Josiah was crashing over mine later and I decided to ask Areeba to join for a few hours.
I feel a sense of nostalgia when I remember the time I moved to this area; how I met Areeba, how she used to come over a lot.
Moving here was a hard decision for me; I was wreak for many reasons but meeting Areeba and getting to know made me forget my past life.
That pout she does when she gets annoyed at me and her little outbursts makes me want to be more close to her.
But because I know she considers me as a friend, I never told her about my feelings.I don't want our friendship to get ruined.I don't want awkward silences; I've seen so many friendships get wreaked by relationships, I don't want that.
Few months after I joined Archbishop, I met Laura.She told me that she was interested in me and I thought of her as I close friend so we decided to date.
Areeba found out and she started 'shipping' us; I didnt even know what it meant but her nagging on and on made me justify some sort of definition in my head.It was then I realised I'm nothing to her except for a friend.
To top it all off, Josiah told me that he has feelings for Areeba making her legitimately out of my reach.I can't go after someone who my best friend is interested in.
Josiah, Laura, Areeba and I hang out sometime.The difference this time is that Laura had to babysit her siblings and told us to meet up without her.
In all honesty, she's been distancing me for a while.I don't know what's the matter but I know she'll open up when she's ready.
She always does...
My phone pinged and I looked down to see who the intruder of my thoughts was:
Josiah: Dude I might be running late, keep your gaze down when Areeba arrives.
I smirk at his possessiveness, she isn't even his girlfriend and he's warning me already.
I tap my fingers at the keyboard of my phone and tell him that she's definitely getting laid tonight.
I wait for his aggravated response and get one right away.
Josiah:Well then get ready for a black eye, you fucking piece of shit.
Reece:Wow.Wow, calm down man I'm just whining you up.Getting protective of her already.
Josiah and Areeba are too alike if you ask me but maybe that might be my jealousy speaking.
Josiah:Shut up you know how I think of her.
With that I shut my phone and get snacks ready.Josiah is coming over late and Laura won't come making it just me and her.For a while at least.
I smile at that thought and get Doritos, Pringles and few other things we can junk over and put them on the table near the T.V.
I feel like I'm forgetting something but don't know what it is.
Intruding my thoughts again, I hear a ping; only this time from Areeba.
Areeba:I'm outside, open the door.
I go straight to the door and open it to see the girl I'll get in my dreams, right at front of my eyes.
"So...are you just going to bring the T.V outside or am I going to be invited in?"She questions picking up on the fact that I've kinda been staring at her.
I mean this girl's kinda irresistible to ignore.
I smirk before answering,"Actually, I think you're right."
And with that I shut the door, with her being on the other side.
I constantly hear the door bell ring and I can hear her getting impatient.
So I decide to slowly open it; seeing her push right in and whacking me in the arms.
"Okay that hurts."I reply as I shut the door, winching at the slight pain I got from the hit.
"Good,"She says folding her arms and pouting the way I adore.
"It was meant to."
"Ouch that hit me right there."I say pointing towards my heart.
"Oh my god, Reece how could you?"Areeba carries out a shocked expression, covering her face with her hands.
"I're the one who hit me twice and you are the one getting shocked."I find myself confused to what she was implying to.
"Oh hoe,"She slightly places the tips of her finger onto her forehead."I'm talking about the food."
"What about it?"
"Where the hell is Reece's?"She whines, wide eyes blazing with anger.
I knew I was missing something.
She puts her hands on her hips waiting for my answer.
"Ah-a-"I gulped down."Umm...I-kinda-forgot-about-it when I went shopping."I nervously scratch the back of my head with my hand.
As much as I'm adoring her furious outburst right now, I'm kind of scared of what to expect from her next.
I did bring a carton full of Reece's bars last week as we returned from the holiday at nan's house.I was planning for everyone to come but I completely forgot to put it on the table.Seeing her silently sit down makes me remorse playing along.
She looks so cute worrying about Reece's bar.Thinking about her getting worried for the real Reece makes me smile.
Shut up brain.
Not a good time man.
Get over yourself.
She turns around and whispers,"I trusted you."And in return, I grab her hand and drag her down to the basement.
"Where are you taking me?"Areeba shouts as we reach the last step into the basement.
"Hey, Reec-"She stops on her spot and I see vivid dimples followed by a smile on her face when she looks at the carton.
","She starts to walk towards it but stops and look at my hand that was still unconsciously interwind with mine.I face down and let go warily because even though moment like these, I want to keep her close to me, I can't.
Like a bomb about to explode ,my heart detonates at every little response from her.
And I don't think I'm able to handle that feeling.
After watching half an hour of 'the mortal instruments', Areeba's favourite movie, I hear the door bell.
It's probably Josiah, I thought as I open the door.And there he was with anger written all over his face.
"Dude, what's wrong with you?"I ask.
"I texted you like 15 times-"He looks in the direction of the T.V lounge before lowering the volume of his voice."-to ask about her, and you didn't pick up."
"Well possessive boyfriend, she's fine.Join the-"I smirk and Josiah gets the hint and marches his way into the T.V lounge and sits next to Areeba as she says hi.
Shutting the door, I make my way to the nude coloured leather sofa placed in the T.V lounge and remember the time Areeba's mum and my mum went to shop for it.
"Yeah, and Reece got all of these for me."Areeba answers picking up some of the Reece's bar and showing it to Josiah.
"Man, you never get me these."He whines.
"Dude, they're for Areeba"I reply
"I knew you liked Areeba more than me.Should've known."He jokes but with a straight expression.
" that you know-"I place my arm around her shoulders."-get out of my house."
"Areeba, look he's forcing me go-"He adds followed by, "-tell him that no Reece's bar can compare your love for me."
"I-I mean...I really love you Josiah but food comes first."She answers."And Reece, Josiah isn't going anywhere, okay!"
"Okay, whatever you say ma'am."I say and play the movie that hadn't been looked at since had Josiah arrived.
"Thank you Reece's bar."She mumbles while taking a bite into the chocolate owned by the hottest guy out there, Reece.And smiles then turns back to watching the movie.
What would those 'tumblr girls' like to say- oh yeah, 'I'm dead' or was that shit only meant for meme purposes.
A U T H E R' S N O T E:
Reece babe that's only used for memes.LOL.Anyhow PEPELLOS how have you guys been?
Give me some inspiration to write about for this story.
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