We have been running after Sania for the past 20 min and still haven't caught up to her.
After bravely explaining everything about what happened the night Niel died, I feel light-headed.All of them accepted the situation and confronted me well with grief.
Who I've become has a lot to do with him.I guess now I have to stop accusing myself for everything, no one can control the past or the emotions carried by others.
Their intention, their doubt and feelings are something that can't get out unless the person itself speaks up for it.You can only feel empathy and honestly I can't even feel that for Lucian.
All I can do is move on.
For the better...
So I am,
moving my legs so I can catch up to Sania.And to my dismay, it's not easy.
She turns around and puts her hands on her knees while getting out of breath which makes it easier to grab hold of her.
As I grip her forearm, I was going to articulate how unfair it is that she hasn't told me about her famous 'boyfriend'.
However by facing at the direction of the path we were chasing her in, I discovered that the others weren't following me.
Where did they go off to?
"Okay, where the hell are Sana, Carlos and Hania?"I said after Sania lets go of her hands on her knees and stands straight.
"I don't have been running after me for what seems like an eternity, I think they just gave up half way through."
Good thing I chose to wear comfortable shoes for today otherwise I could've been right at the back while the others ahead of me enjoying seeing me suffer.
"Areeba, come on let's get through the gate over there and into the park.The others will probably take their time."Sania says pointing at a rusty, brown coloured gate covered in tree branches and ivy wrapped around the hook.
"Good idea, let's go."
We approached the park shortly as Sania tapped her fingers on her phone probably texting Carlos and the others about where we are so they can find us.
The weather has been getting sunnier each day due to the fact summer is on its way.All of this making people laugh around with their family and friends at the park; some having picnics others wondering about with smile on their faces.
Everyone seems to be happy while I look around the park and as I do, I confront an ice cream van.Oh beta come to mama.
"Ice cream?"
"Hmm...what?"Sania says gleaming at her phone.
"I said..let's get some ice cream."
"Yeah let's get some."Sania responds looking up to face me with a smile and what seem to look like a...a blush?
Wait, was she texting the 'boyfriend'?
I let go of that thought...for now and we make our towards the ice cream van because my beta was more important than anything else.
There were lots of flavours to choose from and I decide to get the vanilla cone with the usual chocolate sauce dripped over it and a flake on top.
I face the man selling the ice cream and mannerly ask, "Umm...number 3 with the flake, please."
He begins to prepare my ice cream while Sania orders her chocolate chip in a cup.
We stand there patiently, waiting for the beauty of deliciousness come to life as a Blondie comes and stands next to me.
My eyes drift towards his face and suddenly I recognise it from my next door neighbor.
His eyes meet mine and a smile dresses his face."Areeba, how nice to catch you here today."
"Reece, what have you been up to?Don't really see you much around anymore."I respond returning the smile.
The ice cream man retrieves us with the mouthwatering deliciousness, I pay for it and the man faces Reece to ask him what he would like.
"Two spoons please."He says politely then looks at me."Wow today Areeba isn't moody, that's a surprise.And to answer your question, I went to Wales for the week.
Had some family there and even though facing my cousins is like hell, my grandma makes amazing food so...I took the opportunity."
He thanks the ice cream man for the 3 spoons and continues,"It was worth it but I did miss seeing this annoying girl everyday while looking outside the window of my house."
"Annoying!"I exclaimed as all 3 of us started walking towards the bench.
"Out of my heartwarming speech, 'annoying' was the only thing you picked up on.That's unfair.A guy just told you that he missed you and that's what you say in return.Thanks Areeba, you made my day."Reece says while pouting.
I roll my eyes in action against him."Oh stop being a drama queen.You didn't miss me at all."
"Areeba, stop being an arrogant cow and we know you missed him too."Sania says smirking while taking a bite into her ice cream.
She's trying to tease me at front of him when she knows I'm going to kill her with 'aww' when she spits out about her guy.Sania beta, wait and see...
"I'm Reece, and you are...?"He says while looking at me then turning to face Sania.
"I'm Sania and Areeba's mentioned a cute Blondie only now have I found out it's you."
She's lying, she knows how to embarrass me and she's using her 'I so ship this' tactic to make sure Reece gets the wrong idea.You're dead.Sania.
"Areeba I love you too princess but I'm in relationship with Laura right now so this..."Pointing at himself and I,"...would be wrong."
I was about to shut him up but certain voice stopped me.
"Reece.Man, our ice creams have melted.What's taking you so long?"Luke, Reece's friend appeared following by Josiah, Hania and Sana.
Josiah and Luke are both in my class, and Josiah usually comes around Reece's house at the weekends and have been one of Reece's friends from primary school.
Luke on the other hand, I've barely ever spoken to.Maybe once or twice have we ever had a conversation and it was mainly due to some maths question he didn't understand.
And he's one of the guys that you see walking around school maybe exchange smiles and that's it.Nothing more and nothing less.
The guys were holding huge cups of ice cream while Sana and Hania were throwing mischievous grins in the direction of Reece and I.
They're all dead.
"Luke and Josiah, I ran into my best friend Areeba so I kinda had to talk.You know keep updated with where she's been, etc"Reece said casually putting his arms around my shoulders.
Ignoring the awkward sense of air that was drifting inside of me, I looked at a smirking Hania and asked, "Where's Carlos?"
"We were running after Sania and she was behind us.We reached the park checked for you guys but when we looked back we wasn't there."
"She's not picking her phone either," Sania says holding her phone against her ears.
Where could she be?
"Pepellos!"Carlos' voice welcomes my ears and I look back to see her walking towards us.
"There you are...aapi where were you?"Hania asked with a blasé in her tone.
"I can clearly see you were worried Hania, thanks."Carlos begins sarcastically.
"This guy came up to me and started asking for my name and my number."She glances at Josiah and her eyes widens ."It was him, he started flirting with me earlier on."
"Man seriously this is where you went when you said you were going to the toilet."Luke asks Josiah.
"All I asked was for her name and she answered with 'Carlos' but obviously I knew that wasn't her name so I kept on asking."Josiah says innocently and laughs in process."Who would name a girl Carlos."
"Hey!Mr who ever the fúck you are, has your parents not taught you to respect others name."Carlos speaks melodramatically.
"Wait, so that is her name?"He asks facing me.
I nod in return amusingly and wait to his reaction.
"Oh...hey it's not my fault for the misunderstanding."Josiah says shyly yet defensively.
"So...instead of apologising, you are being defensive.Great.Just great."Carlos and Josiah are definitely not gonna get along.
Reece probably sensed the mood change between the group so he requested us for a game of basketball.There were two teams; Sana, Luke, Carlos and Sania being in one and Reece,Hania,Josiah and me being the opposite team.
Reece picked the teams and it worked out pretty fine.All of us had an amazing time even Carlos and Josiah seemed to somewhat resist eachother by the end of it.
The others got a ride from their parents expect for Reece and I.We decided to take the bus together.I tried my best not to look over to the girls as they were smirking at the whole situation.
Reece and I had a normal conversation that we always do which usually involves him teasing me resulting to me hitting him in the forearm every 10 seconds and us laughing at random situations.Thats basically our friendship.
I love him.
But as friend.
You lot have no clue how hard this chapter was to write.I suck at dialogue TBH.
Anyways Lukie-boi and Josiah made an entrance to this book for the first time and Wrekeeba HapPUNed and YOU HAVE TO ADMIT U LIKED IT.
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