi vibes continue to flash as I get up and head to the kitchen to make myself some chai.I grab the kettle and pour some water into it and push the button down to make it boil.

Instead of just waiting on the spot for it to boil, I turn towards the kitchen sink and reach for a cup placed in the drying rack beside it.Facing in the direction of the cabinet, I open it and reach for box full of tea bags and place one inside the empty cup.

I hear a slap come from the T.V which makes me turn back around predominantly because I've been waiting for it to happen for quite some time.

Adeel deserved it.

A smile forms in my face as I watch it come from the one and only, GUL-E-RANA herself.

GUL-E-RANA is one of the only drama series I've been really into lately.All of my girls watch it with me except from Sana.Pure hatred is the only emotion that comes from Sana when we mention anything to do with the episodes.

I really don't know why she doesn't like it, it's definitely worth a watch.

I make my way into the kitchen to find the water boiled inside the kettle and I pour it two thirds in before placing the kettle back to it's place.

As I head towards the fridge to get some milk, Miss Vaddi Safder makes her way towards the sofa and sits herself down.I roll my eyes at her and shut the fridge door holding onto the milk that I got out and finish off making my chai.

I then cover the cup with a small plate and march into the living room and sit beside Tayeba.

Before I could say anything, she explodes, "Why did you shut the door at my face,babes?"

"Umm...why did you wake me up to open it."

"I forget to carry the keys with me, and I really needed the toilet but someone wouldn't open the door after shutting it at my face."She anticipates.

"And it doesn't even stops there.That cute Blondie from your school that lives one house down looked over and even said 'hi' before asking if I was alright.Even he cares more than you do."

"Reece.His name is Reece not 'cute Blondie' or anything like that.And weren't you supposed to go tutor Darren or something."I asked changing the subject.

I blame Sania for Reece's nickname and she probably mentioned it to Tayeba.Great.Just great.

"I was but his mum called and said that they were going on a holiday and he won't be able to make this lesson."She replied before putting her legs up on the table and resting her head behind her hands.

A faint smile make a reappearance as I think of how hard she works for everything .University. Tutoring. Being annoying.

Just everything.

"So...are you going to just sit here.Mans well tired.Go make man some chai."

Being annoying is definitely something I should word hard on.

I come back placing the cup of chai on the table with some biscutt for us to enjoy.This is going to be some chilled back day today.


"Hmm...babes what?"She take a sip in her tea.

"Have you ever tried making your little chicken legs to actually look humanly."Gleaming intensely at my chai, I could see her furious eyes eying me from the corner of my eyes.

"Have you ever tried laughing like a normal human being instead of a dying seal?Hmm...thought so babes."

Before I could respond to that with a savage comeback, my phone pinged out a notification.

Reece's bar: Hey Areeba, Josiah was planning on coming today and I was thinking if maybe you'd like to join.

Tayeba caught the smile on my face and she began to question."It's that cute Blondie isn't it?"

"Would you and Sania stop calling him 'cute Blondie' , his name is Reece.How hard is it to remember."

"Wow, babes that outburst definitely tells me it's him.So...what is he saying?"

"He wants to hang over later."I reply back.

"Is his mum at the house?"

"I don't know."

"Why is he inviting you for a short notice?"

"I don't know."

"What exactly are you two going to do, hmm?"

"TAYEBA!Josiah is coming as well."

"Oh...so what exactly are you three going to be doing?"She smirks.

"TAYEBA!Eww no."

She begins to laugh before saying, "What?He's a ghora.I have to check, you know.I don't want you to get besharam."

And I swear I heard her mutter 'not that you aren't already'.



"I heard that."

"What?Did you hear Reece calling your name, aww Areeba stop fantasising him."

"No!I heard you say that about me being BESHARAM and-"

"I heard-what-but-being-what are you trying to say babes.Just drink your chai."


"Shh...chai and biscuit."She says pointing towards my cup of tea.

I try to figure the whole situation out and came to a conclusion that Tayeba and all of the girls are going to make my life a hell by mentioning Reece in any conversation we have.

"And Babes..."

"What?"I say looking back up at Tayeba to see her dipping her biscutt in her chai.

"Don't try to do the biscutt and chai with Reece, okay?"

And with that she started running with her chicken legs making me follow after her.


YEAH SAFEE DON'T DO BISCUTT AND CHAI WITH REECE...LOL!How was the chapter?Vote and comment x

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